MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 59 Counterattack martial arts np text (seven)

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On the following day, Ye Sinian sat faintly at the table, drinking a cup of tea in a shallow drink.

In the cup, the fragrance of the tea is elegant and elegant. If it is on weekdays, Ye Si Nian will have to shake his head and taste it, but at this time, he can't tell the heart to pay attention to the quality of the tea.

The body was so busy that he was busy rushing to pack his luggage. The slender figure swayed from time to time, and Ye Si-nian’s line of sight followed his figure and fluttered, his thoughts floating.

Speaking of it, he really did not pay much attention to the physical education of the gangsters...

I think that the cloud has not been abandoned. It is now sixteen years old. If you put it in a normal family, you may be able to marry and have a child. Ye Sinian’s eyebrows are slightly moving, and his heart rises a little and he can’t tell the strange feeling.

Time flies too fast, and I still rely on the children who are not willing to get up in my arms yesterday. In the twinkling of an eye, I have grown to the age of being able to kiss.

Ye Sinian’s hand holding the teacup is not consciously tightened. It’s quite a kind of child who wants to be snatched by others and no longer has his own sense of crisis.

But the sense of crisis has only appeared for a moment. I think that my family is only sixteen years old. According to modern algorithms, even if I am still a minor, he feels that he is simply worried.

Looking at the baggage, he looked at his baggage from time to time, and his mouth muttered something. Ye Sinian sighed helplessly.

Worried about it, still a child!

Moreover, the disciples are still busy with revenge. Where is the time to talk about love? Even if he finishes his envy and starts looking for happiness in life, he does not necessarily become a lonely man!

Thinking of my lover who has not appeared in my home for so many years, and still does not know where it is, Ye Sinian’s heart is so helpless that it has been reduced.

I don't know what the old attack of this world will be like...

Although the lover in the previous world did not appear in the beginning, it has never been like this.

Ten years……

Is the lover really not yet appearing, or is it still... but he did not recognize it and missed it?

Do not! Not to be missed!

In every previous world, no matter how lover's identity is, if he meets himself, he will fall in love with himself, and he will not miss himself in accordance with the arrogance of his lover's unchanging love for love.

He must have been there somewhere, waiting to meet himself...

Ye Sinian stared at the tea in the cup without a focal length. The original expression of the face was light and light, because of the thought of the lover, and the sorrowful floating of a nostalgic reminiscence and gentleness.

The corner of the eye has been secretly paying attention to his own master. Standing in the clouds not far away, he noticed the unusual expression on the face of Master.

The soft emotions that are full of love and gentleness...

Master, who is thinking of? !

The undercurrent of the fundus surged almost the waves of the sky. The cloud did not abandon the double fists and slammed tightly. The blue veins suddenly burst into the air, and the blood in the eyes flashed past.


The cloud can't help but scream out, and the sound is raised uncontrollably.

Ye Si Nian lingered from the drifting thoughts, and the phoenixes whispered and confessed to the thoughts of the lover in his heart. He looked up and looked at the stiff expression of the lover, saying: "What?"

The cloud did not abandon the eyes of the Master who had some doubts. He felt a sigh in his heart, and his eyes quickly showed a bit of distress. He said with a bitter face: "Do you say that we are riding or driving?"

I didn't look at him with a good sigh. Ye Si Nian slowly lifted his hand and drank the cup of tea. Then he looked at his own child with a pitiful look. He said: "Nature is riding, not a young lady. Days hiding in the carriage is what it is!"

The cloud does not give up the gaze, but I haven't had time to praise for my superb transfer of topical skills. My eyes are inadvertently sweeping through the handsome face of Master.

Since it is a low-key travel idea, it is naturally impossible to walk outside as a cult leader, and the teacher will naturally no longer wear a mask.

That doesn't mean... other people can see the face of the master...

Thinking of this, the cloud does not abandon the heart of the ultimate possessive desire almost burst out, the hands hidden in the sleeves tight, he wants to persuade the teacher to change his mind, but suddenly can not think of it What good reason to come.

Can you say that you don't want him to be seen by others?

Seeing the suspicious color on his face, Ye Sinian raised his eyebrows and said, "What?"

"Master, although riding faster, but inevitably sun and rain, it is too embarrassing, anyway, we are not in a hurry, it is better to drive?" Cloud does not give up secretly biting teeth, or bluntly said himself The thoughts in my heart, he does not mind to look at the sleek figure of his own teacher, but the others are still free.

I have to let myself choose, I have to choose and have to refute, and Ye Sinian gave him a sigh of relief and dropped a sentence "With you" and got up and went out.

When the crisis was lifted, the cloud did not abandon the long breath and calmly prepared to go to the carriage.


This way, the cloud does not abandon the nature is to take care of all the teachers, and has been accustomed to the service of filial piety in the early years of teaching. After years of getting used to it, Ye Sinian does not feel anything wrong, but instead I really enjoy this kind of look, and someone immediately knows what I want, and even prepares for it in advance.

The carriage that should have been very simple has been transformed into a more exquisite room that can be walked, covered with thick cushions, and the foldable wooden table is in front of you, boring and prepared. The book is a bitter book, and you are thirsty and hungry.

Just like now, I was just a little bored, the carriage slowly stopped, the **** with a smile on the face of the sun came in, took out some interesting things from the dark cabinet, and quickly put on the cakes. Fruit tea.

The phoenix whispered a little, and the line of sight had a meal on the red bean cake that he had eaten two more yesterday.

A pair of well-defined hands stretched out, and the action was elegant and smooth to pour a cup of tea, familiar and slightly different tea lingering around the nose, Ye Si Nian eyes unconsciously flashed a trace of doubt.

"Shi Zun, the tea you praised yesterday." Cloud did not give up the smile and placed the hot tea pot in front of Ye Si Nian, said: "I have a bit of a look, I feel that it is equipped with this kind of mountain spring effect. Better, you try?"

The face in front of me is full of expectation, and only the full care of his master is in his eyes. It seems that he does not feel that he is worthy of praise. Ye Sinian is slightly frowning, and his heart is not known. More gratified is still more smug, how can the curvature of the corners of the lips be concealed, he simply no longer hides, in the eyes of the child's expectation, smiled and reached for the tea.

The cloud does not abandon the action of the teacher's drinking tea. When the teacher's coveted tea is not seen to him, the dark color of the fund is almost completely diffused.

Under the eager gaze, there is a burning and extreme possessiveness. The line of sight passes through the long, white and white hands, and almost gaze at the handsome and innocent face of the teacher.

After the bitterness, returning to the sweet, the lips and teeth stay fragrant.

Yesi was surprised to pick an eyebrow. This tea was only drunk yesterday. The memory is still very clear. At that time, although the tea was also very good, it was not only worse than the present.

At that time, I regret that the roadside teahouse did not have good water and good tea, but it was just a casual mention. Is it so easy to find suitable water for tea?

"Master, you try this again?" Cloud did not abandon the small dish with the red bean cake pushed forward.

Yess glared at him with a fluttering look, and saw the full expectation in his eyes. He slammed a piece from the saucer and put it in the mouth.

The sweet smell of tea and red bean cake blended together, and it just happened to eliminate the sweetness of the red bean cake. Ye Sisian’s eyes flashed a smile.

"How?" The cloud does not abandon the darkness of the eyes*, and dare not reveal a clue in front of the master.

Yesi appreciated the nod and felt very good. "Yes, I have a heart."

Affirmed by the Master, the light in the eyes of the cloud suddenly flashed, and Jun’s face burst into a deep joy.

Is there anything that is more satisfying than your own, and that you will be delighted by your sweetheart?

The cloud did not abandon the line of sight and quietly swept the tea cakes on the small table, and moved to the look of the teacher who was quite satisfied.

That's it, just keep it...

I am used to my existence, used to my care, I am used to being inseparable from me...

One day...

Seeing that his gangsters are happy like children who have candy, Ye Sinian’s smile can’t help but be a bit thick. His slender fingers gently click on the wooden table and say: “Hungry. No?"

The cloud does not abandon the darkness of the eyes, he spoiled his neck in the direction of the master, and opened his mouth and smiled at his master: "Ah..."

Looking at the disciples who were eager to feed in front of him, Ye Si-nian, who was in a good mood, did not disregard him. He reached out and picked up a piece of red bean cake as he wished, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The teacher's fingertips with coolness inadvertently slid across his lips, and the smile of the cloud did not leave his eyes. He tried desperately to suppress the impulse of the heart to get together to hold the finger, and to open the distance. Slowly sit up straight.

The mouth is full of the sweetness of the red bean cake, the cloud does not abandon the enjoyment of the fine taste, the line of sight is quietly one inch and one inch caressed the master's eyebrows, slowly scratching his slender body wrapped in black robes, I do not know the end It is the red bean cake in the taste mouth, or the delicious master in the eyes.

The eyebrows are full of sweetness, and his lips are slowly twitching little by little. He only feels that even the heart that has been suppressed seems to have tasted a little sweetness. 2k novel reading network