MTL - Congratulations on Your Arrest-Chapter 472 Mystery of Heaven and Man X I am no longer a human being!

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  Chapter 472 The Mystery of Heaven and Man X I am no longer a human being!

  Since the first patriarch of Tianhu Bart's family thousands of years ago, and then go up, the font recorded on the family stele has become a flat block text with strokes and strokes horizontally and vertically.

  The engraved content is not so much an inscription,

   It is better to say "diary".

   That's right, the "diary" engraved on this stone tablet of unknown material.

  In the huge space adorned by night pearls like daytime, Higashinohara took a deep breath, and turned his gaze to this gray family tablet engraved with traces of history.

   Lockdown days: two or three years.


   Must escape from this world!

   Lockdown days: 25 years.

   Grandpa left this world.

   After he carved the line above.

  I asked the doctor, and the doctor excitedly told me that my grandfather didn’t break the genetic chain like other people, and the blood vessels in the body sprayed water like disrepaired water pipes after the cells were deformed. He said a lot of terms that I didn’t understand.

  The last thing I remember is,

He said,

  Grandpa walked very peacefully.

  Dr finally said that this was a major breakthrough, and the ability to represent was finally stabilized in the human body, and then excitedly reported to his superiors.

  Looking at the excited back of the doctor, I was silent for a long time, touched the black collar on my neck, but still failed to say the request of "go and see the remains of grandpa".

   But that's fine too.

  Grandpa finally left this world.

  Even in this way.

   Lockdown Day: Trinity Years

   Haven't recorded anything for a long time.

  How many months? How many days? Or maybe it's been years, but it doesn't matter, I haven't seen the real sun since I was born, and time doesn't mean much to me.

   But something is unusual today.

  Dr. was smiling at me when he saw me this morning, the spring breeze is warm.

  In fact, today I was walking down the white corridor under fluorescent lights, and everyone I met on the road was smiling at me.

   Something strange.

  Until my friend Weixia told me that today is my birthday, and my eighteenth birthday means that I was born in this world eighteen years ago today.

  Honestly speaking, birthdays don’t mean much to me. I haven’t seen any relatives in this place except grandpa. It’s meaningful to spend birthdays with relatives, isn’t it?

  The marble floor under my body was a bit cold, but my body was very warm. Wei Xia hugged me tightly.

   she stroked my hair,

  Tell me that she will spend every birthday with me in the future, until one day she leaves this world.

   Leave this world?

  Lying in Weixia's arms, I stared blankly, the fluorescent light above my head dazzled a little, and I saw the two fluffy pale yellow fox ears on both sides of Weixia's hair behind her head, and the color on the surface seemed to become brighter.

   Raise your hand,

  I touched my ears.

  The pair of fox ears that have been with me since I have memories since birth suddenly disappeared today.

   At this time, on my ears are a pair of human ears like the doctor.

  Suddenly, I understood why the doctor smiled so warmly at me today.

   Today is my eighteenth birthday.

   My fox ears are gone.

  In a daze, I remembered that Wei Xia had passed her eighteenth birthday half a year ago—but today her pair of fox ears became more and more shiny.


   There was a cold touch on the face.

  Ban Xia's eyelashes trembled slightly, and crystal tears fell from them, forming beads. She raised her hand to wipe it, but more tears fell from between her fingers.

  She took away her hand suddenly, and tremblingly said to me with a delicate face like pear blossoms, promise me one thing, remember how I am now, and don't visit me after I die, okay?

  I was silent for a long time, and said, good.

   Lockdown Day: Trinity Years

   It seems that this record has not been long since the last time, but in such a dark place, if you don’t record something, it seems that you can’t make people feel the meaning of life.

  Hmm. Maybe the existence of life has no meaning.

  Okay, I admit that I feel a bit like those third-rate philosophers in the library of the Fox District on the island, but I will engrave these again today because of two things that happened.

The first thing is that not long after my ears returned to normal, I was taken to a "ability test" by the doctor and many people in white protective clothing. My performance satisfied the doctor and some big people in black clothes above .

   So got the reward.

  —The activity space has changed from a room with about eight square meters of iron bars to all the passages and corridors in the entire Fox District. Occasionally, you can go to the big cafeteria to improve the food.

  By the way, once I encountered a transport vehicle covered with a white cloth on the passage.

   I don’t know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, my sight seemed to penetrate the white cloth covering the transport vehicle.

  Under the white cloth are rows of cages. Inside the cages are a group of animals with orange-yellow hair. Two grape-sized black eyes embedded in their small faces seem to be staring at me.

  By the way, their heads have the same furry orange fox ears as Weixia.


   Then my eyes went dark and I passed out.

  After waking up, the doctor looked at me with a smile on the side of the hospital bed, and the "black collar" on my neck was also replaced with a larger one. It was a bit heavy, and it hurt my neck when I was sleeping, but I didn't feel anything special about it.

  Dr. said it was my birthday present this year.

   Well, there's a second thing.

  In spring, Wei Xia died.

   Higashinohara saw this,

   Immediately, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

  From these densely packed tadpole-sized written records, it is not difficult to see that the ancestors of the original world of the Tianhu Bart family seem to be imprisoned on a certain "closed island".

   From the series of statements made by the recorder about the environment and the people around them, it is not difficult to find that the main purpose of their being imprisoned on this island is to be used as experimental subjects for a scientific research project on genes and abilities.

  This conclusion surprised Higashinohara slightly!

  Having been in this world for more than half a year, he has gradually become accustomed to people's awe of the gods and humans that go deep into the marrow and genes. In the eyes of most ordinary humans in this world, the heavens and humans are superior and cannot be violated.

   It is naturally difficult to imagine

  The ancestors of these heavenly nobles who lived in the sky and looked down on all living beings were once a group of prisoners imprisoned on an island in a certain world.

Suddenly, Higashinohara remembered Okumura Baldi, the commander of the Western Army of the Liming Revolutionary Army who was beheaded by him today—the other party once said that the Tianhu Bart family had hidden content that could shake the status of heaven and man. Could it be this? These on the family monument?

  It seems that the other party has been operating under the eyes of the world government in the upper Kyoto metropolitan area for more than ten years, and it is not for nothing. I don’t know where I got such a shocking inside story. It’s a pity that I was killed by Higashinohara before I could prove it.

  Shaking his head, Higashinohara pulled back some complicated thoughts, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, and he thought of another question-"Heavenly Man" has such a powerful racial talent, who is the one who imprisoned the ancestors of the Tianhu clan in that world?

   Alien species?

   Or is it the same kind? !

   Taking a deep breath, Higashinohara calmed down and continued to sweep down along the place he just saw.

   Lockdown Day: Four Years

   It’s been a long time since I wrote down anything.

  Ten years passed by, and the death of Banxia seemed like it happened yesterday. When I closed my eyes, I could still see the **** picture that the skin and flesh all over her body were "melting" and gradually falling off.


   Our agreement that I did not follow.

  I took advantage of the change of identity to sneak a glance at her, but this glance made me remember it for ten years.

I don't regret going to see her, at least it let me know—those children who the doctor said "asleep" and were taken away by people in white protective suits in the past ten or twenty years since I was a child , Where did those children who used to be like me end up.

   There is too much to know,

  Sometimes it is not a good thing.

  Over the years, I have laughed at everyone, and I have put on a larger black "collar" around my neck. I still don't know what it is except that it makes me sleepier.

  I only know that people who wear white protective clothing after wearing a collar are more willing to get close to me.

   Dr. also seems to trust me more

   It seems that this is a good good thing.

   But I thought,

  I have to do something.

right! Something must be done.


   What can I do?

   Lockdown Day: 1952.

  Ten years have passed, no, eleven years to be precise, I want to do something.

  But after all, nothing was done

  In the past eleven years, many children have come and gone in the confinement room, and the doctor's hair has become increasingly gray, and sometimes he would mutter something to himself.

   Once, he stared blankly at the collar on my neck and said words such as "suppressor" and "insufficient power" with unclear meanings, and then returned to the office muttering.

   On the second day, the doctor gave me a birthday present like in previous years—a larger black collar, and he looked haggard with gray hair.

  I silently put on the collar,

  But I found that the usual "tingling and discomfort" that lasted for a period of time when I just put on the collar did not appear.

   This is weird.

   But it's a good thing anyway.

  Finally, I had to do something.

  I said to myself in my heart.

   Lockdown Day: Five or four years.

  One night this year, I was approached by someone who looked similar to me, and "almost" here does not refer to age, build or appearance.

   In fact I am short in stature,

  He is tall,

   It looks extremely powerful.

  The "approximately" here means that the man wears a black collar that is almost the same size as me.

he told me,

  We escaped,

   Help everyone here,

   Escape from this world!

  Honestly speaking, the tone of his words reminded me of my deceased grandpa.

   And when he said this, he kept staring at me. When I raised my head, a pair of hot golden vertical pupils were reflected in my eyes, full of a breathtaking sense of oppression.

that moment,

   I know he's not grandpa.

   At the same time, I finally realized what I wanted to do all these years.


   Lockdown days: 55 years

  I gained eight more friends this year. They came from different areas of this closed underground space. Most of them were silent and wore black collars as big as mine.

We often wander in this huge closed underground space in the middle of the night like night gods, wandering outside the iron bars of every closed room, spreading our ideas, purpose and what to do to those companions who are curled up on the cold marble floor matter.

   Actually, surveillance is everywhere here.

  The next morning, as long as the doctor and the man in the white protective suit adjust the monitoring a little bit, everything we did at night will be fully exposed.

   Next, we will be arrested, interrogated separately, and face consequences that no one knows

  But none of this happened.

because. I can make us disappear into the surveillance screen at night, so that the doctor and those in white protective clothing only see what they want to see.

   Overall, everything went well.

   It went too smoothly.

   It has to be said that the content engraved on the stele is not detailed, and the time span is also very large.

But Higashinohara still glimpsed the **** and cruelty of all kinds of inhumane and mysterious experiments in that dark underground world from another straightforward statement of the Tianhu Bart's family. The subsequent struggle and escape seemed to have gone through a long period of time. Time to prepare.

   Higashinohara followed the inscription and looked down again, and the time was ten years later.

  Confinement day: 66 years.

  Fox District, Dragon District, Lion District.

  In ten years, our forces have penetrated into every corner of this closed underground world.

   Thanks to my ability,

  The gray-haired doctor and the person in the white protective suit were unaware of all this.

  Darkness will pass.

  Dawn is at hand.

  The man from Long District that I met at first told me that his greatest wish in life was to see the real sun and feel the feeling of being surrounded by the sun.

   I said, soon.

   The man asked me, what is your wish.

   My wish?

  I froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of those people walking in the underground closed area who were tightly wrapped in white protective clothing, with only a pair of emotionless eyes showing from head to face.

   Don’t know why. I can see through the wall wallpaper but not through those white protective suits.

  For decades,

  I have always been curious about those who silently sent batches of children into this underground world and silently put the "sleeping" children in sealed bags and shipped them out, wrapped in tight protective clothing,

  What does it look like?

   Does it look the same as us?

  The man from the Dragon District was stunned for a moment, then he patted my shoulder and said that he would help me realize this wish.

  I nodded my head in thanks.

   I know he can do it because he's the strongest man in the black collar in this underground.

   Lockdown days: six or seven years.


   blood everywhere

Glass shards scattered all over the ground, the white lime on the walls cracked and fell off like bean curd residue, exposing large areas of reinforced concrete, the hard marble floor in the past was riddled with holes, blood spread on the ground like a meandering river and merged into a large piece of rouge Like a pool of blood.

  I met the very old doctor who stopped me in a motorized wheelchair.

  He raised his arm that was so shriveled to the point of skeletal frenzy and said to me.

  You can't go! None of you can go! You are the hope of mankind! I have to find the reason for "all that"!

  I glanced at him blankly,

tell him,

  We are the hope of humanity.


  Who is our hope?

  Dr. is dead.

  There is no ashes left

  When some people in white protective clothing behind him were shooting at us with weapons.

  The man from the Dragon District appeared at some unknown time, without the black collar around his neck, his gilded vertical pupils were lit up like two gas lamps, and he waved his hands forward in disgust.

  There is a storm in the passage.


   Everything is "judged".

   When the dust settles,

A hole with a radius of about ten meters appeared on the solid wall opposite. The reinforced concrete wall inside was dug out with a spoon like jelly, and it was in a mess. Everything in front of it disappeared. in the air.

  The man from the Dragon District took a step forward, flicked his fingers at the preserved corpse on the ground, and easily tore off the white protective suit that tightly wrapped the whole person in it.

   Your wish has come true.

He said.

  I saw that face. It was an ordinary young man's face. The facial features were the same as each of us. They were ordinary human beings with one nose and two eyes.

  The panic in the widened eyes before death was the same as when the children who were brought in were taken away and injected with reagents again and again.

   This result did not surprise me too much.

  It’s just inexplicable, I think of the scenes I have seen in this underground world over the past few decades in my mind, those who passed away before my eyes.

  Since these piercing eyes are no longer restrained by the black collar around the neck,

  For decades,

  I have seen too many children who died in hellish pain after their internal organs festered one day after intermittent injection of reagents.

  Suddenly, I couldn't help laughing, and I shed tears when I smiled.

turn out to be

  Are we all human?

  The man in Long District looked back at me.

  Raise your legs and move on!



  More and more people followed like a trickle from the underground passages extending in all directions.

  I also followed.

   In the bottom of my heart, I said to myself, since those people "distinguish" us from human beings.

   Then from today,

  We will not be "human beings".

  (end of this chapter)