MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 4 old world flag

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Panic is spreading.

The powerful elf force, the tragic death of the companion, is also under the threat of death.

In a desperate situation, people need a leader to make the right choice for them.

Everyone looked in the direction of the captain's cabin.

In the warm and bright captain's room, the gentle-looking captain in a formal suit wiped his pipe and said calmly, "Your Highness the Princess, Cleveland Cavaliers."

"We have been locked by the Wings of Wayne, a powerful magus relying on the augmentation platform of the elven capital ship is enough to exert the power to destroy a small fleet, not to mention that we have lost almost all spellcasters, and it is completely impossible to communicate with confrontation."

"Similarly, it is impossible to escape. We can't get rid of the tracking of Eagle Eye and Atmospheric Perspective. The other party has the means to sink us dozens of nautical miles away."

He looked at the two people on the opposite side, straightened his hat, and said solemnly: "The Penguin is exhausted, and the long route has come to an end. I and all the crew will abide by the oath we made to Your Excellency the Grand Duke and make a good return. Prepare for the embrace of the Sea God."

"His Royal Highness, do you turn around to face the battle to show the courage of the Principality of Goethe, or raise the sails to escape, and strive for a trace of vitality, or stop in place, look back on the beautiful past of your life, and wait for the opposite magician to recharge his energy to cast spells... I leave the choice to you."

He bent down and bowed his head.

Her Royal Highness, whom the captain spoke of, had already put on a hunting suit that was easy to move around. The shirt, trousers, and riding boots outlined a graceful figure, but what didn't match this heroic dress was that she looked too beautiful. Her weak face, her hair that is brighter than gold, and her sapphire-like eyes are clearer than the clearest sky. She is the most beautiful pearl in the Principality of Goethe.

After hearing the captain's words, the princess subconsciously looked at her guardian knight.

The Cleveland Cavaliers is a calm and capable young man. He is the most orthodox knight. He comes from a prestigious family and has received the most rigorous training since he was a child. He regards honor as his life and his mission above everything else. In the process, he became the guardian knight of Pershing's most beloved young daughter.

This combination of knight and princess has become the most envied object of the young people in the Goethe Principality. The knights envy the Cleveland Knight Commander for being able to defend the Princess with sword and shield, while the girls and ladies are envious of Her Royal Highness being able to obtain the Cleveland Knight Commander. The guardian oath, the handsome and powerful knight and the beautiful and wise princess, have always been the classic protagonists of poetry and drama singing, and always have been.

The young knight looked back at the princess he was protecting.

He knelt down with his sword on one knee and said calmly, "Your Highness, I will abide by my oath, perform my duties, follow you to the end of the world, and clear all difficulties and obstacles for you until death separates us. Since I embarked on this journey, I have I am ready to sacrifice for you, but as your guardian knight, my mission is to protect your life, so…”

He bowed his head deeply, and his voice was also low: "Surrendering to the enemy is an unbearable humiliation, but for the safety of Your Highness, the dignity of a knight is not something that cannot be given up, please allow me to raise the white flag and use my own blood. Wash away this shame, and Your Highness... Although the elves are at war with Goethe, they will definitely give preferential treatment to the descendants of the Seven Heroes. As long as you live, there is still hope."

The captain's room fell silent.

The captain bit his pipe and stared at the half-kneeling knight, as well as the graceful and weak Her Royal Highness.

"Please look up, Cleveland Guardian Knights."

The princess's soft voice rang out, but the lark-like voice contained the power of steel: "I want to ask you a question."

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"Since the war between the Empire and the Moon Dynasty, the Principality of Goethe has been the first to bear the brunt. The elf dragon tooth army has raged on the beautiful red soil of Gelan, city after city has been occupied, army after army has been defeated, sincere warriors and brave sons The people fought with blood, just like our ancestors..."

"Then the Cleveland Cavaliers, I ask you, have you heard of even a single Gothic surrendering to the elves since the war began?"

The Cleveland Cavaliers shuddered.

A large amount of blood poured onto his face, making his handsome cheeks flush with shame.

He bowed his head deeply and said loudly, "Please forgive my mistakes and disrespect, Your Royal Highness!"

The princess shook her head gently: "I don't mean to blame you, I'm just expounding an iron rule. We have ruled the Goethe Duchy for hundreds of years, and we have obtained endless wealth and loyalty from the red land. Now the country is on fire, The warriors rise up and fight, and the Teldaril family must fight to the last breath."

The knight commander held the hilt of the sword firmly and responded with a sonorous force: "Follow your will, Your Royal Highness, this is the honor of my life, from life to death, I will always guard your front!"

The captain took off his hat and greeted Her Royal Highness: "Your Highness, your bravery and strength are no less than that of your brother and sister, and you are worthy of the blood of the Seven Heroes. In this case, please allow me to order to set sail and charge in the direction of the elf navy, and let the great sea **** and The hateful elves saw our courage."

The princess shook her head and said, "No, we can't die."

The two men in the room were startled.

"It's not time to give up... Goethe's warriors are bleeding. Fathers, brothers, and sisters are fighting for this country. I can't help in combat, but I have my own mission." She looked at the captain. With the knight, firmly said, "We want to arrive at the imperial capital, lobby the royal family and the great nobles to provide more reinforcements and help to Goethe... This is my mission!"

The captain frowned and said, "So, what Your Highness means is..."

The princess said, "Flee."

The captain smiled bitterly: "Where to flee? The enemy is an elf battleship equipped with a powerful magician. Whether it is the combat capability of the battleship itself or the ability to strike magic, it is far superior to the Penguin. In the sea, we don't have any chance...there is no chance to escape."


Her Royal Highness said concisely, she strode towards the sea chart on the wall of the captain's room, pointing to the north direction: "I have been observing the starry sky before, and with the help of the star plummet to locate, we have approached this forbidden sea area, so far, the only vitality, It's full speed to the southwest!"

The captain saw the direction pointed by the slender jade finger, and had no time to appreciate the white jade-like soft finger, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes: "This..."

"Saint India Island."

Her Royal Highness's voice seemed to sound from the sky: "Let's go there and avoid the pursuit of the elves."

"This is the taboo among the taboos. Your Highness, I have been drifting at sea for 40 years, and the thought of sailing to this place is something I don't even dare to think about."

Even His Excellency the Captain, whose heart is like stone and sees death as if at home, hesitated: "This..."

"The elves think the same way... The legend of the Sacred Islands is like a myth among human sailors. It's just a taboo that is ancient and inexhaustible, but on the side of the long-lived elves, it means the real existence of top secrets. We are even more afraid of this place, if we sail to the Sea of ​​Sacred Seal, they will definitely not pursue it, this is the gorge that their entire race dare not cross."

"And this is our only chance," said the princess.

The captain was still hesitating.

Unlike the princess, he lives on the sea all year round, and has a deeper understanding of the mystery and danger that exists in the sea. In the vast and endless ocean, there are too many unknowns hidden, moody and terrible monsters, and the dusty and long-lasting. Prehistoric ruins, projections of powerful creatures in the distant starry sky, coordinate tokens of alien creatures... These "adventures" are generally not a good thing.

On the contrary, it is a more terrifying situation than death.

That is to say, for the captain, he would rather be shot dead by an elf warship than to rush to the Sacred Seal Sea, an area of ​​unknown danger and where no one has survived for hundreds of years.

Her Royal Highness stared at him closely: "Your Excellency Captain, this is the end of the matter, there is no other choice, even if the gate of **** is ahead, I will rush over for Goethe."

The Cleveland Cavaliers immediately stood up, clenched the sword, and stepped forward: "Your Excellency Captain, for Goethe, please give an order immediately, you are also a Goethe citizen."

This confrontation was short and long, as if a long time had passed, as if it was only a moment, the captain closed his eyes, and the next moment, he opened his eyes again, and the sharpness in his eyes can only be sharpened on the sea.

Navigating the endless seas, controlling the scale of curiosity and greed is the most important quality.

And so is courage.

He nodded heavily: "Understood, the Penguin will follow your will."

The princess breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile: "We still have time, the enemy magister needs a while to rebuild the elemental affinity, and now go to rescue the survivors of the Baine..."

The captain said lightly: "Your Highness is wrong."

He ignored their stunned expressions and strode out of the captain's room.

Under the command of the first mate, the Penguin was approaching the attacked friendly warship. The sailors were already preparing to throw the ropes, and the ship doctor was also on standby. The first mate was calling the survivors loudly.

The captain pressed the first officer's shoulders and took his microphone.

"Call the Bane! I'm Captain Oswald of the Penguin!"

On the opposite ship, several **** figures appeared. When the magic attack came, they escaped the disaster with their superb skills.

The giant man in the captain's uniform responded to him: "I'm the captain of the Bain! My ship was hit by a long-range magic guide, and the casualties were heavy, and the hull was broken. Please support me!"

Captain Oswald took a deep breath.

His voice tore the wind and the waves.

"The Penguin will sail to the Isle of Saint Indies to escape the pursuit of the elven capital ships, and before the Wings of Wayne can launch a second over-the-horizon strike, they will drop their tracking marks, so, in Goethe's name, Baine Remaining crew members, I hereby ask you to—"

The captain paused for a moment, and his voice became calm and even soft.

But firm.

"Be prepared to sacrifice," he said.

The raging wind roared at sea, tearing apart the sound of everything, chilling the body and mind.

The two captains looked at each other across the waves.

"The Grand Duke ordered us to send Her Royal Highness the Princess to the Imperial Capital at all costs."

The captain of the Baine stretched out his hand and slapped his chest lightly: "We obey his orders."

Then he turned and said sharply, "Check the sub-mast! Adjust the ballista! Master of the arsenal! Prepare the decoy arrows!"

He didn't speak to the Penguin again.

"My siblings, my comrades... See you at Sea God Temple."

Captain Oswald glanced deeply at his comrade, then turned and ordered to set sail, the sailors obeyed silently and sadly, while Her Royal Highness trotted out.

"I'm not questioning your authority and orders," she said, "but the two ships are not far from each other, and it takes almost no time to save the survivors..."

"You are wrong, Her Royal Highness."

The captain said in a deep voice: "The elf battleship found us and took the lead in launching an over-the-horizon strike. After a surprise attack on one ship, it could take care of the other one without worrying about us escaping... According to the usual tactics of the elf navy, They're about to throw the spirit of nature here."

The spirit of nature is a spiritual body that grows in the endless forest and lives with the grass and trees. The elves build civilizations and kingdoms in the vast forest. They are accompanied by the spirit of nature all the year round.

This kind of spirit body has a very high affinity for wood, and it will automatically find grass and trees to live in. They can make plants thrive in the forest, but at sea, it is the secret of the elf navy to defeat the enemy.

Because most of the warships of various countries today are made of wood.

Throwing a large number of natural spirits into the target sea area, these spirits that are friendly to grass and trees will find their own targets to inhabit. The battleship stood out like a beacon on the dark sea.

Powerful ultra-long-range magic attacks will receive the largest accuracy correction.

"And the Bane's last mission... is to stop the tracking mark for the Penguin and block the next round of magic strikes." The captain said, "Use the bait ballista."

The Penguin set sail, and amid the unanimous shouts of the sailors, the princess stared blankly at the Iron Fist Bane behind, letting the wind blow on her delicate face, there are no tears at sea, because all tears will disappear in in the rain.

She just tried her best to watch, watch, watch the sky shine again, watch the emerald green breath of nature come across the sea, watch the Baine shoot crossbow arrows into the air, spread out, and weave a fine Snares and captures the spirit of nature...until the brilliance of extinction strikes again.

The captain is at the helm, and the brave hearts of the men at sea have never been set back even though they have gone through death.

"If a ship sinks, hundreds of people will be buried in the sea. If a battle is lost, thousands of people will be killed and injured. If a city is lost, maybe tens of thousands of people will suffer."

He said: "It is no secret that we are all little people, fighting for money, honor or faith, but we all die insignificantly, just like wild dogs, we don't know how many people will know our name, I don't know if what we did was worth it..."

The captain turned his head and looked at the princess: "Because it is you, your father, your brothers and sisters, and the nobles of the imperial capital who decide this... It's not fair, but it's the truth, and I only To be able to perform my duties, and to pray to the gods, and to you..."

Holding the rudder steady, he whispered, "Please make all sacrifices count."

The princess did not answer.

In the face of blood and sacrifice, words and oaths are so empty.

So empty that no one needs this.

Facing the strong wind and heavy rain, the Penguin man chopped the waves in the dark. Everyone's hearts are floating in sadness and confusion, and the fate ahead is unknown.

Her Royal Highness the princess prayed silently.

Pray that dead warriors find peace and that all sacrifices make sense.

Pray that there is no abyss ahead, and pray that Goethe's only remaining hope will not be extinguished.

What she didn't know was that in the forbidden Sacred Seal Island, there was a person who was sleeping soundly.

In that person's dream, it was the plot of the game played before going to bed, the traveler who was chasing history and thinking about his destiny came from a long journey, stood on the broken mountains and rivers, and looked at the self-destruction in the distance. Towards a whole new world of rebirth, pondering the full meaning of it all.

He is carrying a flag.

A flag from the old world.


PS1: This chapter has 4,500 words! Tomorrow and Monday will be on the list, so there is another update tonight! Remember to vote today and tomorrow!

PS2: And, the new book is open, so the gambling game that everyone loves to see will also begin! Does anyone want to bet on the plot? Or do you want to bet on Kant's personal life style? As long as you bring women's clothes, you can. (evil laugh)