MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 784 Kill or kill

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After a seven-day walk, Mu and his family saw a mountain range that was like a wall that intercepted the heavens and the earth. This mountain range is not only long, it can't see where the ends of the two ends are, it is also very high, looking up, only I can see that the mountains are covered by large clouds, as if the mountain has reached the clouds, I don't know where it is. ●⌒,

Underneath the mist, you can see large areas of the mountains covered by white, those white is ice and snow.

Long, steep, high, dangerous!

This is what everyone in this mountain has thought of.

In the past, they have also crossed many mountains, but this time, the impact on them is even greater.

"I was the first time I saw such a mountain!" Mu cuisine looked at the front.

This is not an ordinary place. The larvae of the nymphalidae are also here. The extraordinary creatures seem to be more logical in living in unusual places. With such a thought, Mu Shi feels that the Yi family has really been traced to the larvae of the butterfly.

“Is it here?” Mu cuisine turned to ask Yi.

"Yeah." Yi Qi is still thinking about who is tracking them. He doesn't believe in Yi Yan. In the past seven days, he has been pondering this problem day and night. Now, even if he arrives at the destination, he has little interest, just perfunctory." Um," he said.

Mu cuisine looked at Yi Yi, see Yi Yi nod, the face is overjoyed, "What about the star butterfly larva?"

"It’s not yet time," Yi said.

"Is it true that the butterfly larvae will come out by themselves?"

"It should be like this, just wait." Yi Yi let the slaves around him clean up a place, sit on the rubbed stone, pull out the square plate, and start to ponder some doubts in his heart.

Seeing the two people of Yijia, Mu cuisine does not force them to look for the larvae of the star butterfly. The people of Yijia are the ones who are dead, especially those who are the mainstay of Yijia.

"Look at what's around you." Mu said to the rest of the team.

Mu delicacies are thinking about where the star larvae are in the corner, how big they are, seeing that the more serious the workers are, the deeper they take a breath, the feeling of refreshing enjoyment on the face, still sighing: "Is it smelling?" ”

The more you listen to the workmanship, the more you smell it, the smell of the bird's beak? The smell of the bird's beak in the mountain is not unusual, and it smells all the way.

The more the armor opened his eyes, the idiot’s eyes glanced at the food, and the “Star Butterfly larvae must be here!”

"How did I not smell it?" Mu food smelled it again, but in addition to the bird's cockroach did not smell other smells, turned to look at other people, others also showed the same doubtful expression.

"You don't understand!" The face of the armor showed a proud color. "I can feel that there is excellent forging material around it, it is a star butterfly larva!"

Many of the workers in the armored family have a natural intuition for the forged materials, which makes them more likely to find the hidden good materials than others. This is why the armored family has made many strange forging techniques. The ancestors of the Jiajia family discovered that some animal blood can improve the quality of forging, and there are also reasons for this.

As he said, Mu cuisine suddenly felt the wind on his head, looked up and looked up, a black shadow fell down and quickly avoided.


The sound of heavy objects makes the people around who are looking for the larvae of the star butterfly, and they can't help but look at the place where the noise is moving.

There was a large eagle, and it was several times higher on the ground, as if it were a hill, and the surrounding trees were stumped by it, but it looked like it was not hurt.

From the eagle’s knuckles to the feathers and claws, Mu’s eyes looked down and concluded: “An eagle.”

An eagle that is already old, except for the sharpness of the eagle, the other places, the sharp shackles and claws that should have been its powerful weapons, are no longer the glory days. It seems that the inferior gold that has become dull and rusted can no longer function.

Knowing that it is an old-fashioned dragon and the injury is not light, it seems that the giant eagle that can't fly even can only have a limited threat to them. After seeing the situation, the nervous nerves of the people are also slightly slack, but they can think randomly. This is also a good opportunity!"

The old-fashioned eagle, that is also the beastly giant eagle, is a good food, they have not hunted such a giant eagle.

Receiving the eyes of other people, Mu cuisine also understands other things, he also has the same idea, but, cautiously, he still asked the Yi family.

"Will the eagle affect the larvae of the butterfly?" Mu said.

Yiqi looked impatiently at the eagle not far away. "If you want to kill, kill it!"

Instead, Yi Yi moved the jade in the lower plate. "I think it's better not to do that."

"Why? What did you get?" Mu said.

Yi Yan shook his head. "Nothing is there."

I am afraid that other people will misunderstand that they are unable to confess because of the previous things. The next one is difficult to explain. "There are some weirdness here, so we can't confess. You should feel it when you feel it carefully."

"It is true." Knowing that the two people of Yi Jia are not making excuses, Mu cuisine really feels a pressure. It seems to come from the pressure above, like a giant hand pressing from top to bottom.

Since it is impossible to confess, Mu cuisine does not want to let go of the meat to his lips, and he plans to kill the eagle in the past. Here is where the larvae of the star larvae exist, and the eagle and the worm do not seem to coexist peacefully? Killing the eagle may also be beneficial for capturing the larvae of the butterfly.

The eagle also seemed to perceive the murderousness of Mu's food. He swung his wings and looked at it. The sharp vision of the eagle's eye shot forced people to look down. The giant eagle that can grow to such a degree is weather-beaten. One eye is different from the other birds that are encountered on the road.

But the more it is, the more it provokes the killing of the heart.

"old man!"

The Jianguang flashed, with the murderousness of Sen Han, and did not stop at any stop.


The eagle's claws stretched out by the giant eagle, blocking the cockroaches of the mutton, but one of the toes on the talons was also hardened, and the pieces on the claws were shaken off.

As Mudu thinks, the eagle's talons at this time are a rusted gold piece that is about to be eliminated, and it is hard to beat! Perhaps, the eagle at the peak of the time, the sword may not be able to cut off the toes on the eagle's claws so easily, or even just break the hard-toed outer pieces of the toes, but is it already old? ? An old eagle dying, can you still get back to school? !

The other people around him also gathered here, and the giant eagle realized that he could not stay here again. He lifted his claws to block the blade of the pressing and violently flapping his wings.


The sound of broken branches is dense, such as heavy rain falling on the ground.

The huge eagle-winged airflow is like a hurricane, and the footsteps of the savory food have a moment of stagnation.


With a long eagle, the giant eagle slammed its wings and rushed out of the ground. The flying position was not because it was old or because of the weight of the wound. It looked a lot more cumbersome, and it was thought that it would fall again. But the giant eagle just flew up, and then stopped again in the mountains. The eagle claws caught on the rocks on the steep mountain walls, and even the eagle claws were no longer sharp, but fell down a long time. One paragraph.

Mu Cai thought about whether or not to climb up the mountain to continue to chase. Anyway, the eagle seems to live too long. Just when he thinks so, he suddenly hears the Gongjia screaming, "The star larvae are out!"

This time, Mu cuisine can not care about the giant eagle, or matter is important, wait for the blood of the star, and then kill the old and ruined eagle.

"Where is it?!" Mu cuisine looked around.

"I feel that they are out!" The more urgent and heavy the armor was breathing, the complexion turned red, and the blood seemed to flow uncontrollably to the face, screaming with heat. He held a sword in his hand and stared at the ground at the foot of the mountain.

In this respect, he is sharper than the Yi family, and the Yijia people want to know what they want, but they still have to be divined, but he does not. This is a natural instinct for the monks!


The voice of the squadron was just falling, and the sound of the singer heard a sound, which seemed to be emitted from the ground. Everyone breathed in their breath, for fear of disturbing such movements, and the sound of the sound gradually became louder. In the place where the armor looked more, the ground near the foot of the mountain, the land below the grass was loose, the ground was raised, and the grass was covered with grass. The block was ejected, a white round head was drilled from the ground, and then climbed out. The three or four meters long worm body had adult thigh thickness.

"More than one!" The more emotional the workman is, the more excited he is.

After the first white worm that emerged, other places near the foot of the mountain continued to drill out some white worms.

"It's them!"

(To be continued.)