MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 6

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The fight by the pool was coming to an end, the man in black lost to Lu Lixiao, and was distracted by Lu Lixiao for a crucial moment with Zhou Ziruo, and finally turned over unwillingly and flew away in the night.

Lu Lixiao didn't chase after him, but put away his long sword and looked at the water pool. Since Zhou Ziruo fell, the water surface has returned to calm.

Zhou Ziruo stretched his limbs and floated in the water, his consciousness gradually returned to his cage, and a strange but extremely familiar feeling came from his body. He opened his eyes and looked at his body, and it was no longer a furry mass, but slender hands and feet!

Surprised by Zhou Ziruo's surprise, he forgot that he was still in the pool, and the choking of the pool water immediately caused another burst of suffocation. He curled up and coughed loudly. water surface.

After exposure to the fresh air, Zhou Ziruo took a deep breath, still dizzy in his head, Lu Lixiao's handsome face was close at hand, his wide palm was pressing on his lower back so that he couldn't escape, and he took the long sword out of the scabbard with one hand Two inches away from his neck skin, the cold and sharp touch of the blade made Zhou Ziruo wake up instantly.

"You, you, what are you doing..."

"Who are you?" Lu Lixiao asked coldly.

Lu Lixiao was bathing in the pool just now, and there was obviously no one else in the water, but now a big living person appeared out of nowhere, and he was attacked just now, it's no wonder he was so vigilant.

"Where is my fox?" Seeing that Zhou Ziruo didn't answer in a daze, Lu Lixiao asked again.

Zhou Ziruo hurriedly said: "I, I, I... I am your fox!"

Lu Lixiao pressed the blade closer to the skin between Zhou Ziruo's neck.

Zhou Ziruo felt a tingling pain in his neck, and his three souls were about to lose their souls: "I am really your fox! You threw me on the man in black just now, and the man in black threw me into it again. In the pool, I don’t know how to plan with a dog. I thought I was going to drown, but I didn’t know why my body was so hot. I passed out for a while and woke up like this! I don’t know What's going on!"

Lu Lixiao's slow tone was full of danger: "Say it, or not?"

Zhou Ziruo hurriedly yelled: "I ran into the Han family yesterday afternoon and was chased and killed by the chief supervisor of the Han family, Mr. Han Ruizhi. The son of the Han family, Han Ruizhi, rescued me. Later, I was discovered by the young lady of the Han family, Han Qiaozhi, and I fled into your residence right away. You saved me again! Han Ruizhi was killed last night, and I was thrown beside his body. The Han family said I was a fox demon and wanted to separate and skin me. You made a contract with me in front of the Han family. I became a spiritual pet to prove my innocence, because you seem to have said that after a demon becomes a spirit, people cannot be accepted as a spiritual pet!"

He finished shouting in one breath, then stared at Lu Lixiao nervously, a bit of confusion appeared in Lu Lixiao's sharp eyes.

Zhou Ziruo continued his efforts: "Tonight, I will go with you to examine Han Ruizhi's body. On the way back, I took a long detour to avoid the servants of the Han family, and then I brought you here."

Lu Lixiao's expression was still full of suspicion, but the sword that was on Zhou Ziruo's neck was withdrawn, and Zhou Ziruo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go up and talk."

Lu Lixiao jumped out of the pool with his arms around Zhou Ziruo's waist, tapped the water a few times before landing lightly on the shore, Zhou Ziruo hugged his knees and squatted down as soon as he stepped on the ground.

"That, that... Brother Xiao, I, I don't have any clothes... It's cold..." Zhou Ziruo shivered violently with a cramped smile on his face.

Lu Lixiao looked down at him from above, leaned over and picked up the coat in the grass and threw it to him. Zhou Ziruo just put on the coat when Lu Lixiao quickly tapped a few acupuncture points and couldn't move.


"Wait here." Lu Lixiao took off his drenched jacket and returned to the pool.

If Zhou Zi knew that he didn't believe him, he went back to the water to find the fox, curled his lips, and said that he was a fox...

After a while, Lu Lixiao returned in vain. He walked step by step from the water. Zhou Ziruo, who had been acupunctured and stood immobile on the bank, had no choice but to see the front that he hadn't seen just now. The giant object in the room swayed slightly as it moved forward, making Zhou Ziruo extremely embarrassed while envious and jealous.

Lu Lixiao walked ashore, glanced at Zhou Ziruo who was blushing with cold eyes, and Zhou Ziruo immediately looked away uncomfortably. Lu Lixiao didn't say anything, he untied Zhou Ziruo's acupoints, and Zhou Ziruo hurriedly lowered his head and put on his clothes.

I don't know if this body is his original one, Lu Lixiao's coat was loose on his body, Zhou Ziruo rolled up his sleeves and wrapped the belt around his waist twice before he could barely put it on. At this time, Lu Lixiao had picked up the scattered clothes on the ground and dressed them neatly. He wrung out the wet middle coat and held it in his hands. He turned around and saw Zhou Ziruo standing there.

"Brother Xiao," Zhou Ziruo looked up and called him.

Lu Lixiao said, "What do you call me?"

"Brother Xiao."

Lu Lixiao looked at him, "Aren't you my spiritual pet?"

Zhou Ziruo was puzzled: "I am."

"How can a spiritual pet address its master like that?" Lu Lixiao asked.

"Then, what do you call it?"

Lu Lixiao said coldly, "Call Master."

If Zhou Zi is so mad that he wants to bite someone, he still has to admit his cowardice and say obediently: "Master, master."

"Are you a demon?" Lu Lixiao asked.

Zhou Ziruo opened his mouth to explain, but he really didn't know how to explain it. He didn't know why he suddenly became a human. Maybe the fox he wore was really a fox demon.

Zhou Ziruo nodded helplessly.

Lu Lixiao didn't ask any more questions, and stepped up, "Let's go back."

Zhou Ziruo suddenly said: "Wait!" He knelt down and pawed in the grass in front of him, Lu Lixiao came over, bent his knees and asked him, "What are you looking for?"

"My hair!" Zhou Ziruo didn't lift his head, and after pawing for a while, he grabbed the cloth on Lu Lixiao's arm and said in surprise, "Here it is!"

A handful of white hairs were scattered among the grass roots, Lu Lixiao looked at it, then turned to look at Zhou Ziruo: "Are you trying to say that you rolled here just now? Or do you want to take back all the hair you lost? "

"No! These hairs are indeed mine, but they didn't fall off just now. They were pulled from my body by Han Ruizhi yesterday! Han Ruizhi came here after saving me yesterday!" Zhou Ziruo said excitedly.

Lu Lixiao's brows slowly frowned, "He saved you in the afternoon and was killed in the evening. He came to this place during this time... Could it be related to his killing?"

"This yard is very strange. It was a female ghost in white who lured me here in a dream!" Zhou Ziruo said.

Lu Lixiao thought for a while, then took out a short bamboo flute and played it, the violent tones spread in the empty air. Zhou Ziruo looked around nervously, as if something would be drawn out by the sound of the flute, but when the song ended, not even a single leaf fell off.

"Master?" Zhou Ziruo whispered.

Lu Lixiao put down the bamboo flute, "There are no evil things in this yard."

He thought he had found a clue, but it turned out to be useless. Zhou Ziruo was inevitably disappointed. Lu Lixiao said, "However, it cannot be ruled out that this place is related to Han Ruizhi's death. Let's go back first."

It was late at night when we returned to the small courtyard where Lu Lixiao lived, and it would be dawn in a few more hours. Zhou Ziruo was tired all night and just wanted to sleep with his head covered, but when he faced Lu Lixiao's bed, he was confused.

There is only one guest room in this small courtyard, and there is only one bed in the room. If he is still a fox and curls up in the corner of the bed, it will be solved, but now he is a person, how can the two big men sleep?

Lu Lixiao was completely unaware of Zhou Ziruo's troubles, and said casually while undressing, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Sleep... where do you sleep?"

Lu Lixiao glanced at the bed.

Zhou Ziruo felt uncomfortable: "This...isn't that good..."

Lu Lixiao: "You're not human, what do you mind?"

"You are not human! Your whole family is not human!" Of course Zhou Ziruo dared to curse in his heart.

"It's up to you." Lu Lixiao took out a set of dry underwear from the cabinet, changed into it, and lay down on the bed.

Zhou Ziruo really had no choice right now, without the fox fur, he would definitely get sick if he lay on the floor overnight, so he also went to the closet to get a suit of underwear out.

At this moment, Lu Lixiao, who was lying on the bed with his back turned to him, said, "What are you doing?"

"Ah? Change into pajamas..." He couldn't be allowed to sleep in Lu Lixiao's coat, not to mention, it wasn't soft at all.

"Have I allowed you to wear my clothes as you like?" Lu Lixiao asked.

"Then... do you want me to sleep naked..." Zhou Ziruo muttered aggrievedly. It's just an undershirt, don't you want to be so stingy.

Lu Lixiao turned over and looked at him with unruffled eyes, "How to wear clothes, do you need me to teach you?"

Zhou Ziruo gritted his teeth and put on a weak and submissive look: "Master, please let me get dressed..." After saying that, his face turned red, tsk tsk, why does this sound so shameful!

Lu Lixiao gave a faint "Yes", "Put on your shirt."

You can only wear a top because you don't want your face, what kind of wickedness is this male lead!

Zhou Ziruo's teeth itch with hatred.

It's better to have a top than no one at all, Lu Lixiao's clothes are loose, even though it's just a top, but Zhou Ziruo's hem still hangs down to his thighs when he puts it on, if Zhou Ziruo is satisfied, at least he doesn't have to run naked. But he didn't know that the current appearance was worse than running naked. The white and slender boy was taken advantage of by the adult man's loose clothes to make it more delicate and weak. His two long and moist legs like white jade were exposed in the cold air. There are several different meanings raised in this picture for no reason.

There was a gleam of light in Lu Lixiao's dark eyes.

Two people sharing a bed was not as crowded as Zhou Ziruo imagined, but the two naked legs covered under the quilt would touch Lu Lixiao's body from time to time, which made Zhou Ziruo very embarrassed, so he decided to find something for himself. Distracted, he turned over to face the wall and called the system out.

[Hello user, what service do you need? 】

Zhou Ziruo said, "How did I become a human?"

[The account character set bound to you in this world was originally a fox demon. 】

"Isn't Jianao Cangqiong a martial arts game? Why are all the fox monsters coming out?"

【Your game progress is only one percent completed, how can you be sure that this is a martial arts game? 】

What it said was so reasonable that Zhou Ziruo was speechless. Although he has been fighting the game day and night for several days, but the time has been accounted for on those 5,000 times, the first maze has not yet come out, and he has not entered the plot at all.

"But this is a baby fox! Don't monsters have to practice for hundreds of years to transform into a human form?" Zhou Ziruo changed the question.

[The character of this fox demon is the youngest son of the Fox King and his wife of Baihuling, who have a **** feud. Baihuling was besieged by people, and the powerful fox king injected his own demon power into the young fox before he died, which inspired the young fox Talent, so the young fox can transform into a human form in advance. 】

This fox is just cannon fodder, hey! What kind of trouble does this standard protagonist have? It's useless for a cannon fodder to set such a bitter and bitter background! Is the game production team so busy!

But no matter what, the vixen is always more likely to succeed in counterattack than the baby fox, Zhou Ziruo is a little comforted.

"Then what spells do I know?"

[Your current character level is: Level 1. No magical powers whatsoever. 】

"You don't play enough games to bully me? The characters in the game at least have one and a half tricks when they first debuted! Besides, where is the demon power of the Fox King?"

[This fox body is so innately incompetent that it would take a thousand years of practice to achieve minor success. All the demon power injected by the fox king is used to stimulate the fox body incarnation, which is not enough, and there is not half of it left to help you obtain magical powers. 】

This is not only a cannon fodder baby fox, but also a useless cannon fodder baby fox. Zhou Ziruo was so depressed, his mood was like beeping a dog.

"Did the fox's father give him a name?"

[Fox King Zhou Yu named his son Zhou Ziruo. 】

That's right, it seems that the system said to replace Zhou Ziruo in the original world when he first passed through, so this is a good-for-nothing cannon fodder (male) vixen with the same name and surname as him.

Zhou Ziruo resentfully said, "How much do I have to counterattack to be considered successful? The instructions you issued are too general..."

[Your counterattack situation will be quantified and intuitively presented by the data index of counterattack degree. In addition, by the way, your current counterattack rate is -20%. 】

"Damn it! Can the counterattack speed be negative?" Zhou Ziruo almost jumped up from the blanket.

The system is not slow or slow: [Your counterattack speed was 0 when you were bound to your account identity, but now you have become the hero's pet, which is the opposite of the mission, so your counterattack speed has now dropped to- 20%. By the way, if the counterattack rate drops to -100%, it will be considered a mission failure. 】

Mission failed=shǐ

And he was accidentally contracted by the hero to become a spiritual pet, and he has already run a fifth of the way to death.

Zhou Ziruo closed his eyes and didn't want to say anything, feeling tired.