MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-Chapter 19 Back to Dragon Ball World

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The sisters did not follow her, and Sun Wukong did not need to take care of their feelings. They are all a group of good sisters, so they cannot accept to hurt others casually. Therefore, Sun Wukong had to take care of their feelings before. Now, naturally, he no longer needs to hunt and kill zombies slowly. For him, except for his sister paper, the characters here are like npc in the game, there is no pressure to kill them.

After spending more than ten minutes, Sun Wukong came to the sky above a small city. Looking down, all the zombies in the small port of the street! Of course, there are some survivors in some places. In a relatively narrow street, a group of policemen set up barricades on both sides of the road, maintaining the order and shooting the zombies from all around

Next to it, there were reporters interviewed and live broadcasters.

"It's time to say this, should they say they are dedicated? Or are they stupid? Are they so noisy that they don't know if their voices will attract more zombies? Or do they want to use this? How to solve more zombies? However, no matter which one, this is the rhythm of finding death! "Sun Wukong looked at the crowd below and shook his head.

The fact is also as expected by Sun Wukong. The loud gunshots attracted more zombies. As many policemen as they could not shoot at all. Seeing that a large group of zombies were getting closer and closer, those rescued crowds Start panic and fear! When the zombies overthrew the barricades, these undisciplined survivors began to riot, and one after another began the escape scenes suddenly out of control. Even how the police tried hard to maintain order, it was no help.

In the crowd, casualties began to appear, and the number of zombies also increased, and the scene became even more chaotic. The police decisively abandoned the protection of the residents, and were fully armed and began to retreat.

Some courageous people, or some people who want to survive, ask the police for firearms, but how can those police give such a life-saving thing? Here you are, what do they do? Helpless, the citizens had to grab it because they needed guns and they needed equipment

The group of policemen who had originally protected the citizens, under the command of the police officers, shot at the citizens who robbed them of their equipment and gave relentless shots. They did not die in the mouth of the zombies, but died just now. Police hands protecting them

"The ugliness of human nature is truly vivid in this end world!" Sun Wukong sighed and looked at the crowd below with a look of indifference: "Living is also a kind of suffering, so let me release you. Come on! "Then, Sun Wukong took the pose of using turtle-style qigong, and the energy in his hands quickly condensed. Then he muttered," How can these people be regarded as little Japan! So, bye! Turtle-style qigong waves! "


A loud noise, a powerful energy wave exploded in the center of the city, and a fierce energy wave spread rapidly in all directions. Whether it was a building, a zombie, or a crowd, all were swallowed up in the dust.

Looking at the display on the virtual screen in front of him, Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction: "538568 points, I did not expect that this small city also has more than 400,000 people. This time, my energy point is enough, hehe"

Back to the house where the girls are. Saya looked to Sun Wukong with a look of anticipation: "Goku, how about, the energy is enough, right?" The girls looked at him with anticipation, and they are about to go to another world. Can they not expect, can Not excited?

Sun Wukong nodded a bit, and said, "Everyone prepare, everything should be brought, I will open the door of the dimension!"

In fact, the girls have nothing to bring, except for a few weapons, a few clothes, and some food. After packing, the girls all stood beside Sun Wukong.

After Sun Wukong immediately opened the "dimensional shuttle system" to pay 1w points of energy, the colorful "dimensional door" immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the Dimensional Gate? It's so beautiful!" Gui Meilin praised heartily.

"Wow! Wow! Dimensional Gate, I look forward to it, and finally go to Brother Goku's world!" Alice clapped her hands happily

Sun Wukong looked at the existence time of the next Yuan gate, it turned out to be 30 seconds, 20 seconds longer than when he began to cross. "Who comes first? The dimension door can only exist for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, I have to spend 1w energy points to open it!"

Girls, look at me, I look at you. The sister-in-law first stood out: "I'll come first!" Then, taking a deep breath, calmed down the excitement, and walked towards the 'Dimensional Door'. The intangible air blocked it, and couldn't make half a inch. Looking at Sun Wukong in doubt, he said, "Goku, why can't I go in?"

"You wait!" When Xunzi walked into the dimension door, a virtual message from the "dimensional shuttle system" popped up in front of Sun Wukong. Of course, only this person can see this virtual information: the poisonous island **** enter Passing through the door of the dimension of the Dragon Ball World, the Dragon Ball World is the host world, you need to deduct 1w energy points. Do you agree? "

Sun Wukong immediately put his hand lightly in front of him and chose to agree. The energy points immediately decreased by 1w. The invisible barrier in front of the sister-in-law was also lifted.

"That's it!" Sun Wukong nodded to his sister-in-law. The sister-in-law walked immediately into the dimension door, and disappeared at the end of the door for a moment.

"Who's coming now?" Sun Wukong looked at the girls behind him, and he was not in a hurry. Anyway, there were many energy points, and it was enough to open the dimension door once time was up.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" With the mule taking the lead, Alice's courage also grew big, hurried into the gate of the dimension and then several women walked into the gate of the dimension in turn. After deducting the corresponding energy points, Sun Wukong also Walked in, the door of dimension disappeared

(The end of this article. Seeking collection, seeking flowers!) ..