MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 340

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Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng met. After they went back, they told Feng Qingran what they had encountered.

Liu Ziche was also present. After listening to their description, she shrugged and continued to check the thorn seedlings provoked by the power crystal.

After Ye Lin bombarded them, Feng Qingran did not directly find Ye Lin to settle accounts, because he was worried that at this dangerous juncture, the base would be leaderless due to Ye Lin’s death, and the high-level officials would compete for Ye Lin’s empty space. The coming out of the commander-in-chief has thrown the base into chaos, causing immeasurable damage and casualties. However, the base's attitude towards the block of power users and towards Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng profoundly demonstrated their determination to rule out attacking dissidents, even at some cost and loss.

In Feng Qingran's eyes, the value of the entire Taihu base is the retained factories and technology, not Ye Lin and the army who control the base. With the population and technology, you can fight with just one weapon, and after a few months of combat training and ability improvement, a combat team with outstanding combat power will be built.

What are you doing down there? Let the tragedy of Longcheng repeat itself?

The internal friction caused the population of Longcheng to be reduced to only tens of thousands.

, but Ye Lin and the base executives regarded them as a threat that must be cut off.

Feng Qingran decided to take the Taihu base directly by force.

She was worried that the Taihu base would fall into a civil strife of high-level power seizure because of Ye Lin's death.

A family of three of scheming birds and blue-scaled beasts attacked the human army with hot weapons, that is a matter of a few cannonballs. As for Liu Ziche, the laboratory is her battlefield, and asking Liu Ziche to pick up a weapon to go for a siege battle would be like sending the rear to the front line for someone to cut. She left the family of three of the scheming bird and the green scale beast to protect Liu Ziche, and took Wu Mengmeng and Mo Qingqing to attack the base.

Before leaving, she also held a brief battle meeting for Wu Mengmeng and Mo Qingqing.

Feng Qingran has always been consistent in her actions in the Wind Department. When she came here, the meeting was not to consult the two of them, but to directly issue combat missions and declare the current situation. She said: "This operation, digging out the details, in essence, there are actually only two words - war, the war between the southern province and the Taihu base."

"If we retreat, or withdraw now, it will leave hidden dangers to the southern province and our future, and the north will not be at ease. First, second, the most critical and most important point, In this war, the strength of the two sides is very different, and the enemy is outnumbered.

Mo Qingqing thought for a while and said, "I'm fine."

Its role is not on the enemy, but on whoever wants to be hit. War is about cooperation, even if there are only three people, they need cooperation.

Feng Qingran said to Wu Mengmeng: "Your mission is to find Ye Lin and snipe him." She said to Mo Qingqing, "Your mission is—"

Seeing Feng Qingran's dignified and murderous look, Mo Qingqing sat up straight and waited for Feng Qingran's orders to let her make a move. She waited for several seconds, but she didn't see Feng Qingran speak, "tsk", and rolled her eyes: "It's still a sellout."

Feng Qingran said: "Flatten their command headquarters and their command center, and destroy their military central institution with as much force as possible."

Mo Qingqing asked: "Demolish the house?"

Feng Qing nodded: "Including the underground building." She paused, and said, "Let Liu Ziche stay in the laboratory as much as possible."

Liu Ziche, who was observing the growth of the thorn seedlings and taking notes, said without raising her head, "Don't leave it for me, no need."

Feng Qingran said: "I need it."

Liu Ziche turned back, glanced at Feng Qingran angrily, and continued to work.

Feng Qingran said: "The three of us are acting separately, boring, you should follow Momo." The two of them grew up together, and in terms of tacit understanding and cooperation, there is really nothing to say. Mo Qingqing attracted firepower in front of her and let go of the waves, Wu Mengmeng sent guards for her and added guns, which complemented each other.

As for the details, even if he made a move, he would add Wu Mengmeng as an assistant and Liu Ziche to add some seasoning. Feng Qingran always existed as a backing and trump card.

Feng Qingran's trump card has never been revealed either in Fengbu or Hainan Island. Now that Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng are not enough to deter them, then Add a king and fry it.

Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng left Nanxiao, went straight to the base military station, and killed Ye Lin's headquarters.

Feng Qingran was a little later than them, and she went to the lake where a large number of black mist power insects gathered.

These insects chased Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng to the lake. After they entered the water, the insects lost their traces. Some insects flew out to search, and more were on the lake. After circling for a while, it returned to the lake shore and stopped.

Probably because they are accustomed to being protected by the thorn forest, and have not been attacked by other black mist abilities. When he approached, he was only restless and turbulent, and did not flee immediately.

These black mist power insects that caused great panic and disaster to the base are here in Feng Qingran, and she is not even qualified to let her do it. She released the black mist power, attracting those around The black mist power in the bug riots.

Under the cover of the huge crisis moment, the black fog ability in the black mist worm vibrates at a frequency that does not belong to them. At this time, it is too late for them to escape. A large number of black fog abilities It gushed out from the body of the worm and drifted toward the wind, and the worm that was still active before suddenly turned into a shriveled empty shell and fell to the ground.

The farther the Black Mist Insects are from the wind, the less affected they will be. The farther away, the insects that can move and fly are hurriedly fleeing towards the distance.

She only eliminated a large number of bugs in the gathering place, then left the place at the fastest speed, and flew all the way towards the military base. Her speed is not a bit slower than Mo Qingqing, but she is much lighter than Mo Qingqing. Her figure running fast on the roof of the city is as fast as a ray of lightning. I can't catch it, but those with better eyesight can see a shadow flashing by.


Ye Lin received the news that Mo Qingqing attacked the navy and rescued Langhai and them, and quickly organized a defense force to prevent Mo Qingqing and the others from killing them again.

Since they fight again, the only thing left for both sides is life and death.

Ye Lin called the base officers and fighters to discuss the combat strategy against Mo Qingqing, when he heard the monitoring personnel report. He asked people to cut the screen into the conference room, and saw that Mo Qingqing, the **** of war, had already climbed over the base's wall and rushed towards the base's defense forces.

Under the intensive artillery fire, Mo Qingqing rushed in without hindrance, and the fortifications along the way were completely useless to her. Soldiers, armored vehicles, defensive fences, and steel thorns that blocked her path were either knocked off by her, trampled to death when she landed, or damaged by the shock wave when she landed.

As soon as she said that the fortifications were swept away by her, many soldiers and fortifications were knocked away by her, and it looked like an angry beast rushed into the base and went straight towards the command building.

The super warrior stepped forward to block.

The God of War did not release the vines to deal with the super warriors as Ye Lin had estimated before. What he thought was to let the super warriors carry the arrows with the advantage of quantity while Mo Qingqing released the vines Barrel siege.

Mo Qingqing was able to get rid of the pursuit of ordinary soldiers. After growing such a large vine, it would be very difficult to get rid of the attack of super warriors in a short time. As long as it can hold Mo Qingqing, a large amount of alloy and high-temperature fuel are thrown into it at the same time. Under the high temperature, the molten alloy and fuel are piled on Mo Qingqing's body, and even if she is made of steel, she can be melted.

Mo Qingqing didn't play cards according to common sense, and Ye Lin's battle plan didn't come in handy.

She did not release the ghost hand vine, but rushed in front of the super warriors, smashed people on their backs with her fists with the advantages of speed and strength, and even grabbed their rocket launchers and aimed them at the nearby ammunition area and The fuel area blasted past.

The roar of the explosion resounded over the base, and the fuel was ignited and exploded, setting the sky on fire.

The super soldier attacked in front of Mo Qingqing, was grabbed by Mo Qingqing, and smashed his fist **** the opponent. After several consecutive punches, the head of the S-level super soldier was smashed Now, the chest cavity was smashed, and the power crystal in the head or chest was pulled out by Mo Qingqing and stuffed into his mouth, and the power crystal still stained with internal organs and blood was just chewed and eaten by her. .

The ferocity of the **** of war Mo Qingqing refreshed their cognition once again.

Ye Lin slammed his fist on the conference table heavily, and said solemnly: "No matter what the cost, we must take down the God of War!" Just as he finished his words, another monitor came to report: " Commander-in-chief, there is another abnormality, suspected of Feng Qingran."

Ye Lin said: "Cut here."

Following, the screen in the conference room switched to Feng Qingran appearing in the black mist power insect gathering area by the lake. A large number of black mist power insects died suddenly, the black mist power in their bodies seemed to be attracted by a huge force and all rushed to Feng Qingran. Qing Ran suddenly disappeared from the screen.

The monitoring screen slowed down, only to see that Feng Qingran didn't disappear suddenly, but her speed was too fast.

The power fluctuations tracked show that Feng Qingran is across the city, and is currently outside the base, just right and left with Mo Qingqing.

Ye Lin said with a sullen face, "Compare Feng Qingran's data with Mo Qingqing..." Before he could finish his words, suddenly a strong heart palpitation came, and the supernatural power in his body All surging, not only his, but everyone in the office, one counts as one, everyone unconsciously entered a state of full alert, and almost subconsciously rushed to the window and looked in the direction of the huge threat. go.

In the distance, in the direction of the base gate, a large number of black mist abilities suddenly poured out.

The rolling black fog ability was like a huge alien beast, and like a sandstorm covering the sky, it instantly engulfed the base gate.

Whether the shells or bullets fell into it, it was like entering a black hole, and disappeared without a sound.

There is a black fog ability rushing towards the base like a tide along the ground.

Whether it is an ordinary soldier or a super soldier, anyone who is stained with the black mist ability will fall down screaming, and the body will melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The people in the conference room looked at the black fog ability that was nearly 100 meters high, expanded horizontally by nearly 1000 meters, and was still expanding rapidly. They were so scared that they even held their breath. , but the heart beats like it burst through the chest.

They have seen the destructive power of God of War many times and Wu Mengmeng's ability. They originally thought that Feng Qingran and Chen Yingxi, who seemed to be weak to figure out a brain, had the most ability and ability. between. They gave Chen Yingxi a SSS plus rating. First, Chen Yingxi's ability is really strong, which has surpassed the ability level of an S-level super warrior. Second, her ability is special and has huge lethality. However, what is Chen Yingxi's peak combat power like? They have never seen it before. They only know that Chen Yingxi was frightened by the black mist supernatural beast in Montenegro and turned around and fled, and would rather give up the regular establishment to become a hunting team member than ever again. near. This confirms the danger of the deep water area of ​​Taihu Lake and Montenegro, and also shows that Chen Yingxi's strength is not too strong.

However, at this moment, Feng Qingran's revealed strength made them deeply realize that they hadn't really evaluated Chen Yingxi's strength. In comparison, it seemed that God of War was actually not that terrible.

The line of defense at the gate collapsed in an instant, and whether it was a super soldier or an ordinary soldier, whether it was an officer or a transport logistics staff, they all retreated desperately.

The defending soldiers didn't have surveillance footage, they didn't see Feng Qingran, they didn't know what was coming, but as a frontline personnel, they saw the dark building that was still taller than the building before the disaster. The fog power was pressed down from the sky and poured in from the front, and the fear was like the end of the world.

Ye Lin took a deep breath, came back to his senses, decisively ordered, and asked, "Let the air force come on, cover the area of ​​black fog with artillery fire, and focus on attacking the central area."

The Black Mist ability stopped expanding and stopped.

The monitoring staff shouted: "Report, the monitoring data shows that Feng Qingran left the black fog ability area."

A general shouted: "What? What does it mean to leave the black fog power area?"

The monitoring staff said: "According to the power fluctuations, Feng Qingran has left after releasing a large number of black mist powers."

The general asked: "Leave? Where are you going? She came to the gate to release such a large cloud of poisonous fog..." Before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of a loudspeaker shouting , the loudspeaker is what the troops usually use for broadcasting, and the loudspeaker is Feng Qingran's voice: "People below the regiment level put down their weapons, gather in the square, squat on the ground with their heads up, I promise not to attack you again." She The voice changed, and he shouted again: "What I want to tell you is that I am very envious that you have preserved scientific and technological civilization and have achieved good development, but at the same time, I also want to tell you that the enemy of mankind today is not human beings, but Dangerous natural environment. Your base, Taihu City, is already in danger in my opinion."

"Your artillery can't deal with the **** of war, and you can't deal with me. Likewise, you can't deal with the black giant ants on the other side of Taihu Lake, and you can't deal with the giant alien beasts at the bottom of the lake. To the east of you is the virgin forest, to the northeast, The north and northwest are all insect areas, the west is occupied by insects and black mist monsters respectively, and the southwest and south are the territory of black mist monsters. Am I scary? Is my black mist powerful? Maybe? But in front of this nature, in front of the two black mist monsters under the Taihu Lake, I have no power to fight back and can only struggle to survive. To be exact, I can only run as fast as I can. "

"Under these conditions, I would like to ask you, where do you have the courage to fight against each other and suppress your dissidents, and where do you have the courage to commit suicide?"

In Feng Qingran's shouting, the air force team has been launched, including the combat power has been flying, the shell has been aimed at the building where Feng Qingran is, and the monitoring data shows that she is there.

Ye Lin sneered and ordered: "Fire!" The villain always died of nonsense.

The overwhelming shells instantly flew towards the building where Feng Qingran was.

In an instant, the building was engulfed by artillery fire.

The soldiers in the base were first disturbed by Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing and were full of fear. While listening to Feng Qingran’s speech, they thought that there would be a truce to turn around, and suddenly the artillery fire engulfed the radio room where the broadcast room was located. building.

First they were shocked, then silent, watching the building collapse in the fire.

Feng Qingran died, what should I do with the black fog ability she created?

Feng Qingran is dead, and the God of War is still alive, how will the base meet the revenge of the God of War?

Feng Qingran dares to shout like this, should he take precautions?

Feng Qingran's fighting skills and reflexes are learned from those vines with countless vines and roots. Her speed and reflexes are extremely fast, and even bullets can be easily dodged , not to mention the artillery shells from the airdrops, she is not blind, there are planes and flying zerg taking off, she can see.

She jumped out of the window before the cannonball hit.

Mo Qingqing and Wu Mengmeng were stunned when they saw that the base had blown up the building, and then continued to do their own things, moving towards the command building where Ye Lin was located. Attack the past.

The powerful super warriors seemed to have sold their lives to Ye Lin, desperate to stop Mo Qingqing. When they couldn't stop it, they even hugged her thighs, arms and waist to create opportunities for their companions to pile people on her. If it wasn't for the two sides fighting you to the death, she wouldn't mind being hugged by so many handsome guys, maybe she would be a little shy or something, but at this moment, these people are desperately wanting her life, Mo Qing Qing directly threw out the ghosts and vines to paste their faces - go to hell!

If it was burned, the surface of the mandible could be melted. She was burned a lot, and the psychological shadow area was also very large. She looked at these people again with the look of a suicide attack, lest they stumble upon her, she would give her a few more shells, and immediately the ghosts and vines went out as if they didn't want money. Paste it out, stick it on them, and give it to them directly. If she can't poison them or corrupt them, when she loses Mo Qingqing, she punishes herself by going to the primeval forest to hunt and eat the most poisonous beasts and plants. Poisonous.

Wu felt depressed to the command building, always paying attention to the dangerous situation around her, she saw hundreds of super-power warriors in extremely miserable dead lying on the ground at a glance, all of them were in extreme pain The twisted posture died on the ground, and many people were still stained with ghost hand vines, and they were corroded by ghost hand vine juice. The corpse turned green, dripping with green juice, and the bones and internal organs were exposed. It looked like it had been thrown into strong sulfuric acid and swirled a few times before being thrown out.

Wu Mengmeng suddenly thought of a question: Which is worse when killed by Mo Qingqing or by Feng Qingran?

She shuddered when she thought of how they would kill her, and suddenly wanted to run to them to discuss it, so they would just go and catch Ye Lin by themselves.

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