MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 819 Pick a surprise country at random!

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"Honestly, that's a real relief for me."

The slander and accusation from Griffin's inversion of black and white did not arouse Kant's anger, but reassured him - because it meant that the enemy planned to fight him on the bright side.

It's better than this guy hiding in a dark corner all day thinking about how to respond and attack you.

He ordered: "Ministry of Solidarity, it's time to work, explain the truth to the people, ensure the stability of the council's faction forces, and the Ministry of Peace, send reconnaissance planes to carry out key reconnaissance on the council's northern cities, especially the border areas, the previous The mobilization order will continue, and we will continue to mobilize troops!"

Tina and Horus agreed, and Iron Son replied in a deep voice, "Do you want to carry out a pre-emptive strike?"

"Make relevant plans."

Kant said something, and then sighed: "But this fellow dared to jump out so quickly, if I expected it well, he should be well prepared and will not make the previous mistakes."

He looked at the ministers of the shogunate: "The situation is not clear, and when the enemy is ready, it is irrational to advance again... Everyone, this battle is going to be fought hard."

Dong Tianming stroked his beard and said: "The strange soldiers cannot be relied on for a long time. The battle between the two countries, of course, must be fought in a grand manner."

After the emperor finished speaking, he glanced left and right. Among the shogunate ministers present, in terms of relationship, he was relatively estranged from Kant, and even inferior to his disciple Hong San. From a certain point of view, this is actually a good thing.

Some things are inconvenient for others to say, but he can speak bluntly.

"Dare to speak so quickly, it can be seen that the enemy chief is not afraid of the master's sneak attack. If the old minister's guess is correct, then Griffin must have more than one deceleration force field, the agency of the gods, and even other means."

Dong Tianming asked, "Then dare to ask your lord, if Griffin puts out that deceleration force field in the enemy city or even on the battlefield between the two armies in the future, the forbidden spell will not be able to compete, and even the power of conventional alchemy weapons will be affected... How is the lord going to win the battle with a dignified teacher?"

Almost all smart people can think that the reason why Kant is overpowering the continent is the benefit of forbidden spells. Now that mass projection is restrained, it means that the biggest threat no longer exists. This will not only make the forces hostile to Kant just around the corner, It also upsets the hearts of the people inside.

"Alchemy weapons do not only have kinetic energy to kill, and our army is not only equipped with my alchemy weapons." Kant replied, "Chemical energy weapons, as well as mortal alchemy weapons, and even the war between Ilan and Tyre. Technology, Aurora's organ talisman, and the practical application of paradox elements... In the past few months, the weapon technology research of the Ministry of truth has made rapid progress, and in this battle, it can be put into actual combat testing."

I can't go into details about the earth, Kant just said to Dong Tianming: "The law of victory has long been confirmed... War is just a continuation of politics. What I am thinking about now is not how to defeat the enemy, but what purpose this war should achieve. This is where you, Mr. Dong, display your wisdom."

Hong San, who was sitting beside him, lowered his eyes.

This is simply to say, the war is up to me to decide, and you don't have to worry about it.

Any aide who is interested in military affairs can't bear this kind of contempt, let alone the Aurora Emperor, who was famous in the past and has both civil and military skills. He glanced at his master worriedly.

But Dong Tianming looked neither happy nor angry: "Okay... War is a continuation of politics, so what does the lord think this war should achieve?"

Kant said indifferently: "Quick victory... reduce the internal friction of the council, prevent them from forming blood feuds between the north and the south and the division of the country, and control the intensity of the war within a certain range."

The emperor nodded lightly: "The lord has great courage, and lives up to the name of the chosen one to fight against the star palace. In order to fight against the powerful enemy from outside the sky, you can give up the great opportunity to weaken potential competitors."

Then he changed his words: "But the countries will not be as broad-minded as the lord, in order to get the secret of the deceleration field from Griffin and defend against the forbidden curse, they can agree to any conditions of Griffin, support It's not a problem for him to stand on his own in the North, and even they are happy to see it, because it will divide the council - even if they know the threat of the star palace, they will not be as selfless as you."

When Dong Tianming said this, he sneered: "As long as the star palace does not come on a large scale and hit them right under their noses, it is the most important thing for them to get the deceleration force field."

Kant snorted: "A group of selfish and cool people have seen through them long ago."

But the old Dong said again: "The old minister will ask the lord again, what is the reason for stopping the civil war between the north and the south?"

Kant frowned, didn't he just say it? He still replied: "Because when confronting the Star Palace, we need the power of the Austrian Law Council, and we can't let it be useless inwardly."

Dong Tianming smiled: "So, the fundamental purpose is to avoid internal friction in the council and prevent their national power from being lost out of thin air, rather than simply preventing the north-south split of the Austrian council?"

Kant was even more puzzled, nodded and said, "Yes, but isn't this a thing?"

The teacher's smile became sly: "Who said that?"

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Kant seemed to have grasped something.

Dong Tianming looked at the map on the wall and said leisurely: "Before this, the Austrian Law Council was a unified country, but wouldn't such a council be inflicted?"

"There are many factions in the country, and the Senate is quarreling. The Austrian law organization established by the first-generation speaker has evolved into a powerful country, and the wise senators have changed from wise spellcasters to greedy political animals. This country has gradually decayed and deteriorated. , becomes arrogant and arrogant, and will suppress potential opponents for their own interests... The conflict between them and our side originates from this."

Having said this, he glanced at Kant.

Some words were not spoken.

Dong Tianming has been guessing the origin of Kant,

He doesn't believe that Kant is from Aurora, but now he is full of doubts, because his lord seems to take the unification of the country as a matter of common sense, and instinctively believes that a unified country can exert greater power, so he is discussing On the issue of the split between the North and the South, there is simply no other way of thinking.

It's really fun.

Dong Tianming said: "A unified council can only gradually rot and deteriorate from the inside, because the land under the sun has been divided up, their vested interests are already full, and they can't bear the huge risk of war to compete with the empire and the elves. …So the internal consumption is so, so it starts now.”

"But ... it would be different if the North and South were divided."

He said indifferently: "Normally speaking, if a country splits into two regimes, and they are hostile to each other, they will resort to war, causing the city to be destroyed, the people to be displaced, the people to live in poverty, and the war to be raging."

"If the war does not break out immediately, then they will also mobilize their troops and speed up their military preparations, so as not to be given a military advantage by the other side. This is suspected of exploiting the people's strength and using military force. All research and production work will be tilted towards the military side. Essentially, It’s also a waste and internal friction…”

Dong Tianming looked at Kant and smiled slightly: "But the current environment is to fight against the upcoming star palace, then if the two separatist regimes in this country are preparing for war to eliminate each other, including research and development of weapons, recruitment of troops, A series of measures such as speeding up production and improving efficiency will all be used in the future for Star Palace... How can this be said to be waste and internal friction?"

As soon as this statement came out, Kant's eyes widened.

He understood what the emperor meant.

Mr. Dong's smile was full of teasing about the young man Tucson.

Aurora's generation name emphasized: "As long as the Civil War is not fought, it is just mutual hostility and war preparations, and it will not be regarded as internal friction... On the contrary, it will exert greater power than a complete council."

With a bang, Kant slapped the table: "Wonderful!"

"Furthermore, as far as the old man knows, the southern and northern parts of the council have many contradictions because of the inconsistency between the concept and the development line. It is not necessarily a bad thing to detonate in advance."

The emperor explained: "The north focuses on weaving, and the south focuses on farms. In recent years, interest groups in the south of the council have opened up the southern islands, established farms and enslaved local people, making a lot of money, but suppressing the north... All kinds of contradictions , is really a magic spar that is about to explode, even Griffin can only barely coordinate the relationship, who knows that such a thing will happen again."

He knocked on the table: "Since we can't get along, let's separate, as long as we don't fight."

Kant has been frowning and thinking, he said: "Griffin controls the north, it is not our decision whether to fight or not, and even if we change one, we have no..."

Dong Tianming smiled and said, "Then why don't you take Griffin instead?"


? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Kant was startled.

It seemed that he knew Dong Tianming on the first day.

- Can't tell, does this old man have such a big appetite?

"Why be surprised, lord, you must know that Griffin has a grand reputation in the north of the council and has received a lot of support, but the reason is never any charm, but Griffin is a northerner, and will be suppressed by the south to death. The northerners have a chance to breathe, so those big workshop masters, mage towers and magic family will support him... This Griffin can give, can't the lord give it?"

The emperor said proudly: "In the final analysis, as long as the lord destroys Griffin's troops, exposes his sinister conspiracy to the world, cracks the deceleration force field, and deters the northern towns with forbidden curses, can those big workshop owners and interest groups still accompany them? Perish with Griffin?"

"With a little means, the north and the south will form feuds. Can these northern interest groups, who have been crushed by the southern forces of the council in the past, rejoin the council as the defeated and be harshly exploited? As long as the lord lends a helping hand at that time, he is willing to guarantee Will they refuse their independence and interests?"

"In addition to economic assistance, technical exchanges and benefit sharing, they are tied to the chariot of the economic cycle. If things go on like this, their interests will be tied up. Will they betray again?"

"Even if they have the intention to rebel, as long as they think of the lord's thunderous means of breaking Griffin, will they have the determination to raise the flag? At that time, the lord will be supported by force, but they will keep enough distance, enough to prevent the North and South regimes of the council from not being able to. Dare to talk about war lightly... Only in this way can it serve the interests of the entire mortal world."

Having said that, Dong Tianming bowed his hands to Kant.

"Of course, how to smash Griffin, how to maintain force to deter... just as the lord said." He smiled respectfully, "The law of victory has been confirmed, the battlefield is where you use your wisdom."


Kant blushed in a rare way.

This old guy was really brooding about what he said just now, and he finally found a chance to return it.

He still has this kind of tolerance, after all, he is a modern person.

He got up from his seat and bowed to Dong Tianming: "I would like to be taught, I was the one who spoke too straight before."

Dong Tianming also got up and returned the salute: "Your Highness's words are right, although the old minister has fought some battles in his early years, the way of battle formations has changed for no reason, and each country is different. He uses Aurora's army formation experience to command the magic of the Holy Empire. If you have a large square, you will make mistakes everywhere, and you will be in a hurry. Not to mention the powerful soldiers under the lord, whose weapons, formations, tactics, and baggage are all very different from those of the mortal countries. The experience of this old man is useless , if you rashly interject, it will hinder the military aircraft."

What else could Kant say but smirk.

Ma Jiji is worthy of being a famous person of a generation. He must have coaxed the first emperor of Aurora into obedience back then. The famous minister is different. He speaks nicely and likes him as a younger brother.

"It's just that the old minister doesn't know, but he can't know forever."

Dong Tianming bowed his hands and said: "I will not obey the old man. Although the lord's military strategy is unknown, I hope to learn from it. In the future, the lord will raise an army to conquer Griffin. The plan was proposed by the old minister, and of course it must be implemented by the old minister."

He paid his respects again: "The old minister traveled to the Western Continent in the past, focusing on inspecting the Austrian Law Council. He has an old relationship with the northern families, and is willing to run for the great cause of the Lord."

Since his allegiance to Kant, Dong Tianming is almost bound to stay at home whenever he encounters any major events. The emperor always feels that he is regarded as a super thug and a mascot that stabilizes the hearts of Aurora... How can this be done.

He, Dong Tianming, also has a name.

If there is not much weight in the heart of the lord, how will the plan to return to Aurora in the future be implemented?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Hong San with fire in his eyes.

Disciple, if your parents gave you more useless Dior, why should the old man go into battle in person?

When I heard Dong Tianming's self-recommendation, if it was written in Three Kingdoms or Water Margin, it would be...

- Kant was overjoyed to hear this.

He supported Dong Tianming and said with a smile, "If we follow the Western way of saying, then this idea and action of splitting the council and localizing the north and the south should be named the 'Destiny Plan'."

The emperor laughed and said: "It's not bad, it sounds a bit powerful!"

"Then remember it."

Kant held Dong Tianming's hand, looked at the beard and white hair of the emperor, and said softly: "After repelling the Star Palace, this plan will be unsealed and made public. I hope we can all live to see it at that time. , I hope that at that time, the whole world will know your dedication and great achievements in this life, and you don't have to leave it for future generations to comment."

The emperor was stunned.

He was silent for ten seconds and sighed: "My lord, you are the king of destiny."

Whether this is a pun or not, and what does it mean if it is not... There is no need to go into it.

Kant patted his hand: "Be prepared in advance and see how things develop."

After the two had finished speaking, Tina, who had been listening, said, "Kant, as of now, the Imperial Court, the Silvermoon Council, the Dwarf King City, the Grizzly Principality and other envoys have all sent official notes to the Ministry of Solidarity, saying that they are highly concerned about it. The truth about the change in Tulaxiaye, please explain Griffin's accusation."

Kant sneered: "Reply to each of them, let their kings eat **** - let the elves eat shit, just say let their elders eat shit."

Tina smiled: "Okay."

What kind of diplomatic influence, what kind of country is decent, Kant never cares about these.

So a strategy was set.

Wait and see, get ready, and the ministries begin to operate.

Kant doesn't have to stay in the far port... Diplomatic guns, co-ordination and intimidation, and even internal affairs operations, all kinds of early war preparations and defenses, are completed by the four ministries of the shogunate, which is the meaning of subordinates.

Those things are not what Kant is good at, and he doesn't have to be good at it. The affairs of economy, internal affairs, foreign affairs and other affairs can be done perfectly by reliable ministers with the assistance of super artificial intelligence.

And Kant's work is irreplaceable.

He is not only the ruler of the Far Harbor, but also the source of force and the war leader of the shogunate. He provides the supreme military protection for this emerging country or organization, and ensures that the Far Harbor will always have absolute military superiority. More, if not, find a way to create it.

So, he returned to earth.

Sitting in the mansion in Jurban, Kant swiped his phone.

AWSL company has grown by leaps and bounds—many employees understand that the highest mission of this weird company is to cooperate with the boss who is burning too much money to better spread coins.

Just like now, Kant's mobile phone has a unique APP installed in the world.

It is specially developed by the company's programmers.

A shopping app.

The reason why it is said to be the only one in the world is because other than that, there is no shopping app in the world that can buy a series of products from military firearms to self-propelled howitzers from the product list "Arms Category". Sorted into categories, full of any bizarre things you can buy in the world.

Kant places an order, and the company's purchasing department executes it.

"Alas, buying is worse than robbing, and robbing is worse than printing."

Some things are not easy to buy, even if they are easy to buy, they can't buy what you want, and they are even expensive, and the weather is calm and there is no challenge.

Kant looked at the drawing on the paper, the deceleration force field God's generation mechanism.

To fight Griffin, you will almost certainly have to face another or even multiple agencies of the Age of Gods. This thing can have a great impact on Forbidden Magic and even Earth weapons. Only a small number of Earth weapons can exert their full power... The more the better, he To stock up in advance.

Buying is worse than grabbing, grabbing is worse than printing.

"So, pick a surprise country at random."

Kant turned the globe and looked around.

But soon, he shook his head and said: "It's not possible, it's not possible, I have to make some sense. After all, people have a good life in their childhood, and I suddenly do something, which is a bit bad, so..."

He took out his phone and clicked on the news.

"Let's see which one of the hot searches is looking for trouble again!"

After watching for a few seconds, a country came into view, and old hatred and new hatred flooded into my heart.

"Fuck you, it's you!"