MTL - Creation Notebook-Chapter 161 Seal corpse

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The body was completely incomprehensible.

It feels like I'm not a practitioner, but a neurosis ...

Let him recite the method of matrix method cracking, and sleep for two consecutive nights ... He made a burst of vitality smaller than the fart, and as a result, such a large cave was exploded on the spot ...

How did you do it?

It's almost against the law!

the most important is……

The sun in the cave can shine in, indicating that there is a gap and you can escape. This guy not only did not leave, but also moved out of the table and stool to eat elegantly ...

Are young people today ... all so arrogant?

Confused, the body's attempt to kill was stopped.

The other party didn't escape, so naturally they wouldn't do it. After all, I also hope to use the other's hand to escape from here.

Soon, the teenager finished his breakfast.


The rich elementary particles descended, and the other party stayed quietly, motionless.

"Is this ... epiphany?"

The corpses were mad.

Aren't you eating?

Eat and eat epiphany ...

real or fake?

Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?

If he can cultivate to more than seven grades, he has also seen the world, but the scene before him still drives him crazy.


The active element particles and aura formed by the burst of vitality quickly poured into each other's body. I don't know how long it was, the epiphany ended and the boy stopped.

Feeling it, the body's eyebrows could not help but jump.

The opponent just reached the soul power of 11.0. After this epiphany, he added 5 full scales to 16.0. Not only that, during the epiphany, the speed of absorbing aura and elemental particles was much faster than usual. The Kung Fu, Qi and the magic of magic have actually reached the second stage of the second grade!

Even if it is open, there must be a saying ...

Not so unreasonable!

When he didn't understand, he saw the other person come over and said, "Senior, do you have breakfast?"

"I'm a corpse, do you think it's edible?"

The body grunted.

"Oh ..." Shen Zhe was helpless and hesitated. He came to the corpse of the eagle in a few steps, opened his mouth, picked up the food on the table, and stuffed it in.


The body was dazed again.

What nerves do you have?

This eagle is also a corpse!

If it is stiff, it will not digest even if it is eaten in the stomach. What is the difference between eating and not eating?

Depressed, just wanting to scold each other, don't mess around, see the boy who is stuffing things in the eagle's mouth, stop again, and then there are countless element particles, gathered around the body.

"I **** ..."

The body flickered, and the corpse almost did not vomit blood.

You don't need to know to see, this guy is so special ... Epiphany!

For the first epiphany, you can say that you have learned the makeup artist's method. Unlike the technique, the two collide and generate inspiration ... but just after the epiphany, you come to the second ...

Epiphany is yours?

So easy?

Where did you come from? Please receive magical powers ...

The body suddenly felt tired.

At the time, he ... was also a super genius, and everyone admired, but why did he become as uncomfortable as ordinary people in front of him?

I have seen countless geniuses, but the one in front of me is definitely the weirdest and most elusive.

After a while, the epiphany stopped, and the young man in front of him had reached 19.9 in soul power, practicing Qi and magic, and reached the pinnacle of the second grade!

"Well, my practice is broken, and I can help you crack the formation!"

Stopped, Shen Zhe's eyes flickered.

It seems that in the future, it is necessary to cooperate with the vitality explosion to perform epiphany. In this way, the absorption of elemental particles and reiki will make the fastest progress without delaying time or wasting pencils.

Otherwise, from the initial stage of the second grade to the peak, it will take at least three times the absolute value, and a pencil is consumed for nothing.

"Well, let's go!"

The body nodded.

In order to reach the peak of the second product, the possibility of destroying the formation of the opponent will increase a lot. Maybe today, you can break through and regain your freedom!

After consolidating for a while, Shen Zhe returned to the crystal ball and pressed his palm in the past.


Really the same as before, along the steps of good memory, evasive one by one, I do not know how long it took, and came to many fronts again.

"The damaged base must be repaired in the fastest way ..."

Shen Zhe's eyes flashed.

In front of the other side, he showed his talent for cultivation. The other side is definitely more murderous. He really wants to destroy the base. Do n’t think about it. At the same time, his own death period has come.

At present, the only way to help myself is to quickly repair the formation and repress the body!

I carefully recalled the supplementary content of PS. The knowledge exposed by this notebook function directly appeared in my mind, and I didn't need to recite it deliberately or forget it.

A moment's work and integration.

"The most important point to supplement the formation is whether there is sufficient power ... as long as it is sufficient, it will succeed!"

Supplementing the base is more difficult than destroying, but as long as the base is found, it is not as complicated as expected.

The most important point is ... whether it is strong or not.

As long as there is enough power, there is no problem.

Shen Zhe is far more than ordinary people in terms of mana and true energy. There is no problem in strength. The only thing is how to repair the formation before the other party realizes that something is wrong!

"No matter what, this is the only way to live, only to do this ..."

Knowing that there was no other way to go, as soon as Shen Zhe gritted his teeth, the energy in Dan Tian matched the pure mana in the brain, and at the same time rushed to the base of the array.


Seeing that he quickly released his strength, the corpse thought he was destroying the base, nodded with satisfaction, his hands were open, and he wanted to feel the ease of regaining his freedom, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The iron chains on the arms and legs contracted abruptly. Before that, they had reached the soul power of more than seven products. Under the suppression of the formation method, the naked eye contracted.

Seven products!

Six products!

Five grades ...

Less than five breaths, the repair is reduced directly to the fifth grade.

"No, you are not destroying the formation, you are repairing ..."

As soon as the pupils shrank, the corpse immediately understood, and the eyes immediately turned red.

Until this time, he did not know that it was actually calculated by a small person.

It's just ... he didn't teach the method of repairing the base, how did the other party do it?

However, at this time, this is not the time to think about it. Once the other party completely repairs the formation, he will be suppressed by the formation method again. For nineteen years, all efforts expended will be in vain!

"you wanna die……"

A rage, powerful soul force, fell suddenly to Shen Zhe.

"Quick fix ..."

Knowing that he couldn't stop at this moment, Shen Zhe's body shook and hid behind the crystal ball, her whole body seemed to be boiling.

The opponent's powerful soul power, despite being partly resisted by the crystal ball, is still not his strength and can be countered. After only one click, he was seriously injured, Shen Zhe's face turned white, and she couldn't hold it.

This time was delayed, and the mana and true energy poured in more. The base was once again repaired, and the corpse was repaired from the fifth grade to the fourth grade.

"Even with this strength, I will be the same, kill you easily ..."

Roaring again, the powerful soul power of the corpse gathered, like a sharp sword, and stabbed at Shen Zhe again.

"Banned ..."

Knowing that once the soul power is stabbed, it will undoubtedly die. Shen Zhe's eyes are red, and no one cares about the other. The whole body acupuncture is opened at the same time, and all the power contained in the body is poured into the crystal ball.

Excessive force, involving the injury just now, could not help but burst out blood.


Blood fell on the crystal ball, which immediately released a white and moisturizing light.

"This is ... refining? How is that possible?"

Seeing this light, the body was stiff, and his eyes were about to stare out.

This is obviously a sign that the crystal ball is refined ...


"This is Wen Zong's strongest spiritual treasure. Why can you, a man of Lizong, refine? Who are you?"

With a roar, I felt that the power of the whole body was no longer under control, and was suppressed by the crystal ball, and could not move anymore.

This is the treasure of Wen Zong. Only Wen Zong's royal blood can be refined. Even he cannot do it ...

In front of this little person in the kingdom of Li Zongyuanhai, it was easy and successful ...

However, this doubt must not be asked.

As soon as the blood touched the crystal ball, Shen Zhe immediately felt completely in control of the thing. With a thought, the broken formation was completely repaired. The next moment, all the power in the body was banned.


The iron chain shrank sharply, and the corpse screamed, and was pulled into the crystal ball, and could no longer escape.

The powerful and uncompromising practice was completely imprisoned and could not harm him.

"Successful ..."

Shen Zhe fell to the ground, and Shen Zhe felt her head covered with cold sweat.

If it wasn't for the blood that fell on the crystal ball this time, and it was inadvertently refined, it would most likely be killed by the opponent first.

Life and death are just a little bit too dangerous.

"Why can I refine this thing?"

After adjusting his breath for a while, he recovered some strength. Shen Zhe was also full of doubts.

Lingbao can recognize the Lord by blood, but it is not so easy!

After all ~ ~ which has spirituality, it needs to be subject to its surrender, but this crystal ball, as soon as its blood touches it, is refined, as if with the spirituality in it. ?

Difficult to do, and also related to the notebook?

The crystal ball carries its own mana and true energy, so that it becomes easier to refine?

After pondering for a while, I couldn't figure out what was going on. The palm touched the crystal ball again. This magical tool followed his thoughts, directly penetrated into the body and disappeared.

The biggest advantage of the spirit artifact is that once it is refined, it can be retracted into the body at will.

This crystal ball can seal such a powerful corpse, and the level must not be low. Such a good thing must not be thrown here.

What's more, this corpse is highly cultivated and controls the profession of the makeup artist who has been lost. In the future, if you have any problems in cultivation, you can always ask for advice.


After everything had been dealt with, Shen Zhe felt so weak that she couldn't lift any strength, could no longer stand, her knees were soft, and she sat on the ground.