MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 880 hunting

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"They must be stopped!"

In the noisy battlefield, there were endless explosions, artillery shells roared in the air, and the flames exploded, setting off countless rubble, and the torrent of steel was advancing.

But it is by no means unstoppable and invincible.

Whether it is to abide by the responsibilities, to implement the beliefs, or to adhere to the loyalty...

The council army still organized resistance.

"The enemy's combat unit has a strong defense and extremely strong destructive power. It cannot face the enemy head-on. Assess the threat and characterize it as a large unit... Adopt hysteresis tactics!"

The spellcasting team immediately determined the tactical direction. The mage tore the scroll and chanted to assist in casting. The elements could flow out of the khakis, projecting and affecting the soil layer at the target.

"The Swamp Technique—the muddy degree is ten, the output is thirty-five standard units, and the three-harmonic Orochi constellation casts spells!"

The leader of the spell-casting group guided the elemental energy, and issued a combined attack order to the team members: "Magic instrumentalist, arrange the petrification to the second sequence, and start accumulating energy!"

"Sword and shield player, signal to the nearby Huoxiang 1 and Huoxiang 2 groups to prepare the poison wind spell and the piercing spell respectively. After the hysteresis tactics are successful, take down this big guy together!"

In the blink of an eye, the well-trained elite spellcasting team made tactical preparations, and the Mire Technique was launched. This is a classic tactic against cavalry attacks for hundreds of years!

It is only necessary to make the solid ground soft and muddy to delay or even abolish the combat power of a cavalry - the offensive and defensive tactics of foot and cavalry for hundreds of years have to be dismantled, improved, There are countless tactical improvements related to optimization and innovation!

The hard soil layer immediately disintegrated, the soil became soft, and the water element took the opportunity to pour in, and the wet and cold soil emerged watery, enough to sink human feet, not to mention the huge steel chariot!

But the crawler roared for a while, and instead continued to rush forward!

The caster was shocked, and then he saw that the chariot track actually lit up with petrified runes, supplemented by the frost and snow freezing magic circle, which made the quagmire solid again.

And the infantry chariot behind the armored force accelerated forward - that thing should be called a mage chariot! Because riding in the car is not an infantry squad, but a spellcasting group!

This modified infantry fighting vehicle hid behind the tank, under the cover of the infantry, parked, and immediately unfolded into a magic attack platform.

- The Royal Alchemy Association of the Dusk Moon Dynasty has always wanted to miniaturize the magic attack platform, move it from the capital ship to the land, and add a mobile heavy spell-casting attack force to the Royal Army, so that it has a powerful spell attacking ability. It also has the mobility and flexibility of ordinary spellcasters, and can still have a stable attack ability when following the cavalry to attack.

But all the experiments failed.

The carriage was bumpy, the defense was worrying, and it was impossible to maintain the precision and stability of the magic system.

Although the war behemoth with the platform saddle is sufficient, it is not as fast.

—And here comes Kant!

Under the acquiescence and hint of Dereira, who turned her elbows out, Marekise pretended to be the Phoenix King, basically got all the experimental data of the motorized magic platform, and then introduced the old and brought forth new ones, using the earth's combat vehicle as the carrier of the magic platform. , completed the combination of science and magic.

And one of the achievements is the mage chariot that is incorporated into this mixed brigade and advances in coordination with the armored troops!

- However, in the official documents of the Far Harbor War Sequence, this mage chariot does not have any code name or nickname, but is simply named "Multifunctional Infantry Fighting Vehicle", which does not reflect the power of this epoch-making combat weapon at all. , particularity and significance.

The spellcasters who were ordered to be incorporated into the mage chariot unit complained a lot about this. After all, the name is unreliable and very casual, but the proud spellcaster has to admit one thing...

- This chariot has a lot of functions.

But see the thunder shining.

This mage chariot code-named "Thunderer", its modular casting platform is a large ball shining with metallic luster. Seven spellcasters majoring in the Thunder and Lightning Department of the Atmospheric School form a spell team, stationed with the vehicle, for the purpose of Combat units provide extensive thunder suppression support and precision missile strikes.

This seven-member spell team consists of a primary atmospheric mage who has obtained at least the fourth-level certification of the Destruction Law to occupy the spell-casting guide position and serve as the captain, four mage apprentices as elemental missile shooters, and an alchemist and a The famous magician is responsible for the support of magic tools and the use of magic tools.

Such a lineup, in a large-scale battle at the power level, is only a member of the joint spellcasting force, and in the battle of terrifying strategic spells, it becomes cannon fodder that has been drained of mana and even burned out its brain.

But in the far port, after experiencing the baptism of courage and the education of glory, they joined the mechanized magic guide force. In this chariot, they can even exert the power to dominate a small local battlefield!

The technological heritage of the Dusk Moon Dynasty, the gift of Yilan-Tair's civilization, and the scientific and technological power of the earth have been magically integrated by the previous Phoenix King - this is not a mature version, but a pioneering test machine, adhering to the "energy". Just use it" principle...but it's powerful enough!

On the touch screen of visual operation, the commander switches the attack mode and selects the spell effect. The magician is paying close attention to the operation of this large magic device system.

Everything is normal. The apprentices contribute their spiritual power and element affinity with the resonance auxiliary device, assisting and guiding the huge elemental energy generated by the small magic core. This tyrannical energy was originally difficult to control, so huge equipment was needed to Constraints, its huge size can only be carried by a large warship like an elf capital ship... But the gift of Ilan-Tair brings more stable elemental energy technology!

Since the binding force field constructed by the glow crystal circuit can control the surging light energy of stars, it can also be used as a key material to complete the miniaturization of the magic core! So the surging power pushes the high-power attack magic device. After the power amplification of the magic attack platform, the thunder module of the mage chariot is quickly filled with electric light, and the huge metal sphere is surrounded by blue electric light.

Small thunderclouds gathered and formed, projected over the target, and slashed down the lightning sword that attacked the top.

This extremely violent elemental force smashed the resistance of the council magic team that projected the quagmire technique. The apprentices who were weak in spirit wailed and turned into charcoal. Bleeding, he howled: "Anti-magic device team! Anti-magic device team!"

On the left wing of the "Thunderer" mage chariot, the mage chariot code-named "Ground Fury" stretched out four metal hooks to the ground, and its arcane combat module was a huge impact column.

On the right, the chariot named "Sonic Assassin" has a horn-shaped ultrasonic amplifier.

The ranks of infantry guarding them spread out in all directions.

The squad leader of each infantry squad is equipped with a life detection and detection device on its weapon. The life signal is placed on the tablet hanging on the side of the weapon, and the radio on the chest transmits element feedback to the communication of the Hawkeye officer in the Starlink vehicle. and guidance, reporting to them all the unseen battle situations on the battlefield in real time.

"Target lock, HE shell, fire!"

Artillery roared, chariots volleyed, the upper limit of protection runes and curing spells were breached, the attack magic device hidden behind the fortifications was sent to the sky together with the team members, the tanks rumbled forward, and three mage chariots rushed Uphill, condescending, the infantry dashed down along the breakthrough.

These three mage chariots belong to a mechanized magic guide platoon, and their respective arcane modules are buzzing and storing energy. First, the scattered ice cones slammed down like a torrential rain, shooting back and forth along a trench, killing the enemy trying to rush out of the bunker. The army suppressed, and then the breath of flames swept like a dragon, steaming the cold ice cone into diffuse steam.

In the end, the roaring thunder light rushed away, and the small but deadly electric light bounced back and forth in the fine water element, and the screams and cries were endless.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

The infantry held loudspeakers, which played the language that had already been recorded.

"Whoever surrenders will not die, they will have food and drink, they will only work hard for three years, and then they will be free to go home! Officers lead their subordinates to surrender, they will be exempted from accountability depending on the situation, they will be appointed depending on the situation, and they will be freed depending on the situation! If the soldiers do not surrender, but the soldiers gather to kill the officers and surrender, the advocates can immediately gain freedom!"

The ultimatum to persuade surrender finally ended with a firm and unequivocal assertion.

"believe it or not-"

"—or die if you don't believe it!"

Honor, pride, dignity, these are only rare and scarce things.

In this council army, most people join the army to fight, either because they are drawn by young men, or for a good life and future. When training and fighting, everyone thinks about salary and food, and when winning battles , people think of reward and plunder, that when defeat is imminent...

Soldiers want to live.

The first is to escape... There is no Geneva Convention in another world, and being a prisoner of war is a very miserable thing. Eating pig food, being bullied, and exchanging prisoners of war are great things only in dreams. Ransom money is something that big-headed soldiers do not deserve. As a prisoner of war, the final destination is most likely to repair the planet.

But if you can't run...

Just surrender.

After all, there is a great terror between life and death.

Watching comrades and comrades not die by sword, or even by magic.

Instead, it was suddenly lost in half, his face was smashed, his body was smashed into two pieces, and even the whole person was connected to the ground under his feet and turned into scattered stone mud, which slammed into all directions.

No idea what happened, just one thing.

—The Far Harbor is calling!

Rumbling steel behemoths, gigantic soldiers in heavy armor that look like iron men, their weapons spit fire, set off explosions, and are more powerful than the explosive crossbow arrows in their hands!

And the huge airship in the sky, the light cannon that rushes the battlefield and slashes the earth, the continuous rain of rockets, the roaring steel behemoth, all of these, let alone ordinary soldiers with a low level of education, even see Even well-informed spellcasters are completely incomprehensible!

They just felt the unmatched power from this unheard of war weapon.

As if contagion, one person dropped the weapon, and two people dropped the weapon.

more and more people.

Crying and crying, they crawled out of the trenches and begged the Far Harbor to stop the killing.

What responded to them were only the black muzzle and the small pillbox thrown under their feet. The transparent small box was made of unknown material and was crystal clear. Inside was a purple crystal lying quietly.

Like an expensive candy with an alluring glow.

"Pick it up, open it, eat it."

The soldier holding the weapon and holding the power of life and death rudely said: "There will be someone in charge of receiving and managing you, now, get out of the way, don't hinder us - continue to march!"

The dazed soldiers shuddered and opened the box, remembering the rumors that the officers claimed that Kant had added poison to the food dropped by the air, but the private rumors clearly told the truth - it was not poison, but the method of Kant the Aurora , can take away the person who eats the food out of thin air with space skills.

Perhaps because of the shock of death, perhaps because of self-defeating, in this chaotic battlefield, no one can produce the rational logic of "this is not poison, Kant will not do it again", the surrenderer swallowed the purple with great anxiety and fear. The crystal, then turned into a streamer, was swallowed by the Phase Gate.

The resettlement guidance group composed of council members who were ordered by Kant to avoid the war was already on standby in the White Mist World—the process of appeasing and managing prisoners of war, they had experienced it firsthand and were very familiar with it.

The advance on the battlefield continued.

The coronal artillery attack greatly disturbed the morale, and the airship blasted the defense line with ground firepower. After the long-range strike suppressed the magic position of the council, the armored troops drove straight in from the opened gap in the defense line and attacked and killed arbitrarily. The council was built for several months. The line of defense was continuously broken through, and the army drove straight in.

A defeat that must have shocked the world gradually became clear in the sound of the destruction of the earth.

Far Harbor will gain the awe of the entire world after this battle.

The drones flying in the air sent back images of the battlefield. Above the ground, steel was like a flood, sweeping the rugged trench defense line. Streams of light continued to rise in the captured enemy lines, which meant that more and more soldiers chose to choose After surrendering, Kant just watched the battle situation gradually become clearer with a calm expression.

He stood up, and the Dragon Emperor, Dereira, and Dong Tianming also got up.

Horus kept sending back battlefield feedback.

Kant heard the cheerful laughter of the commanders at all levels, and the proud shouts of the soldiers. They smashed the mighty army of the contemporary powers from the front. Great victories can often shape the belief and soul of an army... But for fire thieves, this is not a victory.

What has been achieved so far is nothing but a prerequisite for victory.

And the real battle is just about to come.

"Tell the people in the Southern Council to wash away the shame and kill the traitors, just today... Let them get ready." Kant said solemnly, "Go... Let's hunt the false gods."


PS1: I feel like I have a fever... The condition is progressing steadily.