MTL - Cosma Empire-v4 Chapter 1282 Positive value

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Du Lin's words were arrogant. To be exact, Pete felt a bit unexpected. To him, Du Lin should be a very self-denying person. In order to fulfill his greatest ambitions and desires, he would decorate himself as a saint. People.

It's like the two major powers in history. The power is in their hands. Even the change of the throne is up to them, not the royal family.

The latter even overthrew the royal family by one's own strength, and created a brand new new era and new society.

These two people have some similarities. They rarely have negative news before success. Both people have been hailed as "models of the nobility". People use the best words to praise the two. The individual, until they have completed what they want to do.

There are actually many things like this in history. Pete is not like everyone else. He reads books, and he knows many things that he doesn't really need to know.

Those who have ambitions and the ability to achieve ambitions will remain very positive and impeccable until they realize their plans.

It's like his impression of Du Lin before this, an empire dreamer, a lucky man who walked into the city from the countryside and entered the stage of power, a young man who opened up an era with his own hands and wisdom. .

The representative of the minority, he is full of unparalleled confidence, many people submit to his glorious personal charm.

In front of the media and public opinion, he is like a saint who cannot find a trace of the wrong place. He is even more like a saint than those saints, because his success represents the greatest miracle of this era-a miracle from the bottom!

This is also one of the main reasons that many people can accept him. He does not represent nobles, not capitalists, but the bottom of society. His innate attributes make him very popular with ordinary people.

But he should not be such a arrogant person, which is not in line with his image.

The flickering smile on Pete's face was seen by Du Lin, and he shook his head. "You haven't understood what I said, Mr. Pete. You think that wealth that can form value in your hands, in my opinion he does not Not worth that price, I'm only interested in the people behind you and why you're assassinating me, including Magus. "

In fact, Du Lin had already guessed before that, he already knew why the Church of the Earth God had assassinated him and Magus, but he still wanted to hear these contents from Pete's mouth and determine him more accurately. Is correct or incorrect.

Pete looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin also looked at Pete. He froze for two or three seconds. Pete poked his lips, and he glanced at the handcuffs that locked his hands and wrists.

He didn't tell Du Lin explicitly that opening his handcuffs would make the scene more harmonious, but his action meant this. Open the handcuffs, and then he might say that this is what he wants to express— Give him some respect and respect.

Du Lin frowned slightly and glanced at the Buddha standing behind the sofa. "He has been emphasizing the need to open his handcuffs and search."

Pete's stern expression made Du Lin think there must be something wrong. Many times, after the first request was rejected, some people would not make a second request. The first rejection meant the second time. May also be rejected.

Knowing that there is a high probability that he will be rejected, continuing to insist on his request will only make him lose face. If Pete wanted to lift the handcuffs for the first time, he was hoping for his self-esteem as a **** of earth gods. Being able to gain the respect of Du Lin, then after being rejected, he can only make him lose face even more.

If he is a real face-saving person, this should not be the case, then there must be something wrong in it.

These things of the gods and gods have never been liked by Du Lin. They are not like a belief, they are more like business people, and they are also illegal business people.

This will inevitably make them have a sense of tension and anxiety in the crisis at all times, and it will also motivate them to prepare some self-help things. He introduced the problem into his handcuffs twice, then, according to Du Lin, He may have countermeasures, and even be able to turn things around.

Pete didn't struggle, and Dufod quickly searched everything on him, including the belt. Any slightly hard things were taken out, and his clothes were torn open.

Everything is on the coffee table, a beautiful pen, a business card holder full of business cards, a good-looking lighter, and three keys, in addition to some clothing accessories, such as precious stones some type of.

On the surface, these things don't look like dangerous things. Dooling pointed to the trash can next to the coffee table. These things were swept into the trash can when Pete's expression started to stiffen.

Doolin was not so proud of his imagination that he would make stupid mistakes, nor did he imagine that he would hypocritically abide by certain less meaningful rules in order to maintain his own decentness, and in a modestly strong manner. The gesture gives the loser some tolerance and decentness.

After doing this, the two returned to this topic, but this time Du Lin's patience is obviously not as sufficient as before. "You can tell me the answers, or you can take these answers to **** in order to keep others' secrets. I don't have much time to play some word games and tacit games with you here. You only have one minute to think about, say, don't say. "

"By the way, I need to remind you that the dialogue between us does not determine your own life, but also your family. Although you are not a good person, your son is very cute."

Pete was still pondering the previous second, and he stood up suddenly the next second, but before he said anything, he was hit hard in the back of his head, and the whole person was paralyzed and sat back on the sofa.

Pete has a family, his parents, his siblings, and more relatives. He even has a son!

No one has ever known that Pete had a son. This was before he came to the west. He came to the west for his own ideals, but before that he broke up with his girlfriend.

Two months after he left his girlfriend and came to the west, his girlfriend found out that she was pregnant.

At that time, the girl was pregnant, and the doctor told her that the method of using medical abortion was no longer available and that surgery was needed to abort the pregnancy, but it cost a lot of money.

Anything related to the surgery was never cheap. The girl could not afford the money and was unwilling to die with the child. In the end, she chose to marry an honest person and give birth to the child.

It is a boy, a very beautiful boy, and it can be seen that the girl was also a beautiful girl when she was young. Perhaps this is why someone knows she is pregnant and is willing to marry her.

No one but Pete and the girl knew that the girl's eldest son was Pete. The girl's husband only knew that the child was her ex-boyfriend, but did not know who it was.

It wasn't until he was caught a few days ago that Durin's people started investigating him, and that reflected exactly the advantages of power in society.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to find out these things, but Du Lin wants to find out but it is very simple.

The police department was not able to obtain more information about Pete. According to local police records, Pete's parents have died normally. He is the only child in the family. He has no siblings, he is not married, and he has no offspring.

But investigating a person's social information does not necessarily depend on institutions such as the police station. As long as the person is still living in this society, many things cannot be monitored. Information related to life has been flooding us. Around, say the bank.

Checking from the bank of Pete's identity, check it bit by bit. To this end, the local Empire Central Bank branch and the head office of the Royal Capital have called a lot of manpower to look up the information, and found the fourth remittance of Pete Bank's registered account. An anonymous account.

Then this anonymous account, which should not be subject to management supervision, was opened directly, and two accounts were locked in as many as dozens of sources and destinations of funds.

After repeated many times, and with the cooperation of Mr. Jack, it finally traced back to a very special account, an overseas account.

Every once in a while, Pete will deposit his money into this overseas account, and then this overseas account will make money to four different Imperial Bank accounts, two anonymous accounts, and two real-name registered accounts.

The real-name registered accounts belong to a middle-aged married woman, and the other belongs to two elderly people.

Of the two anonymous accounts, one has not been accessed by anyone so far. There are about seven million in the account, and the other one is relatively small, only more than 200,000, but has frequent withdrawal records.

With this information, only a phone call is needed. The local police station of the registration information has investigated these people. The bank also contacted the owner of one of the anonymous accounts for the reason that the cash check needed to be updated. Set this account as abnormal. The bank will give a warning when the cash check is cashed, so the party receiving the check will remind the check user that the signatures of these checks have expired and they need to go to the bank to re-register the signatures.

Eventually these results came together, and Du Lin discovered Pete's family and a married woman.

When Du Lin, posing as a police officer, knocked on her door on the ground that someone complained of a child crying for a long time, she saw a few children in the room and asked why there was a child's hair. She is obviously not the same as everyone else. If it is adopted, please bring out the adoption certificate. They suspect that she is abusing the child.

Each race has a unique and very distinctive appearance, just like pure blood Ogdin people have golden hair and can shine brightly under the sun. This is why the Guart dynasty cut it back then. A large number of pure-blooded Ogdin's heads were made to make the "Tower of Heaven" to welcome the gods.

Although the pure-blooded Oggdins are few and pitiful, only a few large nobles in the north still maintain the **** marriage of close relatives to ensure the purity of bloodlines. In other places, the pure-blooded Oggdins have become extinct.

But even so, they still have blond hair, white blond, not so pure, but it can be considered blond.

The Guarth often has black or dark brown hair, which is very easy to recognize. As long as you see black and dark brown people, then he must be a Guarth. There must be nothing wrong, even if it is not, at least More than 80 percent of the guarts are of descent.

For example, children of the Guarts and Ogdin often have linen color that favors golden or yellow hair. Most of these mixed-race hairs have this color, and some may be light gray. This is relatively rare, but As long as it is such a person, it will definitely not run away.

There are so many characteristics like this, so the two men playing the police can see at a glance that there is a child different from the others, and they immediately realize what until the woman says that it is a child of her and her ex-boyfriend.

As for Pete's family, they were also investigated clearly. They had a child who had gone out in the early years, and later went abroad to run a store. They even visited their family when they were invited to travel. .

It was just that the child had married abroad and had a family ~ ~ so they did not force them to return.

The poorer families often have more children. If social issues such as humanities are not taken into account, the main reason is that they do not have more cheap entertainment and enough money for contraceptive measures, so for families with multiple children, It is said that a child who has been away from the family for a long time does not become a factor that bothers the family. One more, one less and one less.

But at this moment, these people have played a key role. From the somewhat frightened face of Peter, Durin can already be sure that he can get what he wants.

He was also not interested in talking with Pete, waved his hand, and instructed, "I will let someone take you to the basement, and then I will give you a pen, some paper, you can think I will be interested Write everything, you have only one chance, Mr. Pete! "

Du Lin smiled, and then stood up to leave. Pete suddenly struggled twice and asked loudly, "If I write everything you want, what will happen to my family ..."

Du Lin glanced sideways at him and shrugged. "Sorry, I don't know who will pay attention to those who are not important. I don't have these time and reasons, Mr. Pete."

His men dragged Pete into the basement of the villa, and gave him what he needed according to Du Lin's request. In the study in the basement, all Buddha asked a question, "Are you going to send their family to reunite with him? "

Du Lin looked at Dufo accidentally, "Why? I mean why did they kill them? Please, we are all good guys, good guys shouldn't kill indiscriminately, I will give him to the MI, you know, we have some My friend seems a little uncooperative these days, and we must remind him of who he is and who I am! "

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