MTL - Blue Sky Sword-~ The sword is not worn properly, and it is already a world when you go out.

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Back then, I was impoverished and forced by life, so I plunged into online articles.

But still can't type.

What is the correct posture, what is the standard keyboard, what is the position of the ten fingers... I don't know everything.

Just tapped with **** for fourteen years.

Now the sequelae appear, so unbearable.

It hurts every second, and I gnash my teeth.

I found this old man for treatment, and I went to massage and set bones in the morning, and it relieved a lot.

Come back to work secretly in the afternoon.

The old man didn't want to anymore. He put his fingers on me every day, and he knew something was wrong.

You scolded me yesterday.

I went today, and he refused treatment after touching it.

"If you do this again, I won't be able to cure you."

So today I came back in despair.

The old man is eighty-two, and it is not easy to make a single shot.

So I'll take a few days off.

In the morning, the treatment is relieved, and in the afternoon, the work is aggravated, and I will go to the treatment tomorrow...

The old man gasped for breath.

Forgive me, brothers.

I don't know how many days.

