MTL - Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort-Chapter 725 Get inch

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Although Mu Ziling's words were interrogative sentences, her tone was mixed with a little affirmation. ★ The first book chase gang ★

Because she knew better than anyone else, Li Zhan knew more than she thought.

But he never revealed it, and she really couldn't see through, so she could only flex her mind every time, and try to get a little bit from his mouth as much as possible.

"Baisusu ..." Li Zhan looked at the dark blue sky, murmured, and then disappeared.

Mu Ziling was anxious.

But she didn't urge anymore, just waiting eagerly.

After a while, Li Zhan set his eyes on Mu Ziling again, and suddenly asked, "Did the old lovers give you the snail beads?"

"Old love? Who ..." Mu Ziling was puzzled first, but when she heard Falu Dzi, she immediately responded and asked indefinitely: "You say my righteous father?"

"Huh." Li Zhan slightly twitched his lips, looking at everything, and couldn't help but sigh: "I'm still a righteous father ... the old love is really infatuated, even your little one who was left behind It's an annoyance that he will take up the cheap. "

"What do you mean?" Mu Ziling was confused and incredible again.

It is hard for her to imagine that her goddess Father, who has no human flavor at all, will be crowned the title of "love" by Li Zhan. What kind of shocking gossip is there in the end?

Mu Ziling was really curious.

"Meaning ..." With his eyes closed on Li Zhansi, he was about to tell a story again, but he suddenly realized that he reached out and knocked on Mu Ziling's head: "What do children know so much? With that time, I have n’t hurry to harden my wings, and I do n’t worry about it every day. ”


Who are the children? Is she a wife?

Mu Ziling's heart was called dissatisfied, and he tried to pretend to be a miserable look: "This can be said first, then you haven't told me who Bai Susu is?"

"She?" Li Zhan snorted and spread his hands. "She is a woman."

"Li Zhan!" Mu Ziling clenched his fists, it was unbearable.

No matter if he is a little old man or an old man, if he wants to sell him again, don't blame her for being anxious with him.

In the face of Mu Ziling's fierce and evil eyes, Li Zhan snorted softly, and waved his hands in disapproval and disdain: "It's just a scary woman who is crazy about love. What's to say?"

After a moment of pause, he urged him seriously: "Little girl, you remember, anyway, you have to go to Mufu again to find out the truth, or you are going to be stupid, or the farther you are from her, the better, do n’t look like You sneaked like that tonight and you're arrested, you won't even have bones left ... "

Before Li Zhan's words fell, he saw Mu Ziling squinting his eyes, looking at him thoughtfully, and his shining eyes seemed to be thinking about some ghost idea again.

He couldn't stand Mu Ziling's pair of bright and shiny eyes turning at himself. Li Zhan was seen as fluffy at the bottom of his heart. He was weak and warned in a tone: "I warn you, you Don't try to catch my eye, otherwise I'll be anxious with you. "

"Of course I know, but you are my little sister-in-law, how can I make you feel right? You said yes?" Mu Ziling nodded nicely, and suddenly smiled again: "But Xiaoxiao, are you living very hard? ? "

Hearing that Li Zhan's imperceptible uncle drew his eyebrows and seemed to be touched.

Isn't it hard?

Thinking about these years, he raised hard and raised Mu Ziye, the white-eyed wolf who talked and walked away, and now he has to protect this uneasy villain.

Raising a white-eyed wolf and a villain, where is the word "hard"? It's just life and suffering.

However, just as Li Zan secretly wiped his bitter tears, Mu Ziling's crisp voice passed quietly into his ear again.

"I have lived for so many years, and I have so many things ..." Mu Ziling shook his head with a sullen expression, and expressed his deep sympathy: "Oh, I just think that you think it is hard."

Suddenly, Li Zhan's face changed, and suddenly a crisis came to mind.

The tip of his eyes caught Li Zhan's change of face, Mu Zi's eyes were bent, and he smiled into a flower: "Xiao Xiaozhang, since you don't want to tell me, what about me?"

Li Zhan's heart froze, covering his ears, and he looked like he wanted to wipe his feet with oil: "I don't listen, I don't listen ..."

Who knows, Mu Ziling took a step ahead of him, holding his arm affectionately and not letting him go.

Mu Ziling knew that if Li Zhan really wanted to slip, she couldn't stop even ten.

So before Li Zhan broke free, she pointed straight at her goal: "My righteous father is a matter of affection and who is Bai Susu. You do n’t want to say, I do n’t embarrass you, but you have to tell me about my mother-in-law. Okay? "

After a pause, what seemed to come to mind, Mu Ziling emphasized again: "And ... don't sloppy with me, I'm not talking about Li Enni, but my biological mother, her name is Ziyin."

At the end of Mu Ziling's last two words, Li Zhan's body froze slightly, and the whole person became quiet.

really! He knew it.

Mu Ziling sneered in her heart, and she was no longer joking. She seemed to be agitated, and asked with a temperament: "Why did she leave me at Mu's house? That's it, why did she want to Let the Mu family take care of the family that shouldn't be taken apart? She can be irresponsible to me, but why should she let the Mu family pay for her irresponsibility? "

"Stop!" Li Zhan roared suddenly: "She in your mouth, but your mother!"

Along with this roar, the breath he gave to Mu Ziling became cold and strange.

Mu Ziling was shivered with a shiver.

She did not expect that Li Zhan would yell at her, but it seemed that he was really irritated by her and was really angry.

She's not a person who doesn't know right or wrong. If it's not forced by the situation, she won't say such a thing, nor will she blame someone indiscriminately, let alone this person is her biological mother?

But now that things have been set aside, if you just give up, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to know what to learn from Li Zhan in the future.

At the time of Mu Ziling's deliberations, Li Zhan's eyes penetrated deeply into her eyes, and her tone became stronger, emphasizing word by word: "You remember to me, no one is qualified to count your mother. You can't even more. "

"Why ?!" Mu Ziling gritted her teeth, strengthened her spirits, and continued to stimulate. "She gave birth to me and left me, and she wasn't even worthy--"

Who knows, before Mu Ling's words have been finished this time, Li Zhan suddenly raised her hand and fell down her cheeks unceasingly.

Mu Ziling closed her eyes subconsciously, but did not dodge the slap in front of her that might bleed her.

Li Zhan's temper has always been good. Even if he is really angry, he will find a place to suffocate and digest, and this time, he is completely angered.

If this person who does n’t know well is to be replaced by someone else, fearing that it will become a mess of mud, but this person is the one who made him reprimand the reluctant little girl. Where can Li Zhan be willing to fight?

For a long time, he did not wait for Li Zhan's applause to fall on his face. Instead, he waited for a helpless sigh. Mu Ziling opened his eyes and quietly looked at Li Zhan's anger in front of him.

Xu was because of a thick, invincible grievance in her heart, Mu Ziling's eyes were slightly red, and she clenched her lips and said nothing.

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a time.

I don't know how long before, Li Zancai turned away the suffocation on her body, and said quietly: "Your mother is so beautiful and true, it is a unique existence in this world."

When referring to the purple sound, Li Zhan's voice softened unconsciously, as if the spring breeze was gentle, and there was a hint of distant vicissitudes.

Mu Ziling frowned and did not say a word.

There was a fresh and touching face in Li Zhan's mind, and the corners of his lips were slightly bent, and he took it for granted: "Don't say that sacrificing a small Mu family is the entire Gallo, the entire Mingyue continent, as long as she says a word, there are people Willingly stand up and subvert her. "

As soon as this word came out, Mu Ziling was shocked. With her eyes widened, she couldn't help asking: "Who is my mother?"

"A strange woman who can call the wind and the rain, as for the other ..." Li Zhan said briefly, then squinted at Mu Ziling, his eyes were undisguised disdain: "Wait until you catch up with half of her, now I know too It ’s not good for you. "

Although she really wanted to know too much, Mu Ziling also knew that it would be absolutely impossible for Li Zhan to do all that. If she breaks the casserole and asks it in the end, she won't be allowed to rush her to death.

Thinking, Mu Ziling flattened his mouth flatly before turning to the topic: "What about Bai Susu? Who is she? Is Mu Mu's life related to her?"

Speaking of Bai Susu, Li Zhan's mood directly changed again. He looked at Mu Ziling with a bad temper: "Hey ... I said, little girl, you have to go in."

"Anyway, let me have another small ruler." Mu Ziling stretched out his hand and vividly gestured, "Just as long as this is all right, okay? Xiaoxiao 舅 ......"

If it is said that Mu Ziling's scorching eyes made Li Zhan unable to resist, then the soft voice of her coquettishness at the moment was totally resistant to him.

Li Zhan was very disdainful of mentioning Baisusu, but in the face of Mu Ziling's soft and hard foam, he was still relieved: "The woman is a lunatic. When she talks about who and who, she goes crazy. Don't mess with her. "

"Why?" Mu Ziling's face was bewildered, and she already had some speculations in her heart. At the moment, she also revealed her speculations: "You just said that she was crazy about love, she was in love with someone who should not love, and died. Do n’t let go? But then, she should go crazy with the man who abandoned her. What is it about hiding in Mu's house? "

"No, generally women who love to hate are because the man she loves loves another woman ..." When she came here, Mu Ziling suddenly realized something, and she was shocked: "Bai Susu, she won't Is that the enemy who came to me then? "