MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 18 Pasted gold thigh 6

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After leaving the Xiao family, Qing Yun took a deep breath of cold air and only felt refreshed.

What he said to Xiaomu is not a lie. Xiao Jia was only imprisoned for him. After leaving Xiao Jia, Qing Yun was able to show his face in the wider world, instead of focusing only on Xiao.

Qing Yunben was not prepared to stay in Xiaojia, but now he just left for excuses.

He slowly walked on the road, the car has been left in the garage of Xiao's old house, not far from the place where the Xiao family held the banquet, but Qingyun did not intend to go back and take the car back.

Just as he thought about the means of transportation, a car slowly came and stopped at Qingyun.

The window has come down, and it’s not bad.

"What? You are not going back?" Qing Yun raised his chin to him, and the red marks on the white neck were also full of eyes under the dim light.

Zou" non-峥 簧 spring bottle died

He opened the door and said, "I am worried about you, so come back and see."

"Oh, then you are late." Qingyun's voice was ironic, but he did not hesitate, stepping into his car.

After all, someone is rushing to get together, no need to use it.

Zou's 嘈Γ 嘈Γ 嘈Γ 骸敖裉焓 姨趁 姨趁 姨趁 娴 娴 娴 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 愣穑 愣穑 愣穑

He was not a joke. When he saw Qingyun, he even felt that his physical control was moved to the hands of the youth. But the strange thing is that Zou's ambience, magnesium, smashing, playing, swaying, smashing, smashing, smashing, swaying, swaying

He is as sweet as he is.

Looking at the side of the youth is cold and with a little arrogant side face, Zou" square bottom oil t 诼 撸 撸 撸 徘湓 骸 骸 骸 骸 骸 骸 骸 骸 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃 肀吒湃

"I respect all your decisions." He took up the hand of Qing Yun, and the face of the unsmiling face showed a little bit of a request. "But, give me a chance to know you?"

Qingyun chuckled, and of course he knew that Zou’s atmosphere was invaded.

He looked sideways at Zou's 锔 锔 锔 掳 掳 掳 掳 掳 掳 掳 系 砬榇 砬榇 砬榇 砬榇 砬榇 砬榇 叻 抉妫痔粜 抉妫痔粜 骸

Zou "flying insect resistant Pan core strong release

"Oh, look at your skills."

The youthful fluttering words were blown away by the wind outside the car, leaving only a few unrealistic resounding in the car, but Zou’s “green onion”

Just in the Zou "Fen 约 about brown 谀艽笳 谀艽笳 淖 淖 淖 淖 淖 淖 幌氲 幌氲 幌氲 幌氲 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓 诙烨湓Mud with water.

So Zou's staff once again witnessed the madness of their own boss.

"Roll!" The cup rubbed the face of the department head and reached the door frame, making a loud bang.

The head of the department immediately retraced and sneaked out, and the secretary outside the door looked at each other with a glimpse of it.

There was a burst of noise in the house, and then there was a man who suppressed the grievances: "Damn! Who is this surname Zhao?"

Zhao Bowen, who just got off the plane, suddenly felt a stunned spirit. He seemed to be stared at by something that was inconspicuous. He shrank in his neck and sighed. The cold air of country m is not covered.

Qingyun opened the phone and looked at the information and the missed calls. He smiled with a sly smile.

Qing Yun’s previous phrase “Seeing Your Skills” is not a lie. He has already seen that Zou’s 19-year-old singularly recruited and 洹g 湓莆 阋怂莶菥 阋怂莶菥 阋怂莶菥 鹩 鹩 淖 淖 淖 淖

If Zou's "Fan 俅 俅 俅 俅 亩 亩 亩 亩 亩 凰 髁 髁 髁 髁 髁 薹

"Let's go." Qing Yun put the phone in his pocket and said to Zhao Bowen next to him.

Time is passing away, in the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In the past three years, a company named Ruixin Pharmaceutical, such as a black horse, has expanded its strength in the field of biomedicine. The company has developed a new drug that has unexpected effects on early and late cancer.

Most importantly, this drug specifically kills cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells in the body. When the drug came out, it immediately broke the curse of cancer as a terminal illness.

Between the particularity of the drug, the Food and Drug Administration has given great attention to it, shortening the clinical trial time of the drug under strict control, and letting the drug be listed as soon as possible.

Ruixin Pharmaceutical has launched a series of drugs for cancer prevention, oncogene repair, and advanced biomedicine to a new stage.

After breaking through the cancer field, Ruixin Pharmaceutical has always insisted on genetic research, and on the other hand, developed special effects drugs against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which solved the terrorist crisis caused by antibiotic abuse.

With the endless stream of magical new drugs, Ruixin Pharmaceutical quickly became one of the top 500 in the world.

"Do you have this interest?"

Three years later, a lot of Zhao Bowen matured. At this time, when I took a table, I was very unruly looking at Qingyun after the desk.

Qing Yun did not change the color of the documents in his hands, handed it over to the secretary before he looked up and stunned Zhao Bowen.

"Are you finished? After you finish, you can go. I remember that you should be very busy, and the development plan for the next new drug has already been made."

Zhao Bowen was turned back by his arrogant attitude. After he went around his desk, he pointed to the nose of Qingyun. "You should know your eyes in the long run?"

He took a stack of information in his hand and said: "These results are enough to enrich the Nobel Prize for the next ten years. Mom, can your eyes be placed on the money?"

"In addition, there are a lot of money for the Nobel Prize! A lot!"

Zhao Bowen almost shook his shoulders and shouted. He is not the original boy. He has been working with Qingyun for so many years. He can't see it. These gods are all from Qingyun.

At first he treated Qingyun as a god, but no matter how he asked, Qing Yun refused to admit it.

Up to now, he simply hates iron and wants to die.

"Well, I know, you can go." Almost immediately, Qingyun was once again put into work. Zhao Bowen pulled back from time to time, and he was used to it. This person has made rapid progress, and the new drug research and development, Zhao Bowen has been able to stand alone.

And Qingyun, what kind of things he took out from his original world, these Qingyun are clear, and the pride of Qingyun is not based on his own meaning.

"You!" Zhao Bowen just wanted to say something, but turned around and saw the window on the computer screen of Qingyun.

Zou" spinning 撬诓 捻 捻 捻 捻 醭 恋 恋 恋 恋 潘

Zhao Bowen suddenly became a spirit, turned and went out.

Qingyun is actually watching a video with this horrible man!

After Zhao Bowen’s departure, Zou’s “Chengcheng 15 Tang vinegar 懦 懦 ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ ぷ 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 牟嗔 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱 岫懦錾蚱

Qingyun heard the time, it was indeed the time for lunch. He picked up the phone and asked the secretary to help order the meal. There was Zou’s 匪涮嵝 潘 Pan Pan 喝 喝 喝 诘缒郧懊 诘缒郧懊 诘缒郧懊 肟 肟 肟 肟

"What are you going to eat at noon today?" Zou"

"Well..." Qingyun chin leaned on the phone for a while and only reported a few names.

Zou" 妨15 carbon 窍 吕矗萌苏兆抛急敢瓜5共皇亲龊 enzyme 湓 ィ暇沽 leg ィ暇沽 讼 讼 讼 讼 诳墒 糇 糇 糇 糇

He just used to eat the same dishes as Qingyun. It seems that he can get the feeling of dining with Qingyun.

After running out of lunch, Qing Yun is going to take a nap and get up and turn off the video.

Zou's visit to Φ 骸 骸 骸 嗣魈斓 嗣魈斓 嗣魈斓 !!

"Well? Why, do you have a business?" Qing Yun asked an eyebrow.

"No, go see you." Zou" sneak thief ζ鹄矗渌 湓 湓 湓 湓 赜 赜 母 母 母 母 椋堑 椋堑 叵 叵 叵 叵 谇 谇 谇 谇 芏唷 芏唷 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上啵 棺 棺 俟 俟 俟 俟 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊 膊

"Oh? That's a pity." Qing Yun coveted, covering his eyes and smiling.

"Unfortunately?" Zou" Fen Huangpu plaque 鹄矗闵泶 battle chat arc

He instantly thought of all kinds of possibilities. Is he a step late? Qingyun promised the pursuit of others?

"Unfortunately, I will return to China tomorrow." Qing Yun finally couldn't help but smile a little, and when the voice just fell, he turned off the video.

"'s really..." Zou's singer Pan Xingsina 瘢 瘢 吭谝 成 扌Σ 扌Σ 扌Σ 扌Σ 扌Σ 伎 伎 伎 伎 伎 伎 伎 伎 伎 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮 幌戮

From the recent words, Qing Yun is not difficult to guess the meaning of Zou's phenolic m country. He intended to return to China, but he waited until Zou's Philippine 藕靡 藕靡 藕靡 蟛磐嘎 蟛磐嘎 蟛磐嘎 蟛磐嘎 蟛磐嘎 蟛磐嘎

"Naughty." Zou" room vinegar pong jaundice

I don’t know anything about Qingyun’s return to China.

Xiao Chengzhe is now preparing for a high-quality cooperation. After Qing Yun left, Xiaofu slowly decentralized to Xiao Chengzhe. Now, Xiao Chengzhe is actually the real power of Xiao.

Recently, Zou is preparing to cooperate with pharmaceutical companies to develop a batch of vaccines to prevent a virus infection. A large number of pharmaceutical companies squeezed their heads and went forward. After all, the influence of the Zou's consortium in various fields was enormous, and it was a huge monster in the whole country. Working with Zou, this is a rare opportunity. Not only can it increase the visibility of the company, but it can also be used to gain deeper hearts.

This is the first major cooperation that Xiao Chengzhe faced after he took power. After taking this opportunity, Xiaofu estimates that Xiao Chengzhe will become the next president of Xiao Pharmaceutical, so he has to be cautious.

However, Xiao Chengzhe did not worry too much. After all, Shaw Pharmaceuticals is the most promising pharmaceutical company in China, and Zou Qiyao’s friendship. If there is no accident, the opportunity for cooperation will fall into the hands of Xiao.

Xiao Chengzhe leaned back on the back of the chair with a smile. He turned and looked at the bustling street scene of Yancheng under the French window. His mood was very calm.

This is just the beginning of his brilliant life.

As for where Xiao Chengnu went, the current Xiao Chengzhe is not worried, because he is almost ready to get what he wants, and Xiao Chengnu is destined to have nothing.

Of course, seeing Xiao Chengnu again, he doesn't mind going down again. 2k novel reading network