MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 18 maid heavy love

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  Chapter 18 Maid's Heavy Love

  The big pit dug by the goblin is an irregular oval shape, about the size of two basketball courts, and the bottom is two meters deep.

  Robin wandered around in the big pit for a while. He really wanted to know what the goblins were digging here. Could it be that there was a prehistoric relic buried underneath?

   I heard that in ancient times, there was a great kingdom where multiple races coexisted harmoniously in the wasteland. Historians debate who founded the kingdom, with a considerable number of scholars arguing that the Wastelands were the site of an ancient goblin kingdom.

   Are these goblins digging their ancestors?

  The lord is not interested in any relics of prehistoric civilization, he hopes to dig out a lot of gold from the soil to solve the immediate financial crisis of the territory.

  Suddenly, a stone at the foot caught Robin's attention.

   This stone is the size of a fist, dark red in color, irregular in shape, and nothing special at first glance.

  Robin bent down to pick up the stone, looked left and right, and a thought that made him extremely excited slowly popped up in his head.

  These natives are not digging iron ore, are they?

  The wasteland has always been short of iron, firstly because iron ore is extremely scarce, and secondly, races like gnolls and hobgoblins don't know how to mine, let alone iron smelting.

  Before, the imperial government explicitly prohibited the trading of ironware with the wasteland. It was not until the rise of the pioneering movement that the ironware on the wasteland gradually began to increase. Most of these ironware were brought over by human pioneer lords.

  Now, ironware is still one of the most expensive commodities in the wasteland. For a high-quality iron sword, the natives of the wasteland can beat each other to death.

  If these natives are really digging iron ore, then Robin will jump up for joy, iron ore can be smelted, iron can be made with steel, and the huge profit of iron is enough to make everyone crazy!

   Moreover, this is an iron-deficient wasteland, and the price of an ordinary iron tool here is three times that of Silver Frost City!

  Thinking of this, Robin couldn't help trembling slightly holding the stone, as if the broken stone had turned into a golden bump.

  The lord took a deep breath to calm down his turbulent mood. He is not an expert in the ore field, but he just thinks this stone looks a bit like iron ore, but he can't be sure.

  After thinking about it, Robin beckoned Simon over, and sent the dark red stone in front of him: "Do you know iron ore?"

  Although Robin didn't have much expectations for Simon's muscular head, let's ask for now, in case he knows.

   "Iron ore? Don't know?" Simon really lived up to his expectations, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, fully interpreting the meaning of the word "stupid hat".

  Robin waved his hand in disappointment, thinking that you should stay where you are when you are cool. Then he unbelievingly gathered all the iron guards, took the stone and walked around in front of everyone, and ordered that anyone who knew the stone would be rewarded with 50 coppers.

   As a result, the group of highland men looked at each other, everyone's expressions were as painful as constipation, and no one could tell why. To them, a rock is a rock.

  Finally, this group of ignorant savages agreed that the leader might have some serious illness, so what is there to ask about a broken stone?

  Angrily, Robin kicked one of the iron guards, and the rest of them immediately scattered when they saw it. They knew the strength of their lord's feet, and it would hurt their buttocks for several days after eating a kick.

   "No one of these idiots can use it at the critical moment." Robin scolded angrily, wondering if it's time to hold a training class for this group of people to strengthen their cultural knowledge?

  He put the stone in his pocket. Since he can't figure it out now, he should take the stone back and study it slowly.

   At this time, the sun had completely set, and the surrounding light gradually dimmed. A gust of cool wind blew by, and the sea of ​​grass on the wasteland immediately had layers of waves, making rustling sounds.

   With a big wave of his hand, Robin led his iron giant guards, escorted a group of captives, and returned to Rage City.


  Simon was too competent as an interrogator. The next day, Robin was woken up by screams.

  He got up a little annoyed, and climbed out of bed annoyedly. As soon as he opened the window, he saw Simon erecting a wooden stake in the open space in front of the lord's mansion, and the hobgoblin captives were firmly tied to the wooden stake. At this moment Simon was whipping the hobgoblin violently, shouting as he whipped:

   "Say it or not! Say it or not! Say it or not!"

  The gray-green skin of the hobgoblin had been torn apart, and with the frequency of Simon swinging the whip, he grinned and screamed.

  Although Simon's dedication to work is worthy of recognition, it is absolutely impossible for him to make the lord go to bed early by making noise.

Robin was clasping the window frame with both hands, his upper body was almost stuck out of the window, and he yelled angrily: "What's the noise? It's just screaming in this early morning, Simon, you have an elm head, you can't change to another place for interrogation Hurry up and take it away, don't disturb my master's sleep!"

Simon was twitching vigorously, but was stunned by Robin's sudden yell. He looked up at the sun that had risen three poles earlier, silently rolled up his whip, carried it with people and stakes, and walked on tiptoe. up.

   "This pig brain!"

   Robin yawned big, closed the window, went back to bed and went back to sleep.

  This wooden building is not very soundproof. The old housekeeper sat resting in the lobby on the first floor, and he could hear the movements around him clearly, with a gloating smile on his old face.

   "Okay, if you don't listen to it in another place, you will be scolded by the master."


   Waiting until noon in the morning, our baron finally got up reluctantly.

  The highland maids had already prepared face water and towels. Two 1.8-meter-tall maids walked into Robin's bedroom. Robin felt that two mountains of meat were coming towards him, full of pressure, and instantly became fully awake.

   "Master, you are awake, let us serve you." One of the maids said with a full-bodied alto voice.

  Although they are called maids in name, seeing their broad arms and strong biceps, it is really difficult for Robin to associate them with the lovely maids in his impression.

  As a young man with normal development, Robin once fantasized about the ambiguous story between the master and the maid, and it would be nonsense to say that he did not expect it at all.

  However, looking at the two steely maids in front of her, Robin really couldn't be ambiguous!

These two maids were selected by the old butler. Robin didn't blame him, because he knew that the old butler had tried his best. The women of the highlanders are generally more manly than the imperial men. These two maids are already weak and weak. Beautiful.

  Actually, their looks are not bad, but this hulking figure is beyond the control of ordinary people.

   "Master, let me wipe your face." A highland maid soaked the towel, and then approached Robin with a smile on her face.

   Robin backed away in fright, all the way back to the corner. Seeing that there was no way to retreat, he had no choice but to beg for mercy: "Well, I appreciate your kindness, but I can wipe my face myself."

  He had enjoyed the face-wiping service of the highland maid before, and Robin felt as if he had been licked by the barbed tongue of a saber-toothed tiger.

   "Oh, sir, you are too polite. It is our maid's job to serve you." The highland maid approached Robin step by step like a female tiger hunting with a wet towel in her hand.

  Robin felt that these two maids seemed to be interested in him. The highlanders naturally worship the strong, and Robin is the strongest man in the village, so it makes perfect sense for them to want to marry Robin.

   It's just that Robin's small body can't bear the heavy love of the Highland Maid!

   "Master is here, wipe your face."

  In the end, Robin still couldn't escape the clutches of the devil. The highland maid grabbed the back of his head with one hand and wet towel with the other, and slapped it on his face.

   Then Robin's head turned into a dough, kneading and kneading on the maid's hands, the hands were so strong that they almost rubbed Robin's nose off.

  In the concept of highland women, the more vigorous they are in serving their husbands, the more they can express their love.

   "Sir, are you comfortable?" the highland maid asked happily.

  Robin wanted to cry, but secretly swore in his heart that he would find a normal maid in the future!

   I’ve seen it all here, let’s bookmark it



  (end of this chapter)