MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 809 Prime Minister Shege's Gundam!

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The foreign advance force, composed of navy soldiers, was advancing.

The council army garrisoning the capital was ordered to intercept it.

The eyes of the demon **** summoned by Kant stared at the lower realm, and the sky would be bombarded with forbidden spells at any time. Even the most elite ace masters could not maintain full courage in such a desperate situation. Moreover, the words of the Aurora Dragon Demagogic makes them sway and wander.

They came to intercept this group of former navy comrades, but they were ordered by their superiors to perform their duties as an army... But do they really want to intercept? How to stop it?

These men in navy uniforms were indeed unarmed.

And, if it is true as Kant says...they are really there to end unjust wars.

What should we do?


In the midst of a dilemma, loud shouts rang out from the queue from Far Harbor.

"Innocent citizens face the threat of war, so do your families!"

"Work hard, enjoy life, miss your parents, eat snacks and drink tea at home, and suddenly get smashed by the forbidden curse!"

"My younger brother, who has a promising future and is full of vigor, will be forced to be recruited as a soldier. The people who have done nothing wrong will be coerced by the war, levied on wealth and tax, and will even be affected by the war and displaced!"

"And you! You are the us of tomorrow! After more than ten years of hard work and hard work, my parents gave the soldiers and officers the money they had accumulated for half a lifetime and sent us to the army. They thought they could repay them with their ability and hard work, but But sent to death by selfish politicians! Lost everything!"

"When the war breaks out, you will be like us - you have been working hard for decades! The result is like the Dragon Banner Legion outside Valentine, dead silent and meaningless!"

The hoarse shouts of the former council navy came from the loudspeaker.

"Everyone, listen to me! His Royal Highness Kant never wants a war to break out! I don't want innocent people to suffer like this! It is those selfish and vicious politicians who are constantly provoking troubles for their own selfish desires, intending to interrupt the vision of the peaceful development of the Far Harbor! We On the order of His Highness, retrieve some of the wreckage of the crashed plane as evidence, and even go to the Tower of All-Seeing, and let Grand Speaker Griffin come out to apologize to all the people!"

"So, please don't stop us! If you are worried that we have other plans, you can act with us! Because we are in the same position as you - that is to protect the purity and loyalty within the Austrian Council, and prevent the insidious Cunning villains sabotage our great cause!"

"The goal is the Tower of All-Seeing, and the slogan is—"

"Absolutely! Loyalty!"

Roaring like this, these officers and soldiers of the original navy and the reorganized army after the surrender really showed a proud, fearless awe, perhaps collectivism, perhaps self-hypnosis, or under the influence of collectivism Self-hypnosis...Sometimes, people are really easy to change.

The garrison responsible for intercepting them said loudly: "Stop! Stop! Don't go forward!"

Some people are still shouting and scolding: "You guys who surrender, do you still have the face to show loyalty!"

"-shut up!"

The value of equipping this company with a loudspeaker is here, and someone immediately cursed back: "We are not loyal to a certain country or a certain person, we are loyal to the greatest cause in this world - for the sake of purifying the blue mortal world. , and the liberation and dignity of all intelligent races!"

- The **** knows what this is!

But they really went up with A, and immediately mixed with the garrison and entangled.

Tower of All-Seeing, Mysterious Sanctuary.

"You're hitting!"

"These stupid bugs have jumped out! Kill them!" urged Phaersson.

"To shut up!"

Griffin is about to explode!

The "Kant's Dead" who were responsible for attacking the interior of the Tower of All-Seeing had been wiped out one by one with the urgent reinforcements from the Legal Department. Can completely control the situation - but the matter on the mysterious temple side has not been settled!

According to the original plan, at this time, the Great Speaker should have dealt with all the hands and tails in the church, injured himself, and made up a perfect lie.

He would "restrain" Phaezon, the attacker sent by Kant, for a good reason - although the opponent was powerful and extremely fierce, but for some reason, he was suppressed by the Secret Vault Heart of the Celestial Titan.

This matter is an ancient secret, but it can be found from the book records of the council - the Optimus Titan, a powerful divine weapon with ancient technology, was created to meet a certain powerful enemy, and Phaersson " The identity of the "evil intruder from the star palace" of its owner, Kant, is just as iron-clad.

This statement, as a key link in the chain of lies, is enough to win people's trust and crucify things.

Then he can get the understanding and support of the three giants of the Security Committee, the four marshals of the military department, the president of Turashaye Mystery University, the director of the Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department and others, and the power of the entire country can be pinched together. The regiment, united with external allies, began his next plan.

It was supposed to be like this.

But who knew that Kant's face was coming! And it doesn't play cards according to the routine at all.

Speaker Griffin even remembered when he was a kid fighting with his playmates... At that time, he was arguing with other children, and when it was the other party's turn to speak, he shouted over the other party's voice and went to the agreed fighting place , he would take out the wooden stick he had prepared in advance and knock it **** the ground, which would frighten the group of children to run away—what the **** is different from now!

Children's fighting stuff, you use it against me!

…shameless, but useful.

The Ministry of Justice may clean up the Tower of Complete Vision at any time, and the Security Council and the military giants can rush to the Senate at any time. Just to deal with them, Griffin needs to concentrate and concentrate, but Kant's offensive is so violent , So disgusting, when you arrive at other people's base camps, you can turn against the guests!

"Blow them up with your titans!" Phaersson shouted to himself, "Blow up those scumbags who dare to show their heads!"

"Shut up! You idiot!"

Griffin said abruptly: "They have already mixed up with the garrison! If I do it, I will fight with my own people. It's simply not recruiting myself! If this is the case, Kant will die of laughter!"

Phaeson said angrily: "What if we fight together, aren't they your subjects? What's wrong with dying for you! You kings of the lower realms are so weak and ridiculous! It's very sad!"

The Great Speaker is extremely annoyed... Can't explain it at all! This self-proclaimed "god" from above the sky is arrogant and arrogant, scoffs at everything in the lower world, and doesn't understand the difference between the grand speaker and the emperor at all!

But... it's true.

I am as busy as an emperor every day, taking on even heavier responsibilities than an emperor, but without the power of an emperor! For the future of the country, to commit such a heavy crime, even in the capital, to be deceived by Kant who knocked on the door - these people who doubt me, do you know how much I have contributed to Tulaxiaye!

For a while, Griffin's heart was turbulent, and dark emotions quietly grew.

To do this kind of thing, he already has a great mental burden, not to mention that things are going very poorly, and there is even the possibility of a big loss and loss, even if his heart is iron-like and calm as the sea, he still has some mentality at this moment. The feeling of collapse... The idea of ​​giving up on oneself faintly churned.

"Why didn't your soldiers kill those ants!"

Phaethon looked at the horizon transmission of the Optimus Titan and said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't they listen to your orders! Where are my servants? Where are their troops?"

Griffin glared at him fiercely: "It's all transferred to the Goethe border!"

Even if there are still some elite soldiers hiding in Tulaxiaye, they are insignificant and cannot make a big wave - because Kant has mastered public opinion! And all the loopholes have been preemptively filled.

In this case, no matter what tricks and strategies Griffin uses, they are all self-inflicted, and Kant will definitely happily buckle the dung pots here one by one.

"Those people... were once soldiers of the council." He said this, and let out a sigh of relief, "Even if I kill them all, Kant won't feel bad."

Griffin felt a sudden sense of absurdity.

No one knows the inside story better than him.

And it took Kant just a few months to subdue them physically and mentally, and even this raid on Tulaxia made them willing to be forwards and take on the most dangerous job, that is, these former soldiers without weapons , became Griffin's biggest obstacle.


"Then there's no other way." Phoebus said coldly, "You remove the deceleration field."

Griffin frowned, "What are you going to do?"

The effect of this deceleration force field is extremely terrifying. After obtaining this technology, the Grand Speaker was deeply shocked - he realized almost instantly that this thing could not only deal with Kant's thunderous alchemical weapons, but also Complete restraint of Kant's mass projection.

And it doesn't stop there.

The greatest significance of this technology in the mortal world is that it can greatly reduce the combat power of the peerless powerhouses, even increase the power, further limit the speed, and even change the entire form of war.

The influence of the casters is relatively small, but the projection spells known for their rapidity and speed cannot be used.

The top powerhouses of the martial arts faction have huge restrictions—speed is the embodiment of power, and limited speed means limited power. If this deceleration force field is opened in the city of Dou God, it only needs a magicized army. , you can raze this warrior holy city that has stood for thousands of years to the ground.

Now, the deceleration force field covers the entire city, naturally avoiding the threat of the forbidden spell. Griffin should have taken advantage of this to annihilate Kant who dared to commit a crime in person, but the Aurora people are more difficult than expected.

First, he brazenly messed around, took advantage of the Titan's arrow to smash the forbidden spell, took back the mass projection, and described it as his kindness and generosity. When the interception was successful, he naturally lost his courage and confidence.

Second, Kant went on to make a threat. The previous words were told to the Grand Speaker - "You can also pour the countless seawater from the Western Seas directly into the Tulaxia leaves."

That means, you can stop mass projection, how about trying to stop the flood?

Third, although the deceleration force field supported by the star palace is very effective, the phase mechanism that blocks the space is useless - Kant can still go as he wants! That's the biggest problem!

Such an enemy with no bottom line, frequent means, and unrestrained brilliance in his own capital is showing off his might, but the Speaker has nothing to do. He was able to experience it first-hand, and finally understood the helplessness and incompetence of the elves in the face of Kant as the dignified hegemony of the world. Resist anger.

No wonder the Phoenix King is so brave...

"Since you have no way to take Kant, then use my method!"

Faersson said coldly: "My power is restrained by the deceleration force field, remove the force field, and let me go out to find Kant... I want to see this traitor who makes the master... let the master grit his teeth and never forget it!"

If you can, it's best to leave a little something on him.

The God of Star Palace glanced at the Great Speaker.

— just like this human being.

Griffin said flatly: "No!"

Removing the deceleration force field means that the last restraint and deterrence on Kant disappears without a trace. Not only does the forbidden spell restore its power, but his world-leading alchemy weapon can also restore its full power... Of course not!

Even the slightest possibility, he couldn't let this dangerous situation happen.

Phaeson was finally furious, and his uncontrollable ferocity and anger broke out completely: "This is not good, that is not good, what do you want to do? Waiting to die! You ant-like lower world species, look forward and backward! Willing to be with the weak As a comrade, consider this and that in everything, so you will die every time!"

He stretched out his hand, pointed to the speaker's nose, and roared, "What are you still hesitating about when things have reached this point? If you hadn't just made a fool of yourself, if you had to turn on the deceleration force field to intercept the forbidden spell, it wouldn't be exposed. For yourself, the situation will not be so bad! In order to protect those ants, look at what you are protecting! Now? You are not Kant's opponent at all, you have completely failed!"

"He's going to rush here soon, pull you out, and ruin your reputation! Kill you! Let the ants you want to protect spurn you! Abuse you! Forget you!"

"shut up!"

The mighty power from the Celestial Titan suddenly descended, and the emotionally bursting Phaethon fell to the ground. The God of Star Palace roared and straightened his waist, and looked at the Grand Speaker angrily.

"You arrogant and arrogant scum, how can you understand my determination and courage?" The speaker said indifferently, "I did what I did today to protect the future of this country, and Turaxia is this country. The future... I'm desperate to protect the forbidden spell when it comes, what's wrong with it?"

Phaethon just sneered, with mockery in his eyes.

"I may be facing failure, but don't worry... not as bad as you say."

The Great Speaker took two steps forward, looked into the eyes of this "god", and smiled slowly, with a cold smile.

"After all, you're still here, right?"

Griffin said: "You claim that he is a 'traitor' in your clan, and you have come all the way to the mortal world to arrest him. If I hand you over to remind him of the attention and murderous intentions from his hometown, he will surely I am very grateful—in addition, he will also like the deceleration force field, after all, this kind of thing, so restrained his forbidden spells and weapons, he must be very anxious to find out the law of cracking and immunity."

Phaethon's eyes went from anger to resentment.

"If it's not enough... how about the friendship and cooperation between me and the Austrian Law Council?" The Grand Speaker said lightly, "He seems to be coveting our technology, mages, and accumulation."

The God of Star Palace struggled vigorously and roared, "You..."

Before the scolding sound was released, it was stopped by an invisible force. This is now learning and selling.

"It's quite interesting."

The Great Speaker felt the coolness of the authority dog, and immediately said: "What am I? Ants? Pigs? Capricious? Crouching? Shameless?"

He shook his head and said: "It is true, the so-called gods above, human beings are such creatures - our wars are repeatedly tug-of-war, sometimes lasting for a hundred years, and will not end because of the success or failure of a battle, and in this long period of time In the process, we will be capricious, we will constantly change positions, we will also bow down, we will brazenly compromise to the enemy..."

"And all this is just a temporary concession for the ultimate victory."

"Despise and spurn it, this is the biggest difference between us and you." Griffin's tone was calm and firm, "We can be as noble as saints, or humble as maggots."

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and smiled.

Although the Celestial Titan is in hand, although it is still widely prestige among the people, although it has loyal territories and cities, and has a more steadfast and loyal army, it is not without the power of a battle...

But under the premise that Tulaxiaye and the giants of the council are swaying, the odds of winning are already slim.

He's fighting for the future of the Senate, and it can't be put on the table as a bargaining chip.

"This time, it was Kant who won, and I underestimated him."

The speaker said indifferently: "The next thing to do is to try to protect himself. Fortunately, his relationship with the Shiwu members is even worse, so let's throw the blame to them."

He suppressed Phaersson's struggle, and then controlled the Optimus Titan, ready to send a signal to Kant for peace talks-in the enemy camp, Kant would definitely accept it as soon as he saw it, and would not take too much risk.


The next moment, his expression froze on his face.

The calm look quickly collapsed.

In other words, the national leader of the Austrian Law Council, the Great Speaker Griffin Williams, has never been so sluggish as he is now - sluggish, dazed, furious, resentful, fearful... These complex emotions, in the blink of an eye, are in A light flashed across his face.


"—Go! Poké Ball!"

The advance legion strode forward, the residents of Tulaxiaye were at a loss, the sky was hanging high, the tower of all-seeing was in full swing, and the giants had their own plans - on this chaotic, panic, and magical day, there are a few metal The locusts flew silently to the hundred-meter-high spire of the All-Seeing Tower and landed between the feet of the Optimus Titan.


With the shouts of the fire thieves, the Phase Gate opened silently.

Open at your feet.

The Titan stumbled and fell involuntarily. In this light and flint, the powerful war weapon self-sensed, grabbed the edge of the space door and tried to jump and escape - but offended Kant and wanted to run?

The situation in the white fog world is changing, the space is distorted and contracted, an invisible hand is constructed, and even dragged and pulled, even if the Titan is so powerful, it takes a few seconds to be caught in another world!

Kant punched hard.

"Prime Minister Xie Ge's Gundam!"

Without the Titan Divine Arrow, the biggest obstacle to this raid on Turaxia no longer exists, and it can even be said that the road to the Tower of All-Seeing is already a thoroughfare!

It's just that people in the whole city exclaimed in amazement. Everyone looked at the highest point of Turaxiaye. How could the Star Titan, standing proudly on the Tower of All-Seeing, guarding the country, disappeared out of thin air! ?

Only the voice of Aurora Dragon and Duke Kant of Qin reverberated in the four fields.

"Griffin ran away! Griffin ran away with the Titans! Bastard Griffin!"

In the sanctuary, there were ups and downs, the grand speaker's expression collapsed, his body trembled, he shouted and yelled furiously, but the next moment, there was a terrifying momentum around him!

After the Titan was gone, the **** of the star palace, Phaersson, who was suppressed and restrained by the secret vault furnace, regained all his strength and looked at the stunned Griffin Williams with boundless power!