MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 2428 The Colorful Lives of Detectives

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Haibara turned her head and whispered to Conan, "Summer vacation is coming after consecutive holidays. They are very agitated recently, so don't take it too seriously."

"That's what I said, but let them be so happy, I'm worried that the next group assignment will become some kind of weird investigation," Conan whispered, but he didn't get serious with the children, "By the way, what are you doing today? Do you still want to go to Seven Detective Agency?"

"I've discussed with the doctor. I'll go back to him today. Didn't you say that Uncle Mao Li will ask Brother Feichi to go out for dinner today? I'll go back and sort out the new data on the medicine. As for Brother Feichi taking the medicine, I beg you to pay more attention," Hui Yuanai said solemnly, "Also, don't let him drink anymore. I'm worried that Miss Nanatsuki is too soft-hearted. If Brother Feichi fools her casually, she will compromise, so you have to help me see Then, what can’t be done, absolutely can’t be done.”

"Okay, I see, you can rest assured and leave it to me," Conan agreed with a smile, "Actually, not only tonight, but they may also go out for dinner tomorrow night, so I can see Brother Chi in these two days, After you finish sorting out the data, take a good rest, I will pay more attention to Brother Chi's situation."

"Thank you," Hui Yuanai's expression softened, "Then I will trouble you."...

After one night.

The moment Chi Feichi woke up and opened his eyes, he felt a difference.

The feeling of sluggishness and sleepiness when I woke up a few days ago is gone.

After he concentrated his attention, not only was he able to dispel drowsiness smoothly, so that he didn't have the slightest thought of staying in bed, but he could also mobilize his sense of smell and hearing, and pay attention to the surrounding movements before he woke up.

That is the state he has deliberately trained for many years.

The feeling of clear-headedness made him realize immediately—the effects of the crime of laziness had disappeared!

Taking advantage of the time to get up and change clothes, Chi Feichi made mental preparations, and used his left eye to connect to that special space before opening the door and going downstairs.

Since the character of the crime of laziness entered his body, he has slowed down the pace of life. Although he occasionally feels relaxed and comfortable in life, he doesn't like the feeling of dull brain, sleepy spirit, and muddled life.

There is also the problem of slack and interruption of thinking, which is a constant annoyance, so that he does not even reject taking medicine, and just wants to see if taking medicine can alleviate the situation.

Doing the math, exactly seven days have passed since the day the characters entered his body.

The seven-day experience was not good for him, and he finally got rid of the influence of the sin of laziness. He wanted to see the changes in the space, but he was also worried that he would soon be entangled by other original sin characters because he went to see that space. .

Regardless of whether there will be a follow-up, let him rest at least...

When Chi Feichi's left eye turned chaotic purple and the pattern of the gate of the holy spirit emerged, that space also appeared in front of his eyes. The space is still the same.

Above the head is the circulating nebula, and under the feet is a circular platform divided into seven fans.

Different statues are located on the edges of the seven fans. The original sin characters in front continue to shine bright white, but there are only six left, and the characters of the crime of laziness have completely disappeared.

Chi Feichi's consciousness lingered and observed for a while, and the remaining six original sin characters in the space did not change much. Since he didn't want to mess with those characters in a hurry, he quickly let his consciousness exit the space and returned his left eye to normal.

His mental state returned to normal. Apart from being stared at and taking medicine, Chi Feichi basically returned to his previous rhythm of life.

Wash up, go out for morning exercises, make breakfast and ask Yue Yueshui to eat together, the brain clearly announces that I am in a very good state today, turn on the computer to read the work emails that I failed to check in time a few days ago...

Emails from pet hospitals, emails from companies....

Organize the recent itinerary, and check the recent development of Umbrella... Work, work, work...

Work makes people happy.

Addicted to work, unable to extricate themselves.

Except for lunch time, Chi Feichi basically used the computer to read documents, or use the computer to reply to emails.

In Nanatsuki's office, she was silently working on the computer.

In the evening, Mao Lilan took Conan into the yard, and saw Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki staying in the office of the office with his probe, and couldn't help laughing.

Check out Seven Detective Agency here.

The yard is surrounded by green plants, and the office is warm and bright. In the room, one person is sitting on the sofa typing on the computer, and the other is sitting behind the desk looking down at the file. This atmosphere is so good that she can't bear to disturb her...

Conan didn't care so much, seeing that Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were both there, he walked straight into the glass door and said hello, "Brother Chi! Sister Nanatsuki!"

Doing the math, exactly seven days have passed since the day the characters entered his body.

The seven-day experience was not good for him, and he finally got rid of the influence of the sin of laziness. He wanted to see the changes in the space, but he was also worried that he would soon be entangled by other original sin characters because he went to see that space. .

Regardless of whether there will be a follow-up, let him rest at least...

When Chi Feichi's left eye turned chaotic purple and the pattern of the gate of the holy spirit emerged, that space also appeared in front of his eyes. The space is still the same.

Above the head is the circulating nebula, and under the feet is a circular platform divided into seven fans.

Different statues are located on the edges of the seven fans. The original sin characters in front continue to shine bright white, but there are only six left, and the characters of the crime of laziness have completely disappeared.

Chi Feichi's consciousness lingered and observed for a while, and the remaining six original sin characters in the space did not change much. Since he didn't want to mess with those characters in a hurry, he quickly let his consciousness exit the space and returned his left eye to normal.

His mental state returned to normal. Apart from being stared at and taking medicine, Chi Feichi basically returned to his previous rhythm of life.

Wash, go out for morning exercises, make breakfast and ask Yue Yueshui to eat together, the brain clearly announces that I am in a very good state today, turn on the computer to read the work emails that I failed to check in time a few days ago...

Emails from pet hospitals, emails from companies....

Organize your recent itinerary and check out Umbrella's recent, work, work....

Work makes people happy.

Addicted to work, unable to extricate themselves.

Except for lunch time, Chi Feichi basically used the computer to read documents or reply to emails. Even when Nanatsuki met the client, he stayed in Nanatsuki's office and worked silently on the computer.

In the evening, Mao Lilan took Conan into the yard, and saw Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki staying in the office of the office with his probe, and couldn't help laughing.

Check out Seven Detective Agency here.

The yard is surrounded by green plants, and the office is warm and bright. In the room, one person is sitting on the sofa typing on the computer, and the other is sitting behind the desk looking down at the file. This atmosphere is so good that she can't bear to disturb her...

Conan didn't care so much, seeing that Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were both there, he walked straight into the glass door and said hello, "Brother Chi! Sister Nanatsuki!"

Mao Lilan recalled with some depression, "Speaking of this, I feel a little strange. My father has solved many cases this year. He is so famous, and the number of commissions has increased. The commission fees of the clients are also high, but the family still does not have enough money. How many...."

Taking advantage of Mori Kogoro's absence, Conan turned to Mori Kogoro's old background with a smile, "Is it true that Uncle Kogoro has gone to bet on horses, played pachinko more times and spent more money?"

Mao Lilan thought back seriously, "It seems to be..."

"There were also times when commission fees were high, but only a deposit was paid," Chi Feichi reminded, "and then the client was killed."

"Ah..." Mao Lilan looked stunned, and soon broke down and put her head in her hands, "There seem to be many such situations!"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu couldn't help laughing, and comforted, "There's nothing I can do when I encounter this kind of thing. I have also encountered the situation where the client was killed before. Although I received the deposit in advance, in order to investigate clearly what the client said The situation, I took the Shinkansen from Fukuoka to Hokkaido, and lived in Hokkaido for two days,

The deposit was almost spent, and as soon as the investigation was completed, I received news from the police that my client had been killed..."

Chi Feichi: "...."

He's professional and he can't help but laugh.

"Hey, UU Reading, hurry up!" Mori Kogoro walked into the yard and greeted loudly, "It's already 5:30 in the afternoon, I told the companion that I will be there on time at 6:00 pm Yes!"

"Sorry, Mr. Mori, we are ready here too," Koshimizu Nanatsuki urged Chi Feichi to take the gift box after seeing Chi Feichi put on his coat, "Mr. Chi, don't forget the gift! Also, tonight Don’t drink alcohol, you must take the medicine before nine o’clock in the evening, the medicine is in the medicine box, it’s exactly one dose, don’t forget it!”

"Miss Nanatsuki, are you really not going with us?" Mao Lilan asked.

"Yeah, this is Mr. Mori's class reunion. It's not good for him to bring too many people there. Just go," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "And I've already made an agreement with Miss Azusa, today In the evening, I went to Poirot Café for dinner. The lady who entrusted me to find the cat before came again today. She said that she took the cat to Poirot yesterday, but it disappeared after going out, so I want to go find it. Miss Azusa asks..."

"Yue Shui, there is a quick way to complete the cat commission." Chi Feichi took the gift box and said to Yue Shui Nanatsuki without rushing out, "After you have dinner, you can go to the attic to find a bag of cat food , Go to a nearby park or roadside to find nearby stray cats, after feeding them, show them the photo of the cat you are looking for, ask them to help you find it, they will find it faster.”