MTL - COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew-Chapter 15 Qualifying Tournament for the Kyudo Club

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The black Bentley stopped at the entrance of Diguang Middle School.

Toru Amuro in a suit got out of the car and opened the door for Shuji Tsushima.

Standing under the car and watching the other person's figure completely disappear at the gate, he got in the car and left.

To ask him why he did this...

A deep stare from the old butler.

"A qualified deacon will not choose a car that makes the owner uncomfortable."

But I'm not a deacon, am I? I'm just a chef! !

However, under the deep and serious eyes of the old housekeeper, Amuro couldn't refute at all.

"I see." Xiang old housekeeper bowed his head.JPG.

So he could only drive Shuji Tsushima to school in a suit every morning in a Bentley, then go back to change his clothes in silence, and drive his white Mazda to work in a coffee shop.

By the way, his deacon, driver, cook, etc. work.

There is no salary.

Gin didn't mention the salary, and Shuji Tsushima didn't even mention it, and Bourbon didn't dare to ask these two for salary.

Do you want to ask Gin for wages? Is salary more important or life more important?

As for the Cahors...Bourbon has a guilty conscience.

He couldn't let the surveillance target give him money. Thinking about Kao's young age, he was being monitored by the organization, and he had to pay wages to those who monitored him.

This is too cruel.

Can Amuro, an undercover police officer, do such a thing?

Certainly not.

So he could only do white jobs.

Toru Amuro: The organization has no conscience!

Tsushima Shuji came to the classroom and was welcomed by the whole class.

Is this the world of Ke Xue?

Everyone seems to have completely forgotten about Ito Naruya and Yamashita Akito, as well as the murder in the warehouse.

Do you have such a big heart these days?

If it wasn't for their increasingly fanatical attitude towards him, Shuji Tsushima would have suspected that the incident never happened, and his memory was confused.

"Tsushima-san, did you ask for leave because you wanted to solve a case? That kind of special case that cannot be made public."

"Is Tsushima-kun sick and hospitalized again? How pitiful..." A girl looked at him with loving eyes, turned her head and whispered to her friend.

"Yeah, she's obviously smart, and looks good, but her body is too bad, it's a pity..." A girl said with regrets in her eyes.

Tsushima Shuji: Yes, that's right, I'm such a beautiful, powerful and miserable character, isn't it a pity that I admire it? What you want is your reaction.

Even the teachers in class took special care of him.

The head teacher of Mediterranean Sea looked at him kindly and kindly with a smile from time to time.

Even the tone of choosing him to answer the question was soft.

Osamu Dazai: Oh, it's so greasy.

Everywhere he goes are well-meaning schools, making Tsushima Shuji extremely uncomfortable.

Osamu Dazai: It's so numb, it has a sticky nausea.

Rooftop! Only the rooftop is his pure land!

The rooftop of the teaching building, where no one came before, was directly divided into his territory after Shuji Tsushima solved the case, so everyone intentionally vacated the rooftop.

Away from those kind, but unfortunately, sympathetic eyes, Shuji Tsushima felt relieved.

Looking at the sky leisurely and enjoying afternoon tea like now is his ideal campus life.

By the way, the lunch box for afternoon tea comes from our undercover police officer, Mr. Anshi Tou.

"Tsushima-kun didn't come to school today?"

"The registration for the preliminaries is almost over, what should I do if he is not here..." The head of the archery club's worried hair was about to fall out.

"Tsushima-kun is here today." Yamada Shunsuke spoke silently.

"What should I do?" The president, who was immersed in his own sad world, did not respond.

Yamada Shunsuke sighed, came to the president who was complaining, made a loudspeaker with both hands, and said loudly in the ear of the other party: "I said, Tsushima-kun, come to school today!! You heard, no, ah!"

The president, who was startled by the sudden loudness, just wanted to see which **** without long eyes dared to frighten him, but turned around and suddenly reacted.

"!! Tsushima-kun has come to school? Where is he now?" The president, who received Yamada Shunsuke's affirmative nod, asked quickly.

"At this time, Tsushima-kun should be on the rooftop." As soon as he finished speaking, Yamada Shunsuke watched their president run out at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Yamada Shunsuke: ... President, I suspect that you are in the wrong department.

With your running speed, you should go to the track and field club! Heartbroken.JPG.

And the president on the other side had already rushed towards the rooftop where Tsushima-kun, whom he was thinking about, was on.

"Tsujima-kun! Please accept this application form!"

Tsushima Shuji: ? ? ?

Just like the last time when a few policemen broke into the door, today's Tsushima Shuji was broken into by the president of the archery club.

and surprises.

Looking at the boy who bowed ninety degrees in front of him, his head was about to bow down to the ground.

Tsushima Shuji sighed.

"Sorry, President, I don't want to be famous..."

"Please! Take it as our club! Please join!" The president closed his eyes and said loudly.

The boy in a white uniform and a white bandage frowned.

Looking at the other party's sweating, uneasy state, and the registration form stubbornly stretched out.

Tsushima Shuji sighed helplessly.

"Just this time." His tone was full of helplessness and compelledness.

"Sorry, I didn't bring a pen..." Shuji Tsushima took the registration form and touched his chest, but he didn't find the signature pen that should be there, so he raised his head embarrassedly.

"Please use this!" The minister raised the pen in both hands and handed it to him respectfully.

Tsushima Shuji: ... I'm quite prepared, little brother.

"Okay." He wrote down his information and signature, and handed the registration form to the other party.

"Thank you so much!" The minister held this thin application form like a treasure and left.

Tsushima-kun is indeed a good person.

Especially since he obviously didn't want to be famous, but he was still soft-hearted because of his request.

Contrary to his unwillingness to be in the limelight, he agreed to participate in the competition.

I'm afraid the reasoning cases are the same. Tsushima-kun obviously didn't want to solve the case, but in order to help the police and the families of the victims, he had to choose to stand up and solve the case.

He is really a softhearted person, UU reading www. Tsushima-kun.

"How did I behave just now? That kind of reluctant gesture of being soft-hearted and reluctant to agree for a while is not a good performance?" On the rooftop, Shuji Tsushima, who watched the other party disappear completely and closed the door, In an instant, he sat back to his original position and said excitedly.

[...The master is really great, that minister looks like you've been fooled by you. ] The system is also king.

"As for COS, I'm a super high school level!" Tsushima Shuji said confidently.

"This fits very well with the character of the unremarkable DK detective Shuji Tsushima."

"In general, he is modest and gentle, courteous, low-key, and a little soft-hearted, but when he solves a case, he will show the arrogance and arrogance of a genius. The whole world is a goldfish except for himself..."

"I don't have anything to add for now, so let's just do it for now." He counted the characters one by one with his fingers.

"It's really interesting, as a core member of an international criminal organization, he went to participate in the junior high school student kyudo competition..."

"It's decided! Then invite Gin and Bourbon to the competition!" Shuji Tsushima suggested enthusiastically.

[Will you agree to my invitation to go out? —cahors]

Gin sneered and ignored the news.

Bourbon... Bourbon, who was addicted to part-time work, finally found time to check the news, and moved his finger to reply.

[Of course, what task? —bourbon]

"For Gin, he agreed without refusing, and there is no problem with Bourbon. When the time comes, just lie to him to do the task! The task is to watch me play!" Tsushima Shuji nodded, for himself Thumbs up for the genius idea.
