MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-Chapter 18 About to leave

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Chapter Eighteen is finally leaving

"Say, mother, how can you stay here alone? You are still so hungry? I don't believe you can't even eat with your skills!" Li looked at her mother, very puzzled.

"If you say this, I will be angry!" Gui Lizi said indignantly: "I used to go out and get food for the neighbors and things like that. At the beginning, everyone worked together very smoothly! But since the power failure I started to suffer twists and turns yesterday. I saw that the food was almost running out, so I suggested that everyone go out again to find food, but because of the fear, those neighbors were afraid to go out again, so I had to go out alone to find food. "

Taking a breath, Guilizi drank the milk and continued: "After the results came back, they wouldn't let me in! It seemed that some strange people had come in and pulled everyone together and I yelled outside For a long time, not only did they not open the door, they also threatened with heavy rain outside with their guns. My shout also attracted a lot of zombies, but I had no choice but to kill them and hide in this room. If there are clothes in this house, I may have caught a cold. "

Li heard angrily: "These neighbors are too much, too?"

Saya habitually lowered his glasses, and said, "I don't think you found food at the time, Aunt Guilizi, did you?" Guilizi nodded: "Well! The food nearby is basically cleaned!"

"It seems that they are afraid that the food is not enough, so they will not let you in." Saya had already concluded.

"Huh! These people are so abominable, but I still want to help them!" Guilizi was angry and bit the bread in her mouth.

Sun Wukong said: "Since this is the case, just go with us!"

"It's almost like an invitation to elope! So where are we going?" Guilizi held her face with one hand, slightly tilted her head, and looked shy. Then, he immediately became serious again: "If you don't have a clear purpose, you will immediately encounter all kinds of difficulties. It is impossible to think about survival!"

"It's okay, mom! Goku is very powerful! And, now that the people to find are almost all in line, we can go back to his world with Goku, right! Goku?" Li said, looking to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong nodded his head and said, "It's true. As long as we have enough energy points, we can leave the world!"

Kiriko's eyes widened, and his face was startled: "Leaving the world? Wouldn't you be in love?"

"Fuck your sister!" Well, although Sun Wukong wanted to say that, he could only think about it in his heart. Looking at Xiangli, he said, "You still have to explain it to your mother! Why do you encounter each time? Sister paper must explain it! "

In this way, it took about ten minutes for Guilizi to finally understand what was going on. Regarding this, her performance was quite calm. Who called her a woman with a big personality!

"In this case, I'll go with you, this world, there is nothing to be nostalgic for now!" Kiriko nodded and agreed.

"Well, don't you ask Dad about her mother?" Li looked at her mother hesitantly, but stopped talking.

"Xiao Zheng will not be killed because of such a degree of things! Even if he is really killed! That must be to protect others and die for him." Takako's expression was indifferent. Look like.

Li bit her lower lip, tears were already swirling in her eyes: "Dad is dead"

Guilizi's body trembled obviously, and the boss with his eyes glared: "What did you say your father died? Xiaozheng really died?" Li's tears finally couldn't help but slipped out and rushed into Guilizi In his arms, he burst into tears: "Dad is dead, I saw with my own eyes the father who became them, and I killed him with my own hands."

Kuriko's hand trembled, and she stroked Li's head gently, her tone no longer as calm as before: "Li don't cry, even if you don't have a father and a mother."

"Yes, Li, you and our sisters are here! And Goku!" The other girls also persuaded Li Rousheng.

"Yes! Sister Li! Cry loudly! After crying, it will be all right. When my dad is gone, I will be fine after crying too!" Alice also advised.

Li wiped the tears on her face and stopped crying. To be pitiful, Alice here is the poorest. She doesn't think she can match even a small child. After all, she has a mother, doesn't she?

After clearing up her mood, Li looked at Sun Wukong and looked at her mother again. With Sun Wukong's shameless urine, if his mother followed him, he would one day become Saya and his mother and daughter, right? However, if not with them, she would naturally not let her mother stay. In desperation, I could only sigh in my heart: "It looks like this guy is cheap again"

"Well, in this case, let's go immediately! With almost 20,000 energy points, we can leave here!" Sun Wukong looked at the girls and said.

"However, judging by the current car, it can no longer carry so many people!" Shizuka tilted her head and thought.

Indeed, there is no one thing that can't be squeezed before, let alone a person. Sun Wukong thought for a while and said, "In this case, you will wait for me here, and after I have collected the energy, I will come to you!"

"It seems like that!" The girls nodded and agreed. In this way, Sun Wukong went out alone to ‘gather’ energy points. Of course, before leaving, for the safety of the girls, he found several security doors nearby, and closed the door completely inside and out before leaving.

Seeking collection! Seeking Flowers! Change it today! ..