MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 19 water room director

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Kaqifeng called again, and after a moment of hesitation, Claire chose to connect first.

"York! What about you guys? We've already broken through the ambush, why haven't you attacked!" As soon as he came up to Kaqifeng, he was in a tone of guilt.

"What's the matter, didn't you guys run away with heavy weapons?" Claire's eyebrows twitched again, what was Kaqifeng doing.

"You just ran away! I'm fighting to death here, that organization's defense is not as dense as before, and there are only more than 100 people. Come and help me!" Jia Qifeng shouted rudely.

Claire's face was cloudy and uncertain, and now it was obvious that something was wrong, but what the **** was going on, and whether Kazaki-mine could still be trusted.

A subordinate received the call and walked to Claire's side: "Leader, the seventh team encountered too strong a counterattack and is fleeing, hoping to get rescue." This subordinate is the real York, the captain of this team.

"Determine the location and meet them." Between his own subordinates and the tricky battle, Claire chose his subordinates without hesitation.

"Confirm the situation." As he moved towards his retreating subordinates in the direction of reconfirmation, Claire ordered to confirm how many enemies were chasing after subordinates. He is now a huge team with the reserve team, and Claire has the confidence to crush all the chasing soldiers.

No...too many people! Claire remembered the problem. Only a few dozen people fighting can be called a violent community struggle. If four or five hundred people fight with guns, it is already the scale of a small war.

There were no people in the area where the previous activities were carried out at night. Anything was fine. However, on the route to meet the seventh team, there was a commercial area in front of everyone. Even now, there are still many people in the middle of the night. Wandering, it would be too slow to bypass, and such a large group of people passed by in a mighty way...

Claire waved to stop the team: "Everyone is scattered, casual clothes, and slowly walk around the block in front."

Although it is important to save people, if such a large group of people rush through, it is easy for the patrolling police or even more troublesome people to be cautiously observed as those who want to demonstrate, or even to block questioning, so the team must be dismantled. Seven Groups of eight people pass through the commercial district in casual clothes.

Claire regretted not preparing vehicles and vehicles, because according to the battle he originally thought, vehicles are a troublesome existence... Now he thinks that if he prepares a few vans in advance, it will not be so troublesome... But look at these people behind, It seems odd that hundreds of vans go out.

Claire walked slowly through the commercial street, but it was only a small microcosm of this battle. Not only this city, but the entire Shizuoka Prefecture, there was chaos lurking now.

Even ordinary citizens, people with a keen sense of feeling, felt that the atmosphere of this night was not right.

And for those who can see the other side of the night, it's nothing short of chaos.

Everyone in the bureau is walking, running, fleeing, chasing, rescue, siege, and... arrest for their own purposes.

Randall, an "ordinary" American police officer, took a long vacation for some unspeakable reason, and came to play all over Japan, and happened to be in Shizuoka today.

His professional sensitivity made him realize that something was wrong with the city. After looking for a good angle to observe for a while, he found out why he saw so many acquaintances?

"Is this a game of cops catching thieves? How come I don't know how many cops and how many thieves there are?" Randall grinned, hanging up his shoulders and standing on the sidelines. , which is surprisingly interesting.

That's right, in addition to the zoo, the circus, and a small number of organizational members, there are two groups of people who claim to stand on the side of justice, the fbi and the belated Interpol.

The fbi and the circus are actually old enemies, but the situation of the circus in the United States is the same as that of the organization in Japan, with concealment as the first, so that the fbi has not been able to catch the tail, but they are very troubled in Japan. Huan, watching them jump up and down for two days with a cold eye, taking advantage of the fact that they haven't been noticed, and the trend of another reason, FBI chose this time to come back and capture two tainted witnesses.

And Interpol, under the banner of revenge for his comrades, just came to Japan and rushed to find something to do to make meritorious deeds to defraud funds (crossed out), and jumped into the battlefield without any hesitation without much observation.

In this way, Shizuoka Prefecture has become a pot of colorful soup, and the organization jumped out of the pot at this time, and is now outside according to Mizumayuki's command, stirring constantly with a large spoon, turning the soup into another. Be a little confusing.

And these people in the pot didn't know it yet, they just judged their actions based on the situation around them, and thought that they were the only ones who had to run around for one reason or another.


"I saw you." Vicente breathed a sigh of relief, and a row of figures faintly appeared in front of him.

"I saw you too, so come here." The opposite of Liaison said the same.

The figure on the opposite side waved his hand in the lead.

"**! Are you crazy? What are you shooting for?" said the other side of the phone.

"What?" Vicente was at a loss, what is this saying?

"Stop! Stop fighting back!" The other side of the phone was still talking.

Vicente glanced at the row of figures who were still slowly walking towards him, and finally realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late, and a fire suddenly lit across the room.


At the last moment of his life, Vicente was thinking of strange things: "It turns out that the speed of light is really much faster than the speed of sound."

The captain's bizarre dialogue and the sudden murder made the team members react, raising their guns and shooting, and a gun battle broke out suddenly.

another somewhere.

"Who are you?" Kenjiro Sugi asked cautiously when he noticed a group of people in the distance.

"We are from the 'circus', who are you?" the other party asked.

"We are a zoo, we are friends." Sugi Kenjiro said immediately.

"Then come out, what happened to you." The opposite looked relaxed.

Kenjiro Sugi walked out from behind the bunker with his subordinates and walked towards the other party.

"It's been a messy night. It caused us to run around, and we almost worked in vain." Muttering in his mouth, Kenjiro Sugi said.

"Then you are not busy working in vain, at least you have gained something." The person opposite asked jokingly: "My name is Padre, what should I call it."

"Kenjiro, Kenjiro Sugi." Nodding subconsciously: "Indeed, I finally found some gains."

"Go!" When the distance began to reach a just right position, the people on both sides suddenly shouted at the same time, and the two groups suddenly took out their weapons and exchanged fire.

Although he was surprised by the opponent's sudden action, he had already prepared for the battle, and no one was caught off guard or suffered losses.

"Damn, they seem to be elites..." Sugi Kenjiro scolded, but he didn't expect the circus people to move their hands stronger than expected.

"**, those people are hired, right?" Padre squatted behind a car as a bunker, muttering, these zoo people fought more neatly, not like a rabble.

Ping ping pong pong, a spray can-like thing was suddenly thrown in front of Padler's eyes, and a scorching light stinged the eyes of Padler who couldn't react in time.

Padre's deputy captain responded faster, judging that he had no time to deal with the flash bomb. Before closing his eyes, he also took a smoke bomb in his hand. After closing his eyes, he threw it out. Let's go blind together.

its not right! Padre closed his eyes and recalled the shape of the flashbang, it seemed like the standard equipment over there...

Kenjiro Sugi frowned as he watched the smoke bomb explode out of his reach. The matter didn't seem to be simple. This smoke bomb doesn't seem to be a sold style.

"Who are you!" Kenjiro Sugi asked again.

Padre closed his eyes and signaled his men to stop first, shouting: "fbi, who are you?"

"[Beep], icpo!" The other party burst out.

There was silence on the battlefield, and it seemed that the peers were fighting...

"Let's retreat." Padre suggested.

"Okay." Sugi Kenjiro said.

In fact, it is not certain whether the opponent is really fbi or icpo. If this is a battle that must be won, anyone on the other side can continue to fight.

But in a state of equal footing, it is best to find a reason for the truce.

And it's not surprising that the identity of the other party is really the same as his own purpose. They all came to take advantage of the chaos to 'snap monsters'. It's just a coincidence that the methods of both sides are also the same, pretending to be someone from one of the organizations. Go to the other organization's people, if you don't find out, you can provoke the relationship between the two organizations.

It's not a strange thing for the two groups to meet, after all, unlike a small organization like the Zoo Circus, the FBI and Interpol both do whatever they want to do what they want. To deal with the black organization.

However, in the eyes of Interpol, the fbi has been on the sidelines for a long time and has not started. In the eyes of the FBI, the Interpol has just got off the plane and has to observe for two days. As a result, they met in a chaotic pot unprepared: " Oh, what a coincidence, you're here too!"

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mizumayuki looked at Gibson speechlessly.

Jiepsen looked like he was after the catastrophe: "Fortunately, Bourbon's actions will soon bring you in, otherwise you will be disgusted by the organization." Stir with a spoon.

"I can only play such tricks if I have enough information. Otherwise, when I was investigating the organization, I was almost beaten to death by Gin three times." If the organization is against it, I don't have so much intelligence."

"You can ask those fbi to work for you, and your relationship with the police is relatively close to the public security." Gibson casually put the words of Shui Jianyue.

"Do you think I didn't get in touch? The fbi person... It's that Judy who contacted me, let alone that the organization didn't find out." Mizumayue rolled her eyes: "As a result, she doesn't know as much as me. , then what's the use of me looking for them?"

"I don't know, your intelligence was not collected by me, so I don't know who you have been in contact with." Gibson said.

Mizumayuki glanced at Gibson in surprise. He thought that the information about him was collected by the intelligence captain Gibson, who was familiar with him.

If there are people who are familiar with you, doesn't that mean that there are people in the organization who are more familiar with you than Gibson? Mizuma was a little suspicious.

That's right, the large-scale oolong farce covering almost the entire Shizuoka prefecture was planned by Mizumayuki. Although the damage of the organization's personnel in this farce was greater than that of the previous days, the other four The damage is bigger, and compared with manpower, FBI and icpo lose face is the biggest.

Of course, Mizumayuki is not the real former Cobile, and he doesn't have the ability to do all the calculations. This farce is actually another drama, and it has invested much more manpower and material resources than it seems on the surface. He played a good show, and played a good show for the organization.

Things have to start from the night of the full moon. After Mizumayue and Wei Xinghu, who ran away with Huiyuan's grief, reunited, the two found out that the other party was also a traveler.

After Wei Xinghu knew that Shui Jianyue and himself were 'compatriots' and that he was an extra, he confessed to Shui Jianyue very honestly: In addition to being an Interpol, he secretly developed a killer organization. Wrong, it was the killer organization 'Eye of Black Blood' that was falsely used by Tsuki Mizuma.

And a few days after this Mizumayue used Shizuoka Prefecture's resources to destroy the appearance of the zoo and the circus, which is a fake made by Wei Xinghu and Mizumayue jointly.

Two-thirds of the shops, hotels and restaurants that Mizumayue asked the Kobiler Intelligence Team to pay special attention to are those that interfere with the line of sight, and one-third are controlled by the Eye of Black Blood, and Wei Xinghu uses these shops to mobilize and promote sales Activities and other daily information, according to the pre-agreed code compilation method, submit the information that you want to convey to Mizumayue, and Mizumayue transmits the information to Wei Xinghu through the strange layout of the organization personnel.

The Eye of Black Blood is still squatting in Tokyo and waiting for Mizumayuki to come out of the base. In fact, it has already penetrated into Shizuoka, secretly maintaining the battlefield to forcibly achieve the effect of the Mizumayuki plan, which makes the organization mistakenly believe that this is the case. It is the ability of Moon Moon.

Of course, Shui Jianyue's brain consumption during this period of time is real, even if it is a script with assistance, it must have operational feasibility and strategic correctness itself.

But at this stage, Mizumayuki did not hesitate to even get in with the Interpol, creating a big farce.

"The next step is to release news to the outside world. The means of today and even a few days ago are all planned by me." Mizumayue ordered.

"Eh? Then don't they hate you to death?" Gibson didn't understand Mizumayuki's plan, but he went.

"Let them hate it, the more hated it is, the better it is. I wish I could be hacked to death." Mizumayuki's face showed an arrogant, exclusive villain's smile.

"You want to bring them into Tokyo? Let them kill themselves?" Gibson guessed, throwing a candy in his mouth.

Shui Jianyue shook her head: "That's a fool's dream, those people won't be so stupid."

"I plan that the boss knows what I want to do, and he will help me."

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