MTL - Charm King Poison Queen-Chapter 1312 【V178】The Finale

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  Chapter 1312 [V178] Finale

  Rong Qing's funeral was not heavy. According to Rong Qing's letter, he didn't want too many people to commemorate his death. Even to Lin Lanzhi and Ma Yuan, he only said that he traveled all over the world with Rong Lin.

Ning Yue hugged her body that had long since lost its temperature, a selfish pain rolled in her chest, she never knew that she could be so uncomfortable, even being imprisoned in a water prison and being declared childless had never been so painful Heartfelt.

  It seemed that someone was digging at her heart with sharp claws, trying to tear her apart and hollow her out.

  She wished that everything was just an inadvertent nightmare, and when she opened her eyes, this person was still alive in front of her eyes.

   But it is no longer possible.

  He was never willing to make her wait, and now that she was hoarse from screaming, he still didn't open his eyes to look at her.

  He really abandoned her.

  It wasn't the first time she was abandoned by someone, but it was the first time that her life was worse than death.

This is the man who guarded her with his life. He never asked for anything in return, was not entangled by lust, was not burned by gold and silk, just so silently, standing in a place where she couldn't see but was within reach, exhausting his life The last trace of strength.

  Ning Yue hugged the person who could no longer respond to her, and couldn't help crying anymore.


It didn't take long before Ning Yue became seriously ill, and no medicine was effective. The imperial physicians went in and out of the Jiaofang Hall day and night like a file, bringing in medicinal materials, but no matter how they were diagnosed and treated, Ning Yue's illness did not improve at all. .

   Another day of feeding medicine, Ning Yue vomited out all the medicine juice in her stomach, and passed out on the bed after vomiting.

  Looking at her weakened face day by day, Xuan Yin also felt that she would not live long, and was burning with anxiety!

   "Are you all idiots? What serious illness did the queen have? How long has it been? Ah? Why is there no improvement at all? The queen is getting sicker and sicker?"

The imperial physicians were terrified by the emperor's yelling. In the past, when His Majesty was still alive, he would often get angry at them, but after all, he was getting older, more lenient, and soft-tempered, so he gave up after shouting a few words. The young emperor in front of him, But they actually killed their colleagues.

  Everyone knelt on the ground, lowered their heads deeply, not daring to breathe.

  Xuanyin didn't feel pity because of everyone's fear, his cold eyes fell on everyone's heads, and he said with a sneer: "I warn you, if the queen can't be saved, you won't survive either, and you will all be buried with her!"

  Everyone was too scared to speak.

After leaving the Jiaofang Palace, several good imperial physicians went to the imperial medical office together. An imperial physician surnamed Liu sighed innocently: "The empress has a heart disease, and she needs heart medicine. There is no way to recover!"

   Imperial Physician Liang, formerly a disciple of Imperial Physician Xun, after the death of the King of Southern Xinjiang, Imperial Physician Xun resigned and returned to his hometown. After hearing what his colleagues said, he also expressed his feelings and said: "Master Zaifu died young, it is inevitable that the empress will be sad, let's see in a few days."

Another imperial doctor surnamed Zhang stroked his beard and asked: "I heard that your empress and Mr. Zaifu have a very good relationship. When you were young, you were just like our crown prince and princess. They grew up in the same bed. My empress's father was away from home all the year round. Mr. Fu is both a father and an elder brother, and it took a lot of effort to bring up my mother. In my mother's heart, Mr. Zaifu is closer than my parents."

   Imperial Physician Liu was puzzled and said, "Is it a big deal? Didn't you hear that Master Zaifu disappeared when your mother was three years old?"

Doctor Zhang gave him a contemptuous look: "Isn't this an analogy? What's wrong with being three years old? Do you think it's easy to raise three years old? Didn't you see how many children died young? And you didn't listen Said that the empress was a sick child before? Who said that the medical skills of Lord Zaifu were not learned for the empress?"

Speaking of this, Imperial Physician Liang at the side remembered an incident in the first half of last year. At that time, Rong Qing did not move around the court much, and usually did not come to the early court on leave. He took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the west to quell the chaos of the vassal princes.

  Before leaving, Rong Qing asked him for some drugs. Afulong is a medicinal material that is more evil and dare not be used easily, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not even allow anyone to touch it. Because Rong Qing is also a doctor himself, he must understand the taboo of drugs, so he gave Rong Qing.

At that time, he thought that Rong Qing was going to use this medicine to trouble the feudal lord, but thinking about it now, he was afraid that Rong Qing would have been tortured by the pain at that time, so he took the medicine to relieve pain and calm his cough and asthma . No one could see his weak body under his calm appearance.

The suffering of the wind and sand in the northwest, the disaster of the vassal king, the fleeing of the mob, and the rampant disease, I don’t know how many drugs he swallowed to survive such a difficult time—wisdom against the vassal king, evil punishment of the mob, cleverness, etc. Control the epidemic. One person did what a hundred ministers could not do, worked hard and tried his best. If it is said that he is loyal to the emperor, Imperial Physician Liang does not believe it. Rong Qing is the most arrogant person. Whether it is Empress Geng who once helped him, or the wise and mighty King of Southern Xinjiang, they have not really caught his eyes. The person who guards is the queen of Jiaofangdian who is not accepted by all officials from the beginning to the end.

  The stronger he is, the less dare those people dare to act rashly. After the commander-in-chief left, he became the queen's only relative.

  For the sake of the queen, he has been struggling so hard. Now that the most powerful enemy has been uprooted, he can finally relax.

  Let's go, your life has been too hard.


  In the Jiaofang hall, Xuanyin accompanied the bed.

Xiao Dezi came in with a stack of memorials, took a look at his master's expression, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, you haven't come early for some days, and the memorials in the imperial study are piled up like a mountain. Your lord Tai Tu picked out a few important ones, Would you like to take a look?"

   Xuanyin didn't even raise his eyelids: "Didn't you see that the queen is sick? If the queen is not cured, what memorial will I review?!"

Xiao Dezi shrank his neck, but seeing that the other party didn't lose his temper, he bravely comforted him: "Your Majesty is too worried, and after a few days of recuperation, she will definitely recover. My Majesty is unconscious now, you are It's useless to stand by, or... the servant's desk will be brought to you, so how about you working in Jiaofangdian?"

  Xuanyin picked up the teacup on the bedside table and threw it at Xiao Dezi. Xiao Dezi didn't dare to hide, so he was hit hard, with a big bump on his forehead. He immediately knelt on the ground and said in panic, "Damn it!"

   "Damn you! You have forgotten your duty to be a slave! I need you to teach me what I want to do? Do you want to let the emperor do it for you?" Xuanyin said in a tone of ice.

  Xiao Dezi was so frightened that his arms trembled violently, and the folder crashed to the ground: "The emperor atones! The emperor atones!"

Xuan Yin pointed at his nose: "If it weren't for the fact that you are the one left to me by the emperor's grandfather, with your virtue, I would have cut you to pieces! Why don't you get out of here soon? Get out of here Yes, I don't want to see you again!"

  Xiao Dezi crawled out of the inner hall like hell.

  Ning Yue woke up faintly, Xuanyin's furious voice was still ringing in her ears, she opened her mouth, and said weakly: "The emperor is angry again? The anger is very hurtful."

Xuanyin hurriedly took her bony hand: "You are like this, and you are still worried about whether I will hurt you or not. According to me, it will be fine if you hurt your body. Your illness should be half for you! I am too selfish No, I didn't take Rong Qing's body into consideration, let him come and go in the wind and rain, and ruined his life...Queen...I'm sorry..."

   At the end of the speech, it was hard to hide her sobs.

Ning Yue's eyes were slightly red: "Don't blame the emperor, it's the courtiers who are useless, and they don't want to accept the courtiers' overtures. The eldest brother is afraid that the courtiers and concubines will be attacked by the enemy, and the palace will not be protected, so he repeatedly invites battles and walks hard in the court hall. ...If I had known this earlier, so what if I would fight against those people? I don't want him to work so hard..."

  Xuanyin knew that she was so sad that she would not speak freely. Even if she had to do it all over again, she would not be a puppet queen in the hands of treacherous ministers. He stroked her cheek and said, "Don't blame yourself."

"Why doesn't the concubine blame himself? The concubine is his sister, but she doesn't even know that he is so empty... The concubine thinks he has many years to live..." Ning Yue broke down in tears, "He is **** outside The wind, but the concubine is hiding in this palace enclosure, enjoying the comfort that he gave his concubine with his life as a matter of course..."

"Based on that, I am his accomplice in killing him. Knowing that he is not easy to work hard, I also allowed him to invite him to go abroad. It was I who indirectly killed him. If you want to blame, blame me." Xuan Yin said sadly.

  Ning Yue covered her head with the quilt, shaking from crying.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince and the little princess are asking to see you." Outside the door, Dongmei reported softly.

  The crying in the quilt stopped abruptly, Xuanyin's eyes moved, and he said to Dongmei: "Let them in."

  Huangfu Che and Huangfu walked in one after the other, holding a tray with food in their hands.

   "Father, Queen Mother." The two saluted respectfully, and even Huangfu Qing, who was always mischievous, was so obedient and docile.

  Xuan Yin looked at the two with a smile, and glanced at the tray in their hands: "What is this?"

  Huangfuche said: "I heard that my mother's appetite has been poor recently. My son and my younger sister made some dumplings myself. I want to invite my mother to taste them. My son made beef and tomato stuffing, and my younger sister made corn and shrimp stuffing."

   "Very good, it's all your mother's favorite food." Xuan Yin nodded appreciatively, looked at Ning Yue who had calmed down in the bed, and said, "It's made by the children, at least try some."

  Ning Yue put on her red and swollen eyes, showing a pale smile: "The queen mother is not very hungry, give it to the father."

   "But Queen Mother, we made it for you!" Huangfu Che said with his eyes wide open. At this time, he doesn't mind saving face as he doesn't bother to appear tender. As long as his mother gets better, he is willing to do anything.

  Ning Yue still didn't want to eat, but it was difficult to say no to the child's sincere heart. She lowered her eyes and said with difficulty: "Why do you force me so much?"

  When I got angry, I forgot the honorific name again.

  Xuan Yin didn't care about these things, he hugged her shoulders and said, "Don't force you so much, do you really want to watch you starve to death? I can't do it."

  You are cruel to everyone, but you are as soft as water to Rong Qing and your children.

Huangfu came to the bed with the plate in his hands, and said in a childlike voice: "Queen, why are you crying? Is it because you are reluctant to part with uncle? They said that uncle has gone to a far away place and will not come back until many years later. No... let's write to uncle? Let uncle stop playing for so many years and come back soon, Qing'er misses him too."

  Ning Yue hugged her daughter tightly.


   Because she couldn't bear to let the two children down, Ning Yue forced herself to eat a few dumplings. Seeing that this trick was really effective, Xuan Yin immediately spared Huangfu Che and Huangfu Qing from their homework, and asked them to guard Ning Yue closely.

But this is not for a long time. Ning Yue wanted to hide herself, but Xuan Yin wanted to present her most embarrassing and cowardly side under the eyes of the child. She could hold on for three days, and then became depressed on the fourth day. Constricted chest, spit out blood.

  Xuan Yin saw that this would not work, and that would not work, so violent that he sent all ten imperial physicians from the imperial hospital into prison.

The rain was about to come, and the entire palace was shrouded in a terrible atmosphere. The palace people no longer dared to speak loudly when they walked on the road. When they met each other, they just nodded and passed by. Huayuan ran back and forth, and when she turned around, she was sent to the Punishment Division by the aunt in charge.

  For a while, everyone was in danger.

A few more days later, entering the early summer, Ning Yue's condition still did not make any progress, and Xuan Yin did not dare to provoke her with the child, so she fell into helpless anxiety until the afternoon of June 21st, when Su Yi see you.

Su Yi used to be Rong Qing's personal female official. She heard that she was favored by Rong Qing before she entered the palace. Later, when she ran into Rong Qing in the Bodhi Palace, she swore to do her best. Besides Rong Lin, she was the only one who could take care of Rong Qing's diet and daily life. people.

  Rao is long past Rong Qing's filial piety, she is still wearing a plain white dress and white silk flowers on her head, seeing Ning Yue who looks haggard, remembering Rong Qing, the tears she finally stopped fell again.

   Xuanyin glanced at her, and said: "I called you here, not to bring her to cry. If you tell her to shed another half a tear, don't guard Rong Qing's tomb!"

  Su Yi asked herself to accept the mausoleum for Rong Qing, and was willing to lead her life to practice, read scriptures for Rong Qing, hoping that he would reincarnate in the reincarnation, now after hearing Xuan Yin's threat, she dared not cry anymore, put her expression on her face, and entered the inner hall.

  Ning Yue opened her eyes that could no longer shed tears, staring blankly at the roof of the tent, like a body whose soul has been sucked out.

   "My Lady."

  When someone called her, she ignored it.

  Su Yi managed to squeeze out a smile, sat down on the side of the bed and said, "Your Majesty, it's me, Su Yi, do you still remember me?"

  Ning Yue looked at her slowly: "The Su Yi next to Big Brother?"

   "Yes, it's great that you still remember me." Su Yi was very excited.

   Ning Yue said weakly: "I'm sick, not stupid, how can I not remember people?"

  Su Yi almost shed tears: "Your Majesty..."

  Ning Yue looked away lightly: "Is there anything you can do for me? It's fine if you come to persuade me to eat. I really don't have an appetite. I didn't stop eating on purpose."

Su Yi shook her head: "I'm not here to persuade you to eat, I'm here to say goodbye to you, I have already obtained the emperor's permission, and I will go to the tomb of the fief to supervise the construction of the son's tomb soon, and I will live there for a long time, and I will never be there again." came back."

   "I see..." Ning Yue squeezed her fingers tightly, "But what should I do if I don't want to?"

  This reluctance is naturally not a reluctance to bear plain clothes, but a reluctance to bear Rong Qing's ashes.

  Su Yi's throat was swollen and painful, she forced the tears back to her eyes, and said: "Your Majesty, before I leave, I have something to say to you."

   "Is it because my elder brother didn't have time to write something in the letter, so I asked you to ask me?"

   "No, empress, the young master told me when he gave the brocade box to me. Everything he wanted to say was written in the letter."

   "Then what are you doing here? Say goodbye to me?"

"Yes, not all of them. The servant wanted to come to you because he heard about your situation, and after much hesitation, he decided to tell you some truths..." At this point, a tangled expression appeared on Su Yi's face, "Young Master, I didn't let this servant tell you, but this servant really can't bear to see you continue to spoil yourself."

  Ning Yue looked at her slowly: "What are you hiding from me?"

  Su Yi lowered her head and pursed her lips: "It's about the young master and the young master. You must be wondering why the young master didn't come back after such a serious situation?"

  During these days, I was only concerned about being sad, and my whole body was in a daze. I really ignored this abnormality. With the relationship between Rong Lin and the elder brother, how could it be possible that the elder brother did not come back to express condolences when he passed away? Is she confused by crying? He actually forgot about Rong Lin.

   "Why didn't Rong Lin come back? Did he quarrel with my elder brother? No way, every time I ask my elder brother how he and Rong Lin are, my elder brother always says it's fine..." Is everything lying to her?

  Su Yi smiled bitterly: "Now that the matter has come to an end, I have nothing to hide. Niang Niang, in fact, the young master and the young master... have not had any contact for more than five years."

Ning Yue's eyes trembled: "How is it possible? Didn't Rong Lin write letters to my eldest brother every day? Didn't they make a...a five-year agreement? What does it mean that there is no contact? Could it be that they broke up long ago? ?”

"Break up or not, I don't know. The matter of the five-year agreement... yes, but it's different from what you know, they were not drawn up on the Mid-Autumn Festival, but as early as... as early as the fourth day of the Lunar New Year... That's it. After you gave birth, the young master left without saying a word, and left you a letter saying that he and the young master went on a tour. When the young master returns, he will be alone and tell you that he and The young master made a five-year agreement..." Su Yi laughed at herself, "Actually, the young master was brought back to the Northern Territory by his mother as early as the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. The young master is too sad, I'm afraid I will let you see it in Shengjing Something strange happened, that’s why he lied to you that he went out with the young master.”

Ning Yue closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "It's like this...Brother has been gone for nine months...He hides and licks his wounds by himself...What the **** did I do? I'm still in front of him Congratulations to him and Rong Lin for finally achieving the right result... What was he thinking at the time? Was he about to die of pain, but he still smiled at me..."

   Tears welled up again from the dry eyes.

Su Yi hurriedly stepped forward, wiped her tears and said: "Mother, don't cry... I tell you this, not to make you more sad, but to prevent you from blaming yourself... Your son's death was not caused by you... you Don't take the blame on yourself!"

"Why not me? If I had found out what was on his mind earlier, I wouldn't have let him struggle alone in southern Xinjiang for so many days? I couldn't imagine what kind of mood he was in. Listen to me again." Teasing Rong Lin and him all over the place?" Ning Yue covered her face, tears flowed from between her fingers, dripping on the back of Su Yi's hands, hot as a soldering iron.

Su Yi couldn't help but her eyes turned red, she sniffed and said, "You can't think like this. Young Master himself has suffered enough, and he has some comfort when you live well. You may not be particularly aware of Young Master's body , in fact, as early as when he entered the Bodhi Palace, the young master knew that he would not live to be twenty-five years old, but after meeting you, he successfully passed his twenty-fifth birthday. In his own words, "I stole a few more What about the time', his early death is doomed, it has nothing to do with you, and has nothing to do with anyone."

   "But if I can treat him better, he might live a few more years..."

   "What's the point of living a few more years? If you don't wait for that person, every day is torture. Why don't you go like this, it's also a relief..." Su Yi finally cried out.

  Ning Yue looked at him with teary eyes: "What's going on with my elder brother and Rong Lin?"

"It's been a long time since you gave birth to the little prince and princess. It seems... It was the night of the third day of the Lunar New Year. Madam had a talk with the young master, and the next day, the madam took the young master with her. The servant girl was not there at the time, but one time the young master drank too much wine and talked about those few days with the servant girl, and the servant girl knew that there was still such a secret relationship between the two of them."

   "What happened to the five-year agreement? Is it also fake?" Ning Yue asked.

   "It's not a lie. Madam and Young Master said that their family has only one child, Young Master, and they still expect him to carry on the family line. Young Master was soft-hearted and agreed. That's how the five-year agreement was made."

   "Didn't you make an appointment directly with Rong Lin? Does Rong Lin know?"

   "This... this servant is not clear."

"If it was made on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, it's already June, wouldn't it be five and a half years? Rong Lin didn't come back! He didn't fulfill the agreement!" Ning Yue seemed to have finally come to her senses, her whole body froze, her eyes sharp. .

  Su Yi nodded and said: "Young master will record the date of their separation in the letter every day. On the day you passed away, the letter said... five years, four months and 21 days..."

  Ning Yue's heart is cut like a knife!

Su Yi took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions: "Young Master's body has been exhausted for a long time, and he took a lot of forbidden drugs in the last year... He also knew that this day would come sooner or later, his death... no You caused it, he just wants to use the limited time to do something for you, don't wait for him to be gone, you are still so difficult... so don't blame yourself, don't think that you make the son work too much , in fact, the young master feels satisfied only when he can take care of you. If you must think that his death was caused by some reason, that reason is not you...every minute and every second with you, he is happy Yes...he told the servant more than once, every time he couldn't hold on any longer, look at him and smile at him, and he would be able to live again..."

  Su Yi said repeatedly and long-windedly, afraid that Ning Yue would not understand what she meant.

  Ning Yue nodded blankly: "You don't need to say anything, I understand everything. Brother treats me just like I treat the prince and princess. I am afraid that I don't give them enough. Even if I die for them, it is a kind of comfort."

  Su Yi hurriedly said: "Yes, ma'am! This is what I want to say! The family happiness you brought to the young master will make the young master leave without regret..."

  Ning Yue shook her head: "No, Su Yi, he has regrets."


When Xuan Yin returned to the inner hall, Su Yi had already left, and there was no one on the bed. Xuan Yin was startled, thinking that Ning Yue had gone somewhere to do something, and looked for the cubicle with a pale face: "Yueyue! Yueyue!"

   "I'm here, what's the matter?" Ning Yue came out of the bathroom, wearing thin obscene clothes, her hair was wet and tied with a piece of clean white cotton cloth, mottled bloodshot eyes could be faintly seen, and it was obvious that she had cried a lot. However, the black air between his brows has disappeared, and his spirit has improved a lot.

   Xuanyin let out a long breath of relief, stepped forward and stroked her shoulder and said, "It's nothing, I thought you..."

  Ning Yue slightly bent her lips: "You think I can't think about it?"

   Xuanyin raised his eyebrows.

  Ning Yue smiled and said, "I think about it, I won't torture myself anymore."

   Xuanyin squinted suspiciously: "I really figured it out? You can't fool me, right?"

  Ning Yue chuckled: "Why am I bluffing you? You are so nervous that I am too nervous to go up to court. You are so strict with your wife, why do you still use me to bluff?"

   dared to ridicule his wife's strict management, it can be seen that it is really good. Xuanyin hugged her body, which had lost a lot of weight, while feeling distressed, while threatening: "Say my wife is strict, huh?"

  The tune twists and turns, making people's hearts flutter. However, Ning Yue was ill, so she was not afraid that he would dare to act recklessly, so she cast a glance at him and said, "Could it be that my concubine is wrong? Oh, I'm so sleepy, I haven't slept enough, I'm going to lie down again..."

"Hey, hey! Finally got up? Eat something first!" Xuanyin took her hand, saw her looking at him with deep meaning, cleared his throat, "Yes, I am afraid of guilt, super super fear of guilt, okay Right? Empress Empress, can you enjoy your face and have a meal?"


  Ning Yue had a meal, and the whole family was very happy. Huangfu was afraid that she would fall ill again after eating, so he specially recited three poems he had just learned.

  Ning Yue knows exactly what level her daughter is. She recited three poems at once, probably because she put in a lot of effort.

  Ning Yue is both gratified and guilty. The gratified thing is that her daughter seems to be sensible suddenly, and the guilty thing is why her daughter has to grow up in such a hurry? Or hurt her...

  After dinner, Ning Yue carried a pair of buns to the bed.

  Huangfu opened his **** eyes, and said excitedly, "Can we sleep here too today?"

  Ning Yue nodded with a smile.

   "Wow! It's great!" Huangfu jumped up on the bed, suddenly stopped his movements, and glanced at Ning Yue awkwardly.

  Ning Yue knew what she was worried about, and touched her little head: "The queen mother will not be sad anymore, and she will eat and sleep obediently from now on."

  Huangfu Qing's eyes lit up suddenly, and he sat down into Ning Yue's arms: "Really? That's great! Why isn't the queen mother sad all of a sudden? Does Qing'er memorize books very well?"

  Ning Yue smiled and said: "Yes, Qing'er can recite so many poems, once the queen mother is happy, all illnesses will be cured."

   "Then let me recite it again, okay?"

"it is good."

  Huangfu sat upright and memorized "Quiet Night Thoughts", "Ode to the Goose", and "Spring Dawn" solemnly.

  Ning Yue clapped her hands: "Qing'er is awesome."

  Huangfu rubbed against Ning Yue's arms, then rolled back, and flirted on the phoenix bed.

  Ning Yue looked at his son who was sitting quietly at the side again, and said softly: "It's hard for you, it's the mother's fault, and the mother will pay attention in the future."

  Huangfu Che said seriously: "It's good that the queen mother is like this."

   "Huh?" Ning Yue was taken aback.

Huangfu Che looked into Ning Yue's eyes firmly and said: "The queen mother can do whatever she thinks in her heart. In front of us, don't wear a mask of disguise. What we want is a mother who is willing to write her emotions on her face." , not a pretender."

  Ning Yue smiled gratifiedly.

  At night, Huangfu Che Huangfu fell asleep.

   Xuanyin brought a bowl of medicine, Ning Yue gently pushed it away: "I'm already cured, I don't need to take medicine anymore."

   "You still look bad." Xuanyin said distressedly.

  Ning Yue glared at him faintly: "You think I'm ugly, don't you?"

"You..." Xuanyin was angry and funny, "Who said I was afraid of guilt just now? In a blink of an eye, you are afraid that I will despise her?" She glanced at her, although she still looked weak, but her willpower came up, It's just a matter of time before I think about it, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

  Put the medicine bowl back on the table.

  Ning Yue snuggled into his arms, staring at something quietly, her eyes out of focus.

   "Do you have something to say to me?" Xuanyin asked while kissing her hair.

   "Did I say it, and you promised me?"

   "It seems that I have something to ask for." The emperor's score was placed again.

  Ning Yue raised her head, her watery eyes looked at him without blinking: "I beg you."

  Xuanyin's heart was softened by her, and he couldn't bear to reject her when he was in good health, not to mention that she had been ill for more than a month, even if she wanted the stars in the sky at this time, he would find a way to give them to her.

   "What did Su Yi tell you?" He asked curiously.

  Ning Yue pushed him coquettishly: "Haven't you said you agree or disagree?"

  Agreement written all over his face, didn't she read it? Xuanyin couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, and soon pressed down viciously, and said seriously: "You are such a person, you don't ask easily, if you mention it, it must be something that cannot be easily done. You say You've been ignoring me for so long... hiss—"

   In the middle of speaking, her soft hands reached into the quilt and covered the unspeakable place.

  Xuan Yin was so stimulated that he almost groaned deeply (homophone). In his panic, he forgot to take a look at the sleeping child, and looked at Ning Yue with a flushed face, as if asking, the children are here, what do you want to do?

  Ning Yue smiled mischievously, and the plain hand fanned the flames on him.

  Xuanyin's nerves were about to break. After the incident, his face was flushed and he glanced at the sleeping children with lingering fear. He leaned close to her ear and whispered: "You are so courageous!"

  Ning Yue wiped her hands with a towel, and looked at him quietly.

Xuan Yin was looked at strangely uncomfortable, at first he obviously wanted to tease her, but later on he was molested by her, this person is also quick to turn his face, he was half dead in the morning, now he can blush without heartbeat Toss him.

   Forget it, I also blamed myself for not having enough concentration, so I didn't have the heart to push her away.

   "Just tell me what it is."

  Ning Yue approached and said: "I want to take my elder brother to find Rong Lin...I want to ask Rong Lin personally, why did he betray my elder brother?"


  In July, Ning Yue's body was almost recuperated, so she and Xuan Yin boarded the carriage to the Northern Territory. Before leaving, Xuanyin handed over the court to Chen Taifu, Geng Zhongzhi and the six-year-old prince. Naturally, there were voices of opposition in the court, but after Ding Guogong's incident, both husband and wife felt at ease with the prince's methods.

   "The court and the princess are entrusted to you. You can make a mess of the court, but my sister must take care of it, understand?" Xuan Yin said very solemnly.

Huangfu Che bowed his hands and bowed, and said firmly and firmly: "Father, please rest assured, my son will manage the affairs in an orderly manner, and will also take care of my younger sister in every detail. When the father and mother return, the son will definitely return you Give father a peaceful and prosperous world!"

   Xuanyin patted him on the shoulder and got into the car.

  Ning Yue was very reluctant to give up, and made this difficult decision, and she also struggled in her heart. Wen has Taifu Chen, Wu has Geng Zhongzhi, and they both assist the prince. But she felt a little distressed for the prince to take on the heavy responsibility of a family and even a country so early on.

  Huangfu Che said sensiblely: "Mother, please rest assured, there is a son in everything, and the son will take good care of my sister, and wait for the mother to come back."

  Ning Yue finally went. She had a lifetime to make up for her son, but if her elder brother's long-cherished wish could not be fulfilled, it would become a nightmare, haunting her day and night.


This trip to the north was purely a private matter, and it was only claimed that the emperor accompanied the empress to the summer resort for rest. Shangdongmei, Xuanjiang, the leader in black, and a team of Xuanjia shadow guards lurking in the dark, followed the official road of Ningcheng, passing through Baiyun Prefecture, Qingzhou, and Tongzhou, and obtained the disguised identity card from Yi County, and passed the customs. The document crossed the border and entered the Northern Territory.

   When I first entered the Northern Territory, I didn't feel damp and cold yet, and even because of the midsummer, it was still sultry. However, the closer you get to the northern capital, the more you can feel the change in temperature. When she arrived in Casa City, Ning Yue had already wrapped up her mink coat.

   "Is there no summer here? Why is it so cold?" Ning Yue asked while holding Pozi Tang.

   Xuanyin lifted the curtains of the car and glanced out: "This is the summer in the Northern Territory."

   "It's similar to our autumn, with a big temperature difference. It's a little hot at noon, but it's so cold that your teeth chatter at night." Ning Yue was afraid of the cold, so she shrank back into Xuanyin's arms.

  Xuanyin liked this kind of weather, he hugged her and didn't speak.

  The carriage stopped in front of an inn, and the owner of the inn greeted him.

  The innkeeper greeted him: "Fourth Master, Madam, are you here?"

  When Ning Yue heard this title, did he know him? But she didn't remember that Xuanyin had been to the Northern Territory—

   Seemingly seeing her doubts, Xuanyin leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "The ancestors of the Xuan family took root in Beicheng, and some of their own people were placed in the border cities, and shopkeeper Li is his own."

I see.

  Ning Yue got out of the carriage with a smile, looked at the shrewd man who was over fifty and short and fat in front of him, and said hello in a warm voice: "Uncle Li."

Shopkeeper Li was overwhelmed with flattery, and said with a smile: "No way! No way! Ma'am, this is so small!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to help Dongmei and Xuanjiang carry their luggage, "Just put it here, I will let you Guys come to move, don’t worry, they are all our people!”

  The two looked at Xuan Yin, and when they saw Xuan Yin nodding, they let go of their luggage.

   Shopkeeper Li raised his hand. Immediately, a few powerful men came out from the lobby, unscrewed their luggage, and followed Shopkeeper Li upstairs.

Shopkeeper Li led a group of people into the Tianzi Room and Dizi Room, which is the innermost part of the second floor: "I'm sorry, Fourth Master, it's really a bad situation in the Northern Territory to wrong you and your wife to give in to a place like ours. , Living in a separate building is easy to attract attention, but it is the place where people come and go best to avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers."

   "What are the officers and soldiers looking for? We didn't seem to see any particularly turbulent situation along the way." Ning Yue asked curiously.

Shopkeeper Li pushed open the door: "Fourth Master, madam, please." After the two of them had crossed the threshold, he said respectfully to Ning Yue: "Madam doesn't know that the officers and soldiers of the Northern Territory don't check people during the daytime. They usually come out at night when the martial law is enforced, and they search door-to-door, and outsiders, if there is something wrong with them, they will be arrested first and then deal with it! It’s an inn, but there are fewer investigations.”

  Ning Yue seemed to understand, they all traveled during the day, and at night they honestly stayed in the inn to rest, no wonder they didn't meet officers and soldiers.

Shopkeeper Li poured hot tea for the two of them, and continued the topic just now: "I was afraid that people would intercept the letter before, so I didn't dare to write more. The situation in the Northern Territory is different from the past. After our Xuan family defeated the Northern Territory, the Northern Territory It is a good thing for Xiliang to submit to Xiliang, but here, it is the most shameful stroke in history. Because of this incident, the prestige of the royal family has declined, ranging from the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty to the The gentry and the common people are all quite critical of the royal family, and there are even some militiamen who have raised rebellions in the local area, and how many of them are really out of righteousness, and how many are just fishing in troubled waters, it is unknown."

  Ning Yue and Xuan Yin sat down, Dongmei began to pack the bed and luggage for the two of them, Ning Yue took a sip of tea and asked: "What the government wants to this group of rebellious parties who harass and provoke the imperial power?"

   Shopkeeper Li pondered for a while, as if preparing to speak: "Yes, no, it's a long story, why don't I prepare some food and drinks for the fourth master and his wife first, and let's talk slowly later?"

  They came to the Northern Territory to do business, not to play, so what's the point of being hungry for a meal or two? Ning Yue asked Xuan Yin, "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, eat first."

   Xuanyin smiled: "First understand the situation in Beidu? You can't eat it even if you know it."

  Ning Yue nodded and looked at shopkeeper Li.

  Seeing that the two were so persistent, shopkeeper Li couldn't refuse any more, so he told the couple all the news he knew.

  It turned out that eight years ago, after Xuanyu defeated the Northern Region, the royal family in the Northern Region fell into a slump. Disputes broke out everywhere, and there were more than a hundred military gangs, among which the Nanyang Qilin Army was the most outstanding. The Qilin army here is of course not the Qilin army in southern Xinjiang, but it has the same name. The Qilin army rapidly developed its power in the south of Jingjiang, and the imperial army could not take it down for a long time. Later, a certain staff member suggested to appease Qilin with the method of recruitment, and the king of the Northern Region readily agreed.

  After the Qilin Army was recruited, it quickly became the imperial court's steel sword against the rebellious party. In just five years, the Qilin Army quelled the civil strife in the northern region.

  The Qilin Army who made great military achievements was naturally praised by the King of the Northern Regions. The King of the Northern Regions canonized the head of the Qilin Army as a king with a different surname, and bestowed it on Prince Jing's mansion to live in Beidu. After King Jing accepted the canonization, he helped the King of the Northern Territory to eradicate many thorns in the court's eyes, and gradually became the most loyal confidant around the King of the Northern Territory. I always thought of King Jing, and every time King Jing was able to arrange everything properly for the King of the Northern Territory, it was never disappointing.

Another year passed like this, and the king of the Northern Territory began to allow King Jing to freely enter and leave the imperial study, and to review the memorials for himself that he had no time to review. To delay state affairs, King Jing took the memorial to the Hall of Mental Cultivation of the King of the Northern Territory, saying to the public that it was reviewed by the King of the Northern Territory, and he was just writing a note on behalf of the writer, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was King Jing's own initiative.

At that time, many people in the court had strong suspicions about King Jing, and hoped that the king of the Northern Territory would be able to punish one or more crimes committed by King Jing after he recovered. Unexpectedly, the King of the Northern Territory, after reading the memorial approved by King Jing, Not only did Prince Jing not be punished, but he also praised King Jing for being a good man and good at governing the country, so he was specially named regent and temporarily acting as the supervisor of the country.

   You know, the king of the Northern Territory is about the same age as the king of the Southern Border, and there are more than ten princes under his knees. Which one can't be pushed out to supervise the country? But he chose an outsider.

This move caused an uproar in the imperial family. The impeachment of King Jing is like a crucian carp crossing the river. There are countless cases. However, no matter how much the courtiers and clans oppose King Jing, Prince Jing's position as regent and supervisor of the country is becoming more and more stable. . At the end of last year, the king of the Northern Territory fell ill again, and the court became the voice of the regent. Even the prince and princess could not take advantage of him in the slightest.

   "So, the regent is actually searching for the rebels?" Ning Yue had such a vague guess in her heart after listening to Shopkeeper Li's words.

Shopkeeper Li nodded: "That's right. In fact, the search for rebellious parties is just to eliminate dissidents under the banner of this. Why not search inns is because the inns in Beidu and several nearby cities are controlled by the Prince Regent's Palace. eyeliner."

  Ning Yue blinked: "Then your side..."

   Shopkeeper Li smiled and did not say a word, while Xuanyin on the side said, "The Li family is a spy who was placed in the Northern Territory when my great-grandfather was still alive. Most people can't find out the clues of the Li family."

Shopkeeper Li went on to say: "I pretended to surrender to the regent, and I usually collect information for him. I also reported that you came this time, saying that it was my mother-in-law's nephew and nephew who came here to play. Don't worry, fourth master and madam. , I have provided the palace with a lot of reliable information, they still trust me, and will not doubt your identities in a short time."

  After that, shopkeeper Li explained the customs here and the precautions for going out. Before entering the country, Ning Yue had read books related to the Northern Territory, and she was quite used to it.

The food in the Northern Territory is relatively simple, mainly beef, mutton and chicken, with very few vegetables, mostly potatoes and sweet potatoes, and the cooking methods are not as diverse as those in other countries. It can be roasted or boiled, and it can be a meal with some seasoning. The staple food Mainly potatoes and flatbread, rice is not very common.

  The four of them ate a roast chicken, a bowl of cumin beef, and a few pieces of boiled potatoes, and they couldn't eat any more. Xuanjiang and Dongmei went back to the next room to rest, while Xuanyin and Ningyue sat at the desk to check the map.

   "By the way, who is the regent that Uncle Li mentioned just now?" Ning Yue asked.

  Xuan Yin thought for a while and said, "Father Rong Lin."

"He?" Ning Yue was a little surprised. As early as when Madam treated her with the golden butterfly witchcraft, she felt that the other party was not an ordinary woman, but she didn't expect such a high position. "According to what Uncle Li said, Qilin The army is a force that has only emerged in recent years, what did they do before then?"

   "It was a hermit family before, and after the turmoil in the Northern Territory, they took the opportunity to leave the mountain. They are relatively good at taking advantage of loopholes." Xuanyin said casually.

Ning Yue frowned: "Since it is a hermit family, why did you lose Rong Lin?" According to what Rong Lin once revealed, he fled all the way to southern Xinjiang after being chased and killed. Most of the families have nothing to do with the world, so how could they be hunted down?

   "They are not ordinary hermits." Xuanyin spread out the map, and clicked on Nanyang, where Rong Lin's family once lived, "They are the descendants of the Xuanyuan family."

  Ning Yue gasped!

   This time, without waiting for Ning Yue to ask, Xuan Yin answered her questions and cleared up her doubts: "The descendants of Emperor Xuanyuan have been passed down to this day, and it is said that there is only this line left."

   "How did you know?" Ning Yue's eyes widened.

   Xuanyin looked at her: "Rong Qing told me that in the last memorial he wrote to me before his death, he explained Rong Lin's life experience. I think even Su Yi doesn't know about this."

  Ning Yue's face showed a trace of panic: "The last time Su Yi came to explain me, she didn't mention Rong Lin's life experience, so she probably didn't know about it." Big brother, big brother, you have kept it from us so hard. Now, when the eldest brother knew Rong Lin's life experience, at the beginning or later, there is no answer, "The trip to the underground palace last time was not like a random accident, but rather like a sudden The invisible suction force seems to attract Rong Lin there."

Xuanyin has never talked about strange powers since he was a child, but he is still unable to refute some strange phenomena. Geng Wushuang's rebirth, Ning Yue's rebirth, the accident of the underground palace, fate is a wonderful thing, believe in it Sometimes, it is not as good as people want, and when you don't believe it, it will quietly lead your life.

  Ning Yue asked again: "After being silent for thousands of years, she still couldn't give up the struggle for power. No wonder Rong Lin's mother is so proficient in witchcraft. She is a legacy of the Xuanyuan Dynasty."

   There is one more thing that Ning Yue didn't say, that is why Rong Lin's mother wants to take Rong Lin away. Rong Lin is the last prince of the Xuanyuan clan, he can't fall in love with a man.

  Ning Yue sighed: "It seems that this trip is much more difficult than we imagined."

  Xuanyin rubbed the top of her hair, and said with a smile: "How hard can it be? Isn't it just to meet someone? You are not going to kill him."

   "Is it easy to enter the Prince Regent's Mansion?" Ning Yue subconsciously asked.

Xuanyin opened his mouth: "It's not easy to enter." Then, he took out a map of Beidu from the drawer, "We are currently in Casa City, only half a day away from Beidu, but do you know why Uncle Li is working hard in Beiyu? After so many years, is there no way to live in Beidu?"


"Beidu is a very strictly guarded imperial city. Everyone and every merchant who settles in it has passed the strict inspection of the Imperial Household Department. It is not enough to have no suspicion, and they must be completely from Beidu. Marriage with other places is prohibited in Beidu. , so even though the Li family has struggled for so many years, it has only taken root in Casa City."

  Ning Yue's pupils moved: "Where are the concubines? What about those fireworks women? Can't enter Beidu?"

"Firework girls can enter, but their fireworks sites are all under the management of the Imperial Household Department. This Imperial Household Department is not the imperial household department, but directly under the centralized intelligence agency. Firework girls who are screened and managed by them generally do not It may be in contact with the outside world. As for the concubine you mentioned, it is even more impossible, and it has to be reported, and you cannot take concubines at will."

  Ning Yue was astonished: "The northern capital is managed so strictly. It is simply a miracle that the regent who was given the mansion and the right to live in it is nothing short of a miracle."

   "Yes." Xuanyin couldn't deny it.

  Ning Yue couldn't help feeling worried: "Then how will we meet Rong Lin?"

   Xuan Yin hooked the corners of his lips and said: "Although you can't live for a long time, it's still possible to visit the northern capital and make some contributions to the economic civilization of the northern capital."

  Ning Yue looked at him strangely.

  He raised his eyebrows, and kissed her soft red lips: "Uncle Li has arrived here with a batch of fresh ingredients, which cannot be bought in Beijing, and will be sent to the Prince Regent's Mansion in three days."

   "Uncle Li often goes to the palace?" Ning Yue asked.

   Xuanyin shook his head: "That's not true, once a month, we will send some local special ingredients regularly and quantitatively."

  Boom boom boom!

  Someone knocked on the door.

  Ning Yue frowned vigilantly.

   "Fourth Master, madam, it's me." Xuan Jiang's voice.

  Ning Yue opened the door for him: "It's so late, you haven't rested yet?"

"Dongmei is asleep. I sat in Uncle Li's room for a while." Xuanjiang looked around, entered the door, put the latch on, and took out a blueprint from his arms. Someone held a birthday party here, and the layout has been slightly adjusted."

  Xuanyin held the blueprint and frowned thoughtfully.

  Seeing him in a daze, Ning Yue gently pushed him: "What's wrong?"

   Xuanyin regained consciousness, and said: "Oh, it's nothing, I was wondering...Who will be hosting the birthday banquet in the palace? It should not be Rong Lin, his birthday is in autumn."

During the conversation, there were hurried footsteps in the corridor, as if a group of people were going upstairs, accompanied by a young woman complaining slightly displeased: "What are you doing? ? We finally came to live with you, and you gave the best room to someone else? Who is it? Let them move out!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Qingshuang, I didn't know you would come over today. They are relatives of my mother-in-law's family. They came here from Zhangyang City for a visit, so I let them stay. I got a new bottle a few days ago Good rouge, if you don’t mind Qingshuang, I’ll have someone deliver it later?” Shopkeeper Li said with a smile.

The woman named Qingshuang seemed to be a little satisfied: "Why is shopkeeper Li so polite? I'm just complaining. I know it's your relative, of course I will give some face! Rouge is fine, you can tear down the wall and make up for it." Xiqiang, be careful that the nobleman can't get rouge and annoy you!"

"Oh, look at what you said! Do I seem to be such a casual person? This rouge was originally prepared for Miss Qingshuang. Thank you Miss Qingshuang for speaking well in front of Manager Wang, so I gave it away smoothly. It is said that before me, I changed the group of people every month!"

   "That's true! My godfather has a very weird temper, and he is also picky about choosing things. Forget it, it's because the ingredients you send every month are really novel and fresh, and that's why my godfather caught his eye!"

  This woman is not completely unreasonable. When she first heard that she was going to grab the space, Ning Yue responded a little bit, then stopped carefully, and felt that she was still easy to talk to her own people.

The woman was arranged in the farthest room by shopkeeper Li. According to her words, she is from the palace and has a godfather who is in charge of the palace. She must have a high status in the palace. Planning will go much smoother.


  But it said that after Qingshuang and his group of five checked into the guest room, shopkeeper Li immediately ordered someone to bring Rouge over, as well as a table of fragrant and delicious dishes. Qingshuang lived in a room alone because of her special status. After washing, she opened the rouge and tried it on the back of her hand. It was really delicate and fragrant and easy to color: "This Li is really a wonderful person."

As she was speaking, she suddenly heard the door being slammed hard, her heart skipped a beat, and she got up angrily and opened the door. Just as she was about to explode, she saw a thin young woman lying curled up on the ground, covering her hands with her hands. Keeping her heart shut, she looked so uncomfortable that she could hardly breathe, she quickly squatted down: "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

  Her reaction made Ning Yue secretly glad that she didn't make a wrong bet, and Ning Yue said weakly: "I... I seem to have a heart disease..."

   "Are you suffering from heart disease? Come on in quickly." Qingshuang helped Ning Yue into her room, "Do you want to call a doctor for you?"

  Ning Yue smiled with a pale face: "No need, girl, I've got an old problem, just rest for a while."

  Qingshuang hesitated for a moment, then poured her a glass of warm water: "Drink some."

   "Thank you." Ning Yue took it and took a sip slowly.

Qingshuang looked at her carefully, and Ning Yue hid her temperament very well, so in Qingshuang's eyes, this was an ordinary and somewhat respectable Qing lady: "Are you staying at the inn too? ? Which room? Do you want me to take you back?"

  Ning Yue's face showed a trace of entanglement, as if he was thinking about whether to trouble others. After a long while, he covered his heart and said with some embarrassment: "Then I will trouble the girl, in Tianzijian."

   "Tianzijian? Are you a relative of shopkeeper Li?" Qingshuang asked.

  Ning Yue slightly opened her eyes wide: "Girl... you know me?"

  Qingshuang smiled and shook her head: "No, I don't know you. I heard shopkeeper Li said that there are relatives of his mother-in-law's family living between Tianzi and Dizi."

  Ning Yue smiled shyly.

  Qing Shuang said in her heart that she is not an annoying person, she is soft and weak, with a gentle temperament and a delicate appearance, which makes people love her when she looks at her.

In the end, Qingshuang sent Ning Yue back to her room. Xuanyin learned that his wife had fainted at the door of the house and was helped back by him. accept.

  Qingshuang refused, but accepted.


Three days passed like a flash, and in a blink of an eye it was time to deliver ingredients to the palace. Shopkeeper Li was not the only supplier, and there were not many things to supply. They were all delicacies collected from all over the world. installed.

   Xuanyin disguised himself as a coachman, sitting in front of the carriage and driving the horses; Ning Yue remained in his original appearance, helping shopkeeper Li; Xuanjiang and Dongmei both dressed up as boys, and followed the carriage on foot. To ensure everything was safe, the black-clothed leader led Xuan Yingwei, disguised as a tourist, and approached each entrance of the palace from different directions.

   In the past few days, Xuan Yin and Ning Yue have memorized the topographic map of the palace by heart. When they close their eyes, the names of various courtyards can appear in their minds. The Prince Regent's son, that is, Rong Lin, lived in the Tingtao Pavilion on the central axis, and his son and concubine lived with him.

   Yes, Rong Lin got married in the second year after returning to the Northern Territory.

  When she suddenly heard the news, Ning Yue almost thought she was dreaming. Would Rong Lin, who wanted to cling to his elder brother all day long, marry a woman? After repeatedly confirming, confirming, and confirming again with shopkeeper Li, it was confirmed that the man who became married without a word was her elder brother's lover.

  She really wanted to rush into the palace, rush in front of Rong Lin, slap him hard, and then question him—why do you want to do this? If it is a decision to marry a wife and have children, why not cut off the elder brother's thoughts directly? Why did I give my eldest brother hope, and then let my eldest brother feel disappointed bit by bit in the past five years? Ten years of facing each other day and night, in exchange for such an ending.

  When the eldest brother died in depression, did he feel a little bit sad?

   Xuan Yin heard the low sobs, and pressed Ning Yue's hand: "Miss Rong Qing again?"

  Ning Yue choked up and said, "I don't know what answer I'll hear from Rong Lin when I meet him later? Did he tell me with an aloof expression that he had forgotten my elder brother long ago, or did he avoid me hastily?"

Xuan Yin understands her feelings, every time he thinks of Lan Zhen and his father, he is as confused as she is, and his father keeps saying that the person he loves the most is Lan Zhen, but he married Guo Yu and had four children with Guo Yu , he was standing in the middle of that big family, it was simply a joke. He worked hard to run everything about them, but he didn't want Ning Yue to taste this kind of taste, but she still tasted it.

  He was speechless, and after a long silence, he said softly: "Maybe things are not as we thought, and he may have some unavoidable difficulties."

  What kind of difficulty can make people go away for five years without hearing anything? Ning Yue closed her eyes, she couldn't accept any reason, she just had to know, that's all.


  The carriage stopped outside the corner gate of the palace. When the gate guard saw Shopkeeper Li, he was quite polite and greeted him in a neutral manner. Shopkeeper Li honored the guard with a purse embroidered with silver thread. The guard was very satisfied with the weight of the purse, and the guard smiled: "Look at your face, Lao Li."

Shopkeeper Li hurriedly explained: "This is a relative of my mother-in-law's family. She can cook. The ingredients this time are different from the previous ones. I was afraid that the cooks in the palace would not be able to cook, so I asked her to come and show everyone. a bit."

  Ning Yue stepped forward cooperatively and greeted the guards.

  The guard saw Ning Yue's honest look, hummed, and then looked at the driver and the two guys behind: "Where did these three come from?"

   Shopkeeper Li said with a smile: "The ones in my shop, have you never seen them? Ah, I remembered, when I delivered things to the Wangfu last month, it was not you who were on duty, but Sun Datong."

  Sun Datong is the guard's companion, and the two guard the palace in shifts.

The guards looked up and down the three of Xuanyin. Dongmei and Xuanjiang were originally servants. Now that they are back to their old profession, they are almost acting in their true colors. Out of the blue, Ning Yue specially smeared yellow powder on him and spotted moles, making him look like dirt.

   The guard didn't notice anything unusual, and waved his hand at Shopkeeper Li: "Go in, it's the princess's birthday today, so I invited a few familiar handkerchiefs to hand over, and bumped carefully."

   "Okay, thank you for reminding me, brother!" Shopkeeper Li smiled and bowed, then turned his head and told the "coach driver" to drive the carriage into the palace.

The Prince Regent’s Mansion has nothing to praise in terms of landscape alone. The buildings and Champs are relatively rough, and the color is mainly grayish white and brown. It does not have the elegant feeling of southern architecture, but it is large and vast. On the trail, one can faintly feel the ancient prehistoric power all around.

  Ning Yue lowered her eyebrows and looked around from the corner of her eye. There was still a slight discrepancy between the real scene and the map, especially in terms of distance. It took a quarter of an hour to walk to a place that looked very close on the drawing.

   "Here we are." At the door of the dining room, shopkeeper Li stopped in his tracks, "You two, unload your things, Xiao Si, you should park your car on the sidewalk, so as not to block anyone's way here."

  Xuanyin, who was called Xiaosi, brought the ingredients down in Dongmei and Xuanjiang, and then drove the carriage to the beekeeping road in the east.

   Shopkeeper Li contacted the people in the kitchen, explained the names and nutritional value of the ingredients in detail, and took out something to honor them from the bag. With short hands, the cooks were very happy and led Ning Yue in with a smile.

  A fat aunt said to Ning Yue: "Don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste good."

  Ning Yue said flattered, "Yes."

   "How do I wash this?" Fat Aunt picked up a bunch of weird things, "Isn't this bark?"

"Cinnamon bark, the bark of the cinnamon tree, is very fragrant when boiled. It has the effects of warming the spleen and stomach, warming the liver and kidneys, dispelling cold and relieving pain, dispelling blood stasis and reducing swelling. This is Zanthoxylum bungeanum, which tastes numb and can kill insects, detoxify, and relieve itching It also has a certain auxiliary effect on vomiting, wind-cold-damp arthralgia, toothache, and hemorrhoids. And this is fennel..." Ning Yue clearly introduced the names, tastes, and effects of more than a dozen spices and seasonings. The cook who was cooking was dumbfounded.

  Aunt Fat asked: "Eat a meal, can you still be cured?"

  Ning Yue said with a smile: "This is called diet therapy." This is a bit exaggerated. Adding cinnamon bark and pepper as a condiment usually does not achieve the effect of diet therapy. A certain amount must be accumulated to cure the disease. They also understand this truth, they don't expect to really use these spices as medicine, but if they can boast of the magical effect of nourishing the mind from a mediocre meal, the master will be happy to hear it.

  The cooks were more polite to Ning Yue.

  Ning Yue made a dish of spicy beef, a pot of chestnut roast chicken, and a dish of stewed lotus root with ribs. The last dish took a long time, so Ning Yue made some pastries with flour.

Today is the concubine's birthday, and she has her own chef to prepare the banquet. It's not their turn to be a group of cooks. Let Ning Yue cook because she wants to learn cooking techniques, and she won't really send these meals to the master, but After they tasted such delicious beef and chicken, and then saw the exquisite crystal cake, they couldn't hold back the urge to offer food to their master.

  At this time, Qingshuang came to the kitchen: "Yuanniang, do you have any dumplings? The princess is tired of the banquet, and wants to eat some vegetarian dumplings."

Yuan Niang was the fat aunt, she walked forward with a smile, wiped her hands with her apron, and said: "There are some! Guess the princess may not be used to those big fish and meat, so she prepared them in the cabinet early Yes, I'll give it to you right now, is Miss Shuang here, or should I go back first? It's the same if I send it!"

"No, I'll wait, I have nothing to do anyway." Qingshuang didn't want anyone to get close to the princess and get acquainted with her face. She walked around and saw a man chopping vegetables in front of the stove. Ning Ruan couldn't help but move his eyes, "Are you... that lady?"

  Ning Yue paused her vegetable-chopping hand and raised her head: "You... ah, it's you!"

   "It's not me!" Qingshuang walked over and said with a smile on her face, "Why did you come to the kitchen of the palace?"

   "Uncle Li sent some fresh ingredients, let me teach you how to make them." Ning Yue said, holding a piece of chicken with chopsticks and feeding it to her mouth, "Would you like to try it?"

  When everyone saw that the two of them were so acquainted, Monk Zhanger couldn't help but be puzzled.

  Qingshuang ate the piece of chicken with her mouth open: "Oh, it's delicious!" She took the chopsticks and tasted it again, "How is this done? I haven't eaten this kind of sticky chicken before."

   "Stir fry in oil, then stew in water." The people here are usually roasted, the dry meat is hard, and it is hard to eat.

   "I forgot to ask your name, my name is Qingshuang, and I work in the princess's yard."

   Seeing Qingshuang eating happily, Ning Yue scooped up another bowl of spicy beef for her: "My name is Zhong Jingyue, if you don't mind, call me Xiaoyue."

   "How can I dislike it?" Qingshuang said with a smile: "The beef tastes weird, but it is also very tender, very delicious, and a little numb..."

The fat aunt's eyes moved, and she hurriedly served the crystal cake beside her, fearing that Ning Yue would steal the limelight, but she completely forgot that the cake itself was made by Ning Yue: "Miss Qingshuang, don't spoil it, eat it quickly. A piece of crystal cake."

  Qingshuang looked at the bright and colorful pastries, and couldn't wait to take a bite. She served the princess for three years. Although she was not a first-class maid, she was still a maid. What delicious food did she not eat? I have eaten all the ones in the imperial dining room, but they are not as good as this crystal cake!

   Such a good thing should be dedicated to the princess.

  Qingshuang thought so, and did the same thing: "You made this pastry too, right? I'll talk to the princess later."

   This meant to flatter Ning Yue, Ning Yue said in her heart: Amitabha, I don't even have time to hide from that woman, please do me a favor, and don't mention me to her.

   "No need, it's just a little bit of food, it's not worth mentioning, besides, I didn't make this pastry alone, everyone helped."

  When everyone heard that she had brought them along, they felt a burst of joy in their hearts.

  Qing Shuang had encountered people who didn't take credit, most likely because she was afraid of being missed, so she didn't say anything at the moment, and went with the cake.

  As soon as she left, Ning Yue put down the buddy in her hand, and asked the fat aunt with a smirk, "Yuanniang, I... I want to go out, where is the toilet?"

  The fat aunt said: "Go out, turn right, go straight and you will be there, hurry up and come back."

"it is good."

Ning Yue walked out of the dining room and met Xuanjiang and Dongmei who had been waiting for a long time. Xuanjiang said in a low voice: "The shadow guards are ready and are distributed outside the three doors. If there is any problem on our side, they will come to you immediately." Can enter the government to rescue."

"I hope you don't get to that point." Ning Yue finished in a low voice, and took the whistle from General Xuan to communicate with the shadow guard without any trace, "Where is Rong Lin? The Queen's Cuiyun Pavilion is still his own Tingtao Pavilion ?”

  Dongmei whispered: "Listen to Tao Pavilion."

   "Where is Xuanyin?"

   "Going to work." It was Xuan Jiang who answered.

  Ning Yue stopped talking and went to Tingtao Pavilion according to the road in memory.

Walking halfway, I saw another group of people coming from the side path, which was also in the direction of Tingtao Pavilion. The leading woman was dressed in a gorgeous goose-yellow dress, with deep eyes and deep features. Her concubine.

   Have I met the Crown Princess somewhere? Why are you so familiar? Confused, Ning Yue stood aside with her head bowed. When Shi Zifei walked past her with a group of people, she suddenly remembered who the other party was!

   Isn't this the Mo family sister I met on the way to the hot spring villa? How did she become Rong Lin's imperial concubine?

  She never disclosed information about Rong Lin to the Mo family—how did Rong Lin marry the Mo family?

  Yes, she forgot that Rong Lin has an omnipotent mother. It costs a lot of money to raise an army. They are descendants of the Xuanyuan clan, so they are naturally qualified to use the wealth of the underground palace, but it is inevitable that a hermit suddenly spends such a large sum of money, which will inevitably cause suspicion. It was the money given by the Mo family, so it was seamless.

   "Secretary, please slow down, there is no need to hurry." The servant girl persuaded.

  Mona said excitedly: "You can't rush, the shortbread won't taste good when it's cold."

   "You are so kind to Shizi." The servant girl praised sincerely.

  Mona's face turned into a flower with a smile.

Ning Yue didn't know how much effort she had to endure the urge to tear Mona apart. She knew that Mona might be innocent, and there would be other Mo family members without Mona, but as soon as she thought of her elder brother being alone in the Nanjiang waited for five years, but he didn't get to see Rong Lin until he died. But this woman can dominate Rong Lin and enjoy Rong Lin's love so openly, she is so jealous that she is mad!

  Mona didn't notice that there was a person hiding behind the tree, so she left with her maid with a smile on her face.

  Since Mona went to Rong Lin's yard, Ning Yue couldn't act rashly, so she found a hidden place and hid quietly.

  Mona twisted the food box and entered Rong Lin's yard.


   "Rong Lin."

   "Rong Lin."

   "Did Rong Lin hear that?"

who? Who is calling him?

   "Rong Lin...Rong Lin—"

  Rong Lin shuddered, waking up from his sleep, with that gentle voice still ringing in his ears, but his whole body was drenched in sweat.

   "My lord, what's wrong with you?" Mona walked in with the food box twisted, seeing his bewildered expression, she hurriedly put the food box on the table, stretched out her hand to wipe his sweat, "Are you dreaming again?"

   "No." Rong Lin raised his head, avoiding her outstretched hand.

  Mona's arms froze in mid-air, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and she opened the food box with a smile after a while: "The newly made crystal cake in the kitchen, my concubine thinks it's good to eat, let me bring you some."

  Rong Lin hummed lightly.

Mona said softly: "Today is my concubine's birthday, and there are many distinguished guests. Concubine mother said, if you feel healthy, you can go out and meet them; if it is inconvenient, you can stay in the room to recuperate, but don't forget eat."

  Looking at the crystal cake on the table, Rong Lin frowned, picked up a piece impatiently, and randomly stuffed it into his mouth. Then, the whole body paused.

Mona opened her eyes wide and said, "How's the taste? Is it delicious? I just tasted it, and it's even better than the one made by the Imperial Dining Room. It's almost like Lan..." Just as she was about to come out of the corner of her mouth, her eyes flashed, Swallowed.

  Rong Lin chewed the pastry, showing a thoughtful look: "Who made it?"

  Mona said: "Cook lady. You think it's not bad? I'll order someone to make another plate!"

  Rong Lin nodded, and ate the remaining pieces of crystal cake.

   "This taste is so familiar, I really want to eat it somewhere..."

   "What did you say?" Mona thought he was talking to herself, but she didn't hear clearly.

  Rong Lin hurriedly said: "It's nothing, I said, it's delicious."

  Mona happily left Tingtao Pavilion, she couldn't wait to tell the concubine that Rong Lin finally had a good meal, who made this plate of pastries, she must transfer people to the small kitchen!

  As soon as Mona left, Rong Lin took out the notebook hidden under the bed, on which was written a name—Rong Qing.


  Ning Yue waited behind the tree for a long time, but instead of waiting for Mona to come out, she waited for Qingshuang who brought fruit to Rong Lin.

  Qingshuang is not the confused Mona, she saw Ning Yue behind the tree at a glance: "Mrs. Xiaoyue!"

  Ning Yue stepped out bravely, and said with a smile, "It's Miss Qingshuang, where are you going?"

   Qingshuang said: "Madam asked me to deliver some fruit to the son, how did you get here? This is the backyard of the inner house, if someone finds out, they will know your crime!"

  Ning Yue showed a trace of embarrassment: "I...I wanted to find Gong, but I lost my way."

   Qingshuang took Ning Yue's hand: "I'll take you there!"

  Ning Yue's eyelashes trembled: "No need, you tell me, I can go by myself, don't you want to deliver food to the prince? Don't delay your business."

   Mentioning this, Qingshuang smiled proudly: "The cakes you made are delicious. Madam has asked the concubine to send them to the son. If you like it, you can wait to be rewarded!"

  How could Rong Lin not like what she made? Rong Lin loves her and Lanzhi's craftsmanship the most... Thinking this way in his heart, he said on his face: "Miss Qingshuang praised me, the son is a nobleman, what good things have you never eaten? Would you be rare for a plate of folk cakes?"

   "You don't know this. The prince has always been not very optimistic about eating. In order to let the prince eat more, the princess has worked hard."

how come? Rong Lin, that big eater, will be anorexic? Ning Yue felt strange in her heart: "By the way, I seem to have seen your concubine Shizi just now. She is really a beautiful woman. She must have a very good relationship with Shizi."

"Of course! The son and the concubine have known each other for several years. I heard that it was when the son had not yet entered the northern capital. The son fell in love with the concubine at first sight. From then on, he began to stalk the concubine. The concubine was stalked so badly. Agree to the prince's marriage proposal. These years, the prince has always been the concubine, and he has never said a word to other women!" Referring to the prince who is clean and self-sufficient, Qingshuang's face is full of admiration and pride.

  The more Ning Yue listened, the more strange she became. When did Rong Lin fall in love with Mona at first sight? It was too late to hide from the Mo family sisters, but it was just to stimulate the eldest brother that the Mo family sisters' overtures were made, but later on, didn't the Mo family sisters be completely forgotten?

  Qingshuang talked with Ning Yue a few more words, bid farewell to Ning Yue and went to Tingtao Pavilion, Ning Yue chased after her from a distance, planning to sneak in to find Rong Lin after she and Mona came out.

   Halfway, I ran into Mona.

Ning Yue bowed her head and saluted. Mona passed by Ning Yue blindly. Ning Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Tingtao Pavilion. When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly heard Qingshuang's sharp roar: "Where is your son?" ? Where is the prince? Find it—find it for me—"

   Ning Yue was startled, Rong Lin disappeared?


  Rong Lin had indeed disappeared, and the entire palace was thrown into chaos.

  Ning Yue hurriedly went back to the kitchen to meet Uncle Li and the others. Xuanyin was originally surveying the actual terrain of the palace, but when he heard the wind, he quickly stopped his actions.

   "Fourth Master." Uncle Li greeted Xuanyin who was coming.

  Xuanyin raised his hand, signaling him to be cautious: "What's going on?"

  Uncle Li said anxiously: "The eldest son is gone! The entire palace is under martial law, and all entrances are blocked, only entering and not exiting!"

   Xuan Yin frowned thickly, and asked Ning Yue, "Can you see Rong Lin?"

  Ning Yue shook her head: "Never. Something happened on the road and I was delayed, and when I got to the door, I heard someone screaming that Rong Lin had disappeared."

  Why did such a good person suddenly disappear? Was kidnapped by the enemy? Or did you hide yourself?

  If it is the former, it is very strange. The palace is so heavily guarded that even the shadow guards of the Xuan family cannot easily sneak in. Who has such a great ability to kidnap Rong Lin under the eyes of the regent king and princess? Besides, leaving this aside, Rong Lin himself is a master, and there are very few people who can beat him, let alone kidnap him quietly.

   Could it be the latter? Did Rong Lin hide by himself? This is even more strange. Why did Rong Lin hide? It's fun to turn the palace upside down, isn't it? Or... the relationship between him and the palace is actually not as harmonious as outsiders say?

   "Fourth master, madam, what should we do now? Should we stay in the mansion to look for Rong Lin, or try to escape?" Xuanjiang asked.

   This is also a question of the relationship between Uncle Li and Dongmei. The two looked at Xuan Yin and Ning Yue together.

Ning Yue put the decision-making power in Xuan Yin's hands, Xuan Yin pondered for a moment, and said: "According to my investigation just now, the palace guards are extremely tight, and it is almost impossible to take away a living person without anyone noticing it." Either Rong Lin is still in the mansion, or Rong Lin has escaped by himself. If Rong Lin is in the mansion, he is with the murderer, and our fight with him will inevitably attract the guards of the palace and reveal his identity; Then it doesn't make any sense for us to stay."

  Everyone agreed with Xuanyin's analysis very much, Xuanjiang said again: "But all the entrances to the palace are sealed, how can we get out?"

  Xuanyin looked at Ning Yue, Ning Yue smiled slightly, and took out a token from her purse: "I pretended to be sick and got it from Qingshuang that day."

Of course, having a token is not enough, you have to have Qingshuang's face. Fortunately, after staying with Qingshuang for so long that night, remembering Qingshuang's outline, Ning Yue took out the human skin mask she had prepared and put it on her face On the Internet, I found another high imitation dress of a servant girl in the palace. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference.

   A group of people swaggered towards the corner door.

  The leader was still the previous guard. When the guard saw "Qingshuang", he greeted flatteringly: "Hey, Miss Qingshuang, where are you going?"

   "Shopkeeper Li and I have some things to do, the princess told me." Ning Yue said calmly.

  The guard was startled for a moment, and then glanced suspiciously at a few people at random: "There is an order from above, only entry is allowed, no exit is allowed."

"Of course I know, otherwise, why should I come here in person?" Ning Yue said, and gave him Qingshuang's token, "Where the prince may go, only the princess knows, and the princess wants to find the prince before the prince gets angry." When you come back, you can do your duty as much as you want, but don’t blame me for not reminding you, if you offended the concubine, no matter how loyal you are to the lord, you won’t have that blessing!”

  The guards were bluffed by Ning Yue's words, and after some tangled up, they let them out.

  As soon as the people on this side left, Qingshuang came over there.

  The bodyguard was startled, and asked in bewilderment: "Then what, Miss Qingshuang, didn't you go out? I...I was dazzled or something? How come I don't know when you came in?"

Qingshuang looked at him suspiciously: "When did I go out? I just came here. I just wanted to tell you that you must keep the door secure. The princess said, no matter who he is or what he has taken, I can't Let it out!"


"Also." Qingshuang looked around to confirm that there was no one before she lowered her voice and said, "I lost my token. I don't know if someone took my token to sneak into the palace and kidnap the prince. If there are strangers If someone takes the token of Wangfei's yard, don't let it go!"

   The guards feel like the sky has stepped on...


  The concubine rushed into Tingtao Pavilion, and asked the maids if they had noticed something strange when they were serving. The maids shook their heads, and the concubine asked Mona again.

Mona said in a panic: "No, I just talked to him, he was still fine, and he was very happy eating cakes, I thought, he finally opened his heart, and came to report to you... how do you know that the son will... mother Concubine, did someone sneak in pretending to be a guest and kidnap the prince?"

   "Who dares to kidnap people under the eyes of me and the regent? Don't you want to live? But when you talk about pastries..." The princess's eyes narrowed slightly, and the taste seemed familiar. The concubine looked around the room again, and took out a booklet from under the bed. When she opened it, it was full of Rong Qing's names!

   "You bastard! You must have gone to find Rong Qing! Tell the prince!"

  After the concubine gave an order, all the servants did not dare to neglect, and immediately went to the study and told the prince everything.

   "Madam! Madam is not well!" Qingshuang stumbled in and ran in, "Just now someone pretended to be a slave and escaped from the house!"

   "Didn't you tell them to keep the gate? Why did you let them go? Who did you let go?" The princess was furious.

  Qingshuang said in fear: "It's the treasurer Li from Casa City! They stole the slave's token, and pretended to be the slave, and lied that you sent the slave to work..."


  Wang Hao slapped the table with a slap: "It's useless! It has been ordered to strictly abide by it, but it is still released! I will go find the prince myself!"

  The concubine went to the regent's study, and a quarter of an hour later, a group of black-armored soldiers walked out of the secret room of the palace, and went out to each door of the palace.

  The black-armored army came quickly and only obeyed the prince's orders. When they dispatched, even the martial law order of the princess lost its effect. The guards respectfully let them go out of the mansion. Not long after, another black armored soldier galloped out. His figure was thinner than the previous ones, and the skin exposed under the mask was pale and bloodless. Confused, he stretched out his arm to stop him: "Wait! What's your name? Why did you fall behind? Come down for inspection!"

  The Black Armored Army suddenly swung his sleeves and spilled a pack of medicinal powder, the guard


  The gale in the northern capital raises dust and dances.

  Xuan Yin and the others' carriages were running fast on the road, and Xuan Yingwei followed them vigorously and nimbly on both sides.

"It will be troublesome if they dispatch the Black Armored Army. They are a group of murderous guys." Shopkeeper Li said with lingering fear. He had seen the brutality of the Black Armored Army in the early years before he had a relationship with the Prince Regent's Mansion. Those were not a group of hidden guards at all, but walking butcher knives who knew no pain and no fear of death.

   Xuanyin opened the curtain, looked sideways: "Maybe I will disappoint you."

Shopkeeper Li was shocked, and hurriedly leaned out, only to see a group of black armored soldiers chasing after them in a murderous manner. Everyone was wearing shiny black armor and helmets that covered their faces, and their eyes were sharp and cold. It feels like a living person, the black armor army's weapon is a scimitar, and they are all aimed at them at this moment, as if they are going to split them in half at any time.

   "Ah! This... this... what should I do?" Shopkeeper Li was terrified.

   Xuanyin gestured to the Xuanying Guards on both sides. Under the leadership of the black-clothed leader, the Xuanying Guards pulled out their swords and slashed at the Black Armored Army behind them.

  Xuanjiang continued to drive outside, increasing the speed of the horse to the extreme, and the sound of fighting came loudly, sometimes accompanied by the screams of passers-by.

   If this continues, the government will have to be alarmed.

   Xuanyin grabbed Ning Yue's hand: "You guys go first! Don't stay in Kasa City after leaving Beidu, hurry back to Southern Xinjiang!"

   "What about you?" Ning Yue grabbed his sleeve.

   Xuanyin smiled: "I'm fine. I grew up in Beicheng anyway. If it's really not good, I will flee to Beicheng."

  Beicheng is still a certain distance from the northern capital, but it is closer than the southern border. Xuanyin wanted to attract the attention of the enemy so that they could escape. Ning Yue felt very uncomfortable. Before Rong Lin found it, he alarmed the Black Armored Army of the Prince Regent's Mansion. This was indeed beyond their expectation. Everyone is counted correctly, except that Rong Lin will suddenly disappear—

   "Dongmei and the others go first, I'll go with you." Ning Yue held his hand.

  Xuanyin touched her head: "Hey, don't stay here, swords have no eyes, and you don't know martial arts, so you can only hold back. I am alone, and it is easier to act."

   This is the truth. Whether he is killing or fleeing, he is unlikely to be trapped by the black armor army if he has no weaknesses. Ning Yue understood this truth, but she couldn't bear him too much.

"Okay, don't hesitate anymore, the black clothes won't last too long." Xuanyin patted Ning Yue's hand, Brick, with a solemn expression, "Xuanjiang, Uncle Li, take Yueyue and Dongmei and leave Beidu as soon as possible. There are people from us along the way who will meet you."

  Dongmei suddenly said: "I'll stay here! If Ma'am wants to arrest you and Miss, then I will pretend to be Miss, and it will be easier to confuse their eyes."

"No, right now, they probably haven't found out our real identities, and they're just hunting us down as ordinary assassins. And if they haven't found Rong Lin, they're bound to catch me alive. They don't dare to kill me. I escaped." The chances are even greater." After Xuanyin explained, without giving them a chance to refute, he parked the carriage in the alley, threw them out of the carriage one by one, then took the whip by himself, and left in the dust!

  Ning Yue's eyes turned hot: "Xuan Yin—"

   "Ma'am!" Shopkeeper Li stopped her, "There is not much time, let's go quickly! If they catch up with Fourth Master and find that there is only Fourth Master in the car, you will know that you have hit a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

"Yes, miss, let's go! Although the princess doesn't know our true identities now, she will definitely recognize us if we are taken back! The princess is not the former wife. What does she want to do to you? Who knows?" Dongmei persuaded.

  Xuanjiang also persuaded: "If the regent knows that the emperor and empress of Southern Xinjiang sneaked into the northern capital privately, he will definitely be furious. No one can tell what he will do then."

   "Yes, yes, miss, didn't the fourth master say that the regent has great ambitions? Does he want to restore the country? Does he want to recover all the four countries and rebuild the Xuanyuan Dynasty thousands of years ago?" Dongmei said nonsense. In fact, how did she know what the regent thought? It was just made up to persuade Ning Yue to leave.

  Ken Ningyue just listened to it, if that's the case, what Rong Lin's parents want is not just a Northern Territory—

   "But if that's the case, why did she save me back then? Because she couldn't beat Rong Lin? Or..." Ning Yue felt a slight strangeness in his heart, as if something was wrong.

   "Miss! I really can't think about it anymore! Let's go!" Dongmei interrupted Ning Yue's thoughts, took Ning Yue's hand, and ran into the depths of the alley with Xuan Jiang and shopkeeper Li.

   "Wait a minute, I'm going to rent a carriage!" Shopkeeper Li turned into a nearby car dealership.

  The three of them waited anxiously by the tea shop. Suddenly, a black armored soldier riding a fine horse ran towards them!

  Xuanjiang Mang Ningyue and Dongmei stood behind him, holding down the hilt of the saber with his right hand, looking at the person coming vigilantly. Unexpectedly, when Xuanjiang was about to make a move, a hidden weapon galloped from the end, and the target was the black armored soldier. Xuanjiang thought it was a friendly army coming, but he was stunned when he saw it!

  Heijiajun... Kill the Heijiajun? Where did this come from? The lone black-armored soldier sideways avoided a blow, but because of too much force and failed to pull the rein tightly, he fell off the saddle.

  The Heijia army behind also caught up, Xuanjiang was about to attack, Ning Yue held him down. Xuanjiang and Dongmei used disguises when they entered the palace. They changed their appearances back in the carriage. Even the maids and guards who had seen them might not recognize them, let alone those who had never been masked. The Black Armored Army.

   What the Heijia army wanted to arrest was a group of five people—two young men, an old man, a coachman, and Ning Yue. Now that Xuanyin is not here, shopkeeper Li is not here, and Dongmei has turned back into a maid again, one man and two women, it doesn't look like a target for the black armor army to arrest. As long as they don't look strange, the Black Armored Army won't suspect them.

  Xuanjiang understood what Ning Yue meant, and calmed down by cooperating, but Dongmei, who was at the side, was still a little bit drumming: "Miss, you entered the palace with your own face, will they recognize you?"

  Ning Yue whispered: "They haven't seen me yet. In such a short time, do you think those who have met me can draw a portrait?"

   "That's true." Dongmei's last scruples disappeared.

  The group of black armor soldiers did not notice the three of them, and ran straight to the "companion" who was alone. That "companion" didn't seem to know martial arts, after falling to the ground, it took a long time to stand up in pain, not daring to fight with this group of people, and started to run.

   "What's going on here? Why are they beating their own people?" Dongmei whispered in Ning Yue's ear.

   "That's not the real Heijiajun, he doesn't even know martial arts." How bold, it would be bad to pretend to be the frightening Heijiajun? He was also bumped into by the righteous masters, so he was unlucky. But... why did he pretend to be the Black Armored Army? Doesn't it look like he's doing evil outside?

Confused in her heart, Ning Yue cast a probing glance at the other party. Just at this time, the other party looked at her by mistake. The eyes met for a moment, and a feeling of deja vu hit her heart. Ning Yue frowned. Wrinkled, wanting to watch again, the man slipped into the diagonally opposite alley, and the Heijiajun followed suit.

   "Miss, what are you thinking?" Dongmei asked softly seeing Ning Yue lost in thought.

   "I was thinking, that person's eyes look so familiar, I really want to know him."

  Dongmei said: "No way? That's a person from the Northern Territory. How could you know someone from the Northern Territory?"

  Yeah, she has very little acquaintance with the Northern Territory, and she doesn't know the local Northern Territory people, except for Rong Lin and Wang Hao, but how could it be them two? The princess is a woman, Rong Lin—

   Rong Lin.

   "It's Rong Lin!"

  Dongmei was startled by Ning Yue's suddenly excited voice: "Miss, what are you talking about? What Rong Lin? Has Rong Lin come out? Where is it?"

  Ning Yue pressed her heart, her breathing became heavy: "That fake black armor Rong Lin!"

Dongmei opened her mouth wide: "Marshal? Impossible? That figure doesn't look like it! Marshal is so strong, the man just as thin as a bamboo pole! Also, if he is Marshal, why did you see him? We will run? Why did the Black Armor Army chase him down?"

   "I don't know...but I'm sure...he is Rong Lin!" Ning Yue grabbed Xuanjiang's hand suddenly, "Quick! Don't let Rong Lin fall into the hands of the Black Armored Army!"

Up to this point, Ning Yue was able to confirm that Rong Lin escaped from the palace by himself. The group of black armored soldiers probably didn't know that the person posing as them was Rong Lin, so they were not polite in their actions. What should I do if I get hurt?

   Obviously she was angry with Rong Lin a second ago, but at this moment, she couldn't help worrying about him!

   Xuanjiang didn't dare to neglect, raised his sword and chased after him.

  Ning Yue's eyes flickered, and she followed after her. Seeing that both of them had run away, Dongmei couldn't stay here. When Shopkeeper Li arrived here in the carriage, there was no one there...

Rong Lin's speed was not considered fast, but he was captured by the group after turning a corner. The helmet mask covered most of his face, only showing a pair of dull and hesitant eyes. The group did not recognize him. Raise the scimitar and slash at him!

  He didn't hide, didn't shout, just stared blankly at the other party.

   Bang! It was Xuanjiang who knocked away the Heijiajun, and the Heijiajun behind him quickly surrounded him and attacked Xuanjiang.

While Xuanjiang was holding them back, Ning Yue ran up to him, squatted down, hugged Rong Lin halfway into his arms, and scolded, "Are you stupid? Don't you know how to hide? Even if you don't hide, at least you can say Who are you! If someone kills you, let him kill you!?"

  Ning Yue was so angry that she burst into tears.

  The person in my arms is really too thin. Paper people generally can’t feel the weight. The armor is loose and loose... I have practiced countless times to point at his nose and curse, but I can’t say a word.

  Ning Yue helped him up: "Let's go..."

  Rong Lin suddenly pushed Ning Yue away!

   Ning Yue staggered and bumped into Dongmei, startled!

  Rong Lin ran away without looking back.

  Ning Yue chased desperately.

Xuanyin came up from the fork in the road, and when he saw Ning Yue, he quickly grabbed Ning Yue's shoulders, looked him up and down, and said, "I just finished dealing with that group of people, and then I found another group chasing this way, how about it?" ? Are you all right?"

  Ning Yue frowned and said, "Fortunately, Dongmei is delaying those few, so you get someone to help him."

   Xuanyin couldn't help being confused: "It's strange, how could the Black Armor Army abandon me and chase you? Did they recognize you?"

   "That's not true, they are not chasing us, they are chasing Rong Lin!"

   Xuan Yin frowned thickly: "Rong Lin? He escaped from the house?"

  Ning Yue took Xuan Yin's hand: "I'll explain to you later, I'm afraid Rong Lin can't beat them!"

  Xuanyin blew the whistle, and the shadow guards scattered everywhere were ordered, some came to rescue Xuanjiang, and some took shortcuts to rob Rong Lin.

  When the couple arrived at the scene of the incident following the sound of fighting, the Black Armored Army had already engaged in a thorough fight with Xuanyingwei. Rong Lin was left to the side, lying on the ground, curled up and covering his belly, not sure if he was injured.

  Ning Yue hurriedly hugged him: "Rong Lin! Are you okay?"

  Rong Lin looked at her coldly, the pain made him bow into a ball, but he forcefully raised his hand and grabbed Ning Yue's neck.

   Xuanyin's eyes turned cold, and he slashed the back of Rong Lin's neck with a knife. Rong Lin rolled his eyes and passed out.

  Xuanyin carried Rong Lin on his shoulders, and took Ning Yue with the other hand: "Let's go!" After running a few steps, he asked suspiciously, "Are you sure it's Rong Lin?"

  Why are you so light and thin?

  Ning Yue nodded. Although she was still wearing a mask, she was sure that the other party was Rong Lin!

  The two of them turned seventy-eight thousand and turned into a small courtyard that was in disrepair and uninhabited. Ning Yue simply tidied up the main house and asked Xuanyin to put Rong Lin on the bed. Afterwards, she took off her helmet and armor, and when the thin face with only cheekbones came into view, Ning Yue couldn't help it anymore, trembling and crying...


   It was half an hour after Rong Lin woke up. He opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the beam, and didn't even respond to Ning Yue approaching.

  Ning Yue twisted the hot handkerchief, wiped his face, and said softly, "Is it better? Is there any pain?"

  Rong Lin glanced at her indifferently, then continued to look at the beam.

   Ning Yue was dumbfounded, turned around, and moved her mouth silently, what happened to him?

   Xuanyin raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, then sized up Rong Lin for a while, and pointed to his temple.

   Something wrong with your brain? Ning Yue frowned strangely, adjusted her expression, and smiled softly: "Rong Lin, I'm Yueyue, don't you remember me?"

  Rong Lin still looked blank, not giving Ning Yue a look.

  Ning Yue wiped his face, but he didn't resist Ning Yue like before. I don't know if he thinks Ning Yue won't harm him, or it doesn't matter anymore.

   "I'll cook, how about making your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs?" Ning Yue touched his forehead, turned and walked out of the room, Xuan Yin followed. Just taking advantage of the opportunity to inquire about the news, Xuan Yin bought some food. Probably the Hei Jiajun never dreamed that the person they were looking for not only did not escape from the city, but swaggered with a catty of vegetables, three catties of ribs, two catties of Rice is swaggering in the northern capital.

Ning Yue said while washing the rice: "In fact, I guessed that he might have no choice but to not fulfill the agreement with my elder brother, and I also guessed that he might have been coerced by some kind of coercion before marrying someone else, but I never expected that The truth is... I was wrong about him."

Xuanyin took out the chopped firewood and lit a fire under the stove: "Don't blame yourself, if it wasn't for that mistake, how would we have found Beidu? How could we have escaped from the hands of those lunatics?" rescued?"

   Yes, those people are crazy! In order to break up Rong Lin and his eldest brother, Rong Lin was forced into this kind of virtue! She didn't dare to think, when did Rong Lin become so stupid? And why are you so stupid? What kind of life did I live every day before I was foolish, did I think about my brother so much that I was going crazy...

  Ning Yue squeezed the rice vigorously, like pinching the throat of a princess: "I really want to kill her!"

  Xuanyin understood who she was talking about, and said without thinking: "Okay."

Half an hour later, Ning Yue came into the room with the food, but Rong Lin was not in a daze, but lay on his side on the bed, facing inwards and facing outwards, flipping through a book, when he heard footsteps, he suddenly She stuffed the booklet into her arms, and then looked at Ning Yue blankly.

   Ning Yue thought to herself, this seems to be stupid, but still retains a certain instinct of vigilance. Ning Yue pretended not to discover his little secret, and put the food on the table with a smile: "It's all your favorite dishes, including sweet and sour pork ribs, fried beef tenderloin with green onions, roasted chicken with chestnuts, tofu mixed with shallots and hot and sour Lotus root."

  Rong Lin Xu smelled the fragrance and had a slight reaction.

  Ning Yue hurriedly handed him the chopsticks, but he didn't reach out to take them. Ning Yue smiled slightly, and fed him a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs. After Rong Lin finished eating a piece, he looked at Ning Yue again, Ning Yue understood, sat down and continued to feed him. As if he hadn't eaten in years, he kept asking for a bite. Ning Yue touched his stomach and said, "If you eat it again, it will spoil you. I'll make it tomorrow. I guarantee you will have delicious pork ribs when you wake up." eat."

  Rong Lin probably understood and didn't bother anymore.

   Xuan Yin gave Ning Yue a piece of beef tenderloin: "Eat it quickly, it's getting cold."

   After the two of them finished eating, Ning Yue cleaned up the dishes, and Rong Lin sat in front of the window in a daze, his frail appearance seemed to blow him away even with a gust of wind. Ning Yue took a cloak and draped it over his shoulders: "What are you looking at? A tree? What's so good about a tree? You didn't like to look at these before."

  Rong Lin turned his head and looked at Ning Yue in confusion.

  Ning Yue sat down next to him: "Don't you remember the past at all? Then do you still remember how you have lived these past few years?"

  A pain appeared on Rong Lin's face.

Ning Yue touched his forehead: "Okay, we don't want to." Pulling his hands, these are hands that can smash rocks into pieces, but now they are so thin that they have no strength at all, "When you were in the underground palace, A stone wall collapsed, and you carried it. You used to be very strong and good at martial arts. I fell off the cliff, and you carried me up."

  Rong Lin's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Seeing that it wasn't that he didn't respond to the past, Ning Yue hurriedly hit the rails: "Do you know where we met for the first time? Xiliang. I opened a medical clinic, and you dressed up as a middle-aged uncle and came to my hospital. Finding faults in the clinic, I was angry with many doctors, and they were like idiots behind me, allowing me to get needles randomly."

  Rong Lin seemed to recall something, his eyes gradually became blurred.

"Your disguise technique is really bad. I've seen that you are a young man, but I didn't expect you to be only seventeen years old. Eight years later, you are now twenty-five." Ning Yue said with difficulty: "Really Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember me, don't you remember your eldest brother?"

   "Rong Qing."

   Ning Yue was startled, and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

  He glanced at Ning Yue cautiously, as if testing whether Ning Yue would get angry: "Rong Qing."

  Ning Yue's eyes lit up, she held onto his shoulders and said, "Remember Rong Qing?"

   "Rong Qing, Rong Qing, Rong Qing." He laughed and shouted.

  Ning Yue understands, he still remembers his eldest brother, maybe there is only one name, but in the palace, no one is allowed to mention this name, so he dare not even call out. Ning Yue hugged him distressedly: "You can yell as much as you want, and you can yell as many times as you want. Brother also really wants to hear you yelling at him."

  Rong Lin called Rong Qing's name for an unknown amount of time before falling asleep in Ning Yue's arms.

  Xuan Yin carried Rong Lin back to the bed, Ning Yue called warm water to wipe his body, Xuan Yin took the towel: "Let me do it."

   "You are the emperor, how can I let you do this?"

   "My Majesty, I have bought vegetables and cooked rice, what else can I do?" Xuan Yin smiled and untied Rong Lin's clothes.

Rong Lin's condition is not very good. Apart from being skinny and visible, there are many large and small scars on his body. This must not be from the time in southern Xinjiang, because Rong Lin once said that Rong Qing fainted from blood, and he dare not get yourself hurt.

  Ning Yue's face became stiff and cold.

   Xuan Yin stared and said: "It's a whip and a strangulation. It should be that he wanted to escape and was taught a lesson. His martial arts have also been abolished, and he has no ability to resist at all."

  Ning Yue took a deep breath: "They took Rong Lin back to the Northern Territory to let Rong Lin live like this? That's their own son! How can they do it?"

  A gust of cold wind blew out the window, blew out the candles on the table, the room was completely dark, Rong Lin who was sleeping soundly started screaming suddenly!

  Xuanyin held him down: "Hold the lamp!"

  Ning Yue lit the lamp and closed the window tightly.

  Rong Lin broke out in a cold sweat, stared blankly at the wall for a while, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

   Xuanyin said: "He has been locked up."

Confinement is a punishment that is not **** but highly destructive to one's will. People are locked in a dark and small space, unable to eat or drink, without knowing the time, day and night. If you are lucky, you will come out in a few hours; If it’s not good, it will be closed for three or four days, or longer. But generally speaking, shutting him down once or twice doesn't have much impact. Judging by Rong Lin's reaction, he should have been locked up severely, and during the shut-down period, something happened that made Rong Lin terrified.

  Ning Yue's chest heaved violently: "Can we bring him back to southern Xinjiang?"

Xuan Yin nodded, thought of something, and said: "He still reacts to the past, you can talk more, he should be able to recover his memory soon, but Rong Qing's death... Whether you want to tell him or not is up to you. "

  In the night, Rong Lin woke up once and saw Ning Yue standing by the bed, closed his eyes and went back to sleep. When he woke up naturally, Ning Yue had already made delicious sweet and sour pork ribs.

  Rong Lin was very happy and called his sister.

  Ning Yue beamed with joy: "Remember me?"

   "Sister." Rong Lin murmured blankly, eating a piece of pork ribs.

   From the looks of it, I still haven't been able to remember the past, and I haven't recovered my mind, but it doesn't matter, this is a very good start. Ning Yue served him a bowl of porridge: "Can I eat it by myself?"

  Rong Lin obediently picked up the spoon.

  Ning Yue smiled knowingly, and asked Xuanyin, "How do we get out of the city?"

Xuan Yin exchanged the stirred porridge with the boiling hot bowl in front of Ning Yue, and said: "Uncle Li bought off a guard at Ximen, Xuan Jiang and Dong Mei have already left the city, we just need to meet them outside the city. The northern city is closer than the southern border, so let's go to the northern city first."

  Beicheng is the birthplace of the Xuan family. It is located in Xiliang, so it is a relatively safe road. Ning Yue smiled and said to Rong Lin: "Sister, will you take me home? Back to your and Rong Qing's home."

  Rong Lin nodded.

   "No one is allowed to leave!" A familiar stern voice suddenly came from outside the door, followed by the sound of leather boots hitting the ground and arrows being drawn.

  Xuan Yin stood up vigilantly, protecting Ning Yue and Rong Lin behind him.

  The door was knocked open, and Wang Hao walked in with a frosty face. In her hand, she was leading a fierce hunting dog. Presumably it was the hunting dog that smelled Rong Lin's scent and chased him all the way here.

   Seeing them, Rong Lin's body began to tremble.

  Ning Yue held Rong Lin's hand: "Don't be afraid, we won't hand you over."

  Princess sneered: "King of Nanjiang, Queen of Nanjiang, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without any problems."

  Xuan Yin blocked her sight indiscriminately, and said calmly: "Don't come here without any problems, Princess."

  The princess said calmly: "You sneaked into the Northern Territory quietly and stole my son. I can't afford to say that you will be safe."

"This is your son?" Ning Yue smiled, "Did you torture your own son like this? You cheated Rong Lin away back then, and you tortured him so hard! I want to ask you, is he Your own?"

   It's not me, it's his father.

  Princess squeezed her fingers: "We are all for his own good, who told him not to be a well-behaved prince, but to miss a man?"

"For his own good is to abolish his martial arts, let people tie him, whip him, imprison him, and threaten him! Are you a human? It seems that you used to pretend to love him." Ning Yue laughed at herself: "I'm really blind. I will allow you to treat my illness, and my elder brother owes you a favor... It makes all of us lose our guard against you. It's really nice of you to pretend!"

  Wang Hao's eyelashes trembled, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, hand over Rong Lin, and I will pretend that this incident never happened! I will not report your whereabouts either."

  Rong Lin's body trembled again.

  Ning Yue hugged Rong Lin, and stared coldly at the eyes of the princess: "Your nonsense, it's almost a lie, Rong Lin won't hand it over to you, if you have the ability, grab it yourself!"

The concubine raised her arm and shot out a celestial silk. The celestial silk cut iron like mud. There was no weapon to resist it. She walked across the table and instantly split the table in two. It was about to wrap around Ning Yue's neck. Pull out the dagger and cut off the silkworm silk.

  The princess couldn't believe it, and raised her other hand.

   Xuanyin sarcastically said: "Diamond, also known as diamond, your silkworm is no match for it, save it."

The princess turned pale with anger: "You are the one who saves the province! Do you really think you can escape from Beidu with a little kung fu? Let me tell you, martial law has been imposed in Beidu, and the guard who was bribed by shopkeeper Li has already been dealt with by me." You are hard to fly with your wings, if you are sensible, just hand over Rong Lin obediently! Otherwise, I will just waste it with you like this, until the end, don’t blame me if you starve to death!"

   Xuanyin let out a sigh, and said with a cold smile: "Look at the three of us, if we were really going to be hungry, who would be the first to die of starvation?"

   Without a doubt, Rong Lin.

  Wang Hao's face turned pale again: "If Rong Lin dies, I will kill you as soon as possible!"

Xuan Yin raised his eyebrows: "Do you think we are afraid of death? Before I came, I have already explained the funeral clearly. At your age, it seems that you will not be able to live comfortably for a few years. Rong Lin...hasn't given you a precious grandson yet, right? , oh, it’s the last time, what should I do?”

  The concubine's face twitched after being poked in the sore foot. During the years of bringing Rong Lin back, no matter how many schemings she used, she even destroyed Rong Lin's memory and lied to Rong Lin that Mona was his fiancée who fell in love at first sight, but Rong Lin still refused to touch Mona with a finger . If there is no queen, so what if he ascends to the throne? This is the saddest and most frantic part of her!

"But if you bring Rong Lin back to southern Xinjiang, will Rong Lin be able to marry a wife and have children? Don't give me eye drops! Treat me as a three-year-old child, how easy it is to lie?" The princess calmed down, panting and looking at Ning Yue The sight of Rong Lin in her arms hurt her eyes. No matter how hard she tried all these years, Rong Lin still refused to get close to her. Why could someone who has no blood relationship be trusted so much by him? "Rong Lin, will you go home with Concubine Mu? They are bad people and want to take you away from Concubine Mu."

  Rong Lin murmured: "Go home, see you, Rong Qing."

  The concubine gasped: "Rong Qing died a long time ago! Didn't they tell you?" The words came out before she realized what she had said, and hurriedly covered her mouth.

  Rong Lin had heard it clearly, and asked in a daze: "Rong Qing... is dead? Dead, Rong Qing is dead, he is dead..."

  Ning Yue's throat slipped: "Rong Lin, listen to me, my elder brother..."

  Rong Lin spat out a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious.


  Rong Lin vomited blood and fainted, bringing the atmosphere into a stalemate. Ning Yue was determined to take Rong Lin away, but Madam would never let them go.

   "King of Nanjiang, if you continue to delay, wait for the prince's people to find this place, you won't be as easy to talk to as I am!"

   Xuanyin said lightly: "Then let's die with your son, anyway, I think he would rather die than go back to the mansion with you."

"You..." The concubine glanced through the crack of the door and scanned the room. Ning Yue was wiping Rong Lin's face very gently. She said with a sore eye, "Don't force me, King of Nanjiang, I can't deal with it." Yours."

   Xuanyin looked at her and said: "Bluuf doesn't work, you should come with something substantial."

  Princess Wang took a deep look at Ning Yue: "Do you think that even if I let you go, you will be fine?"

   Xuan Yin squinted his eyes: "What do you mean?"

  Wangfei raised her eyebrows: "You haven't checked the Queen's body for a long time, have you?"

   Xuanyin frowned, looking at her strangely.

  The princess's thin lips parted slightly: "Golden butterfly."

   Xuan Yin suddenly stood up! After staring at the princess for two seconds, the princess gave him a faint smile, and he strode back into the room.

  Ning Yue turned her head and said, "What's wrong? She wants to come in?"

  Xuan Yin suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and said in a normal tone: "No, I just heard you call me, and thought something happened to you."

  Ning Yue bent her lips: "Did you hear me wrong? I didn't call you."

  Xuanyin hugged Ning Yue tightly, pushed aside the clothes on her back with his big palms, slipped in, stroked her skin, and saw the looming butterfly from the bronze mirror...


  Wangfei turned her head and saw Xuanyin walking with a cold face, she smiled slightly: "See?"

   Xuanyin grabbed her by the throat, and the surrounding guards pulled out their swords one after another. The princess raised her hand to signal them to retreat, and then looked at Xuanyin fearlessly.

   Xuanyin gritted his teeth and said, "What trick did you play?"

"you guess?"

   "Concubine Yan Hui is yours."

  Princess smiled slightly: "It was finally discovered, but unfortunately it was too late."

   "Why did you distribute a chess piece to southern Xinjiang?"

   "Didn't your Xuan family also distribute chess pieces to the Northern Territory?"

   "We set up the chess pieces just to protect ourselves, but you are killing innocent people indiscriminately!" Xuan Yin tightened his grip, "What the **** do you have against Nanjiang? What's wrong with Ning Yue?"

The concubine's face turned purple from being pinched, and she forced herself to say: "What's the festival? It's just because I was afraid that Rong Lin would not come back with me, so I played tricks on Ma Ningyue, so that you can be grateful to me! Concubine Yan Hui is ours. Soldier, at first I hoped that she would be favored by your grandpa, so that we could use soldiers to help us restore our country, but after more than 20 years of messing around, she still didn’t make a difference. I judged her mission to be a failure, and assigned her a new mission. .”

   "This task is the golden butterfly witchcraft?" Xuan Yin wanted to strangle her to death!

She smiled brightly: "That's right, but I don't know where Empress Geng got the album, and she actually tattooed an identical golden butterfly on Ning Yue. Fortunately, this does not affect our plan. Concubine Yan Hui planted witches on Ning Yue again." spell, and I, as the only person who can dispel witchcraft, will naturally be treated with courtesy by you."

   Xuanyin said coldly: "No wonder you showed up so timely! Before Rong Lin went to pick you up, you came by yourself. We thought it was just a coincidence."

"You all put your mind on Ma Ningyue's condition, so you will naturally ignore my strangeness." The princess patted Xuan Yin's hand, "Can you relax a little? If you really strangle me, your queen will die. .”

   Xuan Yin tightened his grip again: "You didn't cure her back then, and now you still expect me to continue to trust you? Are you stupid, or am I stupid?"

  Wangfei was pinched almost out of breath: "At the beginning...she was pregnant...I can't use strong know all of this...don't you?"

   "Then why didn't you tell me afterwards?" Xuanyin threw her whole body on the big tree, "You did it on purpose! You want to use Ning Yue to contain me! Say, what's your purpose?"

  The concubine seemed to be talking about something on her mind, and she didn't dare to look directly into Xuanyin's eyes: "What else... is there any purpose? I hope that one day when we seek to usurp the can help us..."

   "Then you tell me the truth now, aren't you afraid that I will send troops to strangle you after I go back?"

"You... If you really do this, I will admit it, but I can't let you take Rong Lin away... You should already know our background, Rong Lin is the last child of our Xuanyuan family, even if we become empresses in the future, Without Rong Lin, without blood inheritance, we would still perish, just promise me...hand over Rong Lin, and I swear on my life and the fate of the entire Xuanyuan clan to completely cure Ma Ningyue."


  Twilight fell, Rong Lin woke up from his lethargy, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Ning Yue guarding the head of the bed, picked up his clothes and put them on Ning Yue, without waking Ning Yue up. Afterwards, he walked out of the inner room and came to the outer room, where Xuanyin was drawing something on the paper with black charcoal by the stove in the outer room.

   "Draw what?" he asked.

   "The power distribution map of the Black Armored Army, the power distribution map of the princess, and the exact escape route." After Xuanyin finished speaking, he realized something was wrong, and raised his eyes, "Rong Lin? You..."

Rong Lin sat down opposite Xuanyin with a pale face. He hadn't shaved for two days, and a circle of blue had grown around his lips. He picked up a piece of dry wood and poked it in the stove: "She threatened you, right?" ?”

   "Are you... alright?" Xuanyin pointed to his temple.

  Rong Lin forced a smile: "After sleeping, I remembered everything."

   Xuanyin nodded: "Rong Qing, he..."

   "I know, he's dead." His tone was calm.

Xuanyin frowned: "Are you still going with us? I have no other intentions, I don't want to leave you behind, but there is no Rong Qing in the southern border. If you don't want to hurt the scene, after leaving the northern region, you should still Don't go to southern Xinjiang."

"I'm going. I want to see him one more time. It doesn't matter if the ashes or the tombstone is fine. He can't be allowed to go away so alone. I won't even see him for the last time." wetness.

  Xuan Yin handed him the blueprint: "I have already drawn the route. We will divide into two groups later. You and Ning Yue will leave Beidu from the Eastern District. Someone will meet you at the pier."

  Rong Lin held the blueprint in his hand, the fire light shone on the paper, and also on his face, casting a dim light: "Just let me go like this, what will Yueyue do?"

   Xuanyin's pupils moved: "Do you know about Yueyue?"

   "I heard her tell the prince before she was crazy, and I don't remember when I become crazy later." One mouthful and one prince, it is obvious that they no longer regard them as their parents.

   Xuanyin's eyes dimmed and said: "I will kidnap the princess to Xiliang, when the time comes, I will have my own way to force her to treat her illness. You won't soften your heart, will you?"

"No, I will punish you." After a pause, Rong Lin said again: "But I think the chances of you taking her away are not as high as my chances of taking her. If you take Yueyue away, I will kidnap her. Although I didn't I have mastered martial arts, but I am her son, so it is easier for me to get close to her. You give me two shadow guards and a pack of cartilage powder."

  Prescribing medicine is the most clumsy, but also the most effective method. If it were someone else, they would naturally not be able to succeed, but as Rong Lin said, he is the son of the princess, and the princess is almost not on guard against him. After succeeding, the two shadow guards carried Rong Lin and Princess Wang on their backs respectively, and met them at the designated place. The play was considered complete.

But Xuanyin hesitated. After all, Rong Lin is not the former commander-in-chief. Let him participate in such a dangerous mission. If he is exposed, Rong Lin will face the end of being imprisoned again. At that time, I might **** Rong Lin out again It's not that easy anymore.

   "Why are you hesitating? Are you afraid that I will betray you?" Rong Lin asked mockingly.

   Xuan Yin punched him on the shoulder: "You boy deserves a beating!"

   It didn't take much force at all, but Rong Lin was beaten so hard that he coughed. Xuan Yin felt sad for a while, and stretched out his hand to rub him.

  He smiled: "Don't tease me, it's not like you don't know that I like men, but be careful, I'm burning with desire and I'll kill you."

   Xuanyin's mouth twitched violently!

  Rong Lin laughed loudly: "The majestic king of Southern Xinjiang will also be molested by me one day."

   Xuanyin stared at him, stared at him hard! At this time, Xuanyin missed Rong Lin's skill very much, if only he could fight. Thinking of the days when the two fought in Xiaobieyuan, it seems like it was just yesterday, Rong Lin was still that little male lion who loves to blow his fur, he would start fighting at the slightest disagreement, always staring at a pair of big eyes, guarding Rong Qing tightly in his arms field, the invader, dies.

   When did everything change?

  The high-spirited young man in purple clothes has become a fragile young man. Who still remembers his golden and iron horse, and his pupils that are not spinning? Who still remembers the illustrious military exploits he made at the border? And who remembers that he was always by Rong Lin's side, smiling like a child?

   Xuanyin suddenly stood up and turned his back!

  Rong Lin laughed enough, looked at the back of Xuanyin's head, and teased: "What are you doing? Are you crying? I've said enough, Xuanyin, you are a man."

"Who is crying? I won't cry, at least not because of you, a heartless little guy." Xuanyin forced back the water in his eyes, and turned around slowly, "It's better for me to catch her , you take Yueyue away."

  Rong Lin sighed: "Stop arguing with me. I've been holding my breath for more than five years. You have to give me a chance to slap her. What do you think?"

  Xuanyin looked at him fixedly, as if trying to distinguish the truth from what he said.

  He smiled: "I won't kill her, I have a sense of proportion, but she made me become like this, I have to express my anger."

   "Back then, how did you go with her?"

"She lied to Rong Qing, saying that if I don't go back to the Northern Territory, the prince will kill me, and that she will send me back five years later, Rong Qing believed it and gave me medicine." Rong Lin shook his head mockingly, "Lao Tzu Just say why Rong Qing suddenly..."

   "Then what?" Xuan Yin asked.

   "'s nothing." Rong Lin's ears turned red.

   Xuanyin didn't say any more, and wanted to go into the house to see Ning Yue, Rong Lin asked suddenly: "I remember you took a bodhi seed from the underground palace before, didn't you?"

   Xuanyin raised his eyebrows: "Ah, yes, what's the matter? You moved something from your old Xuanyuan's house, let me pay for it?"

  Rong Lin chuckled, his eyes flickered and said: "I was just thinking, why didn't you just destroy that palace?"

   Xuanyin half-jokingly half-seriously said: "If I had known that your parents would use the money there to restore the country, believe me, I would really destroy it."

   "There is no medicine for regret." Rong Lin fiddled with the charcoal fire, "But you are not bad, you got more treasures than those in the underground palace."

Xuanying folded his hands on his chest: "You said Spirit Snake Island, that's true, it is indeed much more than underground palaces, so I am not afraid of your old Xuanyuan family. If there is a war, I can kill a hundred thousand people with ingots." Army!"

  Rong Lin smiled softly.


   When Ning Yue found out about Rong Lin's recovery of memory and sanity, she was so happy that she was almost speechless. The two didn't tell Ning Yue their plan, and they kept silent about the Golden Butterfly. Rong Lin asked Ning Yue to make a mask for Xuanyin and his human skin, and Ning Yue asked why.

  He said: "It's a blindfold!"

  Xuanyin echoed: "Yes, it's the blindfold, as well as those of the shadow guards. I also make a few spare ones."

  Ning Yue felt weird, the two of them seemed to be hiding something from her: "You two...didn't secretly do something bad behind my back, did you?"

   Both of them shook their heads together!

  Ning Yue sat down on the chair: "Don't say it, right? If you don't say it, I won't do it!"

   Xuanyin sighed: "Oh, I told you earlier that I couldn't hide it from her."

  The two had no choice but to tell the truth. The more Ning Yue heard it, the more ugly his face became. Rong Lin said, "I really can't swallow this. If you don't agree, I won't go back to southern Xinjiang with you."

   "Rong Lin!" Ning Yue was furious.

  Rong Lin said: "Anyway, I have to deal with them, otherwise I won't leave. If you take me by force, I will still come back to seek revenge from them, unless you imprison me like they did."

  Ning Yue was speechless, how could she be willing to imprison Rong Lin? Traveling with him every day is not enough.


  Early in the morning, Xuanyin opened the door loudly. The princess had not returned all night, so she set up a tent in the outer courtyard. When she heard the noise, she came out of the tent: "Have you considered it?"

   Xuanyin coughed a few times: "The climate in your Northern Territory is so dry, it makes my throat smoke and it hurts to speak. Forget it, let me make a long story short, I accept your proposal, but I have three conditions."

  The concubine curled her lips and smiled: "As long as you are willing to hand over Rong Lin, you can negotiate any terms."

   Xuanyin stretched out her finger: "First, tell me, what will happen if Yueyue doesn't treat her? Will she die?"

The princess smiled and said: "For the sake of your sincerity, I am not afraid to tell you the truth. I have cured most of her witchcraft. It is impossible for her to die, but her brain will gradually shrink. It is the loss of language ability, and finally the loss of mobility, almost like a living dead."

   "It's vicious enough." Xuan Yin lowered his eyes and smiled, "Then how do you plan to eradicate it?"

  Princess Wang said: "Now she is only short of a bottle of medicine. I didn't bring the medicine with me. You can wait for me here and order someone to fetch it."

  Xuan Yin shook his finger: "In case you are going to ask for rescue, we will all be miserable. It is better to send someone to supervise."

  Princess sneered: "Up to you."

Xuanyin stretched out two fingers: "Second condition, I want my people to come over and send Yueyue out of Beidu. After she walks out of the city gate, I will take Rong Lin back to the mansion. If you don't worry, you can just stay here and guard her." .”

  Princess thought for a while: "Okay, I promise you."

  Xuanyin blew his whistle, and two quarters of an hour later, two tall shadow guards rushed over upon hearing the news. It was the leader in black, Xuan Yi, and Xuan Er, who was second only to him in martial arts.

  Xuanyin sent the leader in black to accompany the princess' bodyguards back to the palace to get the medicine. After half an hour, the two returned. Xuan Yin pulled out the cork, poured out a medicine, and said to the leader in black: "Go in, feed Rong Lin to eat."


  The corner of Princess Wang's mouth twitched: "Are you still afraid that I will poison you?"

   Xuanyin spread his hands: "No way, who gave you a criminal record?"

  Princess snorted coldly: "I don't even bother to embarrass a powerless person like this!"

   Xuanyin said playfully: "Then why did you still perform witchcraft? You are dishonest."

   A quarter of an hour later, the leader in black opened the curtain and came out, saying to Xuan Yin, "Rong Lin is fine."

"I've said that this is the real antidote. I can't joke about my son's life. I had no choice but to plot against Ma Ningyue at the beginning, but there is really no hatred between me and her. In fact, I have no hatred for too I don't hate it, but I can't help it..." A trace of complexity that others couldn't understand flashed across Wang Hao's eyes.

   After a while, Ning Yue came out accompanied by the leader in black and Xuan Er. When she passed by the concubine, Ning Yue suddenly raised her hand and slapped her twice!

  The guards rushed up, and the Xuanying Guard drew out his sword!

  Wang Hao covered her swollen cheeks and glared at Ning Yue viciously.

Ning Yue said coldly: "The first slap was for my eldest brother, you used disgraceful methods to trick Rong Lin from him, causing him to die in depression; the second slap was for Rong Lin, Give birth to him and abandon him, find him and abuse him, you are not worthy of being parents!"

  Princess gritted her teeth and said: "Don't be too proud, Ma Ningyue, just because I agree to save you, doesn't mean you will be safe and happy in this life, just wait and see!"

  Ning Yue and Xuan Yingwei stepped into the carriage leaving the city. An hour later, Ning Yue sent a signal from his hair, and the departure from the city was over.

   Xuanyin put the knife on Rong Lin's neck, and slowly stepped out of the threshold.

  Princess Wang's eyes were a little subtle: "I gave the antidote, I let Ma Ningyue go, can I let go of my son?"

  Xuanyin said otherwise: "I let him go, do I still have a way out?"

  Wang Hao's eyes flashed: "Of course, I will prepare a carriage for you and take you out of the city. From now on, as long as you don't set foot in the Northern Territory, I promise not to trouble you."

  Xuan Yin squinted at her, and said with a smile: "You said you sent me out of the city, but did you send my people out of the city, or my corpse?"

  Princess Wang was taken aback.

   "After you talked with me, I actually already had some guesses about certain things in my heart, but I still want you to tell me personally."

  Wang Hao was a little guilty by his thick eyes, looked away and said, "What are you telling me?"

   Xuanyin's eyes turned cold: "Am I a descendant of the Xuanyuan family?"


  Ning Yue changed a carriage with the leader in black, Xuan Er.

   "What are you thinking?" Ning Yue leaned into the arms of the leader in black.

  The leader in black touched the human skin mask on his face. Under the mask, Xuan Yin's voice came out: "I was thinking about what Rong Lin said to me last night."

   "What did he say?"

"He asked me if I had touched the bodhi seeds in the underground palace, which is very strange. Didn't he already know about the fact that I used the bodhi seeds to heal your illness? Why do you ask so much?" At that time, he only thought about Rong Lin The matter with Yueyue, I didn't realize that there was something strange, but now that I think about it again, I always feel that something is wrong.

  Ning Yue said: "Did you ask him why he asked this?"

Xuanyin said thoughtfully: "I asked him if he blamed me for touching the things of their Xuanyuan family. He changed the subject very quickly, blaming me for not destroying the underground palace by the way. I said that if I had known about your parents I will use the money from the underground palace to restore the country, and I will definitely destroy it!"

   "Maybe... he just hates his parents too much?" Ning Yue asked suspiciously, "Then did he say anything else?"

   Xuanyin's expression became more and more strange: "Then I talked about the money from Spirit Snake Island, saying that I am no worse than their family, and I get more."

  Ning Yue opened her mouth: "This sounds weird, like you and Xuanyuan's family were fighting for treasure, and you won the fight, but is the treasure on Spirit Snake Island related to the treasure in the underground palace?"


   "Do you know why there are so many treasures on Spirit Snake Island?" The princess didn't answer Xuan Yin's words directly, but asked instead.

   Xuanyin, no, to be precise, it was Rong Lin, he said: "It is said that it was left by Empress Chen to future generations."

The concubine picked a peach tree leaf casually: "The treasure itself exists, and Empress Chen just discovered it by chance. But not everyone can find the treasure, and the treasure also chooses people. Its door will always be opened by its owner. "

  Rong Lin's voice was hoarse and deep: "The owner of the treasure on Spirit Snake Island is..."

The princess felt that Xuan Yin's voice was a bit weird, but it would become very hoarse when she got angry, so she didn't take it seriously, and said, "Do you still remember the forbidden area of ​​the Li people? For thousands of years, so many people went to the forbidden area to fetch stalactites. It doesn’t collapse in the morning, it doesn’t collapse in the evening, but it collapsed when you went there, do you really think it’s because of excessive collection of stalactites? How naive!”

   "Is it because the underground palace is waiting for its owner?"


   "Then Rong Lin and I, who is its owner?"

  Princess Wang smiled mysteriously: "It's all."

  Rong Lin narrowed his eyes.

  Princess said: "The Underground Palace and Spirit Snake Island are treasures left by Emperor Xuanyuan, and only the descendants of the Xuanyuan family are qualified to use them."

  Rong Lin pondered for a moment: "Empress Chen is also a descendant of the Xuanyuan family."

The princess said bitterly: "That's right, I, Rong Lin's father, and Empress Chen are all descendants of Xuanyuan. I used to feel very kind to you, and I think that's why, after all, the blood of Emperor Xuanyuan flows in our bodies. You are like a family member to me."

   "But now, you have decided to get rid of your relatives."

The princess crushed the leaves in her hands: "The Xuanyuan clan doesn't need too many leaders. We want to restore the country, unify the world, and reshape the glory of the Xuanyuan clan! At that time, there will be no Xiliang, Eastern Wu and southern borders! Only Xuanyuan Dynasty! Ask yourself, will you be willing to submit to us? Will you fight Xiliang for the great cause of restoring the country? You won’t! Your existence will only become an obstacle to our unification of the world!”

  Rong Lin said sarcastically: "So you cast witchcraft on Yue Yue, not only to be a good person to approach us and take Rong Lin back, but also to make me willingly sacrifice my life one day!"

  Princess said with a smile: "Now, the antidote has been taken away by Ma Ningyue, I can't use her to threaten you anymore, but I don't need it anymore."

Where she glanced out of the corner of her eye, a guard had already quietly arrived behind Rong Lin. Taking advantage of Rong Lin being distracted by the concubine, he jumped up, opened Rong Lin's dagger, and snatched the fake Rong Lin into his arms. middle.

  The princess hurriedly stopped the false Ronglin behind her: "The archers are ready."

  Dozens of archers roared up from around the roof, aimed at Rong Lin, and pulled the bowstring to the maximum.


   "Don't—don't—he's Rong Lin—" Xuanyin rode a horse and galloped crazily on the road!


  Rong Lin looked at the princess with a smile: "Kill me, you will regret it."

  While protecting the "son" behind her, the princess sneered at him: "It's so difficult to cheat you in the urn. I will really regret it if I don't kill you."

  Rong Lin spread his arms: "Then you kill, your son will avenge me."

The princess smiled wantonly: "He won't, he won't even remember what happened today. When he and Mona have a baby, I'll let him recover his martial arts and flatten your rivers and rivers in southern Xinjiang! That little prince of yours will also become His soul was killed by the knife!"

   "Did you ask Rong Lin how you felt when you did this? You didn't treat him as your son at all, you just regarded him as a tool to carry on the family line!"

   "I'm doing it for his own good."

Rong Lin laughed, and burst into tears: "I've always... been especially envious of those children with mothers. Every time I see Lanzhi treating Yueyue so well, I always think, why did my mother abandon me? Is she actually Love me very much, but is there any unavoidable difficulty? I didn't realize until later that not all women who have given birth are worthy of being called mother."

The princess was upset by what he said, and the tears seemed to drip into her heart. It was burning and painful. It must be the blood of her ancestors. She had to cut the mess quickly. The longer it dragged on, the more reluctant to kill him. !


   "Don't shoot the arrow—"

"don't want-"

   "He is Rong Lin—"

   Xuanyin's roar echoed in the quiet street.


  Wang Hao shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

   Arrows are like clouds, piercing the sky and covering the earth.



   "Look, if I don't feed you, you don't want to eat. I have tasted this bird's nest, and it tastes very good."


   "You still smell good, Rong Qing, you really smell good."

   "Where do you put your legs?"

   "I'm cold! It's so cold, so cold, so cold, it's winter as soon as autumn comes, oh, it's really cold to death..."


   "Rong Qing, look at me."

   "See what you do?"

   "You haven't seen me for many days."


   You haven't seen me for many days, Rong Qing, here I come.


  Rong Lin fell into a pool of blood, his body covered with arrows. He looked at the princess with a triumphant smile.

  Wang Hao stepped forward without knowing why, and looked at the man who had been shot into a hedgehog but still smiled so proudly, her heart ached!

   In the blink of an eye, she realized something. She took off the opposite face, and suddenly felt... The sky is falling apart!

one year later

Ning Yue came to the mausoleum with a seven-month-old belly, knelt down slowly, and took out a bottle of pear flower brew, a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, a crystal cake, a stack of West Lake vinegar fish, and a bowl of cold salad from the food box. bamboo shoots.

"Brother, Rong Lin, I've come to see you. Do you find it annoying to see my face every year? There's nothing I can do about it. Who makes me miss you? The begonias in the Marshal's Mansion are blooming again. It’s not as fragrant as before, maybe I’m not very good at planting, if only you were here, big brother.

  Rong Lin, your study room was eaten away by termites. I asked someone to renovate it. I didn’t make too many changes. I just added a small table, and Rong Nian will write there in the future.

  I chose this name myself, if you don’t like it, just tell me in a dream.

  The Prince Regent’s Mansion is gone. I know you don’t want to see those two people. Xuanyin didn’t kill them, so he locked them up in a small black room for a lifetime.

  Hey, look at me here and there, it’s not important, you are brothers, don’t laugh at me for being stupid.

I have thought about it, after I give birth, I will walk around with Rong Nian. Where you have never been, I will go for you; what you have never eaten, I will eat for you; I will go for you..."

   "What about Zhen?" Xuanyin appeared behind Ning Yue at some point, and said to Ning Yue, "I'm also Zhen's elder brother, and I can't let you take the credit by yourself."

  Ning Yue laughed through tears.

"And me and me!" Huangfu Qing ran over holding the prince's hand, "Leave me the task of helping uncle eat! I can eat! One is worth two! The task of traveling the mountains and rivers Leave it to Brother Huang, who understands the sentiments of the people and can be a good monarch in the future! As for the father and mother... hehe, let's finish the uncle's bridal chamber..."

  Ning Yue felt quite heartwarming when she heard the first sentence, but the latter sentence—

   "Huangfu Qing! Who taught you these messy things?"

ah! Oops! The queen mother is furious, run away!

   (End of text)

The new article has been opened, "Genius Doctor Abandoned Daughter: Addicted to the Love of a Prince", the story of modern rice worms traveling through ancient times, making a fortune, raising buns, fighting for the best, and reaching the pinnacle of life, waiting for your relatives O(∩_∩)O ~



  (end of this chapter)

Read Bamboo Forest Manager