MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 16 metaphysical reasoning

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Because he didn't know what expression to use to face this girl who was considered a "life-saving grace" but ran away by himself, he finally decided to wait for it.

At least deal with the things here first, otherwise there are so many people who will not be able to calm down and think about what it should look like.

After explaining it to this boy named Masato Mobu, he finally managed to calm him down, but his behavior was a bit strange for the so-called "spiritual event".

"Suddenly appeared on the table in the playground... 'I haven't finished my revenge'... I get it, so he's still there, he's not free yet..."

He stood there, his hands clenched, and he muttered something in his mouth.

"You seem to know something? Can you tell us something?"

"No, no, I don't know anything, let's go." Masato Mobu suddenly reacted, his attitude was a little tough and he wanted to send a few people out of the activity room of the Art Department.

"His attitude seems to be more problematic, but..." Guan Dounan looked at the closed door, tucked his hair, and looked back at the women's trio.

Her reaction is very strange...

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to find Segu? Just let me go, I hope he doesn't sneak home early."

Tsukamoto Sumi suddenly remembered the matter of Seko Kunifan, and left after talking to a few people, and not long after she left, Kudo Shinichi also came late.

"Sorry, I'm a little late." Kudo Shinichi smiled apologetically and looked at the people present, "Is Tsukamoto-senpai looking for Seko-senpai?"

"Yeah, and Oh Shinichi, we just..."

Xiaolan told Kudo Shinichi what happened just now, and the latter nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Is that so? I see. However, the suspicion of the Senior Minister of the Object Department can basically be ruled out. Maybe he has something to do with Hosaka, but this so-called 'spiritual incident' should not be caused by him."

"Eh? Why? I think he's suspicious?" Sonoko asked in confusion.

"Because I found a puddle of water on the ground at the entrance of the corridor on the first floor. I thought according to common sense, who should have put away the umbrella there and dumped the water on the umbrella." Kudo Shinichi made a splash. "But if you want to enter the teaching building from the outside, you will have to go through the muddy playground, but from just now until now, the only footprints on it are me and Senior Guan, which can only mean one thing..."

"Difficult, does it mean that the ghost of Hideaki Hosaka floated in?"

"Of course not! How can there be any ghosts in the world!" Kudo Shinichi was really helpless about his friend's off-line character, "This shows that someone used a certain trick to complete the desk trick in the corridor. And There is absolutely no possibility of this kind of crime for the senior material department who has been in the activity room.”

Water traces in the hallway... The last piece of the puzzle is in, inspiration is here! Little black search questions, start.

I want to know how that person created this so-called "supernatural event".

After listening to the information provided by Fuji Shinichi, Guan Dounan suddenly felt that his stand-in ability had met the conditions for activation, so he followed the trend and activated [Mirror] directly. The information he specified was a technique. After all, the suspect had basically been identified. This was a proof question.

[Shinichi Kudo squatted on the ground, and his fingers slowly ran across a trace on the mud that seemed to be drawn by something like a thin stick]

【A gray umbrella blooms on the playground in the rain】

[A piece of ice was stuffed into the back of the fire extinguisher]

[The boy stood in front of the big dusty desk and let out a moan accompanied by a sigh]

The method of creating the so-called "spiritual event" should have ended here, but the image in front of him did not stop. With a blur, the image seemed to have an old brownish yellow color as if it had been added with a heavy filter of the times.

[The boy turned around when he heard the call of his companion on the stairs, but slipped and lost his center of gravity]


"No stand-in ability, no superpower...just some tricks? This is not Ke Xue."

Several pictures flashed in front of Guan Dounan's eyes. In just the blink of an eye, he had already read the reflected information and had a general understanding of the so-called "Didan High School Supernatural Incident", but it was a little unexpected. What he expected was that this "spiritual event" was not actually done by the stand-in messenger, and there was no image of any surreal elements.

Are the good stand-in messengers attracted to each other? Isn't this just an accident and no accident?

But after thinking about it, if you usually encounter a stand-in messenger, and there are supernatural events at every turn, then it is probably the world of spiritual revival rather than the world of Detective Conan. Even if he awakens his stand-in, it doesn't mean that there are stand-in messengers behind everything he encounters. It seems that he can't be easily preconceived in the future.

If you think too much, it is easy to pit yourself. The so-called "fighting wits and courage with the air" is also true. It's like sometimes in order to behave in line with the cognition of the "public", instead, the exaggerated bridges in the TV series are used, which makes people look at it with strange eyes...

If I specified "the ability of a stand-in messenger in this supernatural event" during [Reflection], I'm afraid I would waste this opportunity and get nothing useful... Is this the art of language? Or the importance of the card pool?

"What's the matter, Senior Guan? You seem to have figured out something too."

Kudo Shinichi keenly noticed the thoughtful expression on Guan Dounan's face and asked.

"Well, don't you also understand some things about this so-called 'spiritual event'?"

"Oh? I can't believe it. Senior Guan, your reasoning ability is quite good. However, when you think about what you said and did yesterday, it seems reasonable."

Kudo Shinichi seems to be still clinging to his "behind-the-scenes master Guan Dounan" theory.

"It's more metaphysics than reasoning." Now that he's been a magician several times, he should just be a magician to the end. Guan Dounan raised a finger and put on a pose that he thought would make him appear "mysterious". With a smile, "Actually, I learned the truth of this incident through divination."

"Okay, so handsome... You see, I said that not everyone is an idiot of reasoning like you. Then, Senior Guan, can you help me with divination? Do you want to see palmistry? Or face? Or date of birth ?"

Sonoko, who had not found a chance to strike up a conversation because the topic had been a bit serious all along, finally found an opportunity, and his eyes came together like stars, and wanted Guan Dounan to help him fortune-telling. As for the real intentions...

"Uh..." Guan Dounan instinctively hid, compared to the very famous protagonist Kudo Shinichima Lilan, he really didn't know much about Sonoko, and the impression he left was basically from the "Nympho Eight" that he saw on childhood TV. Po” (Conan language) and the appearance in the theatrical version I watched recently.

Of course, there is also her One Punch Man + Super Saiyan boyfriend, Makoto Kyogoku.

"If you just do a little divination, you don't need any other procedures. What do you want to do?" For the sake of his future life safety, he still decided to be a single dog and show Sonoko the real marriage.

In order to act like a "metaphysical detective", he also took out a coin from his pocket and asked Sonoko.

"Of course it's a fortune in love. It's better to be in love with, ahem, someone."

Everyone knows the heart of Suzuki Sonoko. However, Guan Dounan knew even more that his small physique would probably not survive a round under Jing Jizhen's hands, no, a punch. Moreover, he doesn't really catch a lot of girls like Sonoko, so what he has to say is that the gap is too big. As for the level of this gap, you can do whatever you want.

"Okay, then..." He tossed the five-dollar coin in his hand and reached out to catch it. It was heads.

"What does this represent?" Sonoko looked expectant.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just a start-up action for divination." Guan Dounan smiled slightly, "The results of the divination have already surfaced in my heart."

"Well... Your love fortune was rough in the early stage. It might be better to say that it is not very good so far, but you should meet a good person soon who can protect you. Besides, be careful of scumbags."

The coins rolled between Guan Dou Nan Zhi, and he closed his eyes, as if he really saw something while stating.

"Is this, so accurate? My love experience is indeed...Senior Guan's divination is amazing." Sonoko muttered to himself in surprise as if someone had said something. UU Reading

"Idiot, it's nothing more than some clichés that you can talk about casually." Kudo Shinichi ruthlessly complained beside him, "You know you don't have any good love experiences, and you look like an idiot who is easy to be deceived. If I come to reason, I will also remind you to be careful of scumbags..."

"I'm going to kill you, you reasoning idiot!"

In short, after a lot of trouble, Tsukamoto Summi, who went to find Seko Kunihiro, also returned here. The complexion of Shigu is slightly darker, with a strong body and short hair like a hedgehog.

"What's wrong? You called me here all of a sudden, and you know who is responsible for the Hosaka supernatural incident, and how can you know the method." Shigu Guofan saw that there were so many people standing in a small stairwell. A little surprised.

"Don't you know this kind of thing best yourself?" Tsukamoto Sumi squinted at Seko, "Isn't the most suspicious person you are?"

"You don't want to smear people's innocence out of thin air, I have been sleeping in the infirmary until just now." Shigu Guofan immediately retorted, "You didn't say that someone moved Hosaka's desk to the playground, but he didn't. Leave footprints'. Tell me how I did this in the infirmary?"

"Hmph, the teacher in the infirmary said that after you went to the infirmary in the afternoon, he had something to leave, so you said you were sleeping in the infirmary, but who knows if you would do anything else? I can listen to you. Speaking of which, you and Hosaka have been classmates since elementary school..."

"You guy..."

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing. I've already checked the so-called supernatural incident this time." Kudo Shinichi interrupted the quarrel between the two, "Also, you also brought an umbrella... It just so happened, save it. step."