MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 1194 Internal contradictions!

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The first one hundred and ninety-four chapters internal contradictions!

Xiao Zheng took a sip of coffee, and then he ordered a cigarette with a sigh of relief. The voice line was low: "I don't know why you have to ask me to come and talk. But I am a legal citizen, regardless of whether the reason for your office is reasonable. I will definitely cooperate."

After a pause, Xiao Zheng said with deep meaning: "As for Zhang’s satisfaction with the arrangement of your top leaders, I am definitely not satisfied."

He first stated that he would cooperate with the work, but his heart is certainly not satisfied. The words said that the dripping water does not leak. He has his own position and is also suggesting that Secretary Zhang has something to say, although he can tell himself. Everyone is sitting on a boat.

Of course, whether the two really do a boat is still to be studied. At least I have to see what Zhang can say something worthwhile.

Director Zhang heard Xiao Zheng’s subtext and smiled. He also took a sip of coffee and said slowly: “It’s also simple to say. The reason why the Secretary invited Xiao’s boss to come over is nothing more than investigating the bomb case. In turn He said, who made this bomb, and what conspiracy behind it, everyone knows well. How could it blame Xiao boss?"

Xiao Zheng smiled slightly and did not meet. Still waiting for Zhang’s following.

"In the end, the Secretary is also entrusted by others, and he wants to use this matter to bring Xiao Boss an army."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zheng’s face showed a pretty smile. Look around and say: "There is no monitoring here?"

The meaning of the words is obvious. Your secretary is not afraid. Even such a sensitive topic dare to openly tell yourself, and it is in your bureau. Don't be afraid that the top leader will not let you go?

Director Zhang heard the words and immediately stated: "Xiao boss does not know, I am not here to promote the opportunity!"

These words are in the heart!


This is absolutely true. Moreover, he told Xiao Zheng with a very sensitive topic. His director Zhang was determined to take a boat with him. As for whether the ship will turn over, it depends on the helm.

Can be used as the deputy director of the National Security Bureau, regardless of whether he has real power in his hand. That is the big minister at the vice ministerial level. Even in the hall level, it is all four cities. It is also definitely a big man who speaks a lot.

And Xiao Zheng?

Even if you count the aura of the dragon group, the political future is definitely much more subtle than the deputy minister. Why did Secretary Zhang find himself to come up?

When Yu Fei first met Xiao Zhengshi, the energy was too low and he was only a departmental cadre. And it is not taken seriously. Xiao Zheng has the energy and the human veins to help him arrange the road to promotion. It is up to Director Zhang, and Xiao Zheng really has no energy to help him operate.

Speaking out a thick smoke, Xiao Zheng looked very seriously at Director Zhang: "Secretary, I am afraid to live up to your high hopes."

Director Zhang heard the words and immediately stated: "Xiao boss is heavy. I just look for a bright light. Please do not have any pressure."

The implication of these words is clearer.

Xiao Zheng himself cannot really help Zhang. The political resources behind Xiao Zheng are very embarrassing.

Yu Fei’s official business, Hengtong, has long been noticed by many people.

Although Yu Fei has the ability and ability, he is not limited to his talents. Why can he sit on the rocket alone? Others can't?

People noticed the big man behind Xiao Zheng.

This person is not the Minister of Finance, Yu Fei’s top boss. It is Xiao Zheng. A real fierce person with huge political resources.

Minister Kim is indeed highly weighted, but his deputy national level has come to an end. And there is more than one step away from the top of the pyramid. But look at the people behind Xiao Zheng. Just a Hu family, it is enough for Zhang to be tempted.

What's more, there is also a group of Yang Lao that opened the country.

It is true that Xiao Zheng may not have a direct contact with Yang Lao. However, the outside world is also very clear that Yang, in certain special periods, will definitely stand up to support Xiao Zheng.

This is the bottom line. It is the energy that people want to have but not.

Xiao Zheng has, so he is destined to rush to him.

A fierce person who can pass political resources from the hands of the late family, and can be more mixed. Who can figure out the mystery?

The reason why Director Zhang personally accompanied him was to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to associate with Xiao Zhengpan and even put a clear label on his head.


He is gambling.

After the political future was completely hopeless, Director Zhang, who had a strong progressive heart, put all his family on Xiao Zheng. I hope I can fight for a better tomorrow.

Xiao Zheng smashed the cigarette and put the coffee in his hand down. Looking straight at Zhang, the director said: "In your opinion, am I troubled this time?"

"Not small." Director Zhang also said very straightforwardly. "At least as far as I know, someone will pull you down this time. I even want to throw you into jail."

Xiao Zhengyi listened, could not help but pick up the dice. Darkly said: "It seems that the late family still remembers the original things. They have to pull their teeth, they must let themselves all spit out to be satisfied."

After a pause, Xiao Zheng ignited the second cigarette: "Do you think I can get away?"

"Of course." Director Zhang smiled. "If even this trouble, Xiao boss can't solve it. You probably won't be able to go to today?"

This is Secretary Zhang’s trust in Xiao Zheng. He is also very clear that this trouble, though tricky, is full of loopholes. Xiao Zheng has many reasons to explain this. Believe it or not, but someone must believe.

Hu Jiahui letter.

Letter from the Minister of Finance.

All departments have big convictions, even if they are even more vocal, they can’t make people angry.

After all, it is a face problem. If you can't put Xiao Zheng to death, then you must let go. It’s a big deal, not good for anyone.

Xiao Zheng took a sip of cigarettes and said slowly: "I didn't take this matter to heart from the beginning. I came over, one is to cooperate with your actions. Second, I want to see if this is the end." Which aspect will be developed?"

After a pause, he continued: "Oh, yes. I have been to the National Security Bureau for a long time. This time I will come over to the dock. Meet the leaders."

What he said was quite a bit suffocating. But very much appetite for Zhang. This year, over 50 years old, the well-preserved middle-aged man smiled slightly, and even Swen’s face swept over a piece of appreciation: “Xiao’s boss has such a mentality, then I don’t have to say more. You can rest assured that it is necessary. When I am, I will definitely stand up and support Xiao Bo."

"Then there is work." Xiao Zheng took the initiative to stand up and shake hands.

The latter reaction was also very fast, and did not let Xiao Zheng wait for a second.


Just then, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A man of about fifty-five years old came in. His face was gloomy. After seeing this scene in the room, the narrow scorpion could not help but flash a cold.

Director Zhang, as if he did not see it, was very casual. Turned around and said: "Secretary, you talk to Xiao boss slowly, I will go out first."

I didn’t even call a decent greeting. It can be seen that the relationship between the two has long been incompatible.