MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 3 THIS

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"So, that classmate Guan should also be one of the assistants?"


The deputy director and the director followed the eyes of the Mumu Police Department. This guy with an idol face was leaning against the wall thoughtfully, his long hair that was not completely dry was loosely draped behind his head, and the student uniform His collar was also opened because of the wetness, revealing a clear collarbone. With just the right amount of sunlight, the whole picture actually looked like a fashion magazine cover.

"Crack." A shutter sounded.

"I'm sorry, because I think it's too suitable for taking pictures..." The assistant director put down the camera in his hand and waved his hand embarrassedly.

"That, this police officer." The assistant director said, "This classmate should not be on the list of supporting actors today."


"If one of the students who came to assist the actor grows up like this, I will definitely remember him, and I will definitely not be able to resist inviting him to play a more important role. To be honest with you, this time I came to find the assistant actor because I wanted to The students are looking for potential amateur actors." The assistant director laughed, "Unfortunately, there is nothing I like among the students who are acting as assistants, but the images of these two are very good."

He was referring to Guan Dounan and Kudo Shinichi who were standing behind.

"Sorry, I have no interest in filming. So, Senior Guan, you are not one of the supporting actors, what are you doing today? Only Xiaolan's karate club and art club are holding club activities today, but As far as I know, none of the seniors involved in these two clubs." Kudo Shinichi declined the invitation of the assistant director and asked Guan Dounan.

"Well, why? I'm also looking for a reason..."

Guan Dounan, who was obviously a stand-in, said the lines of a passing Kamen Rider and sighed. He really didn't know why Guan Dounan came to school on Sunday. Isn't that what he wanted to investigate.

The original body's memory is not even scum, and he doesn't even know more about this guy than some insurance salesman who doesn't know where to get someone else's phone number.

"What a joke! That guy is TOTO? How could it be him!"

The unpleasant foul language sounded, which made everyone present a little unhappy after hearing it. They turned their heads and looked at the speaker. The speaker had short blond hair, ear studs on his ears, and an arrogant expression on his face. Why? It looks bad.

"Ryota, don't be like this, the police are watching..." Beside him, a little fat man with freckles on his head, who was much shorter than him, stretched out his hand and pulled Ryota's hand, telling him to restrain himself. .

These two are the two people found according to the appearance described by Guan Dounan. The yellow hair is called Ryota Banshang, and the fat man is called Sancheng Zhengren.

"Don't worry about it, how is that TOTO possible..." Ryota Sakagami raised his hand and turned away from Masato Sancheng, "You bastard, what are you doing involving me for no reason? You must be too presumptuous?"

"Ah, I see, this was all planned by you, right? You secretly went for plastic surgery, and then made this kind of thing to frame me, right?"

"Hey, you're almost done!" An angry shout from the Mumu police department interrupted Ryota Sakagami's foul language, and it seemed that if it weren't for the restriction of his status, he would have wanted to go up and teach him a lesson, "Now we just let you come. Cooperating with the investigation, classmate Guan lost his memory, and the last thing he remembers is the faces of the two of you, so you are very suspicious!"

"Yes, I'm sorry officer, Sakagami is just a little impatient and doesn't know how to speak..." Masato Sancheng pulled Sakagami back and smiled at the Mumu police department, "You said just now, TO... Dounan has lost his memory. , what's going on?"

"Hmph, you come with me, and you have to answer the questions I asked in detail."

"That is to say, the two of them, me, and another girl, are actually a small group of four, just like Nobita and Shizuka in Doraemon."

Guan Dounan nodded after listening to the Mumu police department's question about Ryota and Sancheng Masato.

"Although it's strange to use a cartoon as an analogy, but it's true." The Mumu Police Department wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on its forehead.

"However, if I have to say it, I feel that Ryota Sakagami played the dual roles of a fat tiger and a husband, and Sancheng Masato is probably a Nobita with a slightly higher status than you..." Kudo Shinichi joked next to him.

"Okay, Kudo-san, now is not the time to talk about manga." The Meguro Police Department straightened his face, "The reason why Ryota Sakagami's reaction was so big when we first met was because of the impression you have with them now. The 'Guan Dounan' in it is completely different."


"Yes, their original words are..." The Mumu Police Department organized the language, and looked at Guan Dounan who seemed to be in confusion, as if afraid that the words would hurt him, "'Guan Dounan is obviously a fat and ugly guy , how could it possibly grow like that'."

"Fat and ugly?" Guan Dounan and Kudo Shin glanced at each other, seemingly unable to understand these two adjectives.

"Could it be that I had plastic surgery? What do you think, Kudo?"

"The facial features and face shape are very natural, and there is no trace of the knife, but the uniform on your body does not match your body shape very well. It may be that you were fat before and then lost weight."

"I've seen your student ID card. Judging from the lips and the outward features that are barely exposed, it's really you, but it's just thinner." Kudo Shinichi smiled, "It just doesn't look like this kind of thinness is very thin. Health, like a long-term lack of food and malnutrition, with a little edema."

"Really? No wonder I'm feeling a little weak... ah, go on, Sergeant."

"..." The Mumu Police Department decided to ignore their previous conversation about plastic surgery and edema, but Quan Dang didn't hear it.

"Also, they often use the nickname 'TOTO' when they refer to you. Do you remember what that means?"

TOTO? Why don't you JOJO? Break me straight up here, right...

"Even if you say so..." Guan Dounan scratched his hair, "Basically, apart from talking, walking, and moving hands and feet, I can't remember anything. I even remembered my name by looking at my student ID."

"Ah, but only the faces of these two people I remember very clearly, and the arrogant attitude of that yellow hair."

"But, classmate Guan, you said that you can't remember anything but remember their faces. It's a bit too coincidental..." Mumu Police Department said helplessly.

"Is it a coincidence? I don't think so." Guan Dounan smiled, "If I'm not mistaken, these two are definitely the guys who can leave a deep scar in 'my' life."

"Even, they are 'murderers'."

"Huh?" The police department was stunned for a moment, but Kudo Shinichi frowned slightly behind him.

"That guy's arrogant attitude, the nickname he gave me, and the words he just said all point to an answer in the end." Guan Dounan stretched out a finger, "I don't need to say more, Mumu Police Department, you guys. Do you understand?"

"Among the students, just because they looked uncomfortable, or there was no reason at all, they..."

Guan Dounan didn't finish speaking, leaving room for everyone to think about it, but everyone present knew more or less about the reality of neon, and had some guesses in their hearts.

"About the nickname, TOTO is probably a combination of Tonan's name and that famous bathroom brand, right? I have to say, it's very creative."

Guan Dounan's description is the third person, which is a little strange, but no one seems to notice this.

TOTO is a famous bathroom brand, specializing in the production of sinks, bathtubs, toilets, etc. Guan Dounan saw its logo when he was washing his hands just now.

"No one cares about this kind of thing. Then, it's probably the so-called 'borrowing money', didn't Kudo-san just say it? It's like malnutrition caused by not eating well, I think those two guys are With a red face. UU reading"

"I don't know if Guan Dounan's thinning is helping them."

Guan Dounan shook his uniform, the sleeves of the casual suit were obviously much looser, maybe he still fit when the suit was just sent out.

"Guan Dounan this year, um, it should be less than a year, how much did you lend them?"

"About 634,279 yen."

"He didn't think about avoiding these things, because they didn't think it was wrong. If you ask the students, officer, maybe you will gain something. Ah, yes, it must be when I and Sakagami were present at the same time. Next question, in this way, all the responsibilities will be borne by me, and the students will not have any scruples." Guan Dounan stood up, "Officer Mumu, let's go and ask now."

"Ah good."

"I seem to have heard of such a thing..."

"As if someone said..."

"It's so pitiful, if it were me, I would definitely help him..."

The students were all whispering, and Ryota Sakagami's face turned ugly a little bit.

What Guan Dounan said just now is not groundless, but the ability of that "little black" has been activated again, bringing him a video of how "Guan Dounan" was treated by Sancheng Sancheng, including the one that was accurate to single digits. amount.

Although it was played upside down, even though it was just an image, but now that he was using his body, all his actions seemed to empathize with him. At this moment, Guan Dounan felt a great sense of revenge.

"What else is included in your behavior, you should know for yourself."

"Maybe you are the same today, wanting to 'play a joke' with me."

"But things are beyond your control."