MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 386

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At the same time, a high-pitched siren sounded from the aircraft carrier, and within two minutes, a military helicopter flew up, came straight to Feng Qingran and them, and put down the rescue ladder and stretcher , and the special forces wearing light combat armor quickly descended along the rope, urging them to climb the rescue ladder and leave. If other people were in distress, they would climb the rescue ladder and leave now, but Mo Qingqing was injured, and ten helicopters could not transport her.

The weight of the three-headed blue-scale beast is also quite large, and the military helicopter cannot fit it. Feng Qingran manipulated the black fog ability to draw the area under the animal skin raft into his black fog ability circle, preventing the sea monsters who were hunting them from besieging them. She is not easy to be distracted by strong enemies, but Wu Nan joined the army early, he has excellent fighting skills, and his education level is not too high. His English level is even worse than Mo Qingqing, so Liu Ziche communicated with them.

Liu Ziche quickly told them Mo Qingqing's weight, and told them that the helicopter could not carry the wounded and the three beasts, and asked them to carry Wu Nan for sniper support in the air, and quickly Wu Nan's ammo box and Liu Ziche's poison box were all tied to the rescue rope and pulled up. Two green scale beast cubs were also caught on the rope. When the rescue team saw a beast bigger than a helicopter, they kept saying no. How can such a heavy beast be able to carry it.

Liu Ziche told them that the blue-scaled beasts have buoyancy armor, and they have buoyancy themselves, which will not cause too much burden on the helicopter. Aunt Qing and the others heard Liu Ziche's words, and immediately activated the supernatural power to activate the purple power crystal in the buoyancy armor to float up for a while, and they also roared at the rescuers, indicating that they would not be a drag. The rescue team was stunned, and quickly helped to fix the three green-scaled beasts. The cold sweat on their foreheads could be seen through the transparent helmets of the mecha. The sea monsters surrounding them saw that they were about to flee, and with a shrill and piercing long howl, the sea monsters attacked the animal skin raft.

These sea monsters rushed like arrows from all directions, scaring the rescue team to rush to the helicopter quickly, and the helicopter also rose quickly, and fired with machine guns check. The scheming bird flew up and released its supernatural powers. The supernatural powers covered its whole body like a burning blue flame, making it suddenly look like a blue phoenix bathed in flames. It flapped its wings, flew at a low altitude, and released its powers at the sea monster emerging from the water. At that instant, the water surface boiled, and the sea monsters exposed seemed to encounter extremely high temperatures. The skin, muscles and bones were turned into ashes in the supernatural power, and the black mist supernormal power burst out from their bodies, instantly covering the sea surface.

Seeing this scene, the rescue team on the plane cried out in amazement to my God, and the hairs on their bodies stood up. Wu Nan climbed the rescue rope and flew up to the helicopter at lightning speed. He picked up the gun and fired a bang at the sea beside the animal skin raft. With the sound of gunshots, the skull of a sea monster burst open, black and white. The fog ability and black blood shot out four or five meters from the top of the head. At the same time that the sea monster tilted its head and fell to the surface of the water, the second shot was fired, followed by the third, fourth, fifth…

Wu Nan's operation is very familiar, even if the sea monster is hidden in the black fog ability, she can still accurately shoot one headshot, and the interval between the gunshots is almost completely preserved. The rescue team next to her looked at her in the wrong way. The scheming bird placed a circle of black fog power along the animal skin raft. The sea monsters within a dozen meters nearby suddenly disappeared, while the sea monsters in the distance threw their spear guns and harpoons at the animal skin raft. , intending to tie the animal skin raft through.

A large number of sea monsters gathered under the animal skin raft. They swim in one direction and control the water flow with their abilities, forming a large vortex underwater, which makes the animal skin raft rotate rapidly. Mo Qingqing was lying on the animal skin raft. The heavy weight of the animal skin raft made the draft of the animal skin raft extremely deep, and the part exposed on the water was only a few tens of centimeters. The suction created by the huge current caused the hide raft to sink.

Feng Qingran gritted his teeth, jumped, jumped into the air, dived into the water again, and plunged into the current to maximize his black fog ability to hunt. The water flow was so great that the black mist ability she released was swept away by the water almost as soon as she left the body, and even she herself was swept in by the water flow. Feng Qingran held his breath, resisted the water pressure, closed his eyes to hold back his dizziness, and released the second hunting method, the supernatural wave oscillating.

Her power level is much higher than the surrounding sea monsters, and the black mist powers are sensitive to each other. When the opponent's power wave is completely crushed, the opponent will experience the situation where the power is scattered. When the black mist behemoth under the Feng Department came out, Feng Qingran was still very weak at that time, and it was still quite a distance away from it. When disturbed, it caused the whole body to become weak and weak. It was Mo Qingqing who risked his death. let her escape. Now her strength has surpassed that black mist behemoth, and these sea monsters are not as powerful as she used to be.

Thousands of sea monsters and become as black as ink. After Feng Qingran saw the vortex disappear and stabilized his figure, he didn't care about being turned dizzy, and frantically absorbed the black mist ability around him.

However, after pulling away from the black fog ability, he died weakly, and the area covered by Feng Qingran's black fog ability was corroded and melted, and then absorbed by Feng Qingran. With the full release of Feng Qingran's black fog ability, the wave of abilities and terror that belonged to the level of the beast king also spread. The sea monster dived towards the bottom of the sea at the fastest speed and avoided the trench.

The sea monsters that besieged the aircraft carrier seemed to have encountered natural enemies, and fled away as early as the black mist sea monster appeared. After about ten minutes, when Feng Qingran surfaced, the sea had returned to calm. The helicopter also hung three blue-scaled beasts above the animal skin raft. Aunt Qing's family of three released their supernatural powers to urge the buoyancy armor to support them, and from time to time they made loud calls to their heads, as if they were shouting: Let us go down.

Aunt Qing rolled her eyes unbearably. They would rather hide on the hide raft than be hung up and down here, unable to move. After Feng Qingran launched an all-out attack, Wu Nan and Xin Ji Niao were useless. The scheming bird sat beside Mo Qingqing boredly, and when she saw Feng Qingran come up, she rolled her eyes and made a small "chirp", as if complaining that Feng Qingran made it useless. Wu Nan squatted at the hatch of the helicopter and still watched the surrounding situation firmly, not daring to relax at all. Liu Ziche flew to the helicopter and communicated with them.

Because of Mo Qingqing, the animal skin raft had a very deep draft. During the dragging of the speedboat, the water flooded over the animal skin raft, so frightened that the scheming bird let out a loud cry and flew into the air, and then chased Wu Nan again. When the speedboat arrived at the aircraft carrier, Liu Ziche used a long rope made of animal skins to hang it on the animal skin raft, and the other end of the long rope was tied to the side of the aircraft carrier. Some rescuers hung ropes off the aircraft carrier, intending to rescue Mo Qingqing who was seriously injured. A stretcher was placed beside Mo Qingqing. Three or four people tried their best to lift one of Mo Qingqing's arms. Liu Ziche knew that they didn't believe what she said about Mo Qingqing being too heavy, so he had to ask them to check the draft depth of the animal skin raft. The rescuers had to abandon Mo Qingqing again and return to the aircraft carrier.

The helicopter fell back to the deck, Wu Nan jumped over the deck, jumped back to the deck, and said to Feng Qingran: "I'll guard Momo." Feng Qingran arranged for the scheming bird on the side Looking at Mo Qingqing, she was led by Liu Ziche to the aircraft carrier to negotiate with them. The black mist ability in Mo Qingqing's body was absorbed by Feng Qingran, and she recovered very quickly without any external interference to concentrate on recovering the wound. Her eyes, ears, and facial features had grown in less than an hour. Many bones on her body were broken, and the necrotic parts fell off completely and grew again, which took about two or three hours.

When her wound was half-long, a medical officer from the aircraft carrier came to her side, several people surrounded Mo Qingqing, and took out a bunch of portable instruments to test her, and then, Those expensive instruments all exploded because of energy overload. The explosion of the instrument did not affect them squatting beside Mo Qingqing, holding a notebook and desperately making records. They quickly measured Mo Qingqing's wound healing. After seeing Mo Qingqing's tongue and ears, they began to ask her about it. injury and feelings. Mo Qingqing and Wu Nan's English was not very good, so they also gave them a simultaneous translator to hang on their ears.

Mo Qingqing knew how much she was worth, her mouth was tighter than a clam shell, and she didn't say anything. Wu Nan's words were few in the first place. Seeing Mo Qingqing's words, she didn't speak, and she closed her mouth even tighter. Mo Qingqing's wound grew and she got up, and she used her supernatural powers to hold herself up. As she stood firm, the soles of her feet left the animal skin raft and slowly rose up. The animal skin raft rose rapidly because of the reduced weight, and in a short while it rose to a height of three floors away from the water. The medical officers standing beside Mo Qingqing were dumbfounded, their eyes bulging out, looking at Mo Qingqing in shock, constantly looking at them.

They have long heard that she is heavy, and they even heard Feng Qingran say that Mo Qingqing pressed the animal skin raft very deep, but this kind of sea animal skin and animal bones were originally very heavy , plus the supplies they brought, they didn't care too much about the deep draft of the animal skin raft. They didn't intuitively feel her weight until Mo Qingqing stood up. After Mo Qingqing's inconvenient parts were healed, Wu Nan found a leather blanket to cover her. Now that she stood up, she was still wrapped in a blanket, and she went into the material cabin to find a few more. Feng Qingran put it on with the animal skin sewn from the sea animal skin, and the ghost hand vines grew out of his hands and climbed up the aircraft carrier's shell, and soon reached the side of the ship and wrapped it firmly on the side of the ship. She followed the ghost hand vine and climbed to the aircraft carrier. As soon as she exerted force, the side of the ship made of steel was deformed. Mo Qingqing: "..." Tofu dregs project, right? She hesitated, first sticking one foot on the aircraft carrier, activating the power to make her feet have buoyancy, and then stepping on the other foot, the weight was still too large, and the side of the ship was directly deformed.

Beside the ship, a soldier rushed over quickly and leaned over to check the situation. The scheming bird flew over and landed next to him, waving its wings and making a bird call at Mo Qingqing, as if shouting: Come on. Mo Qingqing wanted to poke a finger hole for it in the steel shell like climbing a cliff and climb up. She could only put the ghost hand vine on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and then covered most of the area with ghost hand vine, and then climbed up. As she climbed up, she heard the dull sound of heavy objects pulling steel, and the giant aircraft carrier was pulled by her to the point of tilting, and the tilt was not small.

Medical Officer: "..." Isn't this a person?

Soldier: "…" Would you like to stop her?

Mo Qingqing climbed very fast, and when they were stunned, she had already turned on the deck. She knew that building an aircraft carrier was very expensive, and she was afraid that she would not be able to pay for it if she stepped on it, so she quickly supported herself with her supernatural powers, floating in the air a few centimeters above the ground, smiled, waved Wu Nan and called her, "Momo, what about the supplies?" Things like sea animal meat and power crystals are okay, and you can hunt without them. There are also a lot of Liu Ziche's research results on the animal skin raft, including several boxes of poison and her ammunition.

Mo Qingqing leaned over to look at Wu Nan, who was below, and replied loudly: "I don't know, look for Feng Qingran. You come up first and put it here, anyway, it won't be lost." Wu Nan thought Then she said, "Yes." However, she still checked the material cabin to make sure that everything was fixed and would not fall into the sea because of the wind and waves, so she went up to the aircraft carrier with confidence. Her weight is light, and it is not as hard as Mo Qingqing to get up, urging the buoyancy armor, her hand is a little bit on the ship mother, it is easier than a monkey climbing a mountain, and she flips over to the deck in a few jumps, easily.

Medical Officer: "..." They are aliens!

Mo Qingqing stood on the side of the ship and excitedly said to Wu Nan: "I never thought I would have a day on an aircraft carrier in my life." Seeing that the deck was in a mess, there was still a lot of blood on the ground that had not washed away, some people in white chemical protective suits were collecting the corpses, many mechas were so rotten, and the mechas were covered with blood. There are traces of being eroded by abilities everywhere on the deck, both blue and black. The ship mother stopped at sea and did not start, obviously it was not because of them that they stopped here.

They were looking at the room when Liu Ziche came to the deck accompanied by several uniformed staff. Liu Ziche said: "The aircraft carrier formation was attacked by sea monsters after getting lost at sea. The damage was very serious. The signal station, the power cabin, the spare power cabin, and the raw material cabin were flooded and closed, and the equipment inside was almost completely destroyed. They were trapped. It has been at sea for more than a month now. Today, the last three frigates sank, just when we came." She paused and continued: "Many continents have sunk or disappeared. , also appeared a lot of new land, the United Kingdom and the United States and South America are connected together. This aircraft carrier formation set out from the Atlantic Ocean, originally planned to contact neighboring countries along the coastline, and lost its way after encountering the fog at sea. The navigator is now can't be used."

Mo Qingqing said: "So, the people on this aircraft carrier don't know where they are?" Liu Ziche said: "If the sea has not changed, it is probably in the Pacific or Indian Ocean. Wu Nan said: "Tibet does not rely on the sea." Liu Ziche squatted down, and quickly drew a map with his hands on the ground with the blood of foreign animals, and said, "According to our route, if we go west and southwest, Qinghai will change." It became a sea, a big crack appeared, Gansu became a volcanic area, we bypassed the volcano, climbed over the misty Shiyi Mountains, reached the sea, and further down, Sichuan was shrouded in red fog..." She said here, glanced at Wu Nan, said: "We are now in the red fog. To the south, Kunming, Laos, and southwest, it is possible to turn to Tibet, Myanmar and Bangladesh. Further south from Bangladesh and Myanmar is the Indian Ocean." Mo Qingqing watched carefully. After looking at the map for a long time, he asked, "We were drifting at sea? Didn't we drift to Tibet?"

Liu Ziche said: "The earth's tectonic plates have shifted seriously, and the crustal changes have been very large. It is difficult to say whether Tibet is still in its original position. The current situation is that we encountered an aircraft carrier formation from the Atlantic Ocean. The place where we started is probably the Indian Ocean. As for where we are now, the devil knows!" Mo Qingqing said with a blank face, "It's really tragic news." She added: "Satellite map Have you photographed what Yunnan is like?" Liu Ziche said: "Yunnan and Tibet are not in the same direction. The capital base wants to keep some materials considering the outward development, and they don't sell it. We don't know the situation in Yunnan. Including Laos, Vietnam and other places, I don’t know about it.”

Mo Qingqing immediately called a disgust, "Feng Qingran has done her homework before she set off. She didn't even consider our detour." Feng Qingran appeared like a ghost in the Behind Mo Qingqing, he said, "Theoretically speaking, if you pass through the three places in Gansu, Qinghai, and Sichuan, you can reach Tibet." Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes at Feng Qingran and asked, "This aircraft carrier formation got lost at sea. How long has it been?" Feng Qingran said, "Ten months." Whether it was a person or a formation, the damage was particularly serious. They found them, thinking they had found hope, but ended up lost at sea together. She paused and said, "Devil Kraken, the black mist sea monsters we encountered today, followed them for more than half a month and kept attracting sea monsters to attack the aircraft carrier group. However, the number that appeared before was not so high. Many, and, seem to be driving them away. Once they follow the route they set out, no sea monsters attack them, but once they turn around, they're bound to be violently attacked until they change course and compromise. Presumably, the devil The Kraken should be trying to drive the carrier formation to a certain area before starting, and according to the number of them, it is likely to be nearby."