MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 244 upgrade

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Although the holy city had a plague, the business of Chenguang Restaurant was not affected.坾 F 缥 摩 缧 ﹀ 缢

The people who get the plague are ordinary people. Warriors and magicians don't have to be afraid of the plague, so they should still eat and drink.

Even more, because many of their servants hid home, they preferred to stay outside.

Lancado, who had come to Chenguang Restaurant to drink on the first day of Chenguang Restaurant's opening, is here again today.

He is not a native of the holy city. After coming to the holy city, he has been living in a nearby hotel. Many people were staying in the hotel before. He also has very delicious food. He has been very comfortable, but since the plague happened, Many people in the hotel went home, and his quality of life suddenly plummeted.

There was nothing to do that day, he simply came to Chenguang Restaurant for tea with a friend he had just met.

As a magician, Lancado has little interest in the spirits of Chenguang Restaurant. In contrast, he still prefers the tea of ​​Chenguang Restaurant, and his favorite is the chrysanthemum tea of ​​Chenguang Restaurant.

The chrysanthemum tea in Chenguang Restaurant is not ordinary chrysanthemum, or chrysanthemum with bright energy. Drinking a cup of it will make you feel comfortable. Drinking tea and snacks will feel even better.

This is not a place to eat, but for a magician, a few snacks are enough for a meal.

Lancado took a sip of tea, ate a peanut, and then talked to his friend: "I heard that the plague is under control?"

"Yeah, there are far fewer people who have heard of the plague." Lancado's friend said, and then he inserted a small fish smaller than the adult's little finger with a small fork and ate it.

When he saw this kind of fried small fish at first, the magician didn't want to sting at all. You should know that in Hyer, no one would eat this kind of stingy and fleshy fish.

But when he saw others tried it and said it was delicious, he tasted it. After that ... he suddenly found that this kind of fish was simply delicious!

This small fish is said to have been fried, so there is no need to spit out the spines inside, as long as it is chewed and eaten ... it is really delicious!

Seeing that his friend liked the fish so much, he also ate one, and the two quickly ate the fish, and finally had to ask someone to add another plate to them.

Soon someone sent a new plate of grilled fish. At this time, they were still talking about the plague: "At the time the Son made such an oath, it was obviously assured."

"Yeah, but I heard that this incident has a lot to do with Qi Jingchen. I heard that Qi Jingchen is very powerful, bright magic is strong, and some people say that he is a messenger of God to solve such a problem."

When the red-haired man lowered the fried fish, he just heard the argument, and was immediately proud and grateful.

He did not hold the wrong thigh! Qi Jingchen is getting more and more powerful now!

Even those magicians are talking about Qi Jingchen, let alone ordinary people.

Fewer people found the plague, especially since they did not get the plague, ordinary people in the holy city became happy.

"Hasn't my brother got the plague before and was sent to the Western District? He is ill! He sent me a letter saying that when the plague is settled, he can come back!"

"Congratulations! It's good that I accidentally contacted people who had been affected by the plague before, and I didn't get sick in the end!"

"In our part, several plague patients were taken away before, but now a sick person is gone!"


The people exchanged information, thinking that the plague could be resolved, immediately relaxed, and then they talked about Qi Jingchen.

In fact, Lancelot did a lot of this plague. He said before that he believed that Qi Jingchen could solve the plague. It was also noticeable. However, what he achieved in the end was Qi Jingchen.

Because of his father's affairs, everyone has a bad opinion of the Son, and Lancelot is already a Son. There is nothing to say, in contrast, it suddenly pops up, and it looks like Qi Jingchen has no background at all. More topical.

Moreover, this time the plague was originally taken over by Qi Jingchen.

"The plague can be destroyed, it must be because we killed all the mice!"

"The mice are really terrible. I knew they would be abandoned by God. I killed them long ago!"

"Fortunately, Lord Qi Jingchen told us that the mouse had a problem."

"He can know these are really amazing!"

"My brother is in the Western District. He said that Master Qi Jingchen's bright magic is better than others and can drive away the plague!"


The people in the holy city generally do n’t know much about the virus transmitted by mice. They now believe that Qi Jingchen and Hu Yan say that mice have a relationship with the dark god, and then they think that it must be the mouse that bit the person and made God unhappy , Those talents will be abandoned by God ...

For so many years, no one has known about it, but now Qi Jingchen can say it, Qi Jingchen must be unusual.

There are many rumors about Qi Jingchen in the holy city, and they are almost always good words.

The plague patients appeared every day for more than ten days, but the number was getting smaller and smaller, and more importantly, these patients said exactly that they had been bitten by rats or fleas.

One of the patients even didn't believe Qi Jingchen's words, and felt that if he was bitten by a mouse, he would not be accidentally bitten by the mouse ...

"I've been bitten by a mouse before. I was completely fine at the time. I thought it wouldn't make me bitten by a mouse ..." It looked pitiful, but Qi Jingchen just felt extremely speechless.

Every day, he would welcome new patients at the western gate, but he had never seen such a strange patient, and he even made a mouse to get himself a plague ...

The plagued patient looked very young, at most fifteen or six years old. He looked pitifully at Qi Jingchen, looking pitiful: "Am I going to die?"

"Let's go." Qi Jingchen ignored him and took him and several other patients to walk inside.

Some of these patients are weak, all lying on stretchers. They have been bathed and shaved, and are now looking around curiously.

In the eyes of the people of the Holy City, the Western District is a dirty and terrible place.

There are people fleeing from other places, speaking various dialects, living on relief, and not paying attention to hygiene at all, and many people will be petty theft ...

When the parents of the Holy City bring their children, they will even scare them so much-if you are not good, I will throw you to the Western District!

Under such circumstances, all the people who did not live in the West District before being sent to the West District after knowing that they are ill are a bit worried, lest they see various terrible scenes in the West District.

They even worry about being thrown into the sewage.

The young boy who was actively bitten by the mouse suddenly got upset and was very upset.

He really shouldn't bet that the mice are okay ...

The West End must be terrible, right? He had been here before secretly. At that time it was too crowded to accommodate any more people. Now many patients are coming, maybe they can only live on the street.

What does it look like on the street? He recalled the sights he had seen at the time, and all wanted to throw up.

However, although this boy was very worried, he soon saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

Is this still the West End? Can the West End be so beautiful?

The broad road leads in all directions at a glance. Next to the beautiful church, some square houses are standing strong, and there is a flower bed outside. Although there are no precious and beautiful flowers in it, some green vegetables are planted. It looks very lush and cute.

"The house here is so beautiful!" The teenager couldn't help but nodded all the new patients.

"You are patients, you can only live here in the church, and you can see these. When you are sick and you can go there, you will know how beautiful we are in the West District!" Can't stop talking.

And what he said is also true. Now the entire Western District has completely changed, and has become very, very beautiful.

While those patients were getting better, those who were not sick in the Western District were always working.

The two soil-based abilities built a few brick kilns here, helped burn a lot of bricks, and then the construction speed was faster.

The most important thing here is manpower. The people who followed Nie Yi basically had the experience of managing people in the last days. They separated these people and chose some clever ways to teach them how to build a house ... These people stumbled, but over time, they performed better and better.

When Lancelot comes here with some magicians and warriors, construction will be faster.

It was impossible for the magicians brought by Lancelot to get them to burn porcelain immediately, but it would be no problem if they were allowed to burn bricks.

Then, the West District started construction according to the plans planned by Qi Jingchen.

All the houses in the Western District are three-story houses. These houses are divided into houses for single people and houses for families.

The house for a single person is like a student dormitory. In the middle aisle, there are many square and small rooms in the north and south, and all single people can be assigned to a small room. Of course, if it is very crowded in the future, a small There were two people in the room but there was no problem at all.

As for the houses allocated to families, they are basically two bedrooms and one living room. The house is very small, and it is estimated that there are only 30 or 40 square meters in total. But for a family that might have been packed in a small room before, there were no beds. For the western people, there are two south-facing rooms and a small north-facing living room. It's really great!

Outside the houses, and beside the roads, Qi Jingchen designed greening places.

People living on the earth basically think that the city should be a bit green, and he designed it like this. As a result, for the people in the Western District, this greenery is simply a surprise!

Because of lack of manpower, these houses are very rudimentary in Qi Jingchen's view. They have no furniture at all, and the residents have to make the windows themselves, but the people in the Western District have been satisfied, even those who did not live in the Western District before. Praise for these houses.

When Qi Jingchen settled the patients in the past, the people in the Western District were doing carpentry work.

Lancelot made a lot of wood and came back. Now the people in the Western District are busy making these targets into cups and dishes, as well as chairs and toilets. Some people with some experience also started making bedboards.

They put some bricks on the ground, put a bed on it, and a bed is finished. At this stage, it is enviable to have such a bed.

"Master Qi Jingchen!" Seeing Qi Jingchen coming, the people in the Western District greeted one another, but Qi Jingchen felt like he was in the Taoyuan security zone.

Qi Jingchen greeted these people with a smile, and then found Nie Yi over the brick kiln.

In the West District, they only fired two things, bricks and cement, and did nothing else. Although they could fire glass or toilets, but these are not true for the people in the West District. Qi Jingchen is not willing Nie Yi and others are too tired.

Now, just to help the people in the Western District build a rough house, Nie Yi has been black, and the magic power of the two soil magicians has been running out.

Seeing these two magicians in the soil system doing so, the people brought by Lancelot were very shocked. They had never seen such a hard magician, and ... why did these two magicians pave the way for building a house? So experienced?

The West District has been built very well, and the people in the West District have also lived in their own houses. Qi Jingchen felt the small white spots coming from all directions and felt very comfortable.

He was happy, but some people were not happy at all, such as Linda, the former maiden of the Shinto religion.

"Why is the plague really solved? Why?" Linda couldn't believe what happened these days.

The plague should not be resolved at all, but it was resolved.

The people around Linda did not dare to respond to Linda's words, and Linda did not expect others to reply. After thinking about it, she finally said, "You give me a way to let more people get the plague!"

"Linda, do you know what you're talking about?" A voice sounded suddenly.

Linda looked up, and suddenly found that the six elders didn't know when they came to their place, looking at herself with a cold face, with a very serious expression.

Seeing the six elders, Linda Nana was speechless, and her face was blue and purple.

How did the six elders come here? How could you say that? Didn't he always ignore her little moves? When Lancelot swore before, he didn't look angry.

Part of the reason why Linda was so brave was that the Pope had never even bothered to do this, but now, how come the six elders who have been closest to the Pope suddenly come?

"Six elders, is it all right?" Linda saluted carefully.

"Linda, you are trying to make more people suffer from the plague because of your selfish desires. You are not worth living on the mountain. Your majesty has a command to let you go down the mountain immediately and then go to the dark abyss. "Six elders said.

"No! I didn't do anything!" Linda exclaimed. In Yell, there is almost no place for the Dark Deities, but dark magicians and dark creatures still exist, and now all dark magicians and dark martial arts basically live in the dark abyss.

The dark abyss is inhabited by various dark creatures, and the surrounding dark energy is extremely rich, and the light theology has always sent pastors to let them kill as many dark creatures as possible, and then purify the environment near the dark abyss.

An ordinary priest will stay in the dark abyss for the first half of the year at most, because the environment there will make the light magician very uncomfortable. Can you think that ... she will be there forever?

Her light magic will be swallowed a little bit by the dark energy there, and then the level will go backwards and become a waste!

Although this process can be very, very long for a wizard like her, it is just because of the long time that it makes it even more unbearable, doesn't it?

"No, I'm going to find Grandpa!" Linda said.

"The elder can't help you, he has been stripped of all duties and rights, and only has the title of elder." Six elders said again.

The elders of the Bright Gods have many rights, and it is these rights that allow them to do many things, but now these elders are deprived of these rights, that is to say, the elders can do nothing in the future. I can only stay on the mountain and be a powerful mascot.

Linda was dizzy when she heard this.

She knew that her grandfather had no power to fight the Pope, so no one would help her afterwards ... why was it like this, obviously not like this before ...

"Is it because of Qi Jingchen?" Linda asked suddenly, suddenly thinking of the events on Shenshan before.

The six elders looked at Linda and said, "If you want to live longer, don't forget the words."

Thinking of those who died because of trying to tell Qi Jingchen's situation, Linda closed her mouth obediently.