MTL - Crossing the Happy Daughter-Chapter 1 arrange disposal

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  Chapter 1 Arrangement for Disposal

  In the presidential suite of the Kerry Hotel in City A, a woman in a light blue business suit is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a glass of red wine staring at the night.

   She will leave the city early tomorrow morning. She has made a will, and all the shares, movable and real estate in her name will be donated after her death.

   It is used for medical assistance provided by Yunyi Fund to poor students and poor people in poor areas. I don't know what the face of those people know that they can't get anything after calculating for a long time.

   The reason why she stayed in the hotel under her name and didn't want to go back was because she didn't want to see the so-called relatives at home, and wanted to let herself be at ease in the last days of her life. There was no one or anything she cared about in that home.

When she left this morning, she had put all the things she needed to take with her into the space. Tomorrow morning, she was going to set out along the places where her parents had been, and she had drawn a route by herself to see the scenery of some places there. , feel the customs of those places in the mouths of parents. Also a dream come true.

  Xiao Yunyi's father's hometown is in the countryside. There are three brothers and sisters in the family. There is a brother above and a younger sister who is twins with him. Later, her father went to college and left the countryside to go to college in the city.

  I met my mother in college. Xiao Yunyi's mother is the only daughter, and the family has countless industries handed down from her ancestors. My grandfather also runs a large company, so Xiao Yunyi is a collection of thousands of pets.

Unfortunately, when Yunyi was thirteen years old, his grandfather passed away due to illness. In the inheritance division letter left in advance, 60% of the company's shares belonged to Xiao Yunyi. As for personal property, all of it was inherited by his granddaughter Xiao Yunyi. effective later.

  If there is an unfortunate death before adulthood, the part that belongs to Yunyi will be used as the start-up fund to establish the Yunyi Help Foundation to donate to those poor families who need assistance.

The remaining 20% ​​of the shares are owned by her daughter Yunyi. The company was managed by professional managers before Xiao Yunyi became an adult, and Xiao Yunyi took over after he became an adult, because Yunyi started to press clouds from a very young age. His successor came to cultivate.

After my grandfather passed away and my mother rested for a while, I made a decision to say that life is too short and impermanent. I want to go out with my father and feel the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. In this way, these two irresponsible parents left Yunyi. Live alone and walk away.

   Most of the time after that, I will send some local specialties at intervals, and then I will give my daughter a video every few days, and I also made an electronic travel journal for my daughter, recording the customs and daily chores of the places I traveled.

   After Yunyi celebrated her fifteenth birthday, her parents died in a traffic accident on the way to Qinghai.

  Yun Yi was originally a child who didn't grow up. He just got out of the grief of his grandfather's death, and when he received news of his parents' accident, he fainted all of a sudden.

   When she woke up and saw her parents again, she was already in the funeral home. When she saw her parents, Yun Yizhen thought that she should go together, so as not to leave her alone, but she thought of her grandfather's dying instructions.

   Thinking of the love of her grandfather and her parents for her, she couldn't ignore it. On the contrary, she had to live well and take the place of her parents.

   Sending off her parents, Yun Yi started a seemingly depressed life. She didn't say a word except studying. At this time, her father's family moved into the house under the pretext of taking care of her.

   I had some concerns at the beginning, but after half a year, I guess I was fascinated by the extravagant life in the city.

   It’s just that they don’t know that whether it’s her grandfather or her parents, she made a will before her death. If Yunyi dies unexpectedly, all assets will be included in the Yunyi Relief Fund.

   They only knew that Yunyi would inherit a lot of inheritance when he became an adult, and they began to imagine the life after these properties belonged to them.

   When Yunyi was almost eighteen years old, they began to give Yunyi a chronic poison. It would not be fatal in a short period of time, but her body would gradually become tired, and Yunyi did not disappoint her grandfather.

   He completed all his studies before the age of 20 and over-completed. And all kinds of talents have not fallen, and even signed up for Taekwondo, Sanda classes, and even cooking classes, just to distract attention.

   Entered Yun's Group at the age of 21, took over the consortium completely one year later, and the company's performance doubled five years later.

   Of course, at this moment, she found that her body was slowly deteriorating. Once in the middle of the night, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to go downstairs to find some water, but unexpectedly heard the words of her father's relatives who were giving her chronic poison.

   Hearing them mean the toxicity is starting to show up now, and soon they will be able to take over the company rightfully.

   Next, Yunyi asked private detectives to start investigating the relatives on his father's side. The evidence was conclusive. At the same time, he started to go abroad to check his body and confirmed that he was indeed poisoned and was powerless. There was still about a year left.

  Since Yun Yi got the exact time, he started to prepare, and collected the assets under his name. Except for Yun’s, he did not move, and all the real estate in his hands was not moved except the house where he lives now.

  The rest are all shot, and the money is donated several times to nursing homes and orphanages in remote areas in the name of Yun's, his deceased grandfather, and his parents.

  In the study, when I opened the safe left by my grandfather again, I took out the treasures left to her. These things were left to her by my grandfather. I remember that my grandfather joked that it was a dowry for his little Yunyi baby.

   Carefully rubbing these objects, tears burst, why do people who love me leave me, even if I leave more things for myself, what is the use, I miss you so much, I miss you so much.

  When Yunyi was heartbroken, tears fell on a piece of jade pendant in his hand. The jade pendant was of excellent quality and exquisite craftsmanship. The pattern of the jade pendant seemed to be made of bamboo and there was an incomprehensible animal head in the middle. And the jade pendant faintly seems to have something flowing inside.

  Suddenly, Yunyi disappeared in place, and when Yunyi woke up and confirmed that she was not dreaming, it was clear that the place she was in was a paradise.

  What you can see from the space is a piece of fertile farmland, which is estimated to have an appearance of fifty or sixty acres. There are two mountains in the distance, and there is a large waterfall in the middle.

On the right side of the place where he was standing, there was a two-story brick and tile yard. The waterfall formed a river and ran along the field. The bamboo forest behind the yard was gone. Yun Yi couldn't believe it. .

   After a night of exploration, it is generally clear that this is a jade pendant space. The specific origin of the space is unclear. There are only manual records left by previous generations of space owners. It is a storage space that has a source of life but cannot be upgraded.

   means that in addition to having a large underground storage warehouse, the space can keep fresh. The space is what we see now and will not change again. What can change is that the planting species can be freely adjusted and planned.

  The yard is very delicate. A osmanthus book on the left is blooming with osmanthus flowers. Under the osmanthus tree are a round table and stools made of white jade. There is also a set of expensive white jade teapots with six tea cups on the table.

   On the right side, there are several vines of different varieties, and under the grape trellis in the middle, there are also exquisite teapots. There is also a well behind the courtyard gate, and the water in the well is clear.

The yard where    entered is mainly where the two previous owners lived, just two rooms each, with the main room in the middle. There is a large collection of books in one bedroom and one study.

   In the second yard at the back, except the box room on the left is the kitchen and warehouse, and the bathroom on the right is the bathroom. The five main rooms have the same structure as the front yard, but these five rooms have stored a large amount of gold, silver and jade, antique calligraphy and painting,

Cloth, silk, embroidery, high-quality ready-to-wear shoes and socks (both for men and women, from childhood to adulthood), various seeds, and many other items that Yun Yi did not know, they were probably collected by the previous two owners. .

There is an entrance to the underground warehouse in the second-entry yard warehouse. Yunyi went down and looked at it. It was really big and there were a lot of things in it. Except for some gold, silver and jade ware, antique calligraphy and paintings, most of them were food, medicinal materials, fruits, and various meat products. , eggs, and a lot of cooked food, this may be because the food produced in the space is stored here, and it can be kept fresh.

   Yunyi felt that it was incredible when she was complacent about space. Could it be the end of the world, or there would be space to appear, and since she had space, she has been drinking water from the well of space.

  Although my health is still not good, it is much better than before, so while dealing with things after leaving, I secretly purchased a mobile villa, which contains a full set of fine home appliances, furniture and daily necessities.

  Diesel generators, wind turbines and even hydroelectric power generation equipment were purchased in the waterfalls in the space, all of which have been purchased several sets, including gasoline, diesel and even motor oil to ensure the normal operation of the villa for a hundred years.

  The villa was placed on a piece of grass on the right side of the space yard. Originally, it was customized according to the size of this open space.

  In order to save space, Yunyi deliberately increased the number of floors. Originally, he wanted to come to the second floor, thinking that the rest of the space has been planned for planting, and it is not easy to build a house, so the direct customization is the fifth floor.

   After the placement, I bought a lot of construction tools, carpenter tools, and carving tools. After I came back, I did the water and sewage work of the villa, which was perfect.

In the name of helping friends to open a big supermarket, people bought a lot of items (home appliances, furniture, bedding, cloth, tissue paper, toilet paper, sanitary napkins, all kinds of pots and pans, kitchen utensils, seasonings, finished men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing) ,shoe.

   Books of various industries, industry operation videos, electronic products, various ornaments, various handicrafts, trinkets, various seeds, saplings, food, various beverages, tobacco and alcohol).

   Anyway, everything that a large supermarket should have and should not have are all directly contacted with the production site and purchased in large quantities, stored in a designated warehouse, and harvested a lot after a period of time.

After my own affairs are dealt with, I will be notified that I don’t need to go and transport it. I have chosen a time to sort and store it in the underground warehouse. This underground warehouse is really a treasure. ah.

   Some readers asked: Knowing that she will die soon, how could the heroine think of saving so many things, and still maintain the operation of the villa for a hundred years?

   The author's idea is that the heroine gets space and worries that if the end of the world is coming, and she is not dead, it is better to prepare more things for peace of mind, maybe it can help more people!

   Thank you all the little cuties who clicked in, thank you for your support!



   (end of this chapter)