MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 17 [Zerg] Female Insect Attack 17

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Regardless of the process, three days later, the Emperor Tu also brought his queen to his... 50-square-meter single officer dormitory.

As a married bugger, Jun also stood at the door of the dormitory and glanced at the single military female dormitory full of minimalist design style, hesitating whether to use military skills for a better residence.

I didn't think the space was small before, but when I came back from Lindsay's house this time, Jun also suddenly found that his dormitory didn't seem to be as big as the cloakroom of the young master.

But looking at the little young master who was so surprised when he entered the door, who wanted to touch everything exactly, the idea of ​​changing the palace was suppressed again.

Just as he stood at the door for a short while, the young master had already taken out dozens of personal items from the storage, mixing them with Jun Ye's daily necessities, like a little male beast eager to mark his territory.

Jun also thinks based on his experience of being single for decades in two lifetimes, 50 square meters is not too big or too small, and many insects can completely live in it. What's more, the young master is the next one. It doesn't occupy a lot of space, and there is enough space...

Then such a happy decision not to move the nest!

Jun also closed the door and walked into the room with joy, when he heard the exclamation of the young master from the living room, Jun also hurriedly walked over.

I can't help but be a little puzzled. His dormitory is small. Generally, the spoils of various insects and beasts he gets are stored in the warehouse under the office area. All kinds of weapons and mecha are also there. There should be nothing very scary here. right.

If there is anything else that can scare the young master, it can only be the strange beast he picked up from Xinghai.

He had been gone for a month, and the strange beast didn't know if he had starved to death, but don't eat the young master as dessert.

After thinking so much, it only took a moment, and the next moment, Jun also appeared in the kitchen.

However, the scene in front of him was obviously different from what he imagined.

The male worm stood on tiptoe, covered his mouth and looked nervously at a light pink fluffy ball on the ground that was small enough to hold with one paw. foot.

"Jun! It's alive!" Joshua still felt a little stunned when he remembered the scene when a fluffy thing rolled over and hit his ankle just now.

Jun also responded, with a strange look on his face, he stood down and picked up the motionless dumpling.

He remembered that this alien beast was as big as a sofa before he left, and its hair was as bright red as an interstellar alien flower. Was it… starved to the point of shrinking?

Seeing that Jun's expression was also wrong, Joshua leaned forward nervously and asked cautiously, "Did I trample it to death?"

The dumpling that appeared in Jun Ye's dormitory, and the female worm obviously knew it, the identity of this dumpling is self-evident...

Hey, what should I do if I trampled my beloved pet to death on the first day of living together?

Jun also tried to communicate with Mao Tuanzi with his thoughts. Although Mao Tuanzi shrunk from hunger, he was very energetic in spirit. Hearing Mao Tuanzi excitedly expressed that he had found a super delicious food and was willing to talk to him. He shares.

Jun also remembered that this strange beast can devour spiritual power, and turned his head slightly to look at the young master beside him. There are only the three of them here. It is self-evident who the food Mao Tuanzi is talking about. Jun also smiled and clenched his paws, and said to the young master: "It's okay, you're still angry, do you want to play?"

Joshua looked at the hair ball that was deformed by the female worm, and instantly became plush, holding Jun Ye's arm and nodding happily.

Is that what this fluffy pet does? so amazing!

On the same day, after being rounded, flattened and mentally whipped by the unscrupulous owner, he finally understood that the super delicious food next to him was kept in captivity by the owner, and only the owner could eat a worm.

Afterwards, he was carefully held in the palm of his hand by the food, the delicious food surrounded him, the fur ball was so comfortable that the fur all over his body was about to explode, he pitifully asked the owner next to him: I don't want to eat it, can I lick it? ?


"Jun," Joshua held the hair dumplings, thinking about the worms on the Internet, looking at Jun Ye with bright eyes, and said, "I will be the father of the dumplings in the future, we are a family of worms, I will be like Treat it as well as your own cubs!" Even if the heartworm is a pervert and destined to not have cubs in the future, they will live happily together!

Mao Tuanzi: "???"

Jun Ye: "...just be happy if you are happy."

So, they started a (Joshua's unilateral) happy life as a family of three.


Even if it was already night when Jun arrived at the star, the news that the major general had brought back a male worm spread at the speed of light in the barracks.

Because the garrison needs to stay on the border of the alliance for a long time, the barracks has become a dock-like existence, integrating military, life, and cub education... A tough place.

So much so that in the garrison star, the male worm has become an extremely rare creature, and each one can attract the attentiveness of a dozen female worms.

If it is said that the male lord of the major general is only an S-rank male, then the S-rank male is synonymous with prosperous beauty and good fertility in the Zerg. If they can be attracted by that male worm, not only can they live a happy life, but they can also serve together with the major general. Thinking about doubling the amount of training, they feel sour...

Although no insects dared to take practical actions for the time being, the next day, there were still many female soldiers who walked past the officer's apartment downstairs and delivered things to the general's door. The above military parade.

So, in the early morning of the next day, when Jun also brought the young master to the door, he saw a group of female insects who were using excuses to show off their charms around the apartment.

Joshua's proud prince also raised his eyebrows: Did you see that, your hero's charm is very great, you must pay attention to me~

Jun also glanced at him, and then his eyes swept over the military females who pretended to be road bugs, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Joshua is about to explode - look at me! Look at what those five big three thick female worms do? !

Recalling that the worm in his heart was so perverted that even the back of the male worm was fucked, and then looking at these female worms who sprayed water as soon as they were touched, Joshua suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

As a natural bearer, females are definitely more fun to play through the back door than a dry male like him that needs lubrication. no! Don't let these coquettish and cheap goods take away his lord!

Joshua hugged Jun Ye's arm to declare ownership, his eyes swept from the buttons one by one to the military female whose chest was faintly showing full chest muscles, with the eyes of a mistress in the outer room.

All the female soldiers: ... The major general glares at us, why are you glaring more fiercely than the major general?

Seeing the wrong expressions of the female insects, Jun also looked down at the young master beside him in doubt.

If Joshua felt something, he raised his head and asked Jun Ye, who was aggrieved and accused: "Do you dislike my small chest muscles?"

Jun also forced his face: "What?"

- Do you have pectoral muscles? When did this happen? Why didn't I touch it? Aren't you weak and white?

Joshua is wronged Baba - even if you like big-breasted males, why do you still like big-breasted females...

Looking at the pectoral muscles of the military females, which were so plump and strong that they could catch a worm, Joshua clearly and desperately understood that he would never be able to develop that level of pectoral muscles in his life, and their size was not on the same level.

huh huh...

Jun is also skeptical of what Joshua said about the chest muscles, but this can be put aside for a while, and then come back tonight and verify it with your own hands. The main task at the moment is to find some work for these idle and coquettish military females, and help them loosen their muscles and bones by the way.

So, after taking the young master to eat breakfast in the officer's restaurant and taking him to recognize the worms, Jun also temporarily entrusted the young master to one of his married personal guards, and strode to the military and administrative building.

Young Master: Hey, you actually left your beautiful male lord to accompany those ugly females.

He made a long list of bugs written down in the morning to the adjutant, a total of 103, and asked the adjutant to notify them to come to the training ground for an unannounced assessment.

Defeating him is considered a pass, and if you lose, you should double your training, so you don't have to go out and get caught.

On the other side, with a silent guard tail, Joshua swayed in the wormwood grove until he came to a lake.

There were no insects around, and it was quiet and silent. Joshua stopped, turned around and raised a big smile at the guard behind him.

The bodyguard froze and wailed inwardly—major general, I may have to take care of you!

"That... little brother in the guard," Joshua rubbed her small paws and shamelessly called the military female elder brother older than his female father, and landed on the other's chest in a straight line, looking forward and a little embarrassed "How did you train your chest muscles?"

The bodyguard had already turned back with a flushed face covering his chest, his face changed again and again: "Your Excellency Joshua, I am already married, you are so rude..."

Joshua was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood something. He was so embarrassed that he quickly looked away.

He looked erratic, covered his lips and coughed lightly: "Isn't this my lady likes (big-breasted bugs), and I have never found a way to quickly enlarge my breasts, I hope I can..."

Joshua gave the guard a "you know" look, and the guard remembered some very shameful intimacy method that his hero had mentioned, and instantly expressed that he understood.

I didn't expect that the major general would still like to do it that way...

The guard has always believed that "mating without the purpose of laying eggs is a waste of resources" and "wasting precious male seeds is unforgivable." Although he couldn't agree with the little hobbies of his elders, he would not say anything.

Looking at Joshua, the guards couldn't help but sigh, how good is a male who is willing to indulge his partner's little hobbies. If he wants to learn something else, he will definitely teach it, but this quick breast enhancement...

Looking at the little eyes of the male worm seeking knowledge, the guard gritted his teeth and said, "Let me tell you directly, the most effective and least harmful way for female worms to quickly enlarge their **** is to conceive eggs!"

—Look, what a perfect way to promote little hobbies without delaying egg production.

Joshua couldn't help but think that his chest muscles had become as big as the male he saw in the resonance... Then he leaned against Jun Ye's arms and gently caressed his abdomen, and his expression suddenly froze and his whole body trembled.

The worm in my heart is abnormal, it is impossible to lay eggs, and it is impossible to lay eggs in this life.

Able to maintain his male dignity, Joshua smiled weakly at the guards and walked away.

On the other hand, Jun also picked 103 and beat a group of A-level female elites to the ground crying for their father and mother.

Jun also stood in the center of the field, his eyes swept coldly across the crooked female insects on the ground, and the female insects who were only rolling in pain froze for a moment, and the skills of pretending to be dead were full.

Jun also: "..."

MD, a bunch of **** with wrong skill points.

Jun also glanced at the hole drawn by the hidden button on his arm, guessing that his self-healing ability would not be able to completely eliminate it before tonight, so he walked to the infirmary behind the training ground.

It would be too disappointing to be asked by the young master grabbing his arm when we were being frank with each other at night, let’s solve it earlier.

Walking into the induction door of the infirmary, the medical system routinely said hello and reported physical data.

"X123 garrison commander, Major General Jun Ye, good morning. Your eggs are developing well. It is recommended to irrigate once a week. Your arm was scratched by a sharp tool, but it is not infected. It is in a good state of self-healing. F, is being handed over to the military doctor for processing."

At the end, the medical system summed it up stiffly: "You are still as strong as an interstellar beast, please keep going."

Jun Ye's expression was very strange, looking at several military doctors who came to congratulate after hearing the words of the medical system, he sincerely suggested: "What should be wrong with this system, while the injured are still pretending to be dead, write quickly. Request for repair."

After speaking, Jun also wiped the medicine and left, leaving several military doctors looking at each other in dismay.

- Is it broken? no? Are there any worms?

A military doctor who is very familiar with the medical system volunteered on the spot to check the system and equipment, and came to the answer - the major general really has an egg!

The news that the "major general is pregnant" spread faster than the news that "the major general brought a male back", so much so that Joshua, who had just come out of the grove, heard this... bad news.