MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 822 Go ask Kant!

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"Mayday! Mayday!"

The terrified cries for help echoed in the narrow cabin, and the four fighter jets were planted towards Lake Huron like kites with broken strings.

The pilot in mid-air looked at the giant silhouette in the distance in horror. It was so vast and sacred. The golden halo behind it exuded a shocking brilliance. Even a hundred or two hundred years ago, if such a giant walked in the world, he would definitely be killed. People Worship God... Where Does It Come From?

"All the Seneca formations have crashed! The fighter planes have encountered an inexplicable stall! The engine output is rapidly dropping - I don't know what's going on! You might as well ask the cabinet why they let us fly this decades-old antique Ruin! We're about to fall to the lake, we need rescue! We need rescue!"

Kant watched all these fighter jets fall into the water and were torn apart, and said indifferently: "That must be the poor air force of the Canadian University... There is finally a reason to change it."

For a long time after the end of World War II, the Royal Canadian Air Force stood proudly in the world and was the fourth largest air force in the world. However, with the development of the times, the US emperor is sitting in the village, and the Jiama University, which once performed the high-profile feat of burning the White House, has gradually abandoned the treatment, abandoned the former boss and threw himself into the arms of the old beauty.

Although the country is big, looking around the country, the world's No. 1 is sitting in the south, and it is better to be a dog, so Jia Ma took a big hand and slashed your mother, including the reserves, the number of the national army is only 100,000, and it used to be awesome. The booming Air Force only had more than a hundred magic-modified Hornets left to support the scene.

I bought it a few decades ago. It was an early version of Type A and Type B. In recent years, I wanted to buy an F35 and a new Hornet, but it was always put on hold for one reason or another, and the domestic fighter jets were seriously aging. Bought their used F/A-18 to make up the numbers, barely keeping face like this.

It is impossible to expand the army.

Because Horus can access the Internet, has excellent combat experience, and is a mechanical life form, he understands it more comprehensively than Kant: "The ability of air delivery and reconnaissance still has merit."

"I know, there's a lot of good stuff."

Kant glanced at the sky: "So, it's all mine."

The Titan stands proudly on the ground, like a real thunder and electric spear held high, the shining beam rushes into the sky and stirs into the clouds, the lightning rain that is activated by the thunder falls on the ground, and the giant magic array covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres is bright. A dazzling glow unfolds slowly inside the Bruno Nuclear Power Plant, centered on Titan.

From above the sky, this shocking scene can be easily seen, as striking as a strange circle in a wheat field.

It’s just that the crop circle is fake after all, but this is a truly extraordinary miracle, because it originated from the thunder spear divine light in the hands of the Titans, calling for the mighty power of the sky to descend on the earth, projecting this infinitely powerful and shocking light. The giant magic circle, which is the essence of another civilization, contains supreme mysteries.

This soaring thunder light, this falling electric rain, this sacred, shocking and majestic scene, this giant circle that almost includes the entire nuclear power plant, is completely...

- There is no real egg use.

"The sense of ritual! The sense of ritual!" Kant said proudly, "Humans are such hypocritical creatures!"

A spellcaster of the level of Griffin can make the water element in mortals riot with a single finger, and can overturn the main battle tank with a fireball.

But that is the personal cultivation of the top powerhouses in the other world.

In the mainstream textbooks of the Austrian Law Council and even the magic academies of various countries, it is not recommended for magicians to "use too simple spellcasting methods and spellcasting effects".

In a spell, 90% of the magic power is used to build the power of the spell, and 10% of the magic power is used to create "visual, auditory and tactile effects". Daily Spellcasting Standard - Studies have shown that brilliant spell effects can potentially shock the enemy's psychology, enough to increase the potential combat effectiveness by 23.5%.

Moreover, it can also give up the effect of creation at a critical moment, put all the power of spells into it, and use ordinary spells to cause unexpected sneak attack effects and achieve a turnaround against the wind.

In recent years, this kind of thinking has even become a part of the psychological game of some mage battles.

That is, "You can never guess how many special effects I added to the spell I just added, whether it was more or less, whether I was bluffing or fishing."

In short, pretending is a part of the mage's daily life, and it must be tasted.

As long as it is an individual, there is no one who does not like to pretend to be coercive. The research of the master's coercion department is already prosperous. After Kant joined the WTO, it was like a treasure, and he personally issued instructions to develop it vigorously.

With the sincere care and guidance and assistance of Comrade Kant, the Department of Truth established the "Ritual Deterrence Spell and Combat Atmosphere Creation Section", which has achieved remarkable results in related fields.

After all, the parrot, who is the chief official of the Department of Truth, has been with Kant for more than a year, opened up the world's brain holes, and obtained excellent inspiration from the endless entertainment products. , really out of control.

The advanced experience of another world can be used on Earth.

The pretense skills of mages are mainly suitable for mortal groups and low-end enemies who have never seen the market. It is just because the number of mortals is far greater than that of extraordinary people, and the number of low-level enemies is far more than that of high-level enemies, so these skills are very popular and extremely high. Applicable... But if it is used on a well-informed and powerful enemy, most of them will be seen by the opponent and smashed.

This is its limitation.

But for Kant, none of this was a problem at all.

Because the object of his pretense is a country in the earth that has just started research in the mysterious field and has almost no theoretical system at all. For example, at this time, the top experts in the United States and Canada must be eager to use a magnifying glass to copy this huge magic circle inch by inch and calculate it. What is the magic effect of this Dior thing...

Sad to think about.

It was all the more sad to think that the "mysterious runes" and "unknown structures" in the magic circle were nothing more than Zaun words written by parrots, abusive white-skinned elf early hieroglyphs.

"No matter what... let me prostitute for a few more rounds at most, and they should know that the Air Force can't do it." Kant shrugged, "Shao Truong is probably going to harass Achuan crazily."

He said this, his mind moved slightly, and at the same time, Horus said: "Father, your satellite phone is ringing, it is from China."

Kant nodded: "Not surprising, they should have received the news too."

The Bruno Nuclear Power Station is located in Ontario, on the east coast of Lake Huron. It is three or four hours' drive away from Toronto, Canada's largest city. Among the five or six million people, more than half are ethnic minorities, and it is also the largest Chinese population. city ​​of.

The complex structure of the ethnic group means that there are many eye lines. It is not surprising that the chaos and movement in the nuclear power plant can be known at the fastest speed in China.

He looked around: "I'll go take a call, you're here to watch."

"it is good."

Iron Son said solemnly: "Besides... Father, the occupation of the nuclear power plant has been completed."

Kant smiled slightly: "I already know."

The phase gate opened, Kant left, and in the white fog world, the nuclear power plant on the shore of Lake Huron in North America stood quietly, surrounded by white fog in the distance, the area visible from Lake Huron was calm and the world was silent.

The planes parked silently in the parking lot.

Kant just glanced at it briefly, he didn't pay attention to the junk belongings of the Canadian Air Force, these were just captured with the idea of ​​"come all come", just as a source of spare parts, look at the parrot and Holu Can Si take anything useful out of it.

The big family he wants to eat is naturally the big official across from Lake Huron.

In the sea monster incident, since the battle area was at sea and there was no nearby location to occupy and possess, he only got a few rounds of joint strikes by the US naval and air forces, as well as one large and one small two heat-generating nuclear warheads.

The U.S. Empire's eye-catching Pacific Fleet and the bomber group that could destroy a medium-sized country missed him. It was a pity at the time... let alone the Army, they didn't get half of it.

This time the battlefield is set on land, and you can come to a classic re-enactment of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea.

The door of space opened again, Kant put on a down jacket and went out.

Fresh air is coming in.

Kant took out his phone: "Hello?"

Miss Qin Mengjin's sweet voice sounded softly, with a smile: "Where is it?"

He looked up, the sky was blue and clear, the snow white in the distance was flawless, and among the blue seas, there seemed to be animals undulating up and down, swimming recklessly, and the glaciers nearby were majestic, forever unchanged for thousands of years.

"I'm in the North Pole."


The colleague next to him made a confirmation gesture, and the analysis was sent back on the computer. Kant did appear in the Arctic Circle...he really went there.

The people in the intelligence room looked at each other, and at the same time a sentence emerged in their hearts.

Towards the blue sea and twilight to Wu, to see the blue sky and climbs the day.

Damn it's great to have super powers.

Qin Mengjin asked in surprise, "What are you doing there?"

Kant replied proudly: "Of course I'm looking for the secret base of Nazism!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole room was shocked, the civil servants stood up involuntarily, and even the higher-level leaders who were listening to the conversation took a breath.

Miss Qin said in surprise: "Really, really!?"

This is really an amazing discovery.

Kant answered honestly: "I don't know."

The intelligence officers who stared wide-eyed and even prepared to run out to report all showed complicated expressions.

" don't know why you're looking for it?"

"It's just like going to play." The voice of doing whatever came from the phone. "Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle."

... come back to build the motherland in your spare time! Contribute to the Four Modernizations! Train the superhumans! Cooperate with the research tasks of the institute! It's really not possible to stay in a domestic town house!

Damn, it's absolutely amazing, even going to the North Pole to touch the fish.

Is this a superpower?

A colleague put a note, which was an instruction from the leader. Qin Mengjin calmed down and said, "Comrade Kant, a small situation has occurred. May I ask if you are free now, come back to China and give us an idea?"

Kant froze in his heart and snorted.

Sure enough, the worst happened.

Qin Mengjin listened intently, and the intelligence officers who were also listening to the conversation held their breath.

There was a noise in the earphone. It sounded that Kant had put the phone in a place, and his tone became more serious: "What's the situation? The country, or the one around me?"

Qin Mengjin immediately said: "No, neither, it has nothing to do with us, but it deserves our attention."

"Oh...what's the matter?"

"This... it's a little inconvenient to say on the phone, can you go back to China?"

"It's alright, say it first, and I'll see if I go back to China to discuss or just watch the fun." Kant asked with a smile, "It's not about me, it's not about the country, and which country is in trouble?"

Hearing this, several intelligence officers each submitted their judgments on the computer.

"Tendency to be uninformed".

Qin Mengjin wanted to continue talking, but suddenly there was a violent wind, followed by the crash of some kind of heavy object falling to the ground, followed by a strange whimper.

"...I seem to hear animal noises," she asked cautiously. "Are you alright?"

"It's okay," Kant replied, "I saw a polar bear, but it's a relative! It's like a dog!"

In the snow, the inhuman superhuman found a male polar bear coming out to hunt, and immediately greeted him with great joy. Before the behemoth standing nearly three meters tall stood up to threaten, he grabbed its neck with both hands and lowered it to the ground. Press, press the more than 700 kilograms of carnivores to the ground, and then start to rub the bear's head angrily.

The polar bear struggled and scratched its limbs, leaving deep scratches on the ground, but it was useless. Kant rubbed it for a while, turned over and rode on its back, and slapped the bear's buttocks: "Climbing!"

He seemed to understand the joy of parrots.

...Although the happiness of the parrot is also based on his pain and darkness.

However, bears are canines. They can be rubbed by the terrifying erect ape, and it is estimated that it is the first polar bear in this group to be ruated by humans in many years. It should also be dark and cool.

The polar bear struggled and struggled, even trying to stand up and fall backwards, but unfortunately he was pinched by Kant. He touched the thick snow-white fur and said with a smile, "Hello?"

Qin Mengjin had already been instructed and said, "Comrade Kant, a nuclear power plant in Jiama University was attacked by extraordinary forces. It is said to be a giant dozens of meters in size and capable of calling thunder. The giant is now staying in the nuclear power plant and is leveling the building. , hit the ground..."

Kant was startled, and then happily said: "The way of heaven is reincarnation!?"

Qin Mengjin coughed and said in a strange tone: "Comrade Kant, the people of Canada are innocent. This may turn into a humanitarian disaster. We can't gloat."

"Cut..." Kant asked rhetorically, "You feel your conscience and say, don't you feel relieved that this kind of thing happens?"

Qin Mengjin was stunned for a moment, then said, "I..."

"Think about it." Kant said with a smile, "I don't like dishonest children."

"I..." The young lady blushed a little, looked at the gestures of her colleagues, and sighed, "Okay, I admit, I do have the idea of ​​'you have today too'."

"Is that so, you were prudish before?"

"You..." Qin Mengjin bit her lip, and then received the instruction to "get to the point quickly", and said in a voice like a mosquito, "I'm serious, okay."

"Then you speak."

"Ah? What?"

"I admit that I am a duplicitous prudish person, saying that I shouldn't, but my heart is very happy."

Qin Mengjin blushed.

Colleagues were all snickering. Suddenly, an intelligence officer was thoughtful, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He pushed his colleagues around him, and the elite with a very high IQ also responded.

They quickly typed new discoveries on the computer.

"The communication ability between the target person and Qin Mengjin has increased significantly, and the reason is unknown."

The intelligence officer thought about it for a while and listed several possibilities: "One, to perform at a high level, two, to have a sexual impulse and interest in Qin Mengjin, three, to be interested, and four..."

At this moment, the higher-level leaders finally cut in: "Comrade Kant, it's me."

"Ah." Kant greeted, "Old Tian, ​​have you eaten?"

The leader replied: "It's not as comfortable as you... I was just woken up and heard about the cannabis."

Kant pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that you are very concerned about this matter?"

"Nuclear power plants, although the most important thing in design and operation is safety, but no matter how safe the design is, there is still nothing we can do in the face of this kind of attack. Although this time it is not our own house, we must take precautions before it happens. This time, we are also in a cold sweat when we see the matter of adding marijuana."

He glanced at the intelligence officers around him, got a nod from the other side, and said calmly: "Our country's strength building has just started, and we have to rely on your contribution, so I think of you - that is to say, if this kind of thing happens It happened in our country, I have to ask you for help."

"I see." Kant replied, "Then I'll go and see what this giant is from."

When the leader heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The intelligence officers also made a gesture.

- The suspicion is further narrowed.

According to their close-up analysis of Kant's character, this superpower is cautious and confident. Caution means being extremely careful about people and things that he doesn't understand. Said that if the giant is related to Kant, he will subconsciously feel that this giant is not dangerous to the country, so when he hears the request, he will directly say no problem.

And if you don't know about this giant, Kant will say like now, let me go and see.

Even though this test has been done once...but keep doing it.

Yes, up to now, although the country has established more and more strategic cooperation with Kant, correspondingly, it has become more and more suspicious and uneasy about Kant's ability.

...and it's too suspicious.

During this period of time, although extraordinary events in various countries have occurred one after another, they are not very large in scale. Among the major events, the Komora swarm incident is related to Kant, and the London Round Table incident was also smashed by Kant, and the former beat him violently. French chicken, the latter was angry, and took the opportunity to loot.

The remaining two major events are the super-large monster attack, the sea monster event that just ended and lost a nuclear bomb, and the current giant event.

Although the latter happened in Canada, it is also on the border between the United States and Canada. If nuclear fuel leaks into Lake Huron, the impact on the United States will be far greater than that of Canada.

So suspicious.

First, sea monsters, and then giants. The world is so big, and they have been surrounding the US imperialists all the time, which makes people very suspicious of the ideology and class composition of these monsters.

As one intelligence agent wrote: "If the next big and extraordinary event happens in Australia, then we will have to doubt our reliable allies and comrades..."

"Even if the next few large-scale extraordinary events happen to happen in Japan, India, Brazil, Turkey, etc., or keep revolving around the United States, and cause huge damage, but the damage is mainly focused on hitting the country's government and The wealth, majesty and military power of the elites have little effect on ordinary people, and China and Russia, which occupy almost 20% of the world's total area, have never had their turn, so I am afraid we have to resolutely. Doubt our good comrade..."

At least, let's look at it for now.

Even if he is really suspicious, he can't do anything, he can only investigate his purpose secretly.

The leader said sincerely: "If you are willing to go to Jiama University, it would be great, but before that, we still hope that you can go back to the country, and we will discuss the countermeasures first."

"it is good."

The phase door opened: "I'm in the capital, come pick me up in a car."

They have to dispel their suspicions.

At the same time, on the shore of Lake Huron, inside the Titan, the phase door opened, and the parrot swaggered out, showing a smug smile: "So, now it's my turn to perform?"

The sound of cars rumbled in the distance, and the vanguard of the 3rd Jiama Mechanized Infantry Brigade was approaching.

White house, military intelligence war room.

Ah Chuan is biting his nails.

"Sir," said the Secretary of Defense, "Mr. Trusseau is trying to get on the phone with you through all the diplomatic channels, he's freaking out, you can't keep him on the line..."

"What do you know? It's called extreme pressure!"

Ah Chuan shouted proudly, and then fell into deep thought: "That is to say, the air strike they launched on their own has failed?"

"Yes, sir, the fighter jet was captured and slowed down by an unknown force, and was attacked. The pilots thought they had encountered a plane failure. After all, their fighter jets are antiques... So they parachuted and fled."

"Oh, sure enough, there are new tricks." At this time, A Chuan was still unaware of the seriousness of the problem. He never thought that the thing that slowed down the fighter jet turned out to be a mysterious force capable of subverting the entire modern combat system. He pondered, "I was thinking, Was it Kant who did this?"

Ah, here we go again.

The defense chief said helplessly: "Sir! I already said it, we need evidence!"

"Then go find it!"

"How to find it?"

A Chuan bit his finger and suddenly slapped the table: "Tell Young Master Tru, Kant opened a company called AWSL, which has a mercenary business, go and pay him to solve it!"


PS1: 6,000 words... I twisted my ring finger yesterday. It hurts a bit when I type, so I wrote it a little slowly. Ah, I was thinking about whether to try voice input.

PS2: Damn shame, let's forget it.