MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 81 beat up kids

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There is no suspense in the slightest, but the first fifty pages of Rousseau's masterpieces are repeated verbatim, starting from the edition number.

Yamagishi Jinxin didn't have to try, he was already sure that he had lost, not to mention that he still had memorized and left in a daze.

"Classmate Qiu Shan! Can anyone really remember him?" Yuanzi's star-eyed appearance made Qiu Shanjian feel a little scared subconsciously.

"Maybe there really is, but I'm not at that level." Qiu Shanjian said modestly: "It's just good luck, I've read this famous book many times before, and it's a very good book, so I can read it again. Consolidate a lot of impressions.”

After all, explaining that his memory ability has reached the level of non-human beings, it is incredible that the sights seen can be directly recorded in the mind in the state of 'pictures'.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan just nodded: "Qiu Shan has a wide range of reading skills." Shiliang Zhenchun was looking at Qiu Shanjian thoughtfully.

"Then it's my turn!" Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly remembered and said excitedly, "Is Qiu Shan good at fighting skills? Can I challenge you?"

"Uh...fighting?" Qiu Shanjian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered, as if in the original book, Shiliang Zhenchun has a very powerful specialty, Jeet Kune Do?

"That's right, being a detective requires not only a good mind, but also a good skill. I will make you change your mind about detectives." Shiliang Zhenchun said, Qiu Shanjian felt that the mentality of these detectives was really good. , I am so provocative, and my attitude is so 'friendly'. The same is true of the old Maori uncle. Yes, he was thrown out of the scene with malice by himself. When he met him, he was still kind to himself. Although he didn't care about it at that time, now after he got out of his role in the past, I look back on it. Kind of ashamed.

"No problem, fortunately I have learned a bit." Qiu Shanjian agreed. Although the strengthening of his motor nerves was far from improving his memory ability, he felt that high school students had nothing to be afraid of.

"It's too troublesome to go to the dojo now, so just stay in the classroom." Shiliang said with pure interest, looking impatient.

"Anyway, environmental issues are those who will be hurt and need to be concerned." Qiu Shanjian expressed his self-confidence.

"Then let's see who will complain." Shiliang Zhenchun said with a smile, she was also very confident in her own skills.

After a few people tidied up the desks and chairs in the classroom and made room, the two fighting people took off their school uniforms and stood facing each other at a distance of three meters.

"Prepare..." Xiao Lan stood by the side like a referee. As a karate master, she was indeed the most suitable person to stand close enough to them.


"Bang!" Shiliang Zhenchun jumped up and hit Qiu Shanjian's chest with a straight right fist.

'It's all flaws. ' Qiu Shanjian commented in his heart, 'The level of high school students is really nothing more than that, as long as you hold this punch first, and then... what the **** is this? ’ Qiu Shanjian, who was about to reach out to hold the punch, suddenly panicked. Although Shiliang Zhenchun’s punch was simple, its power far exceeded that of a high school student.

If it was before it got smaller, Qiu Shanjian still had some courage to take it hard, but after getting smaller, he followed the weak force... Qiu Shanjian immediately chose to dodge.

But it forced Qiu Shanjian to choose dodge, which was also the beginning of Shiliang's pure routine.

The left hand behind him followed, then kicked and swept his legs. Every move could only be seen and dodged when there was no time for him to strike. It felt like he was dodging cannonballs.

The information about Jeet Kune Do in his mind appeared in front of him, Qiu Shanjian knew that this was a kind of Jeet Kune Do, a kind of force technique similar to collapsing force, so that Shiliang Zhenchun was like a cannonball with every punch and every kick. enormous power.

Although he had the information of Jeet Kune Do, Qiu Shanjian could not come up with an effective solution, because the core of Jeet Kune Do was defensive counterattack, and there were very few fixed martial arts routines, and the 'routine' that Shiliang Zhenchun uses now is only her Just your own way.

Although she didn't dare to face her sharp edge, her strength did not come out of nothing. Shiliang's wasting a huge amount of strength meant that her physical strength would never last long, so Qiu Shanjian only needed to deal with her until she was exhausted.

Of course, Shiliang Zhenchun is very aware of his weaknesses, and this series of routines is also logical.

Gradually pull the opponent into his own routine through one move and one move, until he seals all the opponent's dodging intervals, and hits an unavoidable killing blow before his physical strength is exhausted.

And as Qiu Shanjian retreated step by step, there was less and less space to dodge, and there was already a countdown in Shiliang Zhenchun's heart, representing the countdown to Qiu Shanjian's defeat.

Qiu Shanjian's fighting experience is much higher than that of Shiliang Zhenchun, so he naturally knows that his situation is very bad.

If you continue at this pace, it's only a matter of time before you'll be cornered by Shiliang Zhenchun and knocked down with one punch.

Just like the bomb attack that Madam encountered on the first day she came to Tokyo, every bomb and fist was designed to force herself to the next position set by the other party.

If you want to get out of this dead end, you can only find a gap between the two attacks to 'drill' out, or force an attack and interrupt the routine.

But Shiliang's pure fists are now more dangerous than bombs in Qiu Shanjian's eyes, and his slender arms and legs do not dare to use them to resist.

Of course, it's not a life-and-death fight now. Qiu Shanjian believes that Shiliang's true and pure subordinates must be measured, and when fists and hands and feet really touch, they will naturally withdraw.

But it's also because it's not a life-and-death fight, and if Shiliang really gives up his hand, wouldn't it mean that Qiu Shanjian lost, proving that he has fallen behind.

Since you can't touch it, you can only hide. Qiu Shanjian didn't expect that he would actually need to be real to compete with high school students.

'Two more punches! ' Shiliang really thought in her heart, and this guy is so flexible, she didn't hold back on these previous tricks, she used all her strengths, and if Qiu Shanjian met, she would end the battle quickly.

With a side kick, Qiu Shanjian could only dodge to the left and rear, and then chased after him with his right uppercut.

Qiu Shanjian took a step on his left, just as Shi Liang Zhenchun had expected, he was going to dodge to the right.

Because now there is still some leeway on the right side of Qiu Shanjian, and if the left side flashes past, there is really no room at all.

But Shiliang's pure power was also concentrated on his left hand, and the next thing was a sure-kill punch.

This guy looks agile but doesn't seem to be able to fight, make sure to pay attention when you can hit. Shiliang Zhenchun already felt that he was winning.

Jump up, punch! Shi Liang Zhenchun is ready to reap the fruits of victory.

Of course, her punches did not find the target.

‘What about people? ' Shiliang was really stunned, the judgment that Qiu Shanjian would dodge to the right was not her own speculation, but a prediction made by seeing Qiu Shanjian's actions.

And Qiu Shanjian had already taken advantage of the gap between her jumps and slid behind her from the left side.

'It's over, I have to toss again. ' Shiliang Zhenchun groaned in pain, finally cornering this guy and letting him run away accidentally, I'm afraid it won't be easy to do it again.

'And at the end, it is necessary to figure out how he suddenly changed direction, otherwise it will be useless. ' Shiliang Zhenchun continued to think, she thought that Qiu Shanjian would continue to use that weird pace, but she didn't expect that Qiu Shanjian would actually take the initiative to attack, because the previous contact with Qiu Shanjian gave her a crispy feeling.

But Qiu Shanjian did just that, and pounced on her neck from behind.

'Neck strangulation? Wrestling or Judo? ' Surprised at Shiliang's innocence, he did not forget to pay attention to the other party's ways, and judged in his heart.

As far as she knew, the disappearing Kobile Mizumayuki should be good at kendo, and there should be no strangulation skills in kendo.

Could it be that this person is really not Mizumayuki? Did Cobile, who played Tsuki Mizuma, really died in the melee explosion? Shi Liang was really distracted from thinking.

But this person looks similar to Mizumayuki, and like Kudo Shinichi is ten years younger, and expresses obvious provocation to the detective. No matter how you look at it, this is the characteristic of Mizumayuki.

Could it be that some people are also trying to find Moon Moon?

While distracted, Shiliang Zhenchun responded to Qiu Shanjian's strangulation.

Grabbing, throwing, throwing, and throwing Qiu Shanjian out in one go.

To be precise, Shiliang completed the process in one go, but failed.

Qiu Shanjian grabbed Shiliang Zhenchun's wrist and quickly landed and made a sideways throw.

Shiliang Zhenchun immediately changed from a fall to a fall, fell on the ground and rolled in a circle, and found that he was actually in a passive state.

It's just that the last blow failed to lock Qiu Shanjian, and he lost his advantage and fell into a passive position. Only then did Shiliang Zhenchun realize that Qiu Shanjian was not only flexible in movement, but also difficult to attack.

We must find a way to get rid of the disadvantage, but unlike Qiu Shanjian who relies on skills, Shiliang Zhenchun chose to rely directly on the strength of strength.

Using force to break the trick, Shiliang really needs to use brute force to be reckless, and Qiu Shanjian can only helplessly let go of her entanglement. Although he can take advantage of this opportunity to attack a few times, not only can he not decide the direction of victory, if he does not dodge It will also suffer Shiliang's pure move, and this move is likely to determine the direction of victory.

But Shiliang Zhenchun still underestimated the hills and streams.

Once again, she lost her lock on Qiu Shanjian's figure.

Shiliang Zhenchun immediately took a defensive stance. After all, the essence of Jeet Kune Do is to play defensive counterattacks. Even if the opponent's trace is lost in sight, he does not worry about the opponent's surprise attack.

First put on a defensive stance and then began to look for Qiu Shanjian's figure. Shiliang Zhenchun quickly recaptured the opponent behind him.

A creepy thing exploded behind her, the fearful instinct of encountering danger.

Can't dodge, can't dodge, can't dodge, this is the only thought in Shiliang's pure heart when he instinctively dodges.

A hand stopped at the back of her neck, a knife in hand.

But a second before the hand knife stuck to the back of her neck, Shi Liang really felt that it was not a hand, but a sharp blade.

People who stood around watching the fun also looked at it, and even Xiao Lan, who was the referee, was not sure whether the freeze of these two people represented Qiu Shanjian's victory.

For those watching the fun, the front was fine at the beginning. It was Shiliang Zhenchun who blocked Qiu Shanjian's attack all the time, forcing Qiu Shanjian to jump up and down to dodge. Behind them, the two suddenly became evenly matched, and in the next scene, in their eyes, Qiu Shanjian circled behind Shiliang Zhenchun, and then a hand knife was knocked on the back of the neck, and the two were frozen.

Two incredible scenes make people rub their eyes. If this is a scene in a video game, they will criticize Qiu Shanjian for sure, but there are no modifiers in reality. The inexplicable part is that they can't understand it, or simply because the eyes can't keep up.

"I lost, but you were the best." Shiliang Zhenchun sighed and admitted defeat.

"It's hard to say, in order not to hurt me, you should hold back your strength at the beginning. If you let go and play a game, I don't think I can hold on for so long." Qiu Shanjian was modest.

"I think even if it is a real fight, I will lose in the last two moves. I don't understand the last two moves." Shiliang Zhenchun said.

Qiu Shanjian has no doubts, if it is the kind of life-and-death struggle, he still has two sharp knives hidden on his body...

But Shiliang's pure power made Qiu Shanjian speechless even in retrospect. The feeling of a human dynamite bag. He has seen some vodka for men, but not women, including Miwako, who is just a little tougher. In combat, judo is not good at hard Qiu Shanjian wants to tell Shiliang that he is pure and can force him to use the two skills inherited from his previous life. She is already very powerful, but Reason let him quit.

Someone applauded.

The applause gradually sounded in the classroom. It was not enthusiastic. Although the battle was strong and exciting, not everyone was so open-minded that they had given up their opinions on Qiu Shanjian. After all, it was the detectives who made up most of the class. .

"It's really an almighty person." Xiaolan sighed.

Sonoko's eyes flashed with stars: "I really want him to have a fight with Ah Zhen..."

The classmate standing next to Yuanzi squinted at Yuanzi, and the expression in his eyes was probably to say, "Are you going to recruit relatives through martial arts and choose the strongest gene?"

Stabilize the breathing that has been disordered due to high-intensity exercise, and then look at Shiliang Zhenchun, who only exhales slightly unevenly. After Qiu Shanjian's sad discovery, his physical fitness was also dumped ten streets.

"By the way, I have a question." After calming his breath, Qiu Shanjian asked Xiaolan, "Is Kudo Shinichi good at fighting?" Because Shiliang Zhenchun said that detectives need to practice fighting skills, so there will be Such a problem is not surprising.

"No..." Xiaolan felt a little embarrassed for Xinyi, other detectives are so good at playing, only he can't do anything: "But he is better at playing football."

"Oh..." The indifferent response made her even more embarrassed, but what Xiao Lan didn't know was that Qiu Shanjian was recalling those footballs of Conan in her heart.

'That's not playing football, it's just a cannonball. ‘

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