MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 5 Was the victim a member of the organization?

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"Is it here..."

After changing Kudo Shinichi's face, Guan Dounan restored his original face and arrived at the destination - Rice Flower Hotel according to the address mentioned by Kei Kamdai on the phone.

The Rice Flower Hotel is a luxury hotel alongside the Cuphu Hotel next door. In addition to meals and accommodation, it also often undertakes press conferences for large-scale events or company group building activities. From time to time, there are media reports on the scene.

Only now, the police have blocked off the Mihua Hotel, blocking the well-dressed men and women who were supposed to be gathering inside. Thick black smoke continued to emanate from the lobby, and well-equipped police officers and firefighters were entering and exiting.


Guan Dounan was patted on the shoulder, turned his head and saw that it was Gao Chengyan Er who had seen him several times. At this time, he was wearing a mask to cover his face, stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, signaling Guan Dounan to follow him.

Naturally, Guan Dounan, who is just an ordinary citizen, is not suitable for entering, at least not directly from the main entrance.

Following Gao Chengyan’s second turn, he came to a hidden corner behind the Rice Blossom Hotel. Guan Dounan met Kamdai Kei and another colleague, Taizhong Haixiang.

"To put it simply, a new game conference was being held at the Rice Blossom Hotel. Basically, well-known people in the video game industry were present, and some people from other fields were also invited by the way." Dressed in formal clothes, it was just dusty and looked a little tired. Seeing Guan Dounan coming over, he directly talked about the business, "Because they have the intention of making the game a film and television, I am also within the scope of the invitation."

"Then, about 20 minutes ago, before the press conference officially started, there was a violent explosion in the venue...cough." Kei Kamdai coughed twice and took it from Taizhong Haixiang next to him. A bottle of water moistened his throat, "Fortunately, the power of this bomb is not very strong, and my old man is not dead yet."

"Bomb..." Guan Dounan repeated the word, "Is there an element of ability in this incident?"

"No, excluding dust explosions or biogas explosions, the biggest possibility is a bomb installed in the toilet of the Rice Blossom Hotel. The structure is a trigger type, that is, if someone moves the organ, it will explode on the spot. I don't know if it is indiscriminate killing. The explosion was planned in advance." Kanda Kei replied, "I happened to be standing near the toilet and was hit a little by the shock wave, but unfortunately I didn't see the process of the explosion, but I did see the last victim who went in. Face."

"Although we don't have the factor of ability, we are not that kind of bureaucratic people. In an emergency, we can help if we can... Of course, we will give you a subsidy." Kandai Kei seemed to see that Guan Dounan came in a hurry, and he deliberately He mentioned, "After all, it is a bomb that is extremely harmful to society, and our dispatch can greatly reduce the time to solve the case."

"This time I came to you, and there are two main tasks. First, you need help to find out if there are any remaining bombs. A while ago, a large number of plastic bombs were lost in the Toyo Gunpowder Depot, and the total amount was probably from this explosion. More than ten times. We suspect that this may be a serial bombing incident, and this task is quite urgent." Kei Kamdai motioned to Taizhong Haixiang next to him, who immediately handed over a few photos. When Guan Dounan took it to look at it, most of the pictures above were photos of the explosion site and the remains of the bomb. The power of this bomb is really not small. It directly blew a hole in the wall of the Rice Blossom Hotel, and the entire toilet was declared scrapped.

"As for the victim, it has been completely broken into pieces and cannot be photographed." Koujiro explained, "With this information, can we find the remaining bombs that may exist this time?"

"I'll try my best." Guan Dounan nodded, looked around, there were no other suspicious characters, so he directly summoned Xiao Hei and activated his abilities.

"I would like to know the location of other bombs that were present in this case."

"…no result."

Xiao Hei merged into Guan Dounan's body, but did not bring him any pictures. This shows that the question stem he asked is not valid in itself, and there are no other bombs. If there are any, even if they are not installed, just put them here, Xiao Hei will find traces and show Guan Dounan as a reminder screen.

"No result..." Kamdai Kei was a little surprised when he heard the words, but then nodded again, "This may mean that this bomb is the only one that was made... Try again, can you find those and this bomb? The whereabouts of gunpowder of the same origin."

He didn't start with the "bomb" that had been made into a physical entity, but started with gunpowder. Guan Dounan did the same, but he only saw a dark basement in the picture given by Xiao Hei, and there was no other information at all.

"It can only be seen that it was probably placed in a basement, and it has not been made into a bomb, so I can't see anything else clearly."

"In other words, there is no possibility of continuing to explode in a short period of time, but this person may continue to commit crimes..." Koujiro nodded, "Then, the second task, you try to determine the authenticity of the victim. identity."

"Male, about 190cm tall, with a strong physique, wearing a black top hat and a black suit, with a long face, a thick moustache, and a heavy ravine on his chin." Kei Shendai gave Guan Dounan a rough outline. Describing the man's appearance, "Although there is no evidence, I vaguely feel that he does not seem to be a simple person. Try to find out his true identity."

"Unfortunately, I saw it on the surveillance just now, and I didn't take a picture of this person's face at all, otherwise I would still be able to provide you with a photo."

"It's alright, I'll try my best." Guan Dounan nodded. Although there is not much information known, the man was only blown to pieces, not to powder. He had a general direction and then cooperated with DNA and the like. If the technology is used for identification, he will probably be able to find his identity.

Xiao Hei appeared and melted into his body at once, brought him the answer to the question, and then...


Guan Dounan hugged his head in an instant, trembling all over, every muscle on his face twitched involuntarily, and he fell to the side uncontrollably, as if his strength was drained.

"W teacher cloth device owbfg Fu ¥...obfVB post cfwbc to do ol donkey legal riding @#¥ post it..."

Without warning, a huge amount of messy and disordered information rushed into Guan Dounan's mind, tearing his mind apart instantly, and along the way brought a violent explosion to his head, as if it exploded from the center. Pain, just like when he used his ability to check information about Belmod.

This is the ability of the boss of the organization, the person who was killed by the bomb is related to the boss!

In a trance, Guan Dounan seemed to have vaguely noticed some syllables that could be connected from the large amount of messy and unintelligible information. After putting them together, the result was...
