MTL - Ci Jinzhi-Chapter 57 stereotype

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  Chapter 57 Routine

  Staying in front of the bookshelf where "A Tale of Peony" was placed was a young girl, dressed as Xiaojiabiyu, who was surprised when she found "A Tale of Peony".

   "Hey, didn't you say it's no longer available, but it's still on sale."

  Liu Zhou winked at Shitou and stepped forward to greet the guests, while Shitou quietly left the study hall and rushed to report to Xinyou.

   "Does the girl like "The Peony"?"

  Looking at the buddy who came over, the girl nodded: "Yes, I came to your bookstore a few months ago to buy a copy of "The Story of Peony", but it was said that it was not sold. I didn't expect it to be available again today."

  Liu Zhou smiled: "Our boss wants to print it."

   "I see." The girl picked up "The Peony" and walked to the counter, "Check out."

   Liu Zhou glanced at the back door, a little anxious.

   This girl is too quick to shop, if the boss doesn't come, she will leave.

   "Girls don't buy "Painted Skin" anymore? "Painted Skin" is a new storybook released by our bookstore. It is very good-looking, and many people buy it..."

  The young girl thought that this guy talked a lot, and said lightly, "Next time, how much is "The Story of Peony"?"

   She said, and went to pick out her purse.

   "Four—four taels of silver!" Liu Zhou changed his words abruptly, saying four hundred wen became four taels of silver.

   "How much?" The girl's voice suddenly rose, full of anger, "Your bookstore can't steal money? When "The Peony" came out, it only cost 400 coins!"

  She only brought a few hundred texts with her. Originally, she heard that "Painted Skin" was good to buy "Painted Skin", but accidentally found that "The Peony" was for sale, so she changed her mind temporarily.

"I've never heard that a book can sell for four taels of silver, and it's a reprint!" The girl wiped the dust on the cover of "The Peony", and became even more angry, "There is so much dust, it's hard to find a buyer, Treat people like a fool!"

   When Xin You rushed over, she heard the girl's crisp questioning.

"What's wrong?"

   Seeing Xin You coming, Liu Zhou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly called out to the owner, thinking that if you don't come, the reputation of our bookstore's black shop will soon spread.

   "Are you the owner of this bookstore?" The girl looked at Xin You.

  Xin You smiled and nodded: "I am."

  The girl's face was not very good-looking: "Your reprint of "The Peony" costs four taels of silver?"

  Xin You glanced at Liu Zhou.

  Liu Zhou hurriedly said: "The villain made a slip of the tongue and said wrongly. It is not four taels of silver, but four hundred Wen."

  The girl's apricot eyes widened: "What is wrong, you just want to make black money!"

  Liu Zhou made a gesture and slapped his mouth: "Girl, the villain really made a slip of the tongue."

   "Since it was a slip of the tongue, why didn't you explain it just now?"

   "You have been talking, and the villain wants to wait until you finish talking before explaining. Our boss has said that, and the guests are not allowed to interrupt when they are talking."

  The girl didn't really believe it, she snorted coldly, and pointed to "The Peony": "Four hundred Wen, right, check out."

  Xin You stopped Liu Zhou from collecting the money, and smiled apologetically at the girl: "It was our buddy's mistake that ruined the girl's good mood today. I will give this "The Story of Peony" to the girl as my apology."

  The girl's eyes widened unexpectedly, and she hurriedly refused: "How can this work, as much as you want, I don't take advantage of this."

  Xin You stuffed "The Story of Peony" into the girl's hands, and said with a smile, "How can you take advantage of it? Can four hundred Wen buy you a good mood? The girl accepts this book, and I feel good about it."

  The girl is obviously not very good at this kind of tugging. Hearing that Xin You said so and didn't refuse, she felt embarrassed, so she said, "I'll buy another copy of "Painted Skin". Oh, how much is "Painted Skin"?"

  Liu Zhou took a look at Xin You, and saw that she didn't signal, so he said the truth: "Three hundred Wen."

  The girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   It’s okay, I have enough money.

  The price of the Beijing script is mostly between 200 and 500, and the specific price is related to the reputation of the writer and the number of pages of the script. Half of "Painted Skin" sells for 300 cash, which is a relatively acceptable price for people.

   When Liu Zhou went to get "Painted Skin", Xin You seemed to ask casually: "I think girls also like to read scripts, why didn't they buy "The Peony"?"

  The identity of the same woman made the girl feel relaxed, and said with a smile: "I bought it a long time ago. I bought this as a gift. I also want to thank the boss for his generosity and gave it to me directly."

  Four hundred wen is not too little for a Xiaojiabiyu like her with limited pocket money.

  Xin You took advantage of the situation and said: "My surname is Kou, and my name is Qingqing. The girl calls me by my first name."

  When the girl heard that everyone had already reported her name, she did so without thinking too much: "My name is Ji Cailan."

   "Miss Ji looks about my age."

  The two naturally reported their ages, and Ji Cailan was one year older than Xinyou.

  Xin You said with a smile: "Sister Ji, you have many friends who like "The Peony" by your side? Then help me promote it more."

  She pointed to the row of "The Story of Peony", and said helplessly: "I just took over the bookstore and was ignorant, so I reprinted a lot of "The Story of Peony", but no one cares about it, and the shelves are covered with ashes."

Ji Cailan said embarrassingly: "My friend who likes to read story books has already bought it. I bought this "The Story of the Peony" as a gift for my cousin. In fact, my cousin also has a copy of "The Story of the Peony". Unfortunately, I lost it on the way to Beijing." gone."

  Xin You's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

  On the way to Beijing—

   Is the person she is looking for Ji Cailan's cousin?

  Suppressing the turmoil in her heart, Xin You still had a chatty tone: "Isn't Sister Ji's cousin from the capital? I didn't expect "The Peony" to be so popular that it was sold out of town."

   Ji Cailan had a bit of complacency in her eyes: "At that time, "The Peony" was very popular, and I bought it for my cousin and asked someone to bring it to her."

   "Then sister Ji will bring her cousin to buy story books, and I will give you a 10% discount."

   "How did this happen." Ji Cailan hurriedly waved her hands.

  Xin You smiled: "Sister Ji and I hit it off right away, and we talked speculatively. Don't say no to Sister Ji, let's talk about small profits but quick turnover."

"Then thank you, Sister Kou." Ji Cailan only felt that the beautiful girl in front of her was very pleasing to the eye, and sighed, "It's a pity that my cousin's foot injury has not healed yet, so she can't come to the bookstore with me, otherwise she will be very happy to make friends with Sister Kou." happy."

Listening to Ji Cailan's words, Xin You tightened her hands tightly in her sleeves, but her face didn't show at all: "It's okay, I'm at the bookstore on weekdays, Sister Ji, you can come to play whenever you have time. Oh, Sister Ji's home Is it far away?"

   "It's not too far, my house is in Mao'er Alley in Jixiangfang."

   Enquiry was almost done, Xin You didn't ask any more, and when Ji Cailan settled the bill, she personally sent her out.

  Liu Zhou touched the stone with his elbow.

   "Brother Liu, what's wrong?"

   Liu Zhou looked at the door of the bookstore with admiration on his face: "Stone, you asked how to find out the identity of the customer who bought "The Peony" before, have you learned it?"

  My boss is really born to do business!

  (end of this chapter)