MTL - Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort-Chapter 727 Heaven and earth conscience, did nothing

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Li Zhan held up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip, and then glanced around the scene quietly. 「^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发」

Jingxin Garden is an elegant courtyard located in a forest of deep mountains. The elegant residence is surrounded by forests, and the mood is beautiful and beautiful.

The morning sun was shining down on the courtyard, and the air was full of the freshness of the resurgence of all things, a touch of warmth, a few strands of leisure, and extra comfort.

"Well, yes, it's a beautiful scene." Li Zanhao admired for a long while before he casually said, "I don't know how many years Mu Lao has lived here?"

Mu Zhenguo thought about it, his tone was friendly, and he paid a little respect: "I have more than sixteen years."

"It's been 16 years ..." Li Zanjin relished these words, and then laughed and laughed: "You should be a big general who has been on the battlefield, but you have been forced to commit to this for more than a dozen years, but Have regrets and unwillingness? "

Mu Zhenguo shook his head with a sigh, a hard tone, and brought a trace of loneliness: "In these years, my husband has been used to this kind of life. The outside is chaotic and the blood is rainy. How can we compare this mountain? The tranquility of the village is far away? The old man can bring his wife to live here, and the old man is satisfied. "

"Really?" Li Zhan heard, as if he didn't believe what he said, and then yelled, "Mu Lao, you were still a resolute and brave man. So much has happened in your family. You know nothing about it. Didn't think about tracing? Have you ever asked? "

Even though Li Zhan poked at the scars of the old years, Mu Zhenguo kept his face calm and respectful: "Jiang Zhan said jokingly, although the old man is not a greedy person who fears death, he knows where his wife is from, she ..."

After a pause, the tone of his voice suddenly mixed with a touch of sadness: "... the old man owed her too much, begging for kindness and kindness, and being respectful of all her decisions, let alone, it was not a son, you said it all It ’s a destiny, it ’s a fixed number. If so, what can be changed with just an old husband ’s martial arts? Now life with ease is very good. ”

After being full of words of help and helplessness, Li Zhan heard sincerely. He reached out and patted Mu Zhenguo's shoulder without saying anything. Then he got up and walked to the room directly opposite.

That was the room where Li En lived.

Mu Zhenguo looked down, put down his tea cup, and stood up.

"Stay back, I'll go and see for myself." Li Zhan waved his hands backwards as if he had eyes behind him, motioning him not to follow.

Looking at the back of Li Zhan walking towards the room. Mu Zhenguo calmly looked a little nervous at last. He didn't take a step forward, but his eyes followed until Li Zhan opened the door and closed it.


Li Zhan looked at it for a whole day, from sunrise to sunset.

In the setting sun and evening glow, Mu Zhenguo was like a statue, sitting motionlessly, looking at the closed door in front, full of hope in the dark and deep eyes.

Finally, the door of the room "squeaked" was opened, and Li Zhan walked out of it. His expression remained unchanged, always light and light.

Mu Zhenguo quickly stood up and stared at Li Zhan, who seemed to be eager to ask, but still didn't ask.

As soon as Li Zhan came out, he bumped into Mu Zhenguo's eyes full of inquiring taste. He paused before walking, only three short and profound words: "Tough work."

The simple three-character made Mu Zhenguo's hope for a day to be broken. He calmly calmed down, and it was inevitable to collapse at the moment.

"No matter you don't go to the Temple of the Three Treasures, the old man knows that the son didn't come unintentionally today." Mu Zhenguo frowned, as he said, holding his fists and knees down: "No matter what, the old man also asked--"

"Mu old is serious." Like knowing what Mu Zhenguo was kneeling to ask him, Li Zhan quickly reached out and helped him up, then said meaningfully: "I am here to remind you that such a lonely and comfortable day is also the time It's over. "

Mu Zhenguo hadn't understood the meaning of these words yet, Li Zhan continued to speak out, and gave him more centering.

"Yes, the boy at Yeer has grown up, very obedient, and some time ago, I met the Ling girl, and the little girl is also obedient and clever." Li Zhan said indifferently, and at the same time Shaking his head and talking to himself: "Really, really good ... the two little enemies ..."

As Li Zhan's voice became smaller and smaller, his figure gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared in the last rays of the setting sun, but disappeared.

It wasn't until Li Zhan's figure disappeared that Mu Zhenguo realized that he didn't know when a letter was jammed in his hands. Instead of rushing to open the letter, he strode toward the room.

There was no change in the room, and the woman lying in bed was silent.

Mu Zhenguo went to the bed and sat down, staring at the woman on the bed for a long while before opening the stationery in her hand.

The content in my heart is short, but it is concise and straightforward.

Mu Zhenguo carefully considered the content of the letter, and finally explained a few servants who waited, and left the meditation garden in a hurry that night.


Time passed quickly. In an instant, Mu Ziling had been eating and drinking in Ye Yulou for two days.

There is Qingling's words lingering, these two days are not boring at all, and what she and Long Xiaoze experienced in the imperial city is also described by her vivid and vivid, and the statue of Mu Zi is also a body I experienced it in the real world and it was difficult to say.

Fan Zifu's corpse scam, Mu Ziling did not expect, but what made her even more unexpected is Long Xiaoze's ability to cause trouble.

The unlucky unlucky child was able to do so many things in a short period of time. Not only that, he also accidentally hit and accidentally made Long Xiaonan the prince.

Speaking of Long Xiaonan, Mu Ziling was still impressed.

In her impressions, Long Xiaonan is a gentle and modest son, but she has no shortage of city government and strategies, which really accords with the kind words of ordinary people.

All in all, with Long Xiaonan as Chu Jun today, Gallo in the future should be as good as Guotai Min'an in the past.

As far as the royal affairs are concerned, Mu Ziling has always just listened and stopped, and he will not rest assured.

At this moment, looking at Qing Ling sitting at the table, Mu Ziling followed the sentence intentionally or unintentionally: "So, we usually look down on Xiao Zezi."

Qing Ling hummed disapprovingly: "That's it, it's not me and ghosts, or how could he get away from the palace of the Prince so easily, and what can happen afterwards?"

Mu Ziling seemed to disagree, and continued to slam: "But he is also very clever and very powerful. He can deal with such big things with constant changes and seamless things ..."

Everyone said that people don't boast. Mu Ziling's words haven't finished yet, and suddenly the door in the compartment was opened violently.

I saw Long Xiaoze rushing in from the door.

I don't know where he came from in a hurry, panting: "Three ... three sisters, you are here, hurry ... follow me."

Long Xiaoze was out of breath, without saying anything clearly, he pulled Mu Ziling and rushed out the door.

Mu Ziling, who was still sitting and eating, was caught by surprise and almost fell into the ground with a chair.

Fortunately, Mu Ziling responded in time and stabilized her body. She broke free from Long Xiaoze's hand.

Who knows, Mu Ziling just broke away, Long Xiaoze fell into the air, and immediately reached out and grabbed.

I do n’t know what Long Xiaoze is in a hurry. The strength of the shot is not light or heavy. I feel that my hand will be pulled away from Mu Ziling, and I take a sigh of cold air: "Long Xiaoze, my hand is about to break, give it soon I let go! "

Turning his head to see Mu Ziling's pain was all twisted together, Long Xiaoze released his hands in a hurry.

Qing Ling saw Mu Ziling's wrist be ripped red, and slanted a glance: "What are you doing, rush to get a rebirth? See if you catch it."

Long Xiaoze stared at Mu Ziling with a look of anxiety and guilt: "Sanyi, sorry, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Mu Ziling moved his wrist, and just wanted to ask what happened, and saw that Long Xiaoze was carrying a bundle of straw behind him.

Xu was hurried because he had a few hairs in his black hair, which seemed to be embarrassing and funny.

Qing Ling also saw Long Xiaoze ’s funny face and laughed out loud: "I said Ozawako, are you going to make a birdhouse, or are you just collecting hay for the uncle of the farmer? How did this happen? Come back? "

Mu Ziling is also forbearable: "What's going on with you?"

Compared with the two people's mocking of their own image, Long Xiaoze couldn't laugh at all, but was so anxious to cry: "Oh, don't say it now, Sanji, please follow me quickly, if you don't leave It's deadly. "

Human life ...

Mu Ziling frowned, "What's the matter with you?"

"No decision!" Long Xiaoze shook his head and denied, then straightened his waist, clamped his butt, solemnly raised his hand and vowed: "Heaven and earth conscience, I didn't do anything, I just went to the palace, and then my emperor When Dad saw me, he vomited blood and passed out without saying a word ... "

At the end of the sentence, Long Xiaoze's tone was obviously too small, so small that he didn't have any confidence. If he didn't listen carefully, he couldn't really hear what he murmured at the end.

"..." Mu Ziling moved the corners of her lips, she didn't know what to say.

Not to mention Emperor Wenyu, she just saw her fist itch.

Although he was anxious in his heart, Long Xiaoze didn't make mistakes with Mu Ziling anymore, but begged weakly: "It's really scary, Mikasa, please hurry up with me to see, I'll tell you the details on the road Ok?"

After hearing this, Qing Ling also became a lobbyist: "It is urgent, you go quickly."

What else could Mu Ziling say, I had no choice but to follow it.


Hurry to the carriage in the palace.

Mu Ziling's hands were around his chest, staring at Long Xiaoze, who seemed to have done something bad, so guilty that he couldn't even lift his head, lifted his chin: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Long Xiaoze narrowed his neck, raised his eyes and looked at it, but stopped talking.