MTL - China Entertainment Ultimate Tycoon-Chapter 97 Restart the domestic kung fu film brand

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Wu Jing's 18-month military career has also come to an end, and he is currently preparing for the "Wolf Warrior" series that will allow him to set foot on the fire channel in the future.

"Hey, Wu Jing, how is the preparation for "Wolf Warrior"?" Jiang Bai walked over with a wine glass and smiled at Wu Jing.

Wu Jing came over to touch the glass with him, took a sip, and then said, "It's still in preparation, and the script is currently being prepared. I went back and thought about the advice you gave me last time. It really makes sense. The script for The Wolf needs to be further refined."

As early as when Wu Jing was still experiencing life in the army, she had already communicated with Jiang Bai the script of "Wolf Warrior" through the Internet.

The Wolf Warrior script he took out was undoubtedly the previous life's "Wolf Warrior" script.

What Jiang Bai pointed out to him was the various problems that existed in the previous life "Wolf Warrior".

There is no doubt that "Wolf Warriors" has many flaws compared to "Wolf Warriors II".

This is the reason why the box office performance of "Wolf Warrior" in the previous life was not good enough.

Of course, the ones here are not good enough, just compared to "Wolf Warrior II", in fact, even "Wolf Warrior", in the same period of the film, also kills colleagues in seconds.

It has to be said that this theme of **** nationalist feelings is almost destined to succeed in a certain period.

With the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, the national self-confidence has been significantly enhanced, and the people have begun to get tired of those films that entertain and humble themselves.

They need this kind of film that promotes national prestige and force.

This situation does not only exist in the film market, in fact, it is the first to be reflected in the online text market.

It is not unreasonable to say that online texts are the upstream of the entire entertainment industry. All trends start from online texts.

In contrast, games, movies, and animations all have to take a step slower.

Just like the theme of rebirth and time travel, which is about to become a big hit in the film and television industry, it has long been a badly written theme in the online literature circle.

This kind of country is prosperous, and the theme of hanging Europe and the United States is also popular in the Internet literature circle as early as 2008 and 2009.

In the film and television industry, "Wolf Warrior" has just been approved.

In fact, in the future when "Wolf Warrior II" is very popular, this theme is no longer popular in the online literature circle.

At that time, readers were watching the invasion of another world, and the aura was revived.

In short, although national self-confidence has increased, readers feel that the earth has no opponents, and simply slapping Europe and the United States can no longer provide them with a sense of refreshment.

Just like many special effects blockbusters in Hollywood, only aliens and otherworldly monsters are qualified to be their enemies.

Well, let's get down to business.

The main reason why the box office of the film "Wolf Warrior" did not meet expectations is that it is not cool enough in the words of the online text.

It's not that the filming is not cool enough, but that there is a problem with the setting of the plot.

You said that you are a dignified special forces soldier, standing at the peak level of human individual force, even holding a bayonet and fighting wolves hand-to-hand.

If I go, this level will be pulled from the sky into the cesspool.

No matter how intense your filming is, what is the point of fighting in real life?

There is also the issue of dealing with foreign mercenaries.

It turned out to be a small number of mercenaries invaded, and then was surrounded and suppressed by the brigade of national special forces.

I don't know what the editor is trying to show. Is it because the enemy invades and will fall into the vast ocean of people's war?

Well, you can also understand the difficulties of editing and directing.

After all, due to the requirements of the superiors, foreign mercenaries cannot enter too much, and since it is a domestic battle, it is natural that we are outnumbered.

It's just that, it's really not good to set the cool feeling.

After all, isn't it normal to win with more and less?

On the contrary, it is a bit new to set the plot to win the overseas mercenaries.

If you really do this, it is estimated that this film will not be able to meet the audience.

Therefore, the script of "Wolf Warrior" is problematic.

However, there are still problems, but the flaws are not hidden. As the first military special effects blockbuster released in China, it has been recognized by the audience and achieved good box office results.

But keep improving. Now that Jiang Bai is re-shooting this film, of course, it is necessary to correct these places one by one.

However, Jiang Bai came to Wu Jing this time, not to discuss the script of "Wolf Warrior".

Jiang Bai smiled and said: ""Wolf Warrior" can be prepared slowly, don't worry, I am looking for you today, mainly to talk to you about "Tianzun". "Zhu Xian" is completed, and "Tianzun" can be put on the agenda. I'm going to make you the No. 1 male, Zhang Yishan the No. 2 male, Ying Bao the No. 1 female, and the No. 2 Di Fat female. The other supporting roles are mainly chosen from your brothers and sisters, what do you think?"

"It's okay for Ying Bao and Di Fat to be the first female and the second female. This drama is mainly a male drama, and the female characters are not very demanding. But if Zhang Yishan is cast as the male second, I don't know if he can be competent for the fighting part." Wu Jing's face became serious.

The project "Tian Zun", in the eyes of the outside world, is only a part of Jiang Bai's pan-entertainment star author's plan, a business that makes money without losing money.

But as Wu Jing, who has had in-depth exchanges with Jiang Bai, he deeply understands that the significance of the TV series "Tianzun" is much more than that.

Jiang Bai wants to use a large number of martial arts actors in this TV and then re-create the brand of domestic kung fu films based on this drama!

Domestic kung fu films once had a rather glorious past, and were once the only cultural label in China that extended its influence to the world.

People from all over the world once had the greatest knowledge about China, which was Kung Fu.

Many Americans even think that everyone here is a martial arts master.

With the help of the influence of kung fu films, a large number of martial arts stars such as Bruce Lee, Fang Shilong, and Jet Li have also moved from China to the world and become influential stars in the world.

However, as history enters 10 years, the kung fu film market that the older generation of entertainment predecessors worked hard to create is shrinking rapidly.

The only signboard of domestic films is losing its luster in the past.

This makes all the entertainment people unwilling.

But there is no way to be reconciled, the tide of the times, Shunchang will perish, and in the era of special effects blockbusters, traditional martial arts films will inevitably decline.

But this is not without a turnaround.

In the final analysis, what traditional martial arts films lack is only excellent special effects.

If there are top-level special effects blessings, the effects presented by traditional stars will definitely be much better than those of Marvel heroes.

And the special effects are Jiang Bai's advantage.

So he used this "Tian Zun" TV series as a pilot to reproduce the martial arts films of the new era.

This theme has the foundation laid by countless Huaguo entertainment predecessors. Although it is in decline, it is still alive. As long as it can produce high-quality products, it will be easier to impact foreign markets than other themes.

In the domestic market, Jiang Bai cares but does not pay attention, because he is confident that he can easily occupy it.

And the foreign market is his goal!