MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 29 small confession

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"This... oh."

Qiao Yingze wanted to persuade again, but when he turned his head and saw Gong Zhuoliang's low-pressure appearance with narrowed eyes and a thoughtful face, Qiao Yingze trembled subconsciously, and immediately changed his mind and agreed.

Qiao Yingze felt that when that daughter-in-law was angry, it was better for him to follow him.

Ruo Lan charged the old lady with Gong Zhuoliang's intention. Although the old lady was a little disappointed, she still felt sorry for her grandson. With the help of Zhiqi and Wenshu, she waved her hand and let go, so Wenshu and Ruolan let go. He helped Gong Zhuoliang to help Qiao Yingze back.

Of course, Qiao Yingze wasn't really drunk to this extent, he just pretended to deceive others.

Back in his room, Gong Zhuoliang sent Qiao Yingze to take a bath first, then left Wen Shu alone, and asked her about Zhiqi's details, especially the evil things she had done and the people she had offended.

Gong Zhuoliang had also learned about the temperaments of the first-class maids in the old lady's house from Wenshu before, and knew that Zhiqi was once the old lady's wish to leave Qiao Yingze's room, but after she came over, the old lady put out the idea, so the palace Zhuoliang didn't care much about this woman, but if this happened today, Gong Zhuoliang's temper would never forgive her lightly.

"Zhi Qi has been in charge of the old lady's house for so many years, and there are naturally many people who have made mistakes and offended, even the lady has contradicted her, but she always coaxes the old lady, and the old lady doesn't care too much about her. She's about to be released again, if it's a crime that can make the old lady lose her old feelings, I'm afraid there's only one thing I can mention now...Stolenly sell the old lady's dowry private house."

Wenshu and Zhiqi have been in the same yard for so many years, and they have been bullied and suppressed by her a lot. According to Wenshu's character, she would not take the initiative to report and falsely accuse others, but now that Gong Zhuoliang asks her about her, she does not. The person who will pretend to be a Bodhisattva protects the person who is not worthy of pity.

"Sure enough, the house is full of greedy worms."

Gong Zhuoliang sneered when he heard the words, thinking that this is really a useless excuse. If Zhiqi hadn't made this mistake, Gong Zhuoliang would have no time to frame her, but since she has a ready-made handle here, Gong Zhuoliang will You're welcome.

"But she has always been cautious, and she didn't steal anything valuable. I'm afraid that the old lady is also turning a blind eye. If you make trouble, you will not only hurt the old lady's face, but also offend the family. A lot of old people."

Wen Shu was a little worried and told Gong Zhuoliang the stakes. This kind of stealing and selling is a common occurrence in big families. Gong Zhuoliang's new daughter-in-law will definitely offend many people if he cares about this.

"...Tell me how she offended Madam."

Gong Zhuoliang listened to Wen Shu's words and understood that he really couldn't stand up for this matter, but it would be impossible for him to leave the Qiao Mansion with such a dignified chess.

"The young lady wants to..."

Wen Shu's eyes moved to understand Gong Zhuoliang's intentions, and she couldn't help but clenched her heart, and said in detail the festival that Zhiqi and his wife met.

Ruo Zi's affair with Wen's book only vaguely knew that there was something strange. After all, Gong Zhuoliang ordered Ruolan and Qiao Ming to do everything. Now that it was her turn to participate in it, she would inevitably feel awe towards Gong Zhuoliang. A thirteen-year-old girl, she does things so smoothly and strangely, and after a few years of training, I am afraid that this family will really be her world...

How does Wen Shu know that the delicate young lady in her eyes is actually a big man who is already twenty-six years old...

"I know Wenshu, you are the most popular in this family. Needless to say, Madam, do you have any sisters you can talk to?"

Ever since Wen Shu and their husband, Gong Zhuoliang has been secretly observing and testing her. Seeing that she is indeed a smart and responsible girl, he has moved his mind to recruit her. Now Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze are surrounded by Ruolan He Han Shu, but the two of them really don't have much weight in this family, and Wen Shu is the one they want to stay in the main house to manage this small courtyard and small family, and it is always more reassuring to be able to pull a boat. She is a scholar and Wen Shu is doing very well today. She has kept Qiao Yingze's reputation without any thought of taking credit. Gong Zhuoliang has more trust in her.


Wen Shu's heart beat faster, and nodded firmly. I know that this is the young lady's statement that she wants to use herself. Although she used to have the highest status in this courtyard, she is not as good as Han Shu and the others. If you can handle this matter well, then you can really into them.

"Okay, then first of all, let your sister in the old lady's courtyard be optimistic about Zhiqi, don't let her hide and destroy anything, since she has been stealing it for several years, the evidence such as the **** ticket will always be left behind. some, and then..."

Gong Zhuoliang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, Huan Wenshu came closer to him, gave orders in a low voice, took out a few taels of silver and stuffed it with her as 'activity funds', and let her go out.

"Xianggong, you drank a lot tonight. After soaking for a long time, you will feel more dizzy."

After Wenshu left, Gong Zhuoliang turned directly into the bathroom. Seeing that Qiao Yingze had been washing for more than a long time, he was sitting at the table in his bathrobe, frowning and thinking, so Gong Zhuoliang smiled and leaned against the door. He hooked up to Qiao Yingze.

"Zhuozhuo, I..."

Qiao Yingze didn't know how to explain tonight's events to Gong Zhuoliang, or what to explain, but he also saw some things he shouldn't have seen. Although he didn't have the slightest intention to take advantage, he was disgusting and angry, but he didn't know. What would Gong Zhuoliang think, would he think that it was because he was usually unclean and self-righteous, that he attracted the maid to be so presumptuous?

"You just finished washing, my body smells like alcohol, sir... go to bed and wait for me."

Gong Zhuoliang avoided Qiao Yingze's approach, but seeing his anxious and unsure expression, Gong Zhuoliang sighed inwardly and felt a little reluctant to bully him, after all, he was so handsome that he was forced to kick him. But when he thought that his little Xianggong's eldest wife was actually taken by a rogue woman, Gong Zhuoliang felt really angry... and felt aggrieved and angry.


Qiao Yingze looked at Gong Zhuoliang's demeanor carefully, feeling angry, but his tone was not very similar, but at this time he was determined to obey only his wife's life, so he really obediently returned to the back room, and then Qiao Yingze lay down on the bed. After going to bed, I started to ponder again, what did my daughter-in-law think? Let yourself go to bed and wait... Then do you want to take off the bathrobe first?

Gong Zhuoliang quickly washed himself and didn't even wear his underwear. He wrapped his bathrobe and ran into the back room. After he lifted the quilt and got in, he found that Qiao Yingze had also taken off only his underwear. With a secret compliment, he threw himself up and pressed Qiao Yingze under him.

"Zhu, Zhuo Zhuo..."

I don't know if it was because I drank again and was greatly stimulated today. As soon as Qiao Yingze was put on Gong Zhuoliang's delicate and tender skin, his body quickly reacted. Speaking of which, he hadn't been this close to Gong Zhuoliang for several days. Gong Zhuoliang There is no need for this, and his health is not good and his temperament is weak, and he has not taken the initiative to ask for this, but at this moment, he really feels what he wants.

Maybe, I want to use physical contact to make sure that my little daughter-in-law really doesn't mind?

"Xianggong just watched do you feel?"

Gong Zhuoliang raised Qiao Yingze's chin and gently licked his Adam's apple, and asked in a low voice.

"No, I just feel sick seeing her like that."

The sight of Zhiqi flashing in front of his eyes made Qiao Yingze feel tired and conflicted for a while, but under Gong Zhuoliang's licking, kissing and stroking, he quickly lost his breath and lost his thoughts.

Qiao Yingze himself does not reject love affairs, and the men and women in the picture album will feel it before getting married, but in his mind, this is something that can only be done between intimate couples, Zhiqi's's sinful.

"Really? She's pretty and has such a good figure. Isn't my husband coaxing me again?"

Although I just glanced at it, as a man, I still value it very much. Originally, the elder Mong Zhuoliang's interest and affection for Yujie was far greater than that of Loli, but now after watching Zhiqi, Gong Zhuoliang suddenly felt that Boba was the most annoying. !

"No, Zhuo Zhuo, do you like that?"

Qiao Yingze reflexively denied Gong Zhuoliang's guess, but when he heard that Zhiqi was beautiful and in good shape, Qiao Yingze immediately sobered up a bit, stood up and looked at Gong Zhuoliang nervously.

Qiao Yingze has not forgotten that his little daughter-in-law is a real boy who was forced to stay by himself. If he is optimistic about girls...

"I just love you now."

Gong Zhuoliang was amused by Qiao Yingze's nervous look, bit his chin and pushed him back to the bed, well, looking at Qiao Yingze's reaction now, Gong Zhuoliang believed that he was not 'sexy' to Zhiqi.

"Really? I... I like you too, Zhuo Zhuo, I only like you."

Suddenly hearing Gong Zhuoliang's 'confession' お, Qiao Yingze's eyes lit up instantly, and his blush quickly climbed up his cheeks, so Qiao Xianggong was shy again, but his smiling handsome face was so dazzling.


Gong Zhuoliang's liking was just a bluff, and didn't have much sacred meaning, but Qiao Yingze was more sincere than he expected. Gong Zhuoliang's heart was shaken by his smile, if it wasn't for himself His body still didn't respond, and Gong Zhuoliang really wished he could get this person right on the spot right away.

Gong Zhuoliang couldn't help but howl in his heart, God, when will you return my 'sex happiness'!

"Then Xianggong, what if your grandmother and mother-in-law give you a room for your aunt or something?"

Gong Zhuoliang was so beautiful in his heart that he couldn't help touching and rubbing Qiao Yingze with his hands.

"I won't agree, I don't want anyone else."

Qiao Yingze didn't know Gong Zhuoliang's thoughtful thoughts, and was about to swear to express his position, but as soon as he raised his hand, Gong Zhuoliang grabbed his fingers and slowly realized that there was something wrong with his smiling appearance, the important part of his body was It was already under Gong Zhuoliang's control.

"The husband is good, my lady, I will reward you well today."

Gong Zhuoliang stared at Qiao Yingze's face, the tip of his tongue licked from his fingers all the way through his arms to his chest, he took a bite of the pink above the white tenderness, and at the same time ripped off the last layer of thin cloth with both hands.