MTL - COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew-Chapter 16 Poirot Cafe Murder

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Tsushima Shuji held the quilt and stood in the living room watching the man cleaning up early in the morning.

"Bourbon, are you going to work again?" He yawned.

Hearing his question, Amuro, who was addicted to labor, turned around and looked at him.

Hearing the sound, Kaor has just woken up. I'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet. The bandages on his body should not be wrapped, right?

He looked in the direction of the other party with anticipation, and then lowered his head in disappointment to continue cleaning.

Because, even though Kaor Jiu didn't wake up and was wearing loose pajamas, the exposed parts of his whole body, except for the small half of his right face, other parts, including neck, chest, arms, yawned a little when he yawned. Flashing belly, all! All covered in bandages!

This guy turned out to be bandaged even when he slept.

Amuro was shocked.

Could it be that Kahor had any sad experiences? The scars from that time are hidden under the bandages?

So terrifying that Kaa never shows them? And for fear of being seen by others?

Bourbon, who was pitied by the image of Kaor wine made up by his own brain: Kaor, he is still a child.

It's better to be nice to him.

"Bourbon?" Shuji Tsushima, who received no response, shouted again.

"Yes, I'll go to work later, and I'll prepare a lunch box for you at noon." Toru Amuro, who only realized that he didn't return to Tsushima Shuji, replied quickly.

"'s a bento again..." Tsushima Shuji rubbed his blurred right eye, and said unhappily.

"After all, I have to go to work. It's just a lunch and a bento. How about we eat sukiyaki at night?" Amuro said comfortingly.

However, will Shuji Tsushima appreciate it? No, not only will he not appreciate it, he will also make trouble.

"I see." Tsushima Shuji said aggrievedly, hugging the quilt and returning to his room to continue sleeping.

He closed the door with a "bang", and he could feel the other person's unhappiness from the sound of the door closing.

Toru Amuro: ...As expected of a child who can't be wronged.

No way, let's coax the child during dinner.

Thinking so, he quickened the movements of his hands.

Finally, he went out with two bags of garbage.

Among them is the bandage that Shuji Tsushima replaced.

There was no blood, it was still white and clean as if it had never been used.

Hearing the sound of him going out, Shuji Tsushima, who was lying on the bed, suddenly jumped up with a carp.

Immediately, he found clothes for himself to change, and was also ready to go out.

Tsushima Shuji: My favorite thing is to fight against others!

Black suit, black coat, black top hat.

Very good, very perfect.

ready to go out!

Dazai Osamu: Hey, your little bunny is online, let me surprise you!

"Sacrificing love~Sacrificing love~"

"You can't die in love alone~~ But~ If you are two people~ Two people can die in love~~"

"Sacrificing love~~"

The apartment door was slammed shut again.

"Today is really a fine day." Looking at the dazzling sunlight, Shuji Tsushima praised sincerely.

"It's decided! Today, I want to commit suicide with freshness, clarity and vigor!" He said, and pulled out the book that he regarded as a suicide bible.

The Complete Suicide Manual

"Let me see... Into the water... There is no river nearby..."

"Hanging...Wow, the trees around here are so ugly, they are not suitable for hanging..."

As he turned the pages, he babbled on and on.

"Poisonous mushrooms? Wow, there aren't as many beautiful mushrooms growing around here as last time..."

"Oops, if I wasted my time by committing suicide..." He thought deeply.

"Isn't it time for lunch?"

This is not good, how can you miss lunch?

"It's decided! Go to Bourbon first! Kill yourself after eating!" He decided with ease and joy.

Look up and take a closer look at the surrounding environment.

Tsushima Shuji: Falling into silence, where is this?

Because I was too addicted to finding a way to kill myself, I unknowingly went to a place I had never been before.

Tsushima Shuji-kun.

He was silent for a moment, stuffed the book back into his arms, and took out his phone with his backhand.

"No way, I didn't want to use this trick, after all, undercover agents also have human rights..." He thought gloomily.

"Who made me lose my way? Bourbon-kun, let me see where you are." He said and poked the world map sign on the phone screen.

Locked the scope in Japan, Tokyo, found a bottle of bourbon logo displayed in it, and clicked it.

In addition, there are a bunch of other dense dots on this world map.

Mostly green, with a very small amount of red.

Among them, the red dots from country A and neon are the most.

"Zhongye, navigation." He looked at the location of Bourbon and the route map displayed on the screen, and said casually.

[Ok, Master. ] The system worked tirelessly to start the brain navigation.

"So, why don't you use that Optimus Prime's body, so that you can show me the way by taking you out." Tsushima Shuji muttered.

The system was silent.

"Zhong Ye must be busy completing the task of the organization right now~ What a pity~" the boy in black said with a schadenfreude expression.

After all, Zhongyuan Zhong is also the robot AI he created. Under the circumstance that Shuji Tsushima, the creator, does not do the tasks, of course the tasks belonging to Kao are all done by him.

Gin definitely squeezes each other mercilessly.

At the same time, Zhongyuan Zhong sneezed when he was busy doing tasks.

"Ah... It must be that green mackerel speaking ill of me, damn..." He clenched his fists and said, stepping on the enemy's head harder with his feet.

"Come on, talk about your trading channel."

Poirot Cafe.

"Miss Makino, please use it." Toru Amuro raised a warm smile and served coffee for the guests.

"Thank you." The woman named Muye nodded and thanked with a smile.

"Hey, Miss Makino, would you like to try my cup?" Another girl pushed out the coffee in front of her and said shyly.

"I also want to taste Miss Makino's cup." She said with a blushing face.

"Ah, of course you can? After all, I will never refuse Rumiko's request." Miss Makino said cheerfully.

"And mine, I want Miss Makino to try it too!" The third girl shyly pushed out the coffee in front of her.

"And, I also want to taste Miss Makino's cup."

"Yes, yes, of course there is no problem! After all, I also like Akiko very much." Miss Makino praised with a thumbs up.

Both girls smiled with blush on their faces.

The three of them were filled with mysterious pink bubbles.

The rest of the cafe: …

Toru Amuro: that the relationship?

He took a closer look at Miss Makino, who was clearly in the center.

As a girl, she has a pair of handsome facial features exactly like boys, but she has handsome facial features at the same time, she also has a slightly rounded baby face, looking handsome and cute. UU reading

The long brown hair is tied into a high ponytail, and the green eyes are clear and bright.

And...the long legs under the table.

When the other party walked in, Amuro checked her height visually, and she seemed to be 1.9 meters tall.

If it wasn't for the girl she claimed to be, Toru Amuro couldn't tell her gender.

But I have to say, that Miss Makino is indeed the type that many girls like.

The other party attracted a lot of passing girls just by sitting at the window.

Even if he approached and found out the true gender of that Miss Makino, he still took the initiative to ask for the contact information.

And he, a waiter who used to rely on his face to attract customers, has not been paid much attention to.

I have to say, it's a big help! Miss Makino!

Amuro thought so, and brought three cakes to the other party's table.

"It's a free gift from the boss, in order to thank you for attracting more customers to our store." He said with a smile.

"Hey? Thank you then." Miss Makino simply accepted the so-called gift.

The other two young ladies also stopped waving their hands and accepted the small cake.

Even his character is as decisive as a boy, Miss Makino.

Toru Amuro shook his head.

As his eyes wandered, he swept across the door of the store.

Suddenly, he turned his head and stared straight at the door of the store.

The boy in black stretched out his hands and pushed open the door without hesitation. When he saw Toru Amuro, he even raised his hand to say hello: "Oh, long time no see, Tou-chan."

Before he finished speaking, he stepped on the final sound and walked into the store.

At the same time, someone fell to the ground.

"! Qiuzi! What's wrong with you Qiuzi!"
