MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 17 people's emotions

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"Rain, umbrella? What does this have to do with umbrellas?"

Shigu Guofan was taken aback for a moment, and he hid the umbrella behind him invisibly.

"The desks on the playground and the papers pressed on them were not wet by the rain. This can be done, or the desks are moved to the playground after the rain has stopped, but that is inevitable. It will leave footprints on the playground, and after the rain stops, the traces will not be washed away.”

"So, the table and the note didn't get wet because the rain was blocked, and when it comes to blocking the rain, it's naturally an umbrella."

Kudo Shinichi pointed his finger at the umbrella in Seko's hand, and his tone was very positive.

"Che, I thought you were going to say something. Even if I held an umbrella to protect the desk from the rain, I couldn't keep the desk from getting wet and not leave footprints at the same time, right?" Seemingly realizing that his hiding action was suspicious, he deliberately put the hand holding the umbrella back in front, and spread it out, "If the rain doesn't stop, I can't walk; once the rain stops, I have to leave footprints."

"Yeah, so you used a method that won't leave footprints and let the umbrella 'self' return to your hands."

"Ha? Don't you say I have superpowers or something? I'm bored, I'm leaving." Shigu Guofan shook his head, and was about to turn around and go downstairs.

"Ha, although you don't use superpowers, it seems that we really have a person here who can use superpowers to perform divination." Kudo Shinichi smiled, "Senior Guan, you said that you also learned the whole thing through divination. The reason for this matter, it is better for you to tell."

"Okay, then it's time for metaphysics to conclude the case." Guan Dounan shook his head helplessly, took out a coin, and tried his best to look mysterious, "I saw an umbrella in the picture I got from the divination. Going forward in the mud, not because it became a spirit, but because a rope was attached to the umbrella rib, and it was dragged along."

"The umbrella itself is very light, not as deep as human footprints. It is difficult to remove the footprints in the soil that is still full of moisture after the rain, but the traces caused by the umbrella are still okay."

"Kudou-kun should have found clues through the means of detectives, right?" Guan Dounan looked at Kudo Shinichi, this guy was keeping a confident smile, looking very rude.

"That's right. The only downside to doing this is that there will be a lot of rainwater left on the umbrella, and it may even stand on the dirt. Whether it is left as it is or washed with water, it will be left standing for a period of time. Like now..."

Following Kudo Shinichi's fingers, the tip of the gray umbrella in Seko's hand was dripping water, forming a small pool of water on the ground.

"For example, if you use this method, anyone can! And wouldn't it be easy for people to find out?"

Generally, if the suspect says this, it means that you have hit his pain point.

"The location of the infirmary is just right to see what happened on the playground, and on rainy days after school, generally not many people will walk from there. Even if someone looks down from the upstairs, they will only think who is fighting. The umbrella is standing there." Kudo Shinichi spoke calmly, "Since you said that you have been sleeping in the infirmary, how can your umbrella get wet? Besides, your outdoor shoes should have Mud or water stains?"


"And, in the end, although it won't make it to that point. But that dusty table must have already had your fingerprints on it." Kudo Shin's eyes seemed to be full of light, "You shouldn't want to go either. Come to this point..."


Shigu Guofan did not refute any more, and it seemed that he had no other reason.

"You bastard, why do you do such a thing? Why do you use Hosaka..." Tsukamoto Shumi grabbed Seko's collar and pressed him, "If you don't come up with a good reason..."

"When I saw that desk, I understood. It turned out that Hosaka died when I was hospitalized."

Killed? Guan Dounan frowned, there seemed to be some misunderstanding.

"It's true that I and Hideaki Hosaka were classmates from elementary school to high school, but after high school we were divided into different classes, and I was in a car accident while riding a bicycle and stayed in the hospital for half a year." Sheng said, "I know that Hosaka died unexpectedly and was very surprised. I regret why I was hospitalized. If I was at school at the time, I might be able to save it."

"I always thought it was an accident, until the morning a month ago, when I went to the sports warehouse to get the banner used by the billiard department, I accidentally saw the table..."

"Hosaka's desk, the desk with his name written on it, was covered with dust at this time, and was placed in the corner of the warehouse..."

Segu Guofan clenched his fists, and the umbrella was slightly deformed in his hands, making a creaking sound.

"After that, I found that someone seemed to have heard the sigh I made in the sports warehouse, and there was even a legend about the 'Sigh of the Sports Warehouse', but no one suspected me."

"I thought of the words that I took as a rumor 'Hosaka was killed', so I thought about creating more supernatural incidents, so as to push the person who pushed Hosaka downstairs and threw away his desk. lead out..."

"I found the books in the library and put them on the ground. When I was hospitalized, he often came to see me with those books and told me the stories he read from the books, as well as his His own adaptation of the story...he always wanted to be a cartoonist."

Outside the window, it rained again at some point, and the raindrops hit the glass of the window, creating a soft echo in the narrow stairwell.

"Hosaka's library card and everything were returned to his family. I also found the few books based on memory. When I opened it, only Hosaka had borrowed it. Thinking about it now, if anyone noticed this, I'm afraid I've been discovered long ago..."

"The water in the stairwell is probably because you put an ice cube behind the fire extinguisher and applied a layer of wax. This way, you can create water that appears out of thin air without leaving any traces?"

The main purpose of wax is to eliminate the water marks that may be left in the section from the fire extinguisher to the ground... Guan Dounan nodded when he saw Seko, and verified the image he saw.

"But, that's all, the villain still didn't show up. On the contrary, I exposed myself because I was too hasty..." Seko Kunifan smiled bitterly, "It seems that I still can't avenge Hosaka..."

"No, you misunderstood!"

Behind him, the door of the activity room of the art department suddenly opened, and Masato Tobu, who was wearing glasses, stood up with a very complicated expression on his face.

"Hosaka Hideaki really fell down the stairs because of an accident... No, it's actually my fault when I say it."

"What?" Shigu Guofan was obviously taken aback, and everyone else was a little surprised, only Guan Dounan, who had seen those images, sank slightly.

"That morning, someone brought two new plaster statues to the school. It happened that Hosaka and I were on duty that day, so we planned to secretly move the plaster statues to the art classroom to surprise the teacher..."

"When I was going upstairs, I was walking in front, and Hosaka Hideaki suddenly called me and said that my shoelaces were unfastened. I subconsciously wanted to turn back and squat down, but my body lost my balance and I was about to fall downstairs. Go, it's Hosaka... catches me, but he..."

"No, it's impossible! If that's the case, why did you guys throw away Hosaka Hideaki's desk?!"

"Actually, we are here to save that desk..." Tsukamoto Sumi, who had been silent, said, "After learning that he passed away, especially from his desk, I found the drawings he painted for our class. After the cartoon image, everyone was very sad, so I asked the teacher if we could save that desk as a symbol that Hosaka was still with us, and for this we even pooled money to buy a new desk."

"As for the dust on it, it's because Hosaka's graffiti on the desk is all drawn with pencils. If you wipe it often, it will erase those memories..." Before Seko Kunihan could speak, Tsukamoto Sumimi had already explained the reason in advance. "Our plan is to wait until the graduation season in April next year, and then carry Hosaka's desk out, no matter which classroom we are in, as if he is still with us, so it is best to minimize the number of wipes."

"So, no one treated Hosaka at all...he didn't die because of injustice..." Seko Kunifan murmured, as if he suddenly lost his goal of working hard.

"I'm sorry, it's actually all because of me, because of me..." Masato Tobe lowered his head.

"There is no need to blame yourself." Guan Dounan patted his shoulder, "Sometimes human life is indeed as fragile as the wings of a butterfly, but it is also beautiful enough."

"Having so many friends who still remember him after his death, Hideaki Hosaka should be a very good person. Although it is a bit metaphysical, I don't feel any unwillingness or hatred here."


"I'm very good at psychic divination." Guan Dounan smiled slightly, "Hosaka Hideaki said that he doesn't want to see you sad because of his own affairs. Troubled things."

"He's always like this... thinking of others, putting himself behind..."

This time, Kudo Shinichi did not refute.

The mystery of Hideaki Hosaka was solved, and the three of his old friends didn't have much thought to stay at this time, they cleaned up a little and left. Kudo Shin Xiaolan Yuanzi left the school because it was getting late and worried that her family would be worried.

"Even a person who has passed away for two years will always be remembered because he has friends and familiar people. UUkanshu can even pass on that emotion to me two years later. Let me speak."

Just when the [Reflection] ability was activated, Guan Dounan captured an inexplicable emotion and words that could not find the source, but they were not malicious, but flat and gentle. It should be left by Hideaki Hosaka. Since people can travel through, then the soul may exist, and thoughts can also be transmitted across time and space.

It seems that there are no supernatural factors involved, but human emotions and thoughts are enough to break through all kinds of shackles.

Guan Dounan, who suddenly felt emotional ups and downs, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky outside.

"I don't know what will happen to the original me, my relatives and friends, my parents should be very sad, what will happen to her... what will happen to her? Will you shed a tear for me?"

"Probably only say things like 'a cold-blooded, emotionless and arrogant guy like him, the only way to return to normal temperature is when he dies'."


"Although those, 90%? Or 99% are from performances, but true...this is not contradictory." Guan Dounan blinked his eyes hard and turned around.

"People like 'Guan Dounan', even if they're dead, they're just lying in that remote bathroom, and if no one stumbles across it, I don't know if they have to rot to be known. Oh, there are cleaners. "

"If he dies, the only one who will cry for him is that sister, if she knows. But besides that, there is someone who is unskilled, even if they are watched by many people..."

"Will do artificial respiration for him for half an hour... stalker?"

When he opened the door of the activity room of the art department, the skinny little back actually trembled, and he turned back slowly like a timid lamb.