MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 23 you are not them

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As the door to the screening hall was closed, the loud music was much quieter. The staff in the hall also played some soothing classical music in the background at the right time, which made the guests including Morigu Teiji feel a lot more comfortable.

"There are more and more young people who don't know what real art is..." Sengu Di Er picked up the canned coffee in front of him with both hands, took a sip to his mouth like a little girl drinking a drink, and glanced at Guan Dounan, "Of course, you are also in this ranks, not an exception."

"Really? That's quite normal. I always think I'm not an artist." Guan Dounan was not angry, but nodded to show that he was right. Anyway, Emperor Sengu has this attitude towards life, so why bother arguing with him? Woolen cloth?

"Although you make me feel uncomfortable in every way, it's a fact that I lost to you." Emperor Sengu put his hands together and put them in front of him, "So, what do you want to say to me? What do you want me to do?"

"Well... it's actually just a few questions. Regarding your personal motivation, what kind of psychology do you have to do this series of things, including planting bombs, challenging Kudo Shinichi, and burning down the house you designed. ..." Guan Dounan spread his hands, "Although we can reason about the answers to these things, but that is reasoning after all, and ultimately we have to find you for the answer."

"Hehe, I thought you would be very confident in your reasoning..."

"Being confident doesn't mean you don't need to look at the answer. Just like the cup of coffee in front of you, although I'm confident that it doesn't meet my taste, I'll still buy a can to verify its unpleasantness."

"Oh, interesting..." Morigu Di Er shook his head and whispered, "I don't think there is much difference between what you deduced and my real motive, which is the pursuit of real art."

"I regret that I didn't realize true art until I was 30 years old... I can't stand it, it represents the existence of my wrong past witnesses, those things must disappear from this world..." The blue veins on Sengoku's second hand bulged, The tone gradually became irritable.

"But, unfortunately, out of the professional ethics of architects, I designed those buildings to have a long service life, so long that I would leave this world before them, and I want to correct them... It's too difficult So, I had to take some violent means to get rid of them from the world." When talking about "correction", Sengoku Teji seemed to be recalling something, but finally shook his head.

"As for Kudo Shinichi... I think he is a guy who only brags and deceives in name, and the reasoning he makes is completely unacceptable. So, I was going to use these several challenges to verify his ability, if his The reasoning is really as strong as the rumors say..." Emperor Sengu looked at the empty space and sighed, "Then he really did not have a reasoning error, everything is my misfortune, and my follow-up plan will be seen through by him sooner or later, Even if there is...even if the ability is there, like a prophet... alas..."

"So you are not obsessed with blowing up the buildings you designed before, because you know that even if you do, you will be caught." Guan Dounan frowned and asked in confusion, "But you Shouldn't such a person be bombed first, without worrying about going to jail or losing his reputation at all?"

After Guan Dounan said these words, he felt that Emperor Sengu was looking at him with a very strange look, as if he was the abnormal one.

"Indeed, in theory, I'm done with the bombing, and I don't care if it's flooding the sky. Anyway, I don't have any relatives or descendants, students... I haven't taken it with me recently. I don't care about going to prison or something... But, if it doesn't blow up, it's fine. If I want to explode, I have to solve everything, and I can't leave a burden like an appendix!"

"It's just going to jail, it's just ruining my reputation, but I still have a chance to continue my career..."

Sengu Di Er's words temporarily put Guan Dounan at ease, and he was the one who looked abnormal. Just when Guan Dounan was thinking about whether to hand over Sengu Di Er to Class N or the mental hospital first, his words caught his attention.

"...If I have this ability, and I join you, you should support me, right?" Sengu Di Er's face was a little abnormally flushed, and he seemed to be contemplating the buildings he designed before. As soon as the picture was blown up, he was almost as excited as an ordinary office worker who saw the Mona Lisa.

"This." He pointed to his left chest, "Just take it as my ignorance, a lesson you taught me. With my participation and time to prepare, you shouldn't care about it... It's really not good, I still have some savings there. You can use that money to find a new piece of land..."

What is he saying? He has a wound on his chest, was he beaten? Who has he had a conflict with before? He took me for those people? Was it the user of the building he was involved in designing? However, the buildings in the list of buildings that Morigu Teiji once participated in are all ordinary buildings, and the most unusual one is this municipal building...

Guan Dounan was thinking fast in his head, but he said haha, after all, he didn't know how to respond to Emperor Sengu's goodness. What's more deadly is that the classical music that has been reverberating in the movie hall at this time has been replaced by "Moonlight".

Asai Makoto has activated his ability, UU reading www.uukanshu. In the least optimistic case, he would spend several six minutes dealing with Sengoku Tei-2.

"In this case...I think we have a better way to solve this..."

"Better way? What?"

Emperor Sengu's eyes almost lit up, he couldn't control his emotions and leaned forward, suddenly realizing something, he sat up straight and straightened his clothes.

"Sorry, I'm a little rude..." Emperor Sengu looked outside the movie hall, the hall door was still closed, and no one had entered or exited during this period of time, so he must have found some clues, "At least look at you all. The specifications of this operation are also sincere and I have discussed cooperation with me, so I didn’t set up a sniper rifle.”

"Sniper rifle? How do you think it should be mounted in a place like this? Under the table?" Guan Dounan responded casually, "Of course we won't use such rude means to deal with you."

Guan Dounan thought there was nothing wrong with his reply, but he didn't know what kind of inverse scale he touched on Emperor Sengu, so he suddenly stood up from the chair, his eyes wide open.

"You are not them!"