MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 804 First strike first?

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When emergency information was sent back to Far Harbor from Turashaye, Kant was inspecting the Far Harbor Scout Camp and Salesian Home, which had been established for three months and were functioning well.

Shouting neat slogans, groups of teenagers trotted past the runway not far away, their youthful faces looked straight ahead without squinting. They were neither surprised nor surprised by the arrival of the Grand Duke of Qin. In other words, all the surprise and strangeness have been suppressed in his heart.

This is discipline gained at the cost of countless floggings and corporal punishments.

After all, three months ago, these teenagers were still some hopeless scum in the mud.

And now, they are still mostly scum, but they have finally found some people.

The body that was once bony and undernourished has gradually grown stronger.

In the scout camp, they did not go hungry at all, they were provided with abundant and plentiful food unimaginable in street life before, and they also had solid houses and warm bedding to keep out the cold.

And the price is a strict schedule, listening to the whistle, banning orders, sitting up like a pine, day after day military training, training running and jumping, training teamwork, training absolute obedience, training willpower like steel.

Don't get me wrong, reality is not a fairy tale. These beggars and hooligans who have been living on the streets all year round are not grateful for the sufficient food.

Their spirituality has long been wiped out by stealing, lying, crime and suffering, and their character is only swindling and bullying.

In the earliest days, slacking off when training, procrastinating on group activities, staring in a daze when receiving instruction, and laughing at the standard movements demonstrated by the instructors.

According to Kant's order, the instructors gave a warning for the first time, corporally punished the whole class for the second time, and whipped them for the third time.

In the first phase of the Scout Camp, within three months, 5% of the cadets were expelled. Among them, 17 were executed for attacking the instructor, hurting their companions and inciting riots, and were sentenced to death. The rest were all sent to underground mines. in the field, and perform forced labor every day until the money spent on him during these days is paid off.

If the nature is fixed and hopeless, then there is no need for salvation.

Kant watched the trot team run away, and slowly exhaled.

"Thank you for your hard work."

He said so.

The elf who followed behind heaved a sigh of relief. He wanted to flatter him, but the elf's arrogance made him unable to say anything flattering, but the job was really tough.

In the eyes of elves, human beings are all happy, and this group of teenagers is even more happy. Teaching them that they can't be killed directly is really a chore - compared to wearing power armor every day. The crazy Querion, this mentality is even more unbalanced.

I also want to be transferred to the front-line troops to start the power armor!

At this moment, he heard His Highness Kant say: "In half a month, the elves will come to rotate you, and let the elite officers of the Royal Navy teach these scumbags. It is indeed wronging you."

The elf was overjoyed when he heard the words, and stood at attention: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding!"

This is a very interesting statement - the elf is proud and straightforward, and does not deny the statement that "you have wronged you".

Because these teenagers are indeed the worst scum.

After all, this is a scout camp.

Scout camps, as the name suggests, are places where children and even teenagers are managed and tempered with military discipline, and those who do not obey are severely punished. It sounds very inhuman.

This is also one of the earliest institutions established by Kant after he took charge of the Far Harbor.

Those who were stuffed into the scout camps included little beggars wandering on the streets of Far Harbor and in the slums, as well as orphans who joined gangs and engaged in kidnapping early on, and in addition to that, there were also teenage boys and girls rescued from prostitution houses. Young gladiators reared in the arena, blah, blah, blah.

After Kant took charge of the Far Harbor, he launched several operations against the underworld and the hegemony. The nobles were killed and their entire families were killed. The "underworld giants" who were sheltered by them and did shameful and bad things for them did not run far.

These brothers on the road were tried and cleared of their crimes. They were either punished by the canon and died horribly, or they worked in the mines and had a long way to go, but those who were sheltered, instigated and trained by them were underage thieves and liars on the streets. Juvenile delinquents have no shelter and no livelihood for a while, which is very troublesome.

Kant did not leave them to fend for themselves.

These juvenile offenders were gathered together, interrogated and questioned separately, clarifying their age, experience and circumstances.

Anyone who leads and executes abduction and trafficking operations, such as pretending to go away with their parents, enticing a careless girl to take him to their family, or enticing children of the same age to play with him, regardless of age, They were all taken out and killed.

Those who cooperated with the "bosses" to torture others and force them into gangs will also die.

The rest is worth saving.

However, Kant, who comes from the earth and whose moral cognition is higher than the other world, did not directly set up orphanages or other places to accept them, nor did he obtain the gratitude and recognition of these orphans with sufficient food and warm care without asking for anything in return. There is no such thing as a saint-like charisma to get these orphans to thank them and pay them back - reality is not a fairy tale, and there will never be such a smooth logic.

There is no such thing as "I am good to you, and you will be good to me".

I treat you well, and you will treat me well, it's not that the candy I handed is sweet, it's the knife you see in my other hand - not to cut you, but you know I should It will definitely be chopped.

Hence the Scout Camp.

The arrogant and powerful elf officers who came to train these people are indeed extremely talented. All the instructors complained a lot. There is a saying that rotten wood cannot be carved, and these young people were completely rotten wood **** from the beginning. more troublesome.

And now, it's always going to get mixed up.

Hearing that Kant was so understanding, the arrogant elf was overjoyed, but also felt embarrassed, and wanted to flatter Kant more and more, so he searched his stomach and got his mind.

At first, he was given this position, thinking that he was going to help Kant train the dead, but after seeing the detailed plan, sufficient supplies and reasonable plans, this idea disappeared.

This is not training dead men.

This is saving people.

The elf said: "His Royal Highness, human beings are rarely admired by elves, but you are one of them. I admire you, not because of your strength, but because of your kindness. These scums are gradually changing from beasts to humans. It was you who gave them a second rebuild their broken souls."

Kant didn't answer, just looked away silently.

The instructor suggested: "Do you need me to call them? Show you our results, and their efforts... and let them listen to your teachings and let them know who they should thank."

Kant shook his head.

"No need," he said. "I'm just getting revenge."

The elf was stunned for a moment, and said blankly, "What?"

"They changed back from beasts to humans. They are obviously muddy maggots. I want to let them reshape their souls and regain their dignity. In two years, they can reshape their personalities. After two years, they can hold their heads high as human beings. , meet the future, or become an apprentice, learn a craft, become a glorious worker, or formally join the army, obtain military merit with courage and enthusiasm, and stand in the sky."

Kant turned his head, looked at the elf, and smiled slightly.

"They have nothing to do with me, and have no value to me. They should have lived a mediocre and painful life in sorrow and confusion, rotting in the shadows, and twisting in the lowly. I have to spend a lot of energy and financial resources to completely transform them. - This is my revenge."

He said indifferently: "These people can easily get a new life, whether it is money or glory, they can get it as long as they work hard - in that desperate hell, if there is a despicable soul who can see such a The landscape will surely distort resentment and curse resentment."

"Because sooner or later, there will be no more people like him in the world. Sooner or later, people like him will have a future and hope - only him, who will never be redeemed and destined to have no hope."

Kant exhaled, his voice calm and indifferent.

"Ah, that's cool," he said. "I wish he'd seen it."

The elf instructor was speechless.

He felt so scared.

After all, Kant did not give any speeches, nor did he speak to the Scouts. Instead, he thanked the instructors one by one, issued a military merit award, and then went to the Kindergarten.

The Kindergarten complements the Scout Camp.

The word "Sasikyo" originated from "Zhou Li", which is one of the six measures to recuperate and support the people in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Kuanji, the sixth is said to be wealthy, and this kind of love refers to those who love and care for the young, that is, infants and children.

The Salesian Bureau is a place established by the Far Harbor government to raise orphans and abandoned babies.

In fact, it is similar to an orphanage.

The reason why it is called the Salesian Bureau is not Chonggu, but the word "orphan" is not a good word. It is not necessary to use it other than to swear, and it is not necessary to always emphasize the title, so that the children here will remember it for a lifetime.

Set up Salesian Bureau, from Tina's reminder.

The scum of the underage in the black zone of the Far Harbor is naturally thrown into the melting pot of the military camp to save the seeds and restore humanity, but not all orphans are suitable there.

During the evacuation of the Broken Isles, orphans who were separated from their families, or who were desperately sent by their relatives to rescue balloons, could not be sent to the Scout Camp.

In the future, the good family members who lost their parents unexpectedly in Yuangang will certainly not be directly thrown into the military camp to suffer.

Even in the increasingly fierce battles in the future, there will definitely be soldiers who shed blood on the battlefield. If their children are not enough to protect, there must be a government-run organization to take over all this.

These are things that must be taken seriously and even prepared in advance, because it is not far away.

The Scout Camp and the Kindergarten are not two distinct departments. They can communicate with each other and complement each other. Those who are wild and reckless and arrogant in the Kindergarten will also be assigned to the Scout Camp. Those who still have Tianliang will also be sent to the Kindergarten after layers of investigation and research.

The Salesian did not have to recast the souls of the teenagers with severe military training. Their progress was faster. In addition to the necessary physical activities and military training, most of the courses were mathematics, writing, history, art and even magical common sense. Classes are taught to lay a solid foundation for the future.

What is taught in the primary and secondary schools established at the same time is taught here.

Kant visited the classes under the leadership of the dean, and then listened to a lecture in one of the classes. He answered several questions from the children like Tsar Phu.

A pair of eyes are innocent and clear, with a lot of imagination and curiosity about the world.

Some children even asked why the Austrian Council did not like the Far Harbor?

This question is difficult to answer, at least it is impossible to explain it to a young child, but compared to this, "How many wives do you have, Your Highness" makes Kant feel more at ease.

Although this question is grassy, ​​"there are so many noble ladies who like His Royal Highness, you must have many children", which made the macho cry secretly in his heart.

In this embarrassing situation that the parrot knew to laugh for a hundred years, the classroom door was knocked open, a Valentine guard pushed in, and at the same time, the personal terminal buzzed.

"His Royal Highness." The guard said in Kant's ear, "Urgent report, Tulaxia was attacked, violent vibrations and explosions came from inside the Tower of All-Seeing, the specific situation is under investigation, but the intelligence officer witnessed a A plane hit the Tower of All-Seeing and was shot down by the Thunder Cloud Arrow of the Optimus Titan, and the wreckage of the plane crashed into the city, causing a violent explosion, setting off a violent fire, and causing no small casualties."

Kant's pupils shrank slightly.

His eyes swept to the children. These young children seemed to be aware of the serious atmosphere and became quiet, looking at Kant's eyes with exploration and unease.

"Notify the shogunate to prepare for a meeting."

Kant spoke calmly, and then let the guard leave.

Then he smiled, continued to interact with the children, answered the last question, and then presented them with gifts, delicious candy and chocolate, the signature of the green-skinned star, and a movie ticket to the latest cartoon.

Until he shook hands with the teacher to say goodbye, Kant closed the door of the classroom with a smile, and signaled the waiting guards to reach their own limits.


He pulled out his chair and sat down, looking at the ministers who were already in their seats.

"I thought about it for seven minutes at the Kindergarten, and I didn't even understand how such a **** could happen."

The emergency information was sent back to Far Harbor from Turaxiaye, and even Kant, who had learned about the many bad things that had happened on Earth for thousands of years through history, was shocked and speechless.

He couldn't help but glanced at the detailed information on the table again.

"What happened in the Tower of All-Seeing, don't you know?"

Tina replied: "I just asked the special envoy of the Brotherhood again, this matter will definitely shake the world, all countries should have received the wind, but Turaxia has already been under martial law, the Tower of All-Seeing has activated the defensive technique, and the Star Titan Activated, any attempt to approach the Tower of All-Seeing may result in a thunderous strike..."

She shook her head, and her beautiful face showed a vague worry: "The Brotherhood couldn't figure out what happened for a while - but news came from the Life Weaver, reminding us to be careful."

Kant sneered.

Shouldn't you be careful?

The situation inside the Tower of All-Seeing is unclear, but the "airplane" fell from the sky and hit Tulaxia Ye.

Dong Tianming pondered: "This is undoubtedly a blame, no matter who did it, the conspirators must want to provoke a war between Far Harbor and the Council... Is it the Star Palace?"

The parrot said coldly: "Maybe... only they are afraid that the world will not be in chaos."

There are also many reasons for war... Like this, the plane hits the capital directly, and the highest authority is attacked and exploded. The resulting war must be an endless war to destroy the country.

This was out of the shogunate's war planning and assumptions.

Even beyond the control of the council.

Although the war was the consensus of the two parties, neither of them wanted to fight this step - the council was also afraid of the forbidden spell. If it was fought endlessly, who would be able to guarantee that it would survive Kant's forbidden spell?

"...Anyway, it happened."

"We have to respond," Hong San said.

Kant looked at Afu and Horus, and the two marshals replied: "The Navy and the Army have entered the highest alert situation, and the defense plan is ready to be deployed at any time."

Tina reminded: "We also have to be prepared to explain the situation to the world... This is framed, but we still have to make our voices heard. In addition, we have to explain to our allies."

Nishias also participated in this shogunate meeting, and she said bluntly: "War is inevitable, and in the current army, there are many members of the council, so we must appease and guard against them."

The High Priest Tosdiva was also present, and three months was enough for him to learn the Continental Common Language: "I think this will be a big battle, the scale of which may exceed our expectations at the time, Kant friend, you have to prepare early. —Not how to prepare for war, but how to prepare for war.”

He looked at Kant: "According to our sacred covenant, the warriors of Ilan-Tyr are always ready to fight for you, but are you ready?"

"There is a shadow of conspiracy behind this war. Do you want to follow the trend and have a decisive battle with the Austrian Council to solve the problems and problems that stand in front of you, or to control its scale and avoid it? Happened, lest the real enemy snicker in the dark?"

Everyone watched, Kant was silent.

"Prepare... what do I want to do?"

He opened his eyes, his eyes sharp as knives.

Dong Tianming, Malekis, this human and elves are the old famous generals with the most war experience in the audience, Kant only asked their opinions.

"The **** pot has already been detained, not only the plane, but also the explosion inside the Tower of All-Seeing. This feud will be difficult to turn around, it cannot be solved, and there is no explanation. Use the Phase Gate to launch a heavy-armed army to attack Turaxiaye, control the capital of the Austrian Council, and strike first as the strongest - what do you think!?"