MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 385

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A ship appears in a place like this, which is weird no matter how you look at it. However, they came here to find someone. They have been floating on the sea for so long, and now they finally see the products of human civilization, and they are all excited and sad.

Mo Qingqing said, "Let's go and have a look." She said to Wu Nan, "Mummy, maybe there is news about your father." , staring at the ship in the distance. Although she had hope, she did not dare to have hope, for fear that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. They didn't have radar, and judging from the visual distance, the boat in the distance was not small and was very far away, so they sailed and drove the animal skin raft over.

Mo Qingqing disliked the slow speed of the animal skin raft, so she couldn't wait to swim over by herself, and by the way, rushed ahead to check the situation. Liu Ziche took a scheming bird and flew over to check the situation from the air. Feng Qingran, Wu Nan, and the three green-scaled beasts stayed behind on the animal skin raft to prevent alien plants or alien animals from destroying their animal skin raft standing in the sea. Liu Ziche and the scheming bird were flying fast in the sky, and Mo Qingqing urged the ability to control the water flow as fast as a cannonball.

With the speed of Mo Qingqing and Liu Ziche, a distance of several tens of kilometers is nothing at all, and they approached each other not long after. Said to be close, in fact, it is not too close, at least about ten kilometers apart. Liu Ziche was flying in the sky, and his line of sight was far away. He could see the ship clearly, and even more clearly the huge waves set off by the sea beasts outside the ship. With the ship as the center, it spreads around, the water surface within four or five kilometers around is rolling, and the shadows of the underground are full of sea beasts cruising. These sea beasts are of different sizes and colors with different abilities. The sound that arrived also came from the pile of sea beasts.

The ship they saw was not a ship at all, but an aircraft carrier. There were also several frigates that had sunk in half, and two fighter jets were hovering in the sky, heading towards the sea below. Throwing ammo. When the cannonball-shaped thing fell into the water and exploded, it released black abilities and biological toxins. After it exploded, the surrounding sea beasts tumbled and struggled, appearing to be in pain.

Liu Ziche urged the purple power crystal in the armor to hover in the air, and then a fighter jet came over and flew past her, she saw the flying boat on the fighter jet staring at her in astonishment , at the same time she also saw the pilot - the white man! The pilot was Caucasian, and the fighter jet's tail was sprayed with the U-Men flag. Liu Ziche: "..."? ? British?

She flew closer again, looked at the aircraft carrier, and saw that the aircraft carrier was also flying a rice flag. The outer layer of the steel cast ship mother is covered with a layer of red power crystals, and the power waves released are far more powerful than Mo Qingqing. The artillery turrets and underwater fish continued to attack the surrounding beasts, and the two sides fought extremely fiercely. The sea beasts firmly surrounded the edge of the aircraft carrier, attacked the defensive cover one after another, forcibly broke the gap with their powerful abilities and squeezed in and landed on the deck, fighting to the death with the combatants in mechas.

Liu Ziche: "..." Most people in the capital base are still wearing animal skins. Mo Qingqing was swimming in the sea and couldn't see the situation in front of her, but she could clearly perceive their size and power level from the energy fluctuations released. In front of the beast tide, there are many powerful giant alien beasts, they are besieging a "giant wheel" about 300 meters long, there are tens of thousands of weak power waves on the huge ship, like power users released. Liu Ziche flew to Mo Qingqing, told her what he had seen, and went back to find Feng Qingran.

The strange sea beast, so as not to be recognized by the sea beast as a human, turned her head and attacked her, adding to the trouble. She swam over the sea and saw that the huge "giant ship" was different from the ships she had seen before, but it looked like the aircraft carrier she had seen on the news. Even if she disguised herself, the alien beasts that attacked the aircraft carrier in full swing did not find her, but a fighter jet flew over her head and hurrahed several shells with a diameter of one meter at her.

Mo Qingqing didn't dare to touch the warhead, she swung the ghost hand vine on the cannonball and threw it at a few giant alien beasts not far from her, and the cannonball landed on the giant alien beast The body exploded, the black mist ability accompanied by the exploding powder, the giant animal skin was blown up, and the black energy ability and poison drilled into the body along the wound. Mo Qingqing fully activated the power to stimulate the rapid growth of the ghost hand vine, and quickly preyed on all the exotic beasts that could be touched. Her ability is highly poisonous, and it is even more domineering than the black fog ability. The ghost-hand vine is wrapped around the alien beasts and quickly pierces the flesh and pierces in. Those alien beasts only struggled twice before being corroded and sucked up by her. The way she "eats" the prey is to melt and absorb it, not to eat it with her mouth, so preying in the sea is different from the ground, and it has to be absorbed from the inside of the beast. If it is corroded from the outside and absorbed by the waves, it will eat nothing.

Mo Qingqing approached the aircraft carrier while preying on alien beasts, and she herself hid in the ghost vine to observe the surrounding situation and find the source of the moving sound. She sank to the bottom of the aircraft carrier, and saw that the aircraft carrier was also like a prey beast, and its outer layer was covered with layers of sharp spikes. Those spines are about three or four meters long, made of red gold, and the tips are extraordinarily sharp, like nets that protect the outer layer of the aircraft carrier. The spines are covered with sea beasts that have been stabbed to death. Below the aircraft carrier, there are also trawl nets salvaging the sea beasts that have sunk to the water. The net was huge, and it caught a lot of prey, and it went heavily into the passage in the aircraft carrier.

Mo Qingqing was curious, swam over quickly, got under the aircraft carrier, and saw that the end of the trawl was a rectangular entrance. Both sides of the entrance and exit were also covered with sharp spikes. When the trawl net entered the entrance and exit, those dense spikes pierced through the trawl net instantly, and a large amount of blood gushed out, like a huge pigment slurry dyed red underwater. The sea beasts in the trawl net, no matter whether they are dead or not, are almost all riddled with holes.

Mo Qingqing looked at the gap, cut off the ghost hand vine on her body, and jumped up quickly, and then she felt an infrared light flashing past, followed by the red gold spikes on both sides quickly again Pressed and poked her on the body. Mo Qingqing: "..." Has it become a sieve? The sea beast is big, and the gap between the thorns is quite wide, with an interval of thirty or forty centimeters. Mo Qingqing's shoulders, waist and legs were all stabbed. A few thorns were broken. Then she was pulled into the aircraft carrier cabin along with the trawling net. Before she could see the surrounding situation clearly, the prey in the trawling net poured out and buried her, swaying closely with her feet, as if there were crawlers. , At the same time, there was the sound of a sharp object piercing through the beast's patching knife, and at the same time, sharp thorns continued to pierce towards her, and she was stabbed to the point of venomous juice, of course, she did not She suffered, the thorns that pierced her were all broken.

Hurt each other or something, anyway, she has a strong healing ability and is not afraid. Mo Qingqing broke off a few thorns that had been planted down, jumped, and jumped out, and found herself in a confined space, like a large garbage bin and a sorting bin. The salvaged prey leaked into different sieve holes according to their size, and the huge ones that were not leaked had to be cut with a laser knife a few times. After such a sorting and screening, except for Mo Qingqing, basically no one survived. Mo Qingqing heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the upper floor, followed by the sound of the hatch door opening. Then, she saw the hatch door opening around and above the sorting compartment, wearing a precision mecha to take the door. The power warriors with heavy weapons rushed in with heavy shields, and their infrared sights landed on her for the first time.

Mo Qingqing raised her hand very cooperatively and shouted: "Hello everyone." The weapons in their hands were still firmly aimed at Mo Qingqing, followed by the language they shouted out But she can only half understand part of English. Her English proficiency is limited to high school, and she has to read subtitles when watching movies. She had to shout in English, I'm Chinese, I can't speak English, find someone who can speak Chinese? A mecha appeared at the rear, and asked her in Cantonese, is she Chinese? Mo Qingqing quickly answered yes in Cantonese. Seeing the fellow, she was moved to tears. The Cantonese speaker asked her if she was from a district? Mo Qingqing said, "Bailing District." He added, "Bailing District, Southern Province." After she finished speaking, their weapons were aimed at her again.

Mo Qingqing heard two sentences of English coming out of their mecha's earphones. It is estimated that they switched to the simultaneous translation function. Looking at their vigilant appearance, they understood after thinking about it. She suddenly appeared here, and they either regarded her as a strange beast, or they regarded her as someone who was intruding here. She thought that this kind of diplomacy should be handled by Feng Qingran. She caught a glimpse of another dragnet coming up next to her, and the door of the aircraft carrier was opened, so she jumped down, was stabbed several times by the infrared-sensing spikes, and screamed: "Oops", and then fell below in the water. Her body weight didn't use her abilities, but jumped straight down, so she sank nearly 100 meters deep with a thud. She suddenly felt something different, as if there were cold eyes staring at her, she turned her head to look, Seeing the ghostly shadows in all directions, she released the ghosts and vines for the first time, hid herself in the middle of the ghosts and vines, and at the same time watched the surroundings vigilantly. She felt as if she had fallen into some circle, which made her dare not act rashly.

After she hid, she looked around cautiously, and suddenly gasped. The current around her formed a huge cylindrical shape, like a giant barrel, trapping her in the middle. To be precise, her entire aircraft carrier was surrounded, but the current had not yet reached the water. Around her are a large number of sinking alien beasts and sea beasts, some of which are corpses, and some who are seriously injured and unable to swim. Some light shines through from them, which plays a role in lighting, and also allows Mo Qingqing to see what surrounds her.

His eyes were as cold as a viper. These things look like people at first glance, but they are very different from people when you look closely. Their heads are very similar to water beasts, with large mouths, staggered sharp teeth protruding from their mouths, slightly raised mouths that appear quite long, no noses, and eyes at the end of the mouths, which are covered with black crystal membranes. play a protective role. They have gills behind their cheeks, and no ears are visible. Not only do they grow algae on their heads, but they are also covered with algae behind them. In the algae, you can see a row of sharp bone spurs on their backs, as well as thick scales close to the skin. They are very human-like above the waist, with two arms, weapons in their hands, five very long fingers, and sharp fingernails, and below the waist is a long tail, flat and long, similar to the tail of a crocodile.

Below them, there are many sea beasts pulling the net. The style and material of this net are the same as the nets used by the aircraft carrier for fishing, but at this moment, these nets are being dragged by the sea beasts to catch the slipping fish that sink under the aircraft carrier. The top was hit hard, and the bottom was caught too much. The net was covered with a thick layer, which was heavy. That wonderful singing voice came from their mouths.

Mo Qingqing sensed the danger, and immediately put out all the poisonous juice and abilities in the ghost hand vine, and dragged it away from the ghost hand vine to go upstream at the fastest speed. She controlled the water flow with her supernatural power, and the speed was extremely fast, like an arrow from the string. However, as soon as she moved, those things also moved, and at the same time, a dozen of them chased behind her at a faster speed.

Mo Qingqing said in her heart, "I am poisonous and can't eat it." But she knew that the black mist ability was terrifying. They don't eat directly. They corrode and melt her with the black mist ability. It's not necessarily poisonous. In seawater, the poison released by the ghost hand vine will be diluted. Unless it is injected into them, the damage effect is really small. . In an instant, Mo Qingqing was caught up.

At the same time as they rushed towards her, the black mist ability also swept over. In the face of life and death, Mo Qingqing burst out with full ferocity, she rushed towards the black fog ability, and slammed into the monster with her sturdy body. The monster's strength was beyond her expectations, and it was full of explosive power, which was the perfect combination of supernatural power and power. The moment Mo Qingqing bumped into her, a thick black mist covered her, desperately pouring it into her nose and mouth, intending to melt her from the inside.

At the same time, the bone fork made of the black mist monster bone in its hand stabbed into Mo Qingqing's chest and took out the heart. While Mo Qingqing resisted with his gray ability, he grabbed the fork and pulled it hard, making a very close contact with the man in an instant. Her hands were tied around her neck, which was as thick as her waist, and she twisted and twisted hard, twisting it three hundred and sixty degrees, directly shattering its neck bone. Mo Qingqing is not finished yet, the neck bone is broken, and there are supernatural powers, and he will not die in a while, maybe in two days. Her feet were on its body, her hands clasped her neck tightly, like pulling a carrot, she kicked her legs and pulled it out, tore off the monster's head. At the same time she threw its head out, the black mist ability on its body also exploded out of control, and the surrounding waters of more than ten meters made the black mist ability black.

Mo Qingqing felt that her whole body was in pain, her bone marrow was in pain, and her eyes could not see. Fortunately, she has evolved the Mist Stone Clothes skill. Instead of using her eyes, she can see the surrounding energy state more clearly. She desperately swam in the direction of Feng Qingran, and when she encountered someone who was slaughtered in front of her, she rushed over with her life, trying to be corroded by more black abilities, and also destroying them. Head off. The black mist in the water does not stick to the surface, and the whole body is drilled, melting her from the inside. Mo Qingqing herself could "see" that as she moved quickly, the black mist in her mouth, ears, and eyes was taken away along the flow of water. It was caused by the melting of the black mist ability inside.

Soon, she swam to the side of the animal skin raft, and at the same time she felt the wind jumping into the sea, the terrifying black mist ability was released, and those water monsters chasing behind Mo Qingqing They all stopped. Immediately following, Mo Qingqing felt that the black mist ability in her body was quickly pulled away, and a rope was wrapped around her waist. Mo Qingqing knew how heavy she was, so she didn't care about her weakness, she struggled to swim in the direction of the rope, released the ghost hand vine to support herself, floated to the sea, and then poured a large amount of power liquid into her mouth. , her injured eye. She reached out and touched her ear, the ear was long gone, and the palm was gone, only a little bone on her elbow poked at the skull. She couldn't hear voices, and she couldn't see people, but, through the ability next to her, she could "see" and see, Feng Qingran and the others were all there.

Feng Qingran and the others have never seen Mo Qingqing hurt so badly since Mo Qingqing ate the red power crystal by mistake. The palms and soles of the feet were gone, and the flesh of the arms and thighs was gone. The bones were corroded a lot, even the marrow was exposed, and the chest was corroded to the point where the strangled bones were exposed. Through the strangled bones, they could see the tentacle-shaped The heart wrapped in material, the periphery of the heart has been corroded and pitted, and it is being rebuilt rapidly. As for the head, it has become a skeleton, the tongue and teeth are gone, and the skull on the surface is gone, revealing a thin layer similar to fog. A thin layer of the outer shell of the stone coat, which is a bit like a meninges, can clearly see the supernatural light of the brain below. Mo Qingqing's entire brain is alive with luminous body, and it is like a body compressed by a lot of energy, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

Mo Qingqing's injury looked particularly terrifying, but they saw that her head was only injured to the bones, and the meninges were still in good condition. After she grew flesh and bones again, she knew that her life was not in danger, so she turned her attention away from Mo Qingqing's body.

They surrounded them. There are thousands of them on the sea, and more groups are coming under the sea. They hunted often, and naturally they understood what the situation was now—they were hunted.