MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 20 haze of war

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  Chapter 20 Haze of War

Then Smaug wandered alone in the wilderness for several years. No one knew what he had experienced. They only knew that when he returned to the tribe where he was born, he had mastered the power of fire, and he breathed out the dragon's blood from his mouth. The flames burned all the goblins who drove him away before to ashes!

  Smaug became the leader of the goblin tribe, and then began his conquest. Step by step, he gradually annexed the surrounding indigenous tribes. Gnolls and hobgoblins all surrendered under his feet.

  The hobgoblin said: "My tribe was conquered a year ago by Lord Smaug, who made us call him Dragonlord."

  Robin touched his chin and fell into thinking. Hearing the hobgoblin's description, this Smaug looks like an awakened one.

   After all, even if one has the blood of a giant dragon, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will have very powerful power. The kobolds even claim to have the blood of a dragon.

  The biggest possibility is that when this goblin was wandering outside, he accidentally awakened the power of his bloodline and became a dragon vein awakener!

  Not only are there awakened people in humans, but also awakened people often appear in other races, but the frequency is not as high as that of humans.

  The hobgoblin admired this Smaug very much, and there was fear in what he said. It seems that this goblin does have two brushes.

  Among all the ancient bloodlines, dragon veins are definitely a very powerful one. Dragon vein knights and dragon vein mages are existences that the world looks up to. Those families with dragon vein awakeners are all big nobles who dominate one side without exception.

  Bloodlines also have levels, and they are also awakened, so the bloodline of the dragon is one level higher than the iron giant.

  Of course, there is no comparison between the dragon blood and Robin's Titan blood. In ancient times, the Titan was the **** of the gods, and the ancient dragon had to bow his head in front of the Titan.

  Suddenly an evil thought came to Robin's mind. If those dragon-veined nobles knew that a dragon-veined goblin appeared here, how would they feel?

  Thinking about those aristocratic lords, maybe their ancestors were related to a goblin, Robin couldn't help laughing.

   But joking aside, since this goblin can conquer so many indigenous tribes, and can also make gnolls and hobgoblins submit to him, it shows that he is definitely not an idle person, and Robin must also take it seriously.

  He didn't want to be defeated by a goblin.

  Then, Robin asked the hobgoblin about the composition of their tribe's troops, and the hobgoblin also answered one by one.

   Their tribe has about 600 soldiers, including more than 500 gnolls and more than 100 hobgoblins, and their strength is more than ten times that of Robin. Hobgoblins are not good at math, so I can barely give an approximate amount.

  The location of their tribe is about fifty miles to the west of Raging Waves City.

Although according to the territorial division on the Empire Exploration Certificate, within a hundred miles of Raging Waves City belongs to Robin's territory, in fact, the territory that Robin can control is only one acre of land around Raging Waves City, not to mention control over fifty miles away. No, even sentinel patrols will not go that far.

  So after such a long time, Robin and this tribe of goblins lived in peace, and didn't even know each other's existence.

  But the spheres of influence of the two sides are close to each other after all. Even without this digging incident, two tigers cannot fit in one mountain. As the actual control area continues to expand, the two sides will meet sooner or later.

  Finally, Robin asked the hobgoblin: "You dug a big hole, what are you digging?"

  Robin was very conflicted in his heart, that is, he wanted to hear the hobgoblin say that word, but he was afraid that the hobgoblin would say that word.

  The hobgoblin replied: "The Dragon King asked us to dig iron ore."

  Robin's eyes suddenly lit up, it's really iron ore!

  He happily took out the dark red stone he picked up last night from his pocket, held it in front of the hobgoblin, and asked excitedly, "Is it this?"

  The hobgoblin didn't know iron ore either, so he could only reply ambiguously: "Uh, it seems so, the Dragon King only said that he was looking for a colored stone."

  Robin put the stone back into his pocket in disappointment, thinking that when Janna came, he could ask her.

  Anyway, at least the draconic goblins think there's iron ore beneath that pit. As far as Robin knows, the dragon clan has always been very sensitive to minerals, maybe the goblin also inherited the dragon's ability in this regard.

  Robin weighed it up and decided to put the iron ore matter aside. The current top priority is to eliminate this tribe of goblins. Their existence has already threatened Raging Waves City.

  According to the hobgoblin's description, this dragon vein goblin is also an expansion madman, annexing three indigenous tribes within a year. Looking at this posture, his next expansion will reach Robin's head.

  Such a formidable enemy is sleeping soundly next to him, Robin can't sit idly by. Perhaps, at this time, the dragon vein goblin also knew that his mining team had been intercepted, and maybe it was planning to counterattack Robin.

  Robin turned his head, with a serious face, and ordered to Simon who was still rubbing his butt: "Call all the iron guards immediately, and gather in front of the gate of the Lord's Mansion in three minutes!"

  Although Simon is usually a nonchalant Ma Daha, once it comes to military matters, he immediately seems to be a different person.

  The iron giant is a natural military race, and the highlanders who awakened the blood of the iron giant also inherited this military quality.

   Received the order, Simon immediately stretched his body straight, buckled his feet, his whole body was like a sword coming out of his body, and replied loudly: "Yes! Leader!"

   Two minutes and fifty seconds later, fifty iron guards assembled in the open space in front of the Lord's Mansion.

  They lined up in a neat phalanx, and each iron guard was fully armed and ready for all battles. They held their heads high, like rows of sharp steel guns, standing straight in front of Robin.

   "Report! Iron Giant Guards, all assembled!" Simon stood at the head of the team and shouted loudly.

  Robin walked around in front of the team and nodded in satisfaction.

   This group of well-disciplined, brave and fearless Awakened warriors is his greatest reliance. Even if the dragon vein goblin sends troops over now, as long as there are iron giant guards, Robin will have the confidence to smash his skull!

   Next, Robin first told the iron guards about the information about the dragon vein goblins, how many troops the opponent has, what races they have, including the fact that the opponent may launch an attack on Raging Waves City at any time.

   After Robin finished speaking, he was very relieved to see that none of the iron guards showed any expression of fear.

  On the contrary, this group of iron guards is eager for war, the blood in their bodies seems to be boiling, everyone's face is eager to try, the soul of the warrior is calling them.

  Finally, Robin starts assigning tasks. First of all, the scouts went out for reconnaissance, inquired about the intelligence of the goblin tribe, and grasped the opponent's dynamics.

  He entrusted this most important task to Simon. Although Simon is usually unreliable, he is a good player in war.

   "Simon, you take a few people and head west. The first task is to find this goblin tribe, spy on information, and don't fall in love with it. Remember, your life safety is the most important thing, don't make fearless sacrifices."

  Robin specifically told this, because he was worried that these highlanders would be too hot-headed, and they would not be able to get out of the fight with each other. Although the awakened ones are powerful, it doesn't mean they won't die. If they are shot through the chest, they will die as well.

  Simon stood up and assured Robin with a serious expression: "Please rest assured, leader, I will definitely complete the task and come back safely!"

  (end of this chapter)