MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 19 Draconic Goblin

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  Chapter 19 Dragon Vein Goblin

  Robin's "breakfast" is a plate of freshly baked pancakes, with seven or eight pancakes stacked together, like a pancake tower. There is also a large bowl of steaming fish soup and a hard-boiled egg that has been peeled.

  In the raging waves city where supplies are scarce, this is already the most luxurious meal for him.

  Robin tore up the noodles, soaked them in fish soup, and made a bowl of steamed buns in fish soup. The noodle cake absorbs the umami of the fish soup, and the soft and rotten one melts in the mouth.

   After taking a mouthful of noodle cakes and a big mouthful of hot fish soup, I felt a warm current flow down my throat and into my stomach, and then the warm feeling spread to my whole body.

   After eating breakfast in a storm, Robin felt that he finally woke up completely, and his body seemed to have inexhaustible strength.

  At this moment, he suddenly thought of Simon who was driven away by him in the morning, and wondered if this kid had interrogated useful information.

  Robin decided to take a look. He handed the finished dishes to the highland maid to clean up, got up and walked out of the lord's mansion.

  The sun is shining outside, the sky is blue and blue, as clear as a mirror. The oncoming breeze is still a little cool, and there is a scent of grass and trees in the air.

  Robin walked down the wooden steps in front of the door and stopped a passing highland villager: "Did you see Simon?"

   Villager: "Go back to the leader, Simon is by the river."

   "By the river?" Robin frowned. What was he doing by the river?

  It turned out that Simon was frightened by the lord's yelling in the morning, so he simply moved the hobgoblin to the river for interrogation, thinking that he was far enough away from the wooden building now, and he would never disturb the leader again.

  The river is gurgling, and the sound of the flowing water is like a pleasant note. Both sides of the river bank are covered with beautiful white flowers, and clusters of them are crowded together. If it weren't for the hobgoblin's screams that were a bit disturbing, the river bank is really a beautiful place.

  Simon put the hobgoblin's stake on the river bank. When Robin found him, he was still pumping the hobgoblin's whip with all his strength, and his big face was covered with sweat.

   While pumping, he shouted: "Say it or not! Say it or not!"

  Robin stepped forward on the gravel beach by the river bank and asked him how the interrogation was going.

  Simon wiped the sweat off his face and replied, "This hobgoblin is a man. I've been pumping him all morning, but he hasn't said a word."

  The iron bear warrior's tone was full of admiration. The highlanders worship the strong and appreciate the spirit of preferring death to submission.

Robin walked up to the hobgoblin, saw that the hobgoblin's whole body had been pumped with almost no good skin left, and said, "I admire your loyalty, but my patience has a limit, this is the last chance, you Say nothing more, and I'll throw you into the river and drown you."

  The hobgoblin looked at Robin and burst into tears. Two lines of crystal tears flowed from his two small eyes. Then he opened his mouth and said aggrievedly in blunt lingua franca: "I keep asking me if I want to say something, what do you want me to say, you just ask me!"

   "Huh?" Robin was taken aback, turned around abruptly, and asked Simon. "Didn't you ask anything?"

  Simon reacted suddenly, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said with a simple smile: "Hey, I was too busy whipping the whip, I forgot to ask."

   Robin was dumbfounded: "Co-author, you have been smoking here for nothing all morning, what are you playing?"

  Simon was quite happy, and said happily, "Boss, it's not a waste of money. Although I didn't ask anything, I enjoyed it."

  When the hobgoblin who was tied to the stake heard it, he cried even more fiercely.

   "You idiot!" The one who made the lord popular, just kicked Simon's ass.

   After venting his anger, Robin walked up to the hobgoblin again and said, "Anything I ask, you just answer, don't play tricks."

   At this time, the hobgoblin looked at Robin as if he saw a relative, and finally freed himself from the hands of the demon Simon. He swallowed a mouthful of **** saliva. Since yesterday, he hadn't had a drop of water, and his throat was already smoking.

   "Can you give me a sip of water, I'm dying of thirst." The hobgoblin asked cautiously.

   I don’t know if this whip broke a certain string in the hobgoblin’s head. He now speaks the common language of the mainland, which is much more standard.

   Robin hesitated for a moment, then turned to signal Simon to get some water for the hobgoblin.

  Simon rubbed his **** that was swollen from being kicked by the lord, reluctantly took a gourd water bottle from his waist, and stepped forward to give the hobgoblin a drink.

  Drinking the water as he wished, the hobgoblin became more courageous, and said again: "Can you untie me, I will definitely not run away."

  The hobgoblin twisted his body in pain on the stake. He was firmly tied to the stake by ropes, and only his two toes could barely reach the ground.

  Robin's face darkened immediately: "Hobgoblin, don't go too far, do you want to be whipped again?"

  The hobgoblin trembled with fright, and hurriedly said, "Great human lord, just ask, I have no other requests."

  The lord showed a satisfied smile, folded his hands on his chest, and began to ask the first question: "Is your leader really a giant dragon?

  The interrogation process didn't last long. The hobgoblin was already frightened by Simon, and he answered honestly no matter what Robin asked. From him, Robin got the information he wanted.

  First of all, Robin made a big oolong. The "Dragon King" in the hobgoblin's mouth is not a real dragon, but a goblin.

  Robin breathed a sigh of relief. With his current strength, he couldn't face a giant dragon head-on. But at the same time, he was very surprised, how could a weak and stupid goblin be the leader of hobgoblins and gnolls?

   Further interrogation, it turned out that this goblin is not simple, he turned out to be a dragon vein goblin!

   "Dragon vein goblin?" Robin couldn't believe his ears, and asked again.

   "Yes." The hobgoblin answered affirmatively. "Lord Smaug is a goblin with dragon veins. He holds the power of fire and is powerful. That's why we follow him."

  The goblin's name is "Smaug"? A goblin took the name of a dragon.

Robin had heard of "Dragon Vein Goblins" before. They are "legendary creatures" in another sense. In various novels and poems, Dragon Vein Goblins are often used to mock the absurdity and depravity of the dragon race. Goblins have sex.

  Dragon Vein Goblin is definitely one of the best existences in a million, after all, not every giant dragon is so heavy mouthed. Robin met a thing that might only come out in hundreds of years. For a moment, he didn't know if he was unlucky or lucky.

  After listening to the hobgoblin tell about Smaug's deeds, Robin found that this dragon-veined goblin simply took the script of the hero of the novel.

   Since he was a child, Smaug was excluded by other goblins because of his strange appearance and being too smart.

  That’s right, goblins who are too smart will be squeezed out by others of their kind. Perhaps this is why goblins have reproduced for thousands of years, but there is still no trace of intelligence improvement. Those smart goblins are played to death by their own people.

  After becoming an adult, Smaug was expelled from the goblin tribe. Before he left, he left a sentence angrily: "Don't look at me as weak now, I will come back one day!"

  However, with the average IQ of goblins, it's hard to say whether Smaug's family understood what he meant.

  Robin listened with gusto like listening to a story, and thought: Well, this is all right, don’t bully young people into poverty.

  (end of this chapter)