MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 833 , Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat

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Chapter 833, Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat

 “Team leader…”

 Suddenly, Tian Qi came in quietly.

 Zhang Yong nodded. motioning for him to speak. In front of Jia Tengying, there is nothing that needs to be kept secret. Except for the Red Party.

  It can be regarded as an expression to Jia Tengying that he has no intention of dealing with him secretly.

 Three brand-new Buick sedans also stayed.

 If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it!

 You can make a slight improvement and extend the installment period to three years or even five years.

 After all, he does hold Shang Fang's sword now...

 “Is the base valuable?”

 “Master Li, I want three million US dollars.”

Jia Tengying then gave an address.

 “Understand. Can be divided into periods.”

I can only use four words to describe it: heartbroken and crazy.

 “Two hundred thousand dollars! Two hundred thousand dollars!”

"you know too?"

  "If you don't take it, how can Virgo take it? Virgo won't take it..."

However, do you think Zhang Yong only targeted Du Yuesheng?

 It was not until after the Battle of Midway that aircraft carriers established their status as maritime hegemons. The battleships declined rapidly.

"He kept kneeling on the ground and kowtowed. His forehead was bruised and bleeding."

 Zhang Yong is not too modest either.

 “Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat?”

 Said I'll wait until 4:13 in the morning. Any time exceeding one minute is exceeding. Since it has exceeded the time, I'm sorry, I have to draw my sword...

 Before the Battle of Midway, the value of aircraft carriers had never been recognized.

Li Baipu called cautiously.

 Stop Zhang Yong’s mouth early. There are also delegates.

 “Thank you, webmaster, for your guidance.”

 “Team Leader Zhang…”

“Team Leader Zhang is laughing. Team Leader Zhang is still working here day and night, how can we sleep?”

"of course not."

"ignore him."

"Yes. Just contact Masson Pine. Leave some room. You can get more."

 I guess Jia Tengying is also willing to teach.

 “We are all our own people, our own people…”

 Enter to view. Suddenly I found a few more drawings.

 In other words, Jinling, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and even Tianjin, Wei, and Peiping can all be scraped.

 It is very important to form a good relationship now.

 However, Zhang Yong could not determine what type of battleship drawing it was.

This guy is simply sweeping all over the place!

 There is no airtight wall in this world.

hehe. old man. He really knows how to act!

 When he realizes that something is wrong, he just kowtows without saying a word. Now you know you were wrong. Ha ha.

 “Team Leader Zhang?”

 Preferably gold bars. Melted and recast?

“Master Li, it’s five o’clock in the morning!”

"What happened to Zhu Lvzhong?" Jia Tengying finally couldn't help but wonder.

 The most uncomfortable thing is not the other party’s blackmail. It’s not that the other lion opens his mouth.

“Team Leader Zhang, please show us your noble hand and let us go. It is your great kindness...”


"If you are serious, just call me Lao Jia. It sounds more comfortable."

 I am a part-time worker myself. He still has to stay out of trouble with Huang Huangrong for five years.


 Three million dollars! That's what the commission asked for. What Zhang Yong wants for himself has to be calculated separately. Of course Li Baipu is under pressure.

Tian Qi went out.

"ignore him."

I actually thought of paying in installments.

 His underground bank is so closely connected with the Wang family. He was caught by Zhang Yong. You have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

don't know.

 The feeling of being stared at by Zhang Yong was too uncomfortable. Maybe one day I will be caught by this guy again. And then another huge fortune...


 “Zhu Lvzhong fainted.”

"There may be some other treasures, I will send them to you later..."


 Having good connections can ensure your business and reach all over the world. Especially those businesses with their own names on them.


 Zhang Yong kept it in mind.

 On the contrary, aircraft carriers are not so popular.

 “It’s a bit less…”

 Going very quickly. He didn't hide his eagerness at all. I'm not afraid of Zhang Yong's jokes either.

 Still prefer cash.

If there is no such thing, he can still do it piecemeal and keep doing it.

 “It’s not like our whole family has to pay for it.”

 “What?” Zhang Yong did not react for a moment.

 “Shaolong, I’m leaving first.”

 Li Boqi was not here, so he happened to ask Jia Tengying for advice.

Tianqi came quietly again.

 In this case, you are welcome.

Like Zhao Lijun, he is just a lunatic. They quarrel whenever they disagree. Just do it. In what manner?

 “Webmaster, give me an address…”

 An hour passed. It's now four-fifteen in the morning.

 Now is to lay the foundation for the future.

 “Then how much does our family need to pledge?”

 Okay, I’m motivated again…

 Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Zhang Yong was disrespectful.

 I don’t even know how to explain it. Just want money.

Honest man? Ha ha. This honest man is really awesome.

 Basic trust between people still needs to be established. It can make the road ahead smoother.

 However, the most difficult thing to satisfy is the commission.

 The green light can be given in the future. Unobstructed. Seize the opportunity. Make a lot of money.

but. If it is divided into stages, the pressure becomes less.

OK. arrange!

 “Thank you, webmaster, for your guidance.”

Zhang Yong has always been compassionate, how could he keep others awake?

 It just so happens that Stepunk has been a bit high-profile recently. Switch to a Buick and be more low-key. More convenient to do things.

 Fighters of the Air Force and battleships of the Navy are the focus of the next five years. It is the focus of espionage.

 Is Jia Tengying an honest person?

 Well, to others, it is overwhelming wealth. Disaster for them.


 How can I make money by myself in the future?


 The situation now is very clear, Du Yuesheng is doomed.

 That’s naive.

 It is absolutely impossible to take out one million US dollars at a time. But if it is given in five years. Given twice a year. $100,000 each time. It doesn’t seem impossible…

 After all, this is what the commission requires. Zhang Yong is also responsible for passing the message. force majeure.

 “Don’t go to Du Yuesheng directly.”

 Want to maximize value, or to whom do you want to give it? Klinsmann? right. To the Germans. Just in time for the thunderstorm plan.


"do what?"

Do you believe?

 But Virgo is different.

 “Team leader…”

If I don’t take it, no one else can take it. However, he really didn't care much about the Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat.

Still thinking about the drawings…

  After all, he was once an official. I know very well the weight of Chiang Kai-shek's instructions.

 I force you to pay, and you have to thank me. That's what I mean.

 There is a white spot on the back seat. There are signs.

        Ten thousand pounds for a drawing. God. This unit price is serious!

 In fact, they all knew that Zhang Yong would definitely act recklessly. Because this guy doesn't follow the rules at all.


 “Have you seen it?” Zhang Yong was curious.


  Whoever you look at with a sword in your eyes will die.

 Which big man on the road doesn’t have some messy side ways? He could be caught by Zhang Yong at any time.

"ignore him."

“I’ve seen it. It’s more than a foot tall. It’s all pure gold. It’s very heavy. It weighs fifty kilograms. Without the base, it weighs more than thirty kilograms. That’s all pure gold!”

Virgo likes to be arty. Don't collect money directly. But collect valuable things.

 “Shaolong, please remember.”

 But the other party told you honestly, I just want this much. Otherwise, I can't deliver. The pressure is put on them.

It turns out that the Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat is real! There really is! But how did it end up in Ji Weimin's hands?

Oh, Ji Weimin seems to be a party official? In fact, it is Zhongtong. He is regarded as the sworn enemy of the military commander. But it is also a veritable secret service agency. It is also privileged. It can also control life and death. Maybe he extorted the Golden Buddha of the Amyrlin Seat from Du Yuesheng or someone else.

"you say."

 Mrs. doesn't like these things. Unless it's cash out.

 Zhang Yong secretly clicked his tongue. This is hard to explain.

But, sorry...

 If we don’t accept it, many people may not be able to sleep tonight.

Jia Tengying is pointing out herself. The Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat, Virgo likes it.

 The money fell into the pocket of the commissioner or his wife.


Do you like it, Mrs. ?

 She doesn’t seem to worship Buddha…

Jia Tengying said slowly: "Shaolong, there are some things that money cannot measure..."

 It is because the Yamato's armor is very thick and very strong that its displacement reaches a terrifying 70,000 tons.

The sentence kept lingering in my mind: If you don’t take it, how can I take it? If I don’t take it, how can Commissioner Geng take it? If Commissioner Geng doesn't take it, how can we make progress...

 “They are all good things!” Jia Tengying said with emotion.

 It is impossible to spend millions of dollars in one go. Du Yuesheng absolutely couldn't do it.


As long as Zhang Yong does not continue to stare at Huang Huangrong, Huang Huangrong is absolutely willing.

Li Baipu suddenly felt that this seemed to work.

 Zhang Yong had a thought.

  Mortgage loans in later generations will last for up to thirty years. It’s only been five years, so nothing.

  It was his banner of Zhang Yong. If the local station deliberately creates difficulties, it will also be troublesome.

Thinking of the mysterious Mrs. Lin...

 There was no way, they were all worried that Zhang Yong would act recklessly.


 With Boss Dai’s acquiescence and encouragement, various local stations in the military command would engage in smuggling crazily.

 He has a general understanding of battleships. However, the specific location of the battleship is not very clear. That's the domain of professionals.

 Zhang Yong nodded. Indicate to the other person to speak directly if they have something to say.

 Even if there is no master in name, in the eyes of outsiders, he is still a master and disciple. There is a close connection.

 “Good, good, good.”

 Suddenly a thought came to my mind. There are reminders in the portable space.

“Team leader, Li Baipu wants to see you.”

 Perhaps we really have to get it from foreigners. Make money from foreigners.

 For example, the Liao family.

 “Can’t do it, can’t do it…”

"Du Yuesheng, Huang Huangrong, and Zhang Xiaolin all collected a lot of treasures. Some of them are very valuable and rare treasures. For example, the treasure of Liu Yu's house in the Eastern Jin Dynasty..."

 Five-year installments are actually equivalent to an indirect promise that within five years, they will not ask for money again. At least, it is impossible for him, Zhang Yong, to show up again.

 Is he Huang Huangrong’s master? Came so fast?

 Haha, it seems that Huang Huangrong is also well-informed! Du Yuesheng hadn't made a move yet, but he had already taken action.

 It doesn’t matter whether there is any affection or not. As long as there are benefits.

 I understood immediately.

Huh? Curious to view. Found a drawing that looks like a certain part of a battleship?

 What part? It seems like a turret?

 Think carefully. right. It seems to be the turret position.

Jia Tengying went away satisfied.

 “It can be paid in five years. It can be paid twice a year.”

“Forget it, Mr. Li, let’s stop beating around the bush and speak frankly. How much money have you prepared?”

It seems that the turret is the most protected part on the battleship? The protective armor is very thick?

 How thick is it? It seems to be more than three hundred millimeters. Even four hundred millimeters. That's about half a meter thick. A turret often weighs several thousand tons.

 To what extent?

 The drawings of battleships are definitely not needed by Madam.

 She probably still prefers cash. Especially keeping cash in the bank. So down to earth.


 It’s actually Li Baipu?

"make a deal!"

 Can an honest person survive in the Fuxing Society’s Secret Service?

 All I can say is that this guy is covering up very well. Almost as wise as a fool. Making others ignore his threats.

Li Baipu agreed decisively.

 Wrong. He is holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

 “Looking for Ma Meisong?”

 Jia Tengying finally smiled.


 “He…” Zhang Yong then simply told him what happened.

No one can guarantee that there is no connection between themselves and the kidnapping case. Even if you don't know it, the people under your control may be secretly involved. That's a dead ball. When it comes to Zhang Yong, there is ironclad evidence. Simply irrefutable.

 Look at the time, it’s almost five o’clock in the morning.

 He didn’t believe what he said before. What's the use of kowtow now? He just fainted, not dead.

 It’s several thousand tons, right? I should remember correctly.

 In the final analysis, it is still a matter of appointment.

"Of course. The best blue field jade. Carved from one piece. To be honest, I have never seen such good quality blue field jade. Unfortunately, I have no research on jade. But Virgo is an expert. Virgo I have also written articles of tens of thousands of words, all about Lantian Jade."


 Just feel dizzy if you feel dizzy. He's been given a chance.

“Stationmaster, if you don’t take it, Virgo won’t feel at ease with it.”

 At least, the turret of the Yamato battleship weighs several thousand tons.

Tian Qi then turned and left.

 It seems pretty good when I think about it.

“You can pay it in installments! Give a little now, a little at the end of the year, and a little more in the middle of next year.”

 In the Republic of China, the relationship between master and apprentice was still very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

 Two white dots in the front row. All armed.

 The Golden Buddha on the Amyrlin Seat is what he likes the most.

 “Let him in.”

 Zhang Yong came to his senses. Nod.

Someone like Jia Tengying will definitely be in charge in the future. Now everyone is in charge.

  Mad, it seems that I should be the one to take it...



 “Good, good, good.”

  Even if a drawing costs 10,000 US dollars, you will still make a lot of money.

 See who likes it and give it to them.

  Anyway, you must give. But there’s no need to pull it all out at once. It can be considered accommodating.

 Protect the military commander from his own smuggling. Crack down on smuggling by other forces. Steal other people's goods.

“Team leader, Zhu Lvzhong is back.”

 The key is, how do you get the drawings...

 Zhang Yong waved his hand.

 Zhang Yong answered feebly.

"one hundred."

Who said that the Thunderstorm Plan only has the drawings of fighter jets? And the Navy.

 Bring it over first.

 “Young dragon…”

If you can get this Golden Buddha on the Emerald Seat and give it to Virgo, you will definitely get a commendation from Virgo.

 Perhaps directly in charge of a certain region. For example, Southwest District.

 “I really envy Li Boqi…”

This is life-threatening.

 Because in the following year, the Military Unification Council was established. Then expand like crazy.

  The top bosses have long known the commission’s instructions. Everyone on the road is in danger.

"Okay, if there are no outsiders from now on, I will call you Lao Jia."

 “Too many. Can’t take them out.”

Soon, Li Baipu walked in quickly.

 It's all about turret position.


what to do?

  Of course it is sealed in advance.

Can an honest person get three brand new, barely used Buick sedans?

 Honest people have so much business to take care of? Need to say hello in advance?

What a waste of natural resources... Just as I was about to speak, I suddenly noticed the outline of a car hurriedly approaching at the edge of the map.

 Suddenly I felt unmotivated. I feel like the final result was not perfect at all.

 Five in total.

 In the final analysis, it is you who loses!

I have worked hard, been busy, and done all the evil things, but in the end I have been appointed to the throne and my wife.

 “Team Leader Zhang?”

“Then you can give me more advice in the future, Team Leader Li won’t mind.”

Li Baipu was silent. His eyes were sad.

Hunted to the point that even Boss Dai dared to intercept the Song family's smuggling business. It’s really floating.

 Zhang Yong waved his hand.

 Zhang Yong's appetite could be spent with one or two hundred thousand. But the appointment...


Li Baipu hurriedly took out an envelope and handed it over.

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)