MTL - Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy-Chapter 404 The organ map is missing

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Fu Zhengzheng quickly ran to the store depository and quickly opened the cabinet with a bar code. When she could see the contents of the cabinet, she could not help but take a breath.

The phone was still there, but the envelope with the organ map was gone.

The bar code was always in her hands. How could the envelope in the cabinet disappear out of thin air?

She hurriedly reached into the cabinet to check, and found no problems. At this moment, the mobile phone had a text message prompt, which was sent by the strange mobile phone number before. It was the microdisk account and password.

She quickly dialed back, reminding that she had shut down.

It seems that the organ map has been taken away by him!

She was very discouraged and called her brother and told him the situation.

Soon Ji Muxian and Han Siqi rushed to the mall store.

"The locker can only be opened with a bar code, but the bar code is always in my hands! There are no signs of being pried." Fu Zhengzheng looked at Han Siqi, who was looking at her mobile phone, very puzzled.

Ji Muxian was also confused: "We have been staring at the storage area here in the monitoring room, and no one has been approached by this cabinet."

"Hell?" Fu Zhengzheng gritted his teeth impatiently, and then opened the mobile phone map again.

Han Siqi understood her meaning and turned to Ji Muxian: "If the address is in Lingshan, Chengbei, he will rush to Chengbei as soon as he gets the envelope. There is only one way to the north of the mall ..."

Still inspecting the cabinet, Ji Muxian replied without lifting his head: "There is only one main road, and the trail does not know how many there are. If the other party does not go from the main road? And the north of the city can be on the national road, that direction of vehicles A lot. Besides, we don't even know when someone will take the envelope. "

Han Siqi was suddenly speechless.

"It's fair to say that the locker that was unlocked with a key used to be foolproof. Now it's impossible to switch to a bar code." The man in a black suit behind Ji Muxian stared at the locker and muttered to himself.

Ji Muxian quickly locked his eyes: "What do you mean by doing something?"

"That's it. Several of the cabinets here are broken, including the one where the lady put things. Someone asked to fix it a few days ago."

It turned out that this man in a suit was a mall manager, and Fu Zhengzheng thought he was a disguised police officer.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Ji Muxian shouted, and walked quickly behind the locker.

The lockers here are all one row at the front and one row at the back, and two rows of cabinets share the back wall.

The manager was screamed with grievances: "I saw that the lady randomly found a locker to store things, so I didn't expect this layer. Besides, wasn't this bar code in her hands all the time? Can't open. "

"Come here!" Ji Muxian shouted on the other side of the cabinet.

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi quickly walked around, and saw Ji Muxian pointing at the cabinet corresponding to the things that Fu Zhengzheng had stored before. They glanced at each other and suddenly realized.

The cabinets on both sides are actually connected!

The manager was stunned at first glance: "This is unscientific! Our lockers are very safe!"

Fu Zhengzheng ignored him and ran back again. Ji Muxian's words stopped her: "You can't check anything on this side, only this side can move the iron plate in the middle."

"Go to the monitoring room to see who touched this cabinet during that time."

As soon as Han Siqi's words ended, Ji Muxian had dragged the manager away.

"But I choose the cabinet randomly." Fu Zhengzheng followed in puzzlement.

Han Siqi explained as he walked: "This row of cabinets is closest to the mall door. Most people will habitually choose the cabinets nearby. When you come to store things, the cabinets are full, only this one is empty."

"They deliberately filled up all the cabinets here. After seeing me, they deliberately vacated this dark cabinet to make me think? They were so cunning! I didn't think of so much at that time!" Fu Zheng Zheng blame herself for her carelessness.

Han Siqi comforted her: "It's okay if they take the organ map in this way, so that we don't have to worry about you sending it in danger."

"Although he told me the account password of the microdisk, but we still don't know where Zhu Ting is! I'm really afraid he will take Zhu Ting out of City B. Where will we find their tracks?"

"The small vault is still here. He won't leave."

"That's not necessarily true. He's a wanted man by the police now. A small coffer is more important than life?"

"With Fu Wenhai's ability, it is not difficult to make a whole new face or make a disguise."

"Don't underestimate the police's ability!" Fu Zhengzheng thought Han Siqi's words were contempt of the police and argued unconvinced.

"Did you not check Fu Wenhai for six years? He also made Rongsheng Group and Wenhai Building Materials under your eyes?" Seeing Fu Zhengzheng, Han Siqi smiled and changed the subject, "We found this open cabinet The person who took the envelope may be able to find out where Fu Wenhai is going. "

Fu Zhengzheng immediately became active again: "As long as we look at the person who took out the thing in front of me, we can find out the clue!"

"He may be the same person who opened the cabinet opposite you."

The two walked into the monitoring room. The monitoring screen of the depository had locked a person wearing a hat. Ji Muxian was on the phone.

"This person should be the one who opened the cabinet in front of me. I remember he was also wearing such a hat at that time." Fu Zhengzhen quickly looked at Han Siqi sideways.

"Chengxi intersection? Okay, I'll go now." Ji Muxian got up and left, saw Fu Zhengzheng, and instructed Han Siqi, "You take Zhengzheng home first."

Fu Zhengzheng was afraid that Ji Muxian would not let him follow, and lowered his voice and begged: "Second brother, Zhu Ting has not been rescued yet, I'm not assured."

But when she spoke, Ji Muxian had already gone quickly.

"Let's go." Han Siqi took her hand and went out.


"Follow the second brother."

Fu Zhengzhen hurriedly strode to keep up with Han Siqi.

"Is this the way to the north of the city?" Fu Zhengzheng sat on Han Siqi's car and stared at the front. Although the car was moving slowly, she was not familiar with this place because it was evening. Unable to judge.


"It seems our guess is right?"


"Fu Wenhai is very cautious in doing things, except for those who are sent to attract police forces, he will definitely bring all his men to his side, right? They must have weapons in their hands, and they do n’t know if there are any arrangements for the brother OK. "Fu Zhengzheng is a little worried, although this trip to Lingshan is imperative.

"As long as Fu Wenhai comes to Lingshan, you don't have to worry about it." Han Siqi's words showed full confidence.

"Can't be taken lightly!" Fu Zhengzheng was afraid that Han Siqi would belittle his enemies.

At the exit of the city, Ji Muxian's car stopped. Han Siqi also stopped the car. Fu Zhengzheng got out of the car and was stopped by Han Siqi.

At this time Han Siqi answered a phone call and hung up and hung up.

"Who's calling?"

Han Siqi did not answer her positively: "Fu Wen is at sea."

"Is Zhu Ting also?"


"Then we're not going up yet?" Fu Zhengzheng couldn't wait.

"Wait a second. See the second brother arrange."

Probably aware of Fu Zhengzhen's nervousness, Han Siqi started a light music. With the melodious music sounding, Fu Zhengzhen leaned on the back of the chair and calmed down slowly.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, the car in front suddenly flashed twice, and then started to walk forward.

Han Siqi started the car to keep up. At this moment, his cell phone rang again, he turned off the music, and did not wait for Fu Zhengzheng to get over. He had connected the phone and answered a few times before hanging up.

"Who's calling?"

"There is news over Lu Song." Han Siqi responded vaguely to her.

The car ran all the way and soon got on the Ring Road in Lingshan.

Turn left and turn right, the mountain road is getting more and more rugged. Finally, the car in front stopped, and Han Siqi also stopped aside to signal Fu Zhengzheng to get out of the car.

"Be careful, there are cliffs."

"Well, I know." Fu Zhengzheng got out of the car and looked around.

At this time it was more than eleven o'clock in the evening, and the mountains without the moonlight shrouded in darkness, appearing extremely quiet.

"Here is ..." Fu Zhengzheng looked up at Han Siqi.

Han Siqi held a flashlight in her hand and was pulling her hand towards the second brother, without answering her words.

"It should be here, be careful." A familiar voice sounded.

Brother? Fu Zhengzheng looked away, and with the flashing light of the flashlight, she saw what Yang Tao was comparing with several people.

Unexpectedly, the brothers arrived earlier than them, and it seems that many things have happened here.

"Did you find out where the vault is?" She whispered to Han Siqi with a low voice.

Han Siqi pressed her finger for a positive answer.

"What about Zhu Ting?"

"In the small vault. It's her policeman who took Fu Wenhai's cell phone." Ji Muxian fumbled and walked towards a mountain path.

Fu Zhengzheng was shocked and wanted to follow up and ask what was happening at night, and it was raining before, and the road was difficult to walk.

After walking on a muddy mountain road, the lights were faintly visible in front of them, and the two upright figures walking in front of them had already started to run.

Han Siqi pulled her a little faster.

Fu Zhengzheng looked at the feet under the light while walking, and was surprised: "I did not expect that there was a flat ground on the mountainside."

"It is a cemetery, the ancestral grave of the villagers at the foot of the mountain." Han Siqi corrected.

Some people in the mountains have the habit of burying their ancestors in the mountains, but they did n’t expect that the small treasury would be located in such a place, but later it seemed reasonable.

Fu Zhengzhen looked up and saw a large group of people reunited in front of her, and hurriedly walked over. At this time, a way was opened up in the crowd, and two police officers helped a woman out.

Zhu Ting!

A happy face, Fu Zhengzheng rushed to support her.

"Zhu Ting, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Where is Fu Wenhai?" Fu Zhengzhen stomped back and did not see Fu Wenhai.

"Dead." R638