MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 57 1 email

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"Now I'll show you how the murderer made this illusion!" Takagi said proudly, and then got under the operating bed.

"The bed is a handmade bed made of wooden slats, with a grid-like top, and the sheet has an opening at the knee of the deceased."

"Actually, the deceased was already dead before Miss Xiaolan and Miss Sonoko saw it, and the illusion of struggle you saw is like this..." Takagi stretched out his hand and grabbed the leg of the deceased and danced up and down: "Wait up and down like this. , can do that.”

"I suggest you come out and see the effect..." There was a sound of splashing cold water beside the bed, it turned out that Keisuke Qianshou followed him to the bed at some point.

"What's wrong?" Takagi asked angrily.

"See for yourself..." Keisuke Qianshou pointed to Takagi's hands holding the calf of the deceased: "The sheets on the deceased's body are very thin, so you can see your hands!"

"Ah!" Takagi looked forward, isn't it, there are obvious bulges of his hands on the calf on the sheet.

"This... I understand!" Takagi clapped his hands: "It's not grabbing, it's supporting!" Then he let go of the hand that was holding the corpse, and instead dragged it up and let the corpse's legs fall naturally with gravity. .

"It's still very unnatural." Keisuke Qianshou said honestly.

"Are you looking for trouble!" Takagi got out of the bed and said angrily: "The deceased has been dead for a long time, and now the corpse is more serious, of course it will take more effort! And at that time, Miss Xiaolan and Miss Sonoko were already scared by the haunted house. You can't see it clearly, can you?"

"Hey!" Sonoko, who had been looking at Kisuke Qianshou, felt that this was a bit of contempt for herself and Xiaolan, and immediately said: "Even if Xiaolan and I were very scared at the time, we clearly remember that we were very flexible at that time. A pair of feet! It came out from under the sheets when I was struggling, and I saw red nail polish!"

"This..." Takagi got angry, looking around for clues in a panic to improve his inference.

"You also know that this is a corpse!" Another person came to scold Takagi, the coroner Xiao Ye Yiyu: "Then don't play with the corpse here, okay? And I tell you seriously, the dead man's calf originally had neither. There is no sign of being held or being held down by being pinched!"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Takagi hurriedly apologized, and when he lowered his head, he saw two large cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other under the operating bed, and his eyes lit up again.

"It was just an experiment just now, and now it's the real technique!" Takagi shouted again, withdrawing under the bed.

Two large cardboard boxes were stacked on top of each other, which was shorter than the bed and was about the thickness of a person. Takagi lay on top of the large cardboard box and stretched out his feet through the gap between the sheets where his hand had been stretched out earlier.

"Actually, the feet that Miss Xiaolan and Miss Sonoko saw were not those of the deceased, but that the murderer stretched out his feet and waved them up and down. No matter how the sheets flew, they might not fly to the knees! So the position of the cracks in the sheets Knees not calves!"

Sonoko was the first to retort: ​​"Did you think Xiaolan and I were both blind at that time? Don't you have four feet just like this!"

"Sonoko!" Xiao Lan pulled Suzuki Sonoko, this friend seemed to be bewitched by her beauty, and she was determined to help Qingsuke Qianshou speak.

"This..." Takagi was embarrassed again, and crawled out from under the bed. It is also a problem that when the sheet is raised, the victim's feet are exposed.

"Whose idea was it to make this kind of handmade surgical bed?" asked Miwako Sato. Although Takagi's reasoning did not come true, if the murderer really used a technique similar to Takagi's, the person who proposed to make such a bed would be very suspicious.

"It's An Cai herself. She said that such a bed would sway and creak, which is even more terrifying," said the deceased's classmates.

"What about the sheets?" Sato Mikako asked again. The reason why Takagi's thoughts are likely to be close to the truth is because the sheets did have a concealed crack in a suspicious position.

"The bed sheet is an old cloth we found in the warehouse, which may be left over from a previous sports meeting." Several classmates replied: "But what we found is a whole piece of cloth! It has never been modified!"

"It seems that the murderer made it secretly, and Takagi's idea seems to be close to a certain extent." Sato Miwako looked at the coroner Kazuha Koba again: "How is the identification of the scar on the face?"

Kazuha Koba has finished the autopsy and is taking off his gloves: "A lot of fleshy tissue was found in the nails of the deceased. Basically, it can be confirmed that it is similar to the Yoshikawa line."

"Is there a murderer's organization in the nails?" Takagi asked again: "Maybe the deceased even scratched the murderer when he was struggling."

"Isn't it a matter of course that the wound on An Cai's face was caught by herself? She caught it to create a terrifying atmosphere!" said the classmate of the deceased.

Xiaoye Yiyu first refuted the classmate: "After wearing the ventilator mask, most of these scars are covered, and you don't use red plasma paint? Why do you want to catch it yourself?"

Then he explained to Takagi: "I don't think it's very likely, because the scratches on the deceased's face are very complete, and..." Suddenly Xiaoye Yiyu stretched out his hand to cover Takagi's mouth: "Will you try it?"

Takagi stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaoye Ichiyu's hand. Xiaoye Ichiyu didn't exert any force, so he broke it easily. At the same time, Takagi and everyone suddenly realized that if they opened their palms, they would wrap the opponent's hands and arms in the palm of their hands. Just scratching his face.

"It's stupid!" Yuanzi said again, and Xiaolan could only smile bitterly.

Depressed for a while, Takagi was suddenly disappointed and found out why it was his own shame. Wasn't the plan to make that Kesuke Qianshou lose face?

Thinking of this, he looked at Keisuke Qianshou who was silent for a while, but he found out that Keisuke Qianshou was looking at his mobile phone email, but his expression was a little subtle.

"Hey! Tell me what you think!" Takagi shouted dissatisfiedly: "Don't use your mobile phone during working hours!"

Keisuke Qianshou glanced at Takagi. Takagi expected that it might be contempt, ridicule, or anger, but Takagi only felt the feeling of being ignored.

Keisuke Chishou gave Takagi a disinterested look, and then turned to Sato Mikazu: "Sato Police Department, I have some personal urgent matters that I need to take care of immediately, can I grant leave?"

"No problem." Sato Miwako was just stunned for a moment and then agreed, making trouble after trouble, if there is an urgent matter for Mizumayuki, it must be an urgent business.

"Hey! Don't you think you can't solve the case, so you want to run away?" Mikazu Sato's attitude of agreeing with just a little consideration made Takagi feel that this was a partial favor, and the negative emotions rose even more, holding Kei who was about to turn around and leave. Help Qianshou.

Keisuke Qianshou glanced at Takagi with a somewhat unpredictable look, and Takagi looked a little dazed.

"Takagi!" Sato Miwako said in a scolding tone.

"It's okay, a minute or two is enough." Keisuke Qianshou sneered and pointed at the tip of Takagi's nose: "You are only one step away from solving the case, you know?"

Takagi slapped Kisuke Qianshou's finger away: "You're just one step away from showing me? What do you mean by wanting to slip?" Takagi asked angrily.

"Humph." Keisuke Qianshou ignored him: "You guys, take off your shoes." This was to the three classmates who witnessed the "death" of the deceased with Xiaolan Yuanzi.

"What kind of reasoning is this?" Takagi was still shouting.

"A head full of reasoning and reasoning, are you a policeman or a detective?" Keisuke Qianshou asked rhetorically, "Are you here to investigate a case or play a reasoning game?"

"Pfft!" Sato Mikako couldn't help laughing, Mizuma Tsuki was still the same, and he was not very happy when he mentioned words related to detectives.

Ignoring Takagi's reaction, Kisuke Chishou continued: "Since you have confirmed that the murderer may have replaced the deceased's foot with his own, even if it is only possible for Xiaolan and Sonoko! And Xiaolan and Sonoko have made it clear. After speaking, the feet I saw were painted with red nail polish, so is there any doubt about what to do next?" Then he turned his attention to the three deceased classmates who had just asked to take off their shoes.

"I understand, I have no problem anyway." A classmate with glasses squatted down and took off his shoes: "Because I was injured some time ago, my feet are still wrapped in gauze, and I can go to the hospital to prove it." Speaking of taking off his shoes to reveal his feet entangled in gauze, of course, the hospital proved that it is not necessary. There are so many doctors here, although most of them do not have much experience in seeing living people.

"I don't need slippers anymore." The female classmate pointed to her feet, because she also played a role, just wearing a pair of slippers barefoot.

A few police officers walked over to take a closer look, thinking that if they wanted to replace the deceased's feet, they would be more suspicious of the same woman.

"Could it have been wiped off?" Takagi also asked.

"Please, after seeing An Cai's death, I have been staying with these guys until now! Do you tell me what to wipe with?" the female classmate asked angrily, and she also felt that the jumping up and down police officer was a bit attractive. disgusted.

"What about this classmate? What are you dawdling about?" Keisuke Qianshou urged the third classmate, but he didn't take off his shoes.

"That... I've been a little bit stinky recently, let's just forget it, it's too unsightly." The third person said awkwardly, while saying that he was stepping on his right foot with his left foot, and the white uppers were covered with fake blood. of light red.

"Hurry up and take it off, the carrion has been fiddled with several times, what's your athlete's foot?" Qingsuke Qianshou was still in a hurry, so why would he hesitate to accompany him, he directly put him down and stepped on his shoes.

"Yo? The taste is quite unique, isn't it?" Keisuke Qianshou said sarcastically when he saw that the third person's toenails were painted with blood plasma nail polish that had been spent.

"I'll leave the rest to you. I have something to do first." Keisuke Qianshou didn't intend to listen to the reason for the murder or wait for the murderer to make a quibble. Before leaving, he asked Takagi who was unconvinced: "Now you know How should we investigate the case?"

"Huh?" Of course, Takagi refused to accept Qingsuke Qianshou's education, and said with a cold snort, "It's just luck, pick up people's teeth."

"Tsk tsk." Kisuke Qianshou picked up the sheet at the feet of the deceased and lifted it up, pointing to the red marks on it: "Has no one checked the sheet?"

"That is…"

It was a pattern of several intersecting sets of red parallel lines, which looked red like blood plasma.

The forensic team looked at the autopsy team, because there was an autopsy over there, so no one went to investigate at that time, and felt that the forensic doctors should take a casual look at the autopsy.

The autopsy team is also watching the forensics team. Their job is to conduct an autopsy. The live forensics team investigating the scene will do it!

"Nail polish shouldn't fade, right?" Keisuke Chishou asked the deceased female classmate.

"It's not easy." The female classmate replied dully.

Sato Miwako felt a little dissatisfied at this time, 'Why did you ask her not to ask me? Think I have nothing to do with nail polish? Aren't you in a hurry? What are you babbling about here? ’

"Then I don't need to say what these are. Thank you for your teaching. I have to leave beforehand!" With his eyes, he gestured to the murderer's "manicure", and Keisuke Qianshou turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait! When did you find out? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Takagi asked, looking for a return plane.

"When you go there to watch your performance!" Keisuke Qianshoutou said as he left.

When he walked out of Rice Flower University, Uncle Maori was still giving a speech there. Qingsuke Qianshou didn't want to watch more. After leaving Rice Flower University, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Grape Cobille! Is the email you sent just now true?" Keisuke Qianshou said to the phone Grape Cobille is a member of the Cobille Intelligence Team, and Mizuma Yue brought After the intelligence team went to Gunma, he replaced the original leader and became the new team leader, and then Mizuma asked the boss to give him the code name of Grape Cobile.

"Are you sure? How did you get the news?"

"Understood, don't make any noise about this, delete and destroy the original data for me! Then delete the emails sent to me before."

After just explaining a few words, Mizumayuki put down the phone and stood on the side of the road thinking.

If Grape Cobille's message to him is true...he's doubled his chances of destroying the organization!

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang again.

Minazuki almost held her breath when she saw the number, it was Belmod.

After thinking about it carefully, it shouldn't happen so soon, Mizumayuki answered the phone.

"Busy man? Why is the line busy when calling you?" Belmod said in a teasing tone.

"My subordinates are just reporting to me about the work, from Gunma, and they only talked for a while, right?" Mizumayuki said in a nonchalant tone.

"Only for a short time? That's still a coincidence..." Belmod didn't delve into it.

"What's the urgency?" Mizuma asked, it was hard to think that Belmod would make one call and then call another after the line was busy.

"No, it's not an urgent matter, but morally, it's better to tell you about it earlier."

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