MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v2 Chapter 2 Encounter Vic, one punch

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"What kind of world is this? Why are there such monsters everywhere?"

"I feel we have come to a more dangerous world!"

"Well, I feel the same way."

"But I find it interesting!"

Along the way, Sun Wukong simply introduced the world to the daughters. When he met a monster with short eyes, he patted it in the past, and most of the time passed. Of course, naturally, there is a **** the way. Let Sun Wukong memorize, such as: Alice, Shizuka, and Saya carry the sister paper in turn, so that Sun Wukong made a lot of money. Finally, when the sun went down, I saw a small village. The listless girls cheered and ran. Entered the village

Meimei rested for one night, and the next day, the girls took Sun Wukong to the nearby city to accompany the girls for a day's shopping. After getting familiar with the world, the group drove the plane and were Sun Wukong was sent to Bulma's house. Where did you say the plane came from? Of course, it was robbed by Sun Wukong, but his body had a penny! And naturally the plane is Nan Lixiang sister paper

Bulma's home, in the reception hall. Bulma looked at the sisters sitting on the sofa, the shock in her heart has not calmed down yet. Driving Sun Wukong, he said, "Say, what's going on with you? You just went out for two days, and you brought such a woman to my house?" Bulma looked at the **** of the girls who had passed each other, and she was jealous. .

"This is a long story," Sun Wukong simply told Bulma about this experience. When Sun Wukong traveled to other worlds, she was just a little surprised, but when she heard that all the sister paper was his sister paper, she was really stunned! Although Guiriko is not yet, but it's a matter of time!

"Is this really the innocent little **** boy who knew nothing before? Sure enough, men are all the same when they grow up!" Bulma sighed and looked at the girls, and said to Sun Wukong "In other words, do you want them to live in my house temporarily?"

Sun Wukong nodded: "Well, you know, I don't even have a place to live now!"

"This is fine, but how do you thank me?" Bulma drank red wine and looked at Sun Wukong.

"Ah! Don't be so out of sight, isn't your house my house?" Sun Wukong blinked at Bulma.

Bulma suddenly made a big red face. Although she was a little bit crazy, she was still a pure girl. How could she bear the fun of Sun Wukong? The previous Sun Wukong was too pure, so she did n’t think about it, and now naturally It's different.

"There's a play!" Sun Wukong saw it, and his heart was overwhelmed, but now it's not the time to tease the girl, and he has to find the Dragon Ball as soon as possible. Looking at Xunzi and other women, she said, "Okay! Xunzi, you'll live in Bulma's house for the time being! If you have any requirements, don't hesitate, because her family is the richest man in the world!"

So, in this way, Xunzi and other women temporarily lived in Bulma's house, and Sun Wukong went on his own to find his dragon ball. As for the sister-in-law, let them rest for a while.

In just a few hours, Sun Wukong has found five Dragon Balls, plus one in his hands, has found six Dragon Balls, and now he is heading towards the seventh destination.

This is a barren wasteland, with nothing but yellow sand and rocks. Sun Wukong landed on a huge rock, holding the dragon ball radar, looking east, and finally touched the west to find the last dragon ball in a stone pit.

"Haha! It's a five-star planet, and finally seven dragon **** have been gathered!" Sun Wukong was so excited at the moment, which also showed that one of his wishes was finally realized.

Sun Wukong excitedly placed the seven Dragon Balls on the ground. When he was about to summon the Dragon, suddenly, a loud bang came from a distance, looked up, and carefully sensed, a familiar atmosphere appeared. In his own perception, he was suddenly surprised: "This breath is Piccolo wrong, it is Bick's anger! I did not expect that I would meet Bick here! It was a surprise!"

Sun Wukong picked up the dragon ball on the ground, put it in a bag, hung it around his waist, and then flew to the place where Bick was flying


"Boom Bang"

At this time, Bick was doing great damage, punching and kicking against a huge rocky mountain range. Drinking more than every punch and every foot can cause the rocks to crack. After the dust was flying, the air blasted up, facing down with Qigong bombs. There was a wild bombing, but for a moment, the rolling mountains were moved to the ground by him.

After venting (cultivation), "Buck" gasped.

"Eh?" Bick suddenly turned his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes suddenly filled with killing intention: "Is this gas right?"

Watching Bick standing on the rock, Sun Wukong slowly landed on the ground, smiling slightly: "Should I call you piccolo now, or Bick the devil?"

"I didn't go to you, Sun Wukong, but you brought it to yourself!" Bick didn't conceal Sun Wukong's killing intention at all: "I can kill the world as long as I kill you!"

Sun Wukong looked at Bike with a disdainful expression and said lightly, "What can you do to me with a few hundred points of combat power?"

"Really! Then let you see the results of my cultivation in the past two years!" Bick stepped on the rock under his foot and blasted Wu Wu with a punch.

Unfortunately, despite his mighty momentum, Sun Wukong easily resisted it with one finger.

"Not impossible" Bick's pupils shrank, his face incredible. "I don't believe it! Let's die." The drink stopped abruptly, and Sun Wukong punched Bick in the abdomen, causing Bick to cover his stomach in pain and kneel to the ground.

No favorites! Throw flowers! I have been working overtime recently, so I can only change one for the time being! ..