MTL - Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World-Chapter 625 Black and white Xuan Jian

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【The Devil Child of Conan Comes to the World】【】

In the original plot, apart from Dian Qing and Mei Sanniang, there are no other powerful plot characters in Wei.

Even if there are still some targets that meet the sign-in conditions in the Wei Kingdom, Suzuki Seimei is too lazy to let the No. 1 clone find them, and the price/performance ratio is really too low.

"Ding! Congratulations to Xiang Yan for successfully signing in. Five years of [Xiantian Zhenqi] will be rewarded, and the host can receive it at any time."

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully signing in to Xiang Liang, and you will be rewarded with two years of [Xiantian Zhenqi], which the host can receive at any time."

"Ding! Congratulations to Fan Zeng for successfully signing in. The reward is 10 points of mental power, and the host can collect it at any time."

Not long after the No. 1 clone left Wei State, the No. 2 clone who sneaked into the residence of General Xiang of the Chu State also got the sign-in reward very smoothly.

It's a pity that Xiang Yu has not yet been born at this time, otherwise he, the future overlord of Western Chu, should be able to sign some good things.

After leaving Xiangfu, the second clone made a rough turn around the capital of Chu State, making sure that no other sign-in targets were found, so he drove the Suzaku Organ Beast to Qi State.

The moon hangs high, the night is like water

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Under the leadership of Mo Ya and Bai Feng, dozens of bird killers in black suits surrounded a remote private house.

Since Ji Wuye's death, Hundred Bird Killers have fallen into a state of no owner. In order to prevent them from causing unnecessary trouble, Suzuki Seimei asked Mo Ya and Bai Feng to incorporate them.

Mo Ya and Bai Feng were originally the leaders of the Hundred Bird Killers, so it was naturally easy for them to incorporate the Hundred Bird Killers.


! "

Just as Mo Ya and the others were approaching the house, a violent sword energy suddenly burst out from the house, smashing the entire house into two halves, setting off a cloud of smoke.


The Hundred Bird Killer, who was directly in front of the sword qi, was choked into two halves by the sword qi that was more than ten feet long before he could react.

Mo Ya and Bai Feng saw this, their faces changed slightly, and they stared at the smoke not far away.

"Da da da…"

Accompanied by the sound of low footsteps, Xuan Jian, dressed in a gray-blue outfit and holding a pair of black and white swords, walked out of the smoke with a gloomy expression: "The night is really unreliable!"

Xuan Jian glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and finally set his eyes on Mo Ya and Bai Feng.

"You should be the most powerful Mo Ya and Bai Feng under Ji Wuye, right? I hope you don't disappoint me too much!"


! "

Xuan Jian's voice just fell, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant, and two sharp long swords stabbed the throats of Mo Ya and Bai Feng at the same time.

"So fast!"


In the face of the black and white swords coming from the violent stabbing, Mo Ya and Bai Feng's expressions suddenly changed greatly.

Although Xuan Jian's sword speed was not as exaggerated as Aizen's, it also exceeded Mo Ya and Bai Feng's expectations.

Mo Ya and the others could barely see Xuan Jian's sword speed, but their bodies couldn't react.


Seeing that Mo Ya and Bai Feng were about to be blocked by Xuan Jian's sword, two palms as white as jade suddenly rested on their shoulders, followed Meng Ran with force, and threw them away. go out.

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【The Devil Child of Conan Comes to the World】【】


Xuan Jian, who failed to attack, frowned slightly, and then changed his moves instantly.


Xuan Jian's arms waved vigorously, and the black and white swords instantly crossed together, turning into a pair of unparalleled scissors, strangling them towards the neck of the person who came.

? ? ?

However, when the black and white swords touched the neck of the person who came, the wicked smile on Xuan Jian's face instantly solidified.


Xuan Jian felt that what was struck by the black and white swords was not a body of flesh and blood at all, but a piece of black iron that had been tempered and tempered.

Looking at Xuan Jian's stunned expression, Suzuki Seimei said with a playful expression: "Your sword speed is okay, but your strength is too weak."

After Suzuki Seimei finished speaking, he pushed out his right hand and pressed it against Xuan Jian's chest as fast as lightning.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully signing in to Xuan Jian, and you will be rewarded with a copy of "Two Swordsmanship", which the host can receive at any time."

[Skill Name: Two Swords Flow

Type: Passive Skill

Level: Not upgradable

Effect: A person with this skill can use two swords at the same time, and use two different sword techniques at the same time. (When using the second sword style, the power of sword skills is doubled.)

Consumption: none

Cooldown: none

Remarks: Starburst Air Slash!

! 】


! "

Xuan Jian only felt a terrifying giant force attack, the True Qi in his body oscillated endlessly, followed by a black man in front of him, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

Xuan Jian, who was blown away by Suzuki Seimei's palm, bit the tip of his tongue forcefully, and forced himself to regain consciousness from the state that was about to fall into a coma.

The moment he regained consciousness, Xuan Jian stabbed the black and white swords deeply into the bluestone floor tiles.


The black and white swords pierced into the blue bricks, with two dazzling sparks, finally left two sword marks more than a foot deep and several feet long on the hard floor tiles, which made Xuan Jian stabilize. body shape.


! "

Xuan Jian, who managed to stabilize his figure, still couldn't control his spit of blood, his eyes were extremely complicated: "To, just, hard, gong!"

Xuan Jian can be said to be all too familiar with the unique skill of Phijiamen, and he has suffered a lot in this unique skill.

A few years ago, Xuan Jian was seriously injured in the process of carrying out a mission, and happened to be rescued by Wei Xianxian, the daughter of Wei Yong, the chief minister of the State of Wei.

Under the careful care of Wei Xianxian, Xuan Jian experienced the taste of love for the first time, and then he realized that there are not only fighting and killing in life, but also firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The two who fell in love soon had their love crystallization.

For the sake of her lover and the youngest son in her womb, Xuan Jian decided to retire from the rivers and lakes, leaving only the white sword to protect her and the child, and sank the black sword representing killing into the bottom of the lake.

It's a pity that Xuan Jian's identity as a killer was not able to hide from Wei Yong's investigation.

After learning that Xuan Jian turned out to be a celestial killer of the Net Organization, Wei Yong used the lives of Wei Xianxian and the child in her womb as threats to force Xuan Jian to eradicate political enemies in the court for him.

And the last political enemy Wei Yong forced Xuan Jian to kill was the former general of the Wei State, the master of Dianqing, and the head of Pijiamen.

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【The Devil Child of Conan Comes to the World】【】

It was also at that time that Xuan Jian saw the true power of "The Ultimate Hard Work" with his own eyes.

General Wei Guo, like Dian Qing, has cultivated the "Supreme Hardness Technique" to the highest level, and can hide the cover door in the body, making it truly invulnerable.

Therefore, although Xuan Jian's strength is strong, he cannot break through the defense of the general, let alone kill him.