MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 44 Little Couple in Troubled Times [2 in 1]

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Time flies.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five years, the entire Anping Continent has undergone tremendous changes. It is not an exaggeration to say that the land was turned upside down by dragons and snakes.

First of all, the demon tide ravaged Zichen Mountain five years ago, which directly caused Dayan to be devastated, his strength was destroyed, and his national power suddenly retreated to the end of the Seven Kingdoms.

Baoxi, almost exists in name only.

If it wasn't for Qin State's grand strategic considerations, it would be no problem to destroy Yan State instantly.

Even so, the entire frontier of the Yan Kingdom has almost turned into a racecourse for the Great Qin, and its destruction seems to be only a matter of time.

On the verge of subjugation, all the nobles of the Yan Kingdom finally showed an unprecedented state of unity, abandoning all past grievances, working together wholeheartedly, and working hard for the rise and fall of the country.

It's a pity that they woke up too late, and Dayan was too weak to return!

The fundamental reason is still the battle of Zichen Mountain. All the high-level and master forces of the military and the Anbu were completely lost in this battle.

There are no successful generals inside, and no soldiers to use outside.

No matter how much one tries to abandon internal friction and work together wholeheartedly, it will be in vain.

The third prince, Shu Mo, roared in grief and anger in the court hall.

"All in one mind, so what?"

"When the Yan Kingdom was prosperous, you fought for power and profit, and you fought against each other. Internal friction continued, and the national strength was declining. Now that the country is about to fall, what is the use of trying to govern? The sheep are all gone, so what can you do to mend the sheepfold in vain?"

"The loyal ministers and filial sons of the whole country, who do you want to show? What can it help?"

"Why did you go early?"

"Do you have to think about defending the country until the country is about to perish? In the end, it's nothing more than panic and fear?"

All the ministers of Yan State were all ashamed.

Today's Dayan is really at the end of the road, and it really can't even achieve success and settle down in a corner.

After being seriously injured by poisoning, Bai Yiwen has been recuperating at home. Now that the country is in crisis, he is unable to do what he can, so he still chooses to stand up and build Yiwentang to support the situation. Wing old department.

But it's a pity... almost all the high-level members of Feiyi were killed in the battle of Zichen Mountain.

This also led to an extremely sad fact: all the flying wing masters who survived and came back, not to mention the cloud masters, even if they are heavenly, there are not many of them!

The two highest cultivations belonging to Yiwentang are nothing more than the second rank of heaven!

I really want to do nothing.

Bai Yiwen was also decisive. Apart from adhering to the order, he even suggested the development of a diplomatic strategy, with the principle of making arguments, lobbying and mobilizing all countries.

Under Bai Yiwen's lobbying, he regarded himself as a younger brother, and at the same time, he was closely related to Chu, Qi, and the Three Kingdoms Alliance, and cooperated with all his strength.

As a result of doing so, they successfully borrowed soldiers from Qi and Zhao to guard the frontiers of Dayan. Although they had to pay for renting a large amount of city land and even the population, even if they drank poison to quench their thirst, they still had to ensure the survival of Yan.

Facts have proved that Yan State's strategy of "preferring to allies rather than tyranny Qin" is quite effective, and it really stabilized the situation in Yan State.

After the overall situation of Yan State gradually stabilized, it contacted Zhao Han and the two countries and presented a treaty of alliance, expressing that as long as the other party is willing to attack Qin together, after success, we will not take a cent of Qin's land, but will also give three pieces of Yan State's frontier land. thousands of miles.

All this shows that Yan Guo is trying to survive at all costs.

The above are all consensuses reached by Bai Yiwen and Wen Shumo after discussions.

These two people, who had always disliked each other, finally started a sincere cooperation at the critical moment of the country's survival.

Both of them knew clearly: Yan State seems to be the weakest now, Qin Chu and other countries can easily destroy Yan State, but Qin State will never sit back and watch Yan State be destroyed, not only will he not act himself, to avoid causing public anger At the same time, it will prevent other countries from taking the opportunity to annex Yan.

Therefore, the weakness of Yan State has become a protective color instead.

But in order to win the weak body, deal with the various countries, the family tradition seeks

Survival is by no means a long-term solution.

Once the other countries are also weakened, then the Yan State will inevitably become the first target of the Qin State, and will be destroyed sooner or later.

The plan for the present, or the only way for Yan to achieve self-protection at present, is to completely cause chaos in the world during this period of time.

And this is clear to all countries.

I believe that the other countries are also clear about one thing...Yan Kingdom cannot be destroyed! - It is not that it cannot be destroyed, and it must not be destroyed by surrender!

It doesn't matter that Yan State was destroyed and the country was destroyed. However, if the other countries don't cooperate, if the country of Yan can't see any hope and really surrenders to the country of Qin...

That's where it gets really bad.

Therefore, even though they know that Yan State’s approach is to fear that the world will not be chaotic, and even to stir up the situation, the countries can only cooperate first. Under the premise of this grand strategy, the countries are actually profiting, why not Instead of doing it.

——The above is all a conspiracy.

Ever since, the world suddenly became chaotic.

Qi, Chu, Zhao, Han, and Wei Qi moved together, and the front of the soldiers pointed directly at Daqin.

In the same year, Wu Tiejun, Fei Xinyu, Ma Qiange, divided into three groups to face Daqi, and the war broke out.

And just when Qi State was gradually unable to resist and retreated steadily, Zhao State sent troops.

Da Zhao's iron cavalry faced Da Qin Fei's army god.

In this battle, the two invincible commanders of Zhao State, Lian Mu and Li Po, joined hands to attack, one steady and the other treacherous, and suppressed the main army of Qin State to death.

Even as time went on, under the attack from left and right, Fei Bu gradually became irresistible.

Fortunately, Ma arrived at Chengxing Ye to help, and led the army to face Shang Lianmu, so Fei's troops were relieved.

With the dispatch of troops from Chu, South Korea, Wei, and the Three Kingdoms, wars broke out on the frontier of the Great Qin Dynasty, and wars broke out in all directions.

Since the war between the nations started, the whole world fell into chaos in an instant.

And the turning point of this chaotic battle was that Wu Tiejun led the army and miraculously appeared on the front line of Chu State.

Wu Tiejun's army rushed to help, and at the moment it appeared, it rushed into the Chu army's formation from the side like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

The moment the two sides were about to touch, the ferocious beast let out a roar.

And following this roar, all the iron cavalry in the front of the Chu Kingdom panicked when they heard it, and their formation was instantly chaotic.

With the emergence of this change, from point to line, from line to surface, the Chu army was completely defeated.

But Wu Tie's army was biting the rout of Chu's troops, and pursued them, taking advantage of the momentum to break through the sky in one fell swoop!

From this, it was officially announced that Chu's strongest line of defense had been broken, and it was gone!

From then on, Chu State no longer had a natural barrier, and all the fertile land behind the sky was under the iron hooves of the Qin army!


The state of Yan is in decline, and it is powerless.

Qi State was also disabled.

The border gates of Chu State were also opened.

South Korea, which has a relatively remote geographical location, is beyond the reach of Qin State and is still confronting each other.

Also in a state of confrontation are Wei Guo and Zhao Guo.

However, the situation in the world has quietly changed.

In the second year, Ma Qiange led his army out of the northwest and defeated the Han army on the Hanshui side.

In the same year, Fei Xinyu devoted himself to fighting against the enemy's Lianmu Department, and had a chance to use his sharp tongue skills. After a scolding battle, the angry old general relapsed, and the morale of the army was shaken.

Zhao Guo's senior officials had no choice but to send a new general, Zhao Yikuo, to take over the command.

Ordinarily, this Zhao Yikuo is a new generation general of the Zhao Kingdom, known as a master of military art who has rarely appeared in the Zhao Kingdom in 30 years, and even wrote the book "Theory of Soldiers". For the selection of soldiers, it is logical to succeed the old general Lian Mu at this time. If he leads the army to defeat the Great Qin Lion at this moment, it will rewrite the order of the military strategists in Anping mainland.

It's a pity that Master Zhao, who thinks too highly of himself, has no eyes, only knows himself and doesn't know others, is blindly confident, and thinks he is unparalleled in warfare, but he was set by the three generals of the Qin Army to set a series of traps.

The elites led by Fei Xinyu implemented piercing tactics, causing the battle situation to take a turn for the worse.

It is slavery.

The 15,000 elites of the Great Qin pierced through the Chu army, and only 3,000 survived in the end, which is not a tragedy.

But this extreme method of warfare has become the key point and turning point to open the stalemate.

Ma Daocheng, Fei Pingjiang attacked together, and finally the long-neglected Ma Daogong made a breakthrough in the middle.

Zhao Yikuo, who was under siege from all directions, could no longer hold on, and his 400,000 army was completely defeated.

Li Po, Zhao's other army, naturally planned to rescue and turn the tide of the battle, at least to gather the defeated army, but Wu Tiejun relied on the terrain and firmly held him back, not daring to act rashly.

When Li Po broke through Wu Tiejun's blockade, marched around the mountain, and finally arrived at the battlefield here, the forty armies were almost wiped out.

Li Po stabilized his position, tried his best to gather the defeated soldiers, and retreated slowly.

The Qin army did not catch up and tried to expand the results of the battle.

No one dared to underestimate this General Zhao Guoli, who could be called the famous commander through the ages.

Even though Qin's army has assembled millions, Li Po has only 300,000 soldiers and horses on the opposite side, and he still dare not move rashly.

Once the opponent seizes the opportunity, it will be useless even if the army of millions promises a big advantage.

So far, the war among the nations has once again fallen into a new round of confrontation, various confrontations.

In another year, Ma Qiange started the war again and launched an attack on a snowy night. In the middle of the battle, Wu Tiejun repeated his old tricks again, suddenly attracting surprise soldiers to stand out and kill the enemy.

The ferocious beast shows its power, just like an unsolvable extreme move.

The Great Qin soldiers and horses took the initiative, and waited for the Qin general Bai Fu to lead the ambush into the battle, and the victory was completely established.

In one night, the 600,000 elite troops in South Korea were all turned into clouds of smoke.

The three generals divided their troops into three groups, and took down thirty-six cities in South Korea in ten days!

Fei Xinyu, who changed defense, raised his troops to enter Zhao territory, lost in a row, and retreated all the way. Li Po was not convinced by his trick to lure troops, and he used defense as an offense, which made Fei Xinyu return without success.

Just as the army of Qi was about to move, it was suppressed by Ma Daocheng's soldiers, and even took advantage of the situation to enter Qi territory again.

In the second half of the year, only Zhao and Wei could maintain a confrontation with Qin.

The other four countries are all half disabled and their national strength is declining.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of the third year, the king of Yan sent his younger brother Wang Shumo to Qin as an envoy to discuss surrender.

Wen Shumo took the envoy Jing Zhu, wrapped the magic soldier with a picture, and went to the main hall to offer the picture.

Jing Zhu suddenly drew his sword and assassinated Qin Huang.

However, he missed a hit and was immediately killed in the hall by Qin Renge.

Clerk Mo was convicted and confessed.

"For the world... I will not kill you; for the country of Yan, I will kill you. Helpless, I am from Yan."

Clerk Mo smiled calmly.

Qin Huang was indifferent and ordered to kill him.

Clerk Mo laughed like a song, and recited a poem on his deathbed.

"It's not my wish to be born in the royal family, but to travel in the world with a flute and a sword; to spend half a life without a master, and to spend the rest of the life without worrying about it; not to be rich and rich, but to be free; Hugh; the tragic song was only played last night, calmly go to Jiuyou today; two regrets in life, ashamed of being gentle to a beautiful woman.”

The clerk Mo laughed, and said to Emperor Qin: "When His Majesty rules the world, can you send someone to burn a stick of incense?"

Qin Huang said indifferently: "The assassin has already been executed, you are the Prince of Yan, and you will die if you are not busy."

Clerk Mo laughed: "I didn't have any great ambitions since I was a child. I just wanted to express my love for the mountains and rivers, and indulge in the world. However, in life, there are nine times out of ten unsatisfactory things. This year, I still have to carry this burden. However, this burden is too heavy..."

"I don't want to carry it anymore."

Clerk Mo smiled calmly: "Today is the day, so be it. This world of mortals, I have been here, and I have my karma. I can't bear it. It's one thing. It's just that I keep running away, so what, even if I run away for half my life, I still have to face it in the end, but I am used to being lazy, and I plan to end it with escaping. Hahaha..."

"The hatred is gone

, the grace is not repaid, the cause and effect of this life are so few, and it is still impossible to escape responsibility for a lifetime. "

"It's useless."

Wen Shumo laughed at himself, calmly raised his sword and killed himself.

"Preserve the body, send it back to Dayan, send a letter to reprimand, and order compensation!"

Qin Huang sighed, and still ordered coldly.

The death of Wen Shumo was like a signal, opening the door to a new era.

The pace of Great Qin's unification of the world has thus accelerated the pace of conquests from the east to the west, and the four directions are full of bells and drums.

In addition to the horror and hatred in the hearts of the various countries, the hearts of the same hatred suddenly became stronger, and the remaining forces of the six countries were entangled in a decisive battle against the Great Qin.

Although the war situation of the six countries is unfavorable and the national power is also declining, the combined forces of the six countries and the comprehensive heritage of the six countries are by no means shaken by ordinary power.

However, after so many years of preparations and the grand strategy of Jijiyingying, Daqin has now reached the point where water is overflowing, the treasury is sufficient, and money is piled up like a mountain.

Among them, because Yuezhou received the last donation from a genius doctor, it is said that there is also a sky-high price of wealth compensated by the Snake Emperor, and because of its different geographical location, it has become the main export place.

The army continues to move out and conquer the six countries!

The Qin people's army and people's emotions are high, and the four words of unifying the world are extremely strong pride even for ordinary Qin people.

Even in the face of the joint efforts of the six countries, the situation is still slowly tilting towards the Qin people.

Seeing has been unstoppable.

And in a remote village on the outskirts of Yuezhou City.

It seems that there has been such a young couple since a long time ago, quietly disappearing into the sea of ​​people without seeing any waves.

The boy's name is Mengfang, and the girl's name is Yurou, both of which are very ordinary names.

The husband and wife are ordinary-looking, farming and weaving as a business, guarding a few acres of Susukida, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Although there is nothing sweet to speak of, let alone wealth, there is warmth in ordinary days.

In such a chaotic world, he lived his own life cautiously, aloof from the world, and unobtrusive at all.

Both of them are indifferent people, and they are also taciturn and honest on weekdays. Even if they encounter disputes, they will just pass by the corner with their heads down.

I don't look for trouble, and I hope that trouble doesn't come to me.

It can be said that it is the simplest and most ordinary survival mode that closes the door and lives in the sky.

Such a house naturally does not have the ambition to be rich and powerful. Although it is plain and poor, it is peaceful and happy, and happy in it.

Men have nothing to attract attention, and women don't have any beauty that can be coveted.

If there is no accident, this young couple will probably spend their lives in this state of no sense of existence.

But accidents are always everywhere.

On this day, Yurou fell ill.

Wind-cold, persistent fever.

For such a disease, ordinary farmers never think about seeking medical advice, and it will be fine after a few days!

But Yurou's high fever was very sharp, and she didn't get better for several days.

The Mongolian side had to go out to get medicine. When they came back, they accidentally found the abandoned house next door. I don’t know when there was another family.

An old lonely old man.

But this change is nothing, and he doesn't care much about it now.

He didn't notice that the old man looked at his back, full of jealousy.

"Xiaorou, I've taken my medicine."

The Mongolian side entered the room with the medicine in hand.

Yurou tried her best to support her body, her complexion became sallow, her usual health and luster had long since disappeared, she coughed a few times, drank the medicine slowly, and said, "There is a sound of chopping firewood next door, someone just moved in, right?"

"Yes, an old man. He looks about sixty or seventy years old, but his body is quite strong."

"This old man...he was chopping wood and cursing just now, the curse was so seems like everyone has a grudge against him."

Yurou said worriedly: "I feel so fierce, I'm afraid it's not good

touch. "

Mongolian side said: "Let's not provoke him, so what can happen. Everyone can live their own lives."

"I hope so."

Yurou sighed.

Ordinary people like them are most afraid of accidents beyond their ability and... strangers.

As soon as the voice fell, the accident happened suddenly.

The two heard a knock on the door, opened the door and found that it was the old neighbor standing at the door: "For dinner tonight, there is no rice at home, can I borrow some rice?

Meng Fang was stunned for a moment, and said, "Okay."

So I scooped half a spoonful of thick rice from my grain bag.

The old man said: "Is there any oil? I will also borrow some, and I will return it in the future."

"This is really not much."

The Mongolian side apologized, "Why don't I give you a meal first, as an emergency, how about it?"

The old man seemed a little dissatisfied with the Mongolian side's evasion, and said: "Then, is there any meat?"

The Mongolian side was stunned: "This is real wood."

The old man curled his lips, and said coldly: "Poor."

After that, he took the rice and oil and turned away.

The Mongolian side couldn't help throwing their heads up angrily: "Who is this!"

When I returned to the room, I was aggrieved.

However, when talking about this matter with his wife, Yurou's brows showed a hint of worry.

She had a faint feeling that the current peaceful days might not be able to last for a long time.

After a few days, it was the day to pay the grain.

The Mongolian side was tidying up at home, when two gentlemen came to the door and said, "Routine inspection."

"an examination?"

Meng Fang was stunned.

"Someone reported that you hid ordnance for illegal purposes.

Gong Ren said: "Please cooperate with the inspection."

"I've got an ordnance stash?"

The Mongolian side turned pale with shock: "The adults are wronged, but the villains are good citizens. How dare the villains dare to do such a big thing."

"It's not wrong to be wronged, there are facts to support it."

The gentleman couldn't help saying that he entered the house and after searching for a long time, he finally found a bow under the firewood stack.

Although the bow looked rotten, it could still be opened, obviously still usable.

"what is this?"

The gentleman asked coldly.

"My lord, this is not mine, someone framed me!" The Mongolian side was dumbfounded.

"Secretly hide ordnance, break the law, take it away!"

The gentleman waved his hand.

Yurou supported her sick body, and jumped out of the room: "Your Excellency, my husband was really wronged, this is not my family's property."

"Whether you are wronged or not, what you say doesn't matter, the master of the court will make a clear decision."

The two gentlemen completely ignored Yurou's argument and forcibly took the Mongolian side away.

Don't say that Yurou has a high fever and is extremely weak, even if she is healthy and healthy as usual, but how can she be able to withstand such a wolf like a tiger.

Two days later, the verdict came down.

The Mongolian side is guilty of concealing arms, but they have always been good. They have never committed crimes as female gangsters. They were sentenced to join the army in the western frontier and set off with the grain team three days later.

In other words, the Mongolian side was conscripted into the army.

And this news, to Yurou, who was struggling with her sick body, was it like a bolt from the blue?!

That night, the Mongolian side was released and went home to pack his luggage, hugging his wife and crying.

I don't know if I can come back alive after this trip.

It is very possible that once you leave, you will say goodbye forever.

"Too bad we don't have kids yet..."

Yurou was especially sad.

"I will definitely come back." Meng Fang said: "Your Excellency said bluntly, just because it is a time of war, the management of weapons is more stringent. If it is a weekday, it is not a crime to collect bows and arrows in private; even now, a soldier can also offset the crime." .When you arrive at the front line, if you can make meritorious service, you will still be promoted. Or at that time, if I accumulated meritorious service and sealed my wife and son, you would be the wife of the general.”

"I don't want to be the general's wife, I just want you to live,

Stay home with me. "

"..." Meng Fang was speechless.

Why doesn't he want to be safe at home.

But things have reached the current point, and it is absolutely impossible to stay.

It's just that he can't figure out what to say, who is framing him?

I have always been kind to others, and I have never offended anyone, okay?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Could it be the old man next door?"

"But why can't it? He came to borrow food and oil, so he should remember my benefits, why did he frame me then?"

The Mongolian side couldn't figure it out, no matter how much they thought about it, they couldn't figure it out.

In the next three days, the Mongolian side did all the work in the house, filled the big tank with water, hoeed and watered the fields, and meticulously cleaned the vegetable fields. Tidy it up.

Another whole firewood house was split, and it was still piled up in a large pile in the corner of the yard.

Find out all the scattered money at home and give it to your wife.

"wait me back!"

"If you don't go, you don't go. If you go, you have to work hard. You want to be a general!"

"wait for me!"

next door.

The old man looked at the neighbor viciously, and the corner of his mouth showed pleasure.

"Old Mo, why did you frame them?"

"You also need someone to join the army. If this quota is given to the Mongolian side, wouldn't your own children not have to go?"

"That's true, but I still can't figure out why you did this, Old Mo."

"This old man is lonely and widowed all his life, until he is old and lonely, lonely and lonely. How can this fool be able to keep his wife and children on the bed?"

Old Mo said harshly: "I don't feel good if I don't break them up. Not to mention we are still neighbors, seeing their love every day, UU reading makes me feel bad, it's annoying to watch!"

"Old Mo, you are really not a good person!"

"Each to each other."

Li Zheng left with a sigh.

Although what he did was selfish, he still felt a little guilty when he saw that the Mongolian side joined the army like this, and his life and death were unpredictable from now on.

But for this old Mo, who is said to have died in the rebellious army, he felt even more jealous.

This is clearly the typical kind of person who 'doesn't want to see others' good.

I have no grievances or enmities with you, but I am lonely and pitiful, and you are happy and happy; then your happiness is harm to me, and then I will try to break it up, and I will not give up until I achieve my goal.

I may not be able to offend other people's homes.

But your family, I can afford it.

Who made you usually timid?