MTL - Card-Chapter 497 calculate

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Chen Mu watched the advertisement on the Magic Card platform, and the image of Biao Qing was impressive, which made him feel a little weird. So far, this advertisement has been played on almost all mainstream fantasy card platforms. Faya's power is really strong, and this is a difficult task for him, which Faya can accomplish without much effort.

Perhaps, this plan can really work. Seeing the overwhelming bombardment of standard green advertisements on every platform, Chen Mu suddenly had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

At this moment, the manager of Taishu's family walked in in a hurry, holding a card in his hand: "Manager Bai, someone sent a magic card outside, and I will give it to you."

"What about others?" Chen Mu asked.

"He handed the card and left."

Chen Mu took this card magic card and inserted it into his meter. The uncle, the manager, retired quite wisely, although he was also curious about what was in this card.

After a while, Chen Mu turned off the meter and his eyes were cold.

This card contains news about the pursuit group of the Federal Comprehensive University. The person who sent the information was Kaxiu from Zhongda Shufu. Before Xie Yanbai left, he asked them to help him as much as possible. The chase group is only three days away from Dongrui City, and the opponent's goal is very clear, it is themselves!

This is very different from Chen Mu's previous guess. In his thinking, the Federal Comprehensive University should be under the guise of chasing him, but just looking for an excuse to intervene in the formation of a major league in Tiandongli District. But judging from the aggressive appearance of the chasing group, it seems that they are their real goal. This made Chen Mu very puzzled. The current strength of the Federal Comprehensive University was not very abundant, so it was not a wise choice to send a large number of experts to deal with him with such a big fanfare.

Taking Tang Hanpei's surname to make such a seemingly unwise choice, it definitely has a purpose that others cannot understand.

Few people in the entire federation could guess Tang Hanpei's thoughts, and Chen Mu didn't think he was one of them. However, Chen Mu knew very well that this would be very dangerous when he was approached by this chasing group.

There is still room for buffer between the two sides in the peace talks with Yuwen. However, Chen Mu and the pursuit group of the Federal Comprehensive University did not have any buffer.

I owe Xie Yanbai a favor again.

Wei A, Xiaobumo, Xiao Bo, and Sang Hanshui were all called together by Chen Mu, who first played the magic card.

"Boss, are you too handsome, otherwise why do these people always come to you like they smell the fragrance?" Xiao Bo looked surprised. Although Sang Hanshui did not speak, the expression on his face showed that he quite agreed with Xiao Bo's words. In his eyes, the boss is like a powerful magnet, all kinds of troubles are always attracted to him unconsciously, and sometimes even the boss himself is inexplicable.

"Wood, I'll help you!" Xiaobumo waved his small fists earnestly. The last battle with Sidong Kou made him more confident. The training is harder than before, plus he is at the peak of his physical development, and his level is soaring.

Weah didn't speak, his face was expressionless, but everyone was used to his indifference.

Chen Mu took out the magic card in the card shadow player and replaced it with another magic card. An accurate three-dimensional map image immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, boss, where did you get it?" Xiao Bo asked in surprise, staring at the three-dimensional map image that looked like a sand table in front of him. The imagery is exquisitely done, and everything is very realistic. Three-dimensional maps with such precision are very rare and are not sold on the market.

"Ask Tai Shuyong what he wants." Chen Mu replied, and then he pointed to a city on the map and said, "They are here now, Qimenger City!"

The eyes of the four of them followed Chen Mu's fingers and landed on a place not far from Dongrui City.

"From Qimenger City to Dongrui City, there are a total of three paths to choose from! Among them, the one that goes through Lengshan Town is the most recent. I think they have the most surnames on this road." Chen Mu said concisely.

"Why? Wood." Xiaobumo looked at Chen Mu with a puzzled face.

Chen Mu explained: "They didn't hide their traces at all along the way, and they made a big splash, lest others not know. From this, it can be seen that they have absolute confidence in destroying us!"

Sang Hanshui couldn't help snorting coldly when he heard the words: "These idiots!" The triangular eyes were fierce.

"This is also the shortest route I judged they would take, because it takes the least amount of time!" Chen Mu's conclusion was extremely crisp and clear, without a trace of sloppiness.

"Then us?" Xiao Bo put away his usual hip-hop, this time their enemies are not ordinary people, but the elites of the Federal Comprehensive Academy!

"We take the initiative to attack!" Chen Mu's expression was indifferent, and his eyes flashed coldly: "If the passive is approached by them, we will fall into passive, and the power balance between the two sides is too disparate. Judging from their performance now, they have Signs of underestimating the enemy. They didn't expect us to take the initiative to attack. In the words of the general manager of Ba, we have a tactical surname. Firwood Town has a complex geographical environment, and from a distance point of view, it is an excellent ambush point. Even if the ambush is unsuccessful , there is enough depth there for us to deal with them. If we were in Dongrui City, our situation would be very difficult, and once we fell into the encirclement, we would be dead.”

Everyone was obviously stunned by Chen Mu, and they all opened their ears, lest any details be lost.

"From Qimenger City to Dongrui City, we need to go through three cities and eleven small towns. One of the footholds in Feishan Town is Chur City, and the distance between the two is 3,700 kilometers. This distance, If flying at high speed, it will take five to seven hours. Considering that these kaxiu are all transferred from Kyoto, they are not used to the severe cold of Tiandongli District, and there is a considerable possibility that the time on the road will be shortened as much as possible. , flew to Firwood Town in one breath, and then rectified and rested."

Xiao Bo nodded: "Yes, if it were me, I would also fly to Firwood Town in one breath, and then rest. Flying in the wild in this weather is really torturous."

"This is an excellent opportunity for us. After five hours of flying, their physical and sensory consumption is very high, and they will be in a state of considerable mental and physical exhaustion. The favorable factor is the energy card!"

"Energy card?" At this moment, Sang Hanshui couldn't help asking aloud, he couldn't think of what it had to do with the energy card.

"Yes, it's an energy card! A five-star energy card is basically impossible for daily consumption. It is too expensive and difficult to make, even for a federal comprehensive university. Generally speaking, the energy card they use should be a four-star energy card. Calculated with a four-star energy card, it will fly 3,700 kilometers, and its remaining energy will be less than 20%!" Chen Mu's speech was fast and his expression was determined.

Without waiting for everyone to react, he continued: "If we could launch an attack at that time, they would not have time to change the energy card. In this way, the situation is extremely favorable for us. Moreover, I have a [Snake Mirror], which can detect their The specific location to facilitate the adjustment of our ambush location.”

After speaking in one breath, Chen Mu felt a little dry mouth and took a sip of water, but there was still no response from the crowd.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange: "What's the matter, what do you think is the problem?"

Xiao Bo's mouth was wide open and his face was sluggish. After a while, Ai Ai asked, "Boss, when did you become so powerful?" Sang Hanshui was also shocked, his triangular eyes widened. , subconsciously nodded in agreement.

"Awesome? What is it?" Xiao Bo asked Chen Mu somewhat inexplicably.

Xiao Bo gradually came back to his senses, but his eyes became more and more strange, looking at Chen Mu like he was looking at a monster. Xiaobumo's eyes were full of admiration, and his little black eyes were full of stars.

"When did you learn the style of General Manager Ba? No, it's not like General Manager Ba's style." Xiao Bo rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression: "Does the boss want to change the [Famous Generals List] now? Hmm , [Black Line Star List] seems to be completely unattractive to the boss."

Xiao Bo's nonsense made Chen Mu want to roll his eyes: "These things are very simple, just some calculations."

"Simple?" Xiao Bo smiled, but he didn't say much. He knows that his boss, in many cases, is actually too nervous. No, it's not a big deal, it's that his judging criteria are too different from ordinary people.

However, the boss really surprised him today. It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that the boss had grown to this point before he knew it!

The boss's plan is actually not too complicated, but from this analysis, it can be seen that his thinking is extremely clear!

The old analysis was right, he just did some calculations, but he didn't know that this uncomplicated calculation made him start to move to another level! Xiao Bo is well-informed and understands how rare this kind of growth is. A card repair, his vision is limited to skills, he can only become a powerful card repair at best, not a qualified leader!

But now the boss's perspective on problems is no longer limited to card repair and card making. He has learned to think about problems from a higher perspective. In troubled times, for a team, this is crucial! What's more, he is still so young and has unlimited room for growth.

Xiao Bo became more and more determined to follow Chen Mu.

Sang Hanshui is also an old fried dough stick, Xiao Bo can think of it, how could he not think of it? The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Five hours of rest, let's go!" Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Chen Mu made a decision.

Except for Xiaobu Mo, everyone is a veteran who can quickly enter a state of rest.

Chen Mu held his chin and stared at the three-dimensional map in front of him in a trance. His brain was running fast. He was thinking about what else he didn't think about clearly, and whether there were any mistakes. Bagnell is not around, he has no one to ask for advice, and all decisions need to be made by him. This kind of pressure makes him not dare to slack off. Therefore, he will try his best to improve their situation.

This battle is very important to them!

Moreover, his plan does not stop there!

(To be continued)