MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 15

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The window glass, advertising racks, and exterior wall tiles of the department store fell to the ground, pressing down the plants growing around the department store; on the billboard shelves and glass, some freshly grown The fresh plants are growing fast as the breeze is bathed in the moonlight and swaying gently.

Mo Qingqing looked up and saw that the wall of the department store covered with many plants was dilapidated and covered with cracks. After the wall bricks and cement peeled off, the building was exposed. steel frame. From time to time, there are also finely broken cement blocks falling from the building.

She asked Feng Qingran worriedly: "This building won't collapse, will it?"

Feng Qingran glanced at the steel frame exposed from the cement and said: "The steel frame structure has poor fire and sound insulation performance, and high seismic performance. Judging from the situation of this building, it is It's just that the cement wrapped on the outside has fallen off, and the steel frame structure shows no obvious signs of damage, so there will be nothing for the time being." While speaking, she walked around the broken billboard and stepped on broken glass, turning over the glass that was gone. window into the mall.

Mo Qingqing followed Feng Qingran and turned into the shopping mall. With the faint light from outside, she could vaguely see the counter inside, which seemed to be a jewelry store . She took out a headlight and a flashlight from her backpack and gave it to Feng Qingran, and she also turned on a headlight and put on a headlight.

The glass of all the counters was broken, and there was nothing left inside. There were trampled jewelry boxes and shards of glass everywhere on the ground, and in the corner lay a corpse with rotting grass.

Feng Qingran continued to walk into the mall. She kept flashing her flashlight around, and deliberately paused when she saw the fire hydrant. When she saw that the glass of the fire hydrant was broken and the fire axe inside was gone, she moved the flashlight to another place to continue searching.

Mo Qingqing quickly followed.

The mall is full of mess. The area where the perfume was sold was full of pungent perfume. The glass of the showcase was broken, and many perfumes were broken and spilled on the ground. The ground was full of messy footprints, and mottled blood stains splashed around.

Mo Qingqing seriously suspects that this place has been looted and looted. She asked curiously, "Feng Qingran, do you think the jewelry area and the perfume and cosmetics area have been robbed?"

Feng Qing replied: "Maybe." She paused, then added: "Usually, most predators in nature rely on smell to distinguish and track their prey. Under these circumstances, spraying perfume on the body is a very deadly thing." As she spoke, she raised her arm to smell the smell on her own arm, and said, "A large part of the reason we can live to this day is because of the two of us. Crawling through carrion and mushroom bushes during an earthquake, the stench of corpses and mushrooms and other odors masked the smell of the living on us and confuses the predators."

Mo Qingqing remembered the beasts they had encountered before, and said "um" with approval, and said, "I think you are right." While speaking, she stepped away from the perfume Area. She asked, "Do we want to rub a few more times on the corpse?"

Feng Qingzai glanced at Mo Qingqing and doubted that Mo Qingqing would be able to sleep with a corpse as long as she could survive. She said: "After the corpse has deteriorated and decayed, it will easily breed deadly germs." She took a deep look at Mo Qingqing and said, "This is common sense."

Mo Qingqing gave Feng Qingran a roll of eyes and secretly slandered: "You, an African refugee, still think I have no common sense." She thought of Feng Qingran's feat of stabbing a beast with a steel bar, Very wisely did not dare to say this.

While they were talking, they walked through the perfume area to the escalator near the gate.

Feng Qingran was very vigilant and took a flashlight to look around the circle first, but did not see any predators nearby, and then called Mo Qingqing to the escalator. She first glanced at the sign at the entrance of the escalator, and then led Mo Qingqing upstairs.

Mo Qingqing was stunned by the chaos in front of her when she went upstairs.

Clothes were thrown on the ground covered with footprints. Temporary pillows made of rolled-up clothes were left on the floor, on the couches, and on the chairs, and it was obvious that someone had slept in these places.

In the corner, there were still corpses curled up or lying down, emitting an unpleasant corpse odor, obviously it had been dead for a long time.

Mottled bloodstains can be seen everywhere, even the bodies lying on the ground have dried bloodstains. Those corpses showed no signs of being infected by plant seeds, and Mo Qingqing could not see any signs of being smashed to death by fallen objects. She felt that these people were killed.

Feng Qingran saw Mo Qingqing staring at these corpses in shock and motionless, thinking of Mo Qingqing's lack of vigilance towards people, she said to Mo Qingqing: "The environment has changed. Now, we may be killed by these animals and plants that don’t know where they came from, and it is very likely that we will be killed by our own kind for various reasons. Materials, food, and even women will become objects of competition.”

Mo Qingqing understood what Feng Qingran meant. She silently took her eyes away from the corpse and looked towards Feng Qing.

Feng Qingran continued to look around, searching for something that could be used.

Get some pillowcases, towels, handkerchiefs, etc. Knives, lighting, protective gear, tents and everything else they could think of were taken from the sporting goods store.

Feng Qing did not give up, and went to the stairs to look for the fire hydrant, and found that all the fire axe were gone, and there were two dead bodies beside one of the fire hydrants that were hacked to death by the axe. .

Mo Qingqing remembered that the day of the disaster, there was a huge traffic jam on the road, and many people were stuck on the road and could not go back. She estimated that many people avoided the mall and were trapped here. Because there are too many people, food and the cold at night have become problems, so there is looting, and some people even pay for it.

The two searched the mall for a while, but did not find any available supplies, nor did they see too many bodies. Obviously, the people trapped in the mall were evacuated, and when they were evacuating, they swept away everything they needed.

Mo Qingqing asked, "How about we go to the underground parking lot?"

Feng Qingran hesitated for a while, thinking it was feasible, so he nodded.

The two went to the underground parking lot on the first floor. When they stepped into the parking lot, they saw broken glass all over the floor. Almost all the cars in the parking lot were smashed, and the trunks of many cars After being opened, garbage, supermarket shopping bags, and food packaging bags are all over the floor, and urine and defecation can be seen everywhere in the corners.

Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran looked at each other and were speechless. The two of them could think of the car in the underground parking lot, and so could the others. It's so cold at night, and it's much warmer to hide in a car in a parking lot than outside.

Feng Qingran carefully checked the load-bearing wall and the load-bearing column, and determined that there was no danger of collapse, and said to Mo Qingqing, "This place should be safe for the time being. Let's find a car and sleep."

Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing found a car near the corridor and in a less conspicuous corner to sleep.

Feng Qingran originally wanted to propose that he and Mo Qingqing take turns to be sentry, but seeing Mo Qingqing lay down on the back of the car seat and started yawning sleepily, he swallowed the words.

She looked at Mo Qingqing who soon closed her eyes and fell asleep, thinking of what happened in the past few days, she was very sad.

She really didn't think she would survive.

She was infected and her girlfriend couldn't take her, leaving her at the outdoor store to fend for herself.

The pain of being infected, the despair of being abandoned, the desire for life, those few days of suffering alone were like a terrible nightmare.

She thought she could not survive and would die, but Mo Qingqing appeared and saved her life.

Just now, when they were running for their lives, she was exhausted and couldn't run. Mo Qingqing didn't even think about it, she carried her and ran away. Looking at Mo Qingqing's reaction, she obviously didn't think that dropping her would not only make her run faster, but also use her as bait for more chances of escape. Mo Qingqing fed her most of the meat she cut at the risk of her life, without thinking about what to do with her next meal. From Mo Qingqing's previous attitude, she knew that Mo Qingqing's idea was that God knows if they can live until the next meal, so they eat as much as they can.

Feng Qingran turned off his headlights and flashlight, and silently nestled in the car seat.

Darkness and silence all around.

Suddenly, a deafening beast roar accompanied the sound of intensive stepping on the car and the sound of the crash, which woke Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing from their sleep.

The two sat up at the same time.

Mo Qingqing opened her eyes in panic, the darkness in front of her eyes, and she could not see anything, only to hear a lot of animals stepping on cars in the underground garage in the darkness the sound of.

Another thunderous roar sounded.

Mo Qingqing turned her head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw a bright light in the distance, which seemed to be the entrance and exit of the garage. When she heard the sound, it seemed that a large beast was hunting, and those prey escaped into the garage. The beast that roared from the sky was too big to get in, and was stopped outside the garage.

Mo Qingqing thought to herself, "I wonder if these beasts who escaped for their lives can eat people?" She felt that the possibility of these beasts eating people was too great. The thought made her tighten her body and slowly hide under the seat. She was just halfway through when she saw Feng Qingran suddenly turn on the car's high beams, and pressed the car horn to make a long series of harsh sounds, scaring the beasts who were rushing towards them to turn their heads in unison. Running away in the other direction.

Feng Qingran called to Mo Qingqing: "Little Mo, go." He took out the mountaineering bag placed in the back seat and ran quickly towards the corridor next to him.

The two entered the corridor one after the other, Mo Qingqing quickly closed the fire door.

Feng Qingran turned on the flashlight, handed the mountaineering bag back to Mo Qingqing, and the two walked up the corridor to the first floor. As soon as Feng Qingran opened the fire door, he heard the roar of beasts fighting in the lobby.

The two of them held their breath for a moment, not daring to breathe.

A bang came from downstairs, as if a beast had knocked open the fire door.

Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing looked at each other, opened the fire door and rushed into the first floor, and then saw two giant beasts with a height of four or five meters fighting at the gate of the mall The regiment, the escalator was smashed by them.

They didn't dare to stop, they turned around and ran towards the escalator on the other side.

The howl of a beast came from the corridor behind him, the voice was sharp and sharp, as if to greet its companions.

The author has something to say:囧, Mo Qingqing, Feng Qingran's heart is full of gratitude to you, and your heart is full of disgust for her, no Is it just dirty? It's not dirty, it's already dead!